Silly Trump and his wire tap paranoia

The libs are circling the wagons. They smell trouble.

By asking for proof?

How many times did it take for the villagers to stop responding to the cry of "Fox" from the little boy?
You need proof immediately? It just came out this weekend and things are looking bad for the Dems. The Russian hacking story can go on forever though, no evidence required. Dems know if this pans out they are fucked.

So why are you demanding evidence for one and not the other?
The libs are circling the wagons. They smell trouble.

By asking for proof?

How many times did it take for the villagers to stop responding to the cry of "Fox" from the little boy?
You need proof immediately? It just came out this weekend and things are looking bad for the Dems. The Russian hacking story can go on forever though, no evidence required. Dems know if this pans out they are fucked.

So why are you demanding evidence for one and not the other?
I'm waiting for both. Why do you make shit up?
The libs are circling the wagons. They smell trouble.

By asking for proof?

How many times did it take for the villagers to stop responding to the cry of "Fox" from the little boy?
You need proof immediately? It just came out this weekend and things are looking bad for the Dems. The Russian hacking story can go on forever though, no evidence required. Dems know if this pans out they are fucked.

Yes. Where is the intelligence report that says President Obama ordered wiretaps in Trumps home. For the Grabbers base things are always looking bad for the Dems.
seemed to be popular with RW's pointing a nose at Obama, so lets point a nose !

The Pinocchio Test
While the Trump White House cited five news reports to justify its request for a congressional investigation, only two actually are relevant.

It’s certainly ironic that the Trump White House — which has heavily criticized articles relying on anonymous sources — now relies on articles based on anonymous sources that cite information that has not been confirmed by any U.S. news organization. It would be amusing if it were not so sad.

After all, Clapper, who presumably would be aware of a FISA court order, has issued an on-the-record denial.

Even if these media reports are accepted as accurate, neither back up Trump’s claims that Obama ordered the tapping of his phone calls. Moreover, they also do not back up the administration’s revised claim of politically motivated investigations.

We’re still waiting for the evidence. In the meantime, Trump earns Four Pinocchios.

Four Pinocchios

Trump gets on twitter and spews some bullshit, Russian-Wingers buy it 100%

then totally ignore the facts countless times when Trumps BULLSHIT is proven to be BULLSHIT.

the resolve of Russan-Winger-Trumpbots to prove they are the dumbest sonsabitches on the planet is worthy of anyones respect.

Says a person who obviously has absolutely no idea what they are talking about. You accuse people of falling for a story when you just did the exact same thing.
Disbelieving something blindly is no different than believing something blindly.
Have you failed to notice that anytime things aren't going Trumps way, he'll use something (anything) to deflect and distract? How many times do you need to see this before you notice the pattern?
Trump gets on twitter and spews some bullshit, Russian-Wingers buy it 100%

then totally ignore the facts countless times when Trumps BULLSHIT is proven to be BULLSHIT.

the resolve of Russan-Winger-Trumpbots to prove they are the dumbest sonsabitches on the planet is worthy of anyones respect.

Says a person who obviously has absolutely no idea what they are talking about. You accuse people of falling for a story when you just did the exact same thing.
Disbelieving something blindly is no different than believing something blindly.


No, believing something is not the same as disbelieving something.

Believing that the world is controlled by space aliens is not the same as not believing it.

At least for me, something has to be conclusively proved for me to "believe" it.
The libs are circling the wagons. They smell trouble.

By asking for proof?

How many times did it take for the villagers to stop responding to the cry of "Fox" from the little boy?
You need proof immediately? It just came out this weekend and things are looking bad for the Dems. The Russian hacking story can go on forever though, no evidence required. Dems know if this pans out they are fucked.

Yes. Where is the intelligence report that says President Obama ordered wiretaps in Trumps home. For the Grabbers base things are always looking bad for the Dems.
No intelligent report will ever be found saying so. There's always a proxy to fall on the sword if need be. But I'll wait for longer than a nanosecond.
Clapper is caught in his own bullshit now. First he said there was intelligence that Russia was trying to impact the election, and now he is claiming there were no wire taps, and no evidence that The Trump team had any illegal or unethical dealings with Russia.

He did a complete 360 on his position when just a few weeks ago he was running his mouth on every Lefty News show that would have him and pounding the podium like Kruschev swearing up and down the The RUSSIANS were working with TRUMP!

5 Questions I want Answered:

Where are THE FISA Requests, and Why Can't America see them Ver Batem and unredacted?
Why was a FISA request being used on an American Citizen during a presidential election?
Why when The FISA request expired having found nothing did The Obama Admin keep spying on Trump?
Where is THE DNC server and so called evidence of Russian Hacking no one has been allowed to see?
Why was The Obama Administration setting up wire taps of Sessions, Flynn, Trump Towers, Trump, Trump's Son In Law and then having a Russian Ambassador Kislyak paying these people a visit after the wire taps were installed?
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Clapper is caught in his own bullshit now. First he said there was intelligence that Russia was trying to impact the election, and now he is claiming there were no wire taps, and no evidence that The Trump team had any illegal or unethical dealings with Russia.

He did a complete 360 on his position when just a few weeks ago he was running his mouth on every Lefty News show that would have him and pounding the podium like Kruschev swearing up and down the The RUSSIANS were working with TRUMP!

1. Why was The Obama Administration setting up wire taps of Sessions, Flynn, Trump Towers, Trump, Trump's Son In Law and then having a Russian Ambassador Kislyak paying these people a visit after the wire taps were installed?

WHEW...... That will be a heck of an explanation to answer all your questions. But let's dissect this one.
1. As far as what is reported nobody put a wiretap on Session but he was caught lying under oath.
There are no evidence or proof that you or Trump can provide that the Trump Tower was wiretapped.
There is an evidence that Trump's son in law and others met with Kislyak during the campaign. But no evidence of wiretapped.
There are no evidence that Flynn phone was wiretapped.
There is an evidence that Kislyak phone was wiretapped and that is how they caught lying Flynn............. Fair enough?

So the big question is........ What & Why there are so many or so much interest of Trump's senior staff meeting Kislyak? A Russian ambassador and well known by intelligence as a spy recruiter.
What a jerk right? At some point we can only hope that with repeated history liberals finally figure out that Trump is way ahead of them. That and the Democrat party is nothing but dishonest.

The NY Times reported months ago that in October, 2016, the Obama/Lynch Justice Department obtained a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court to bug Trump Tower, after the FISA court rejected an attempt in February, 2016 to obtain a warrant to bug Trump himself. Trump didn't allege that Obama "ordered" these taps, but merely says that Obama "tapped" his phones.

Only the butt-hurt literal left seeking redemption could interpret this to mean that Trump accused Obama of personally flying up to New York to bug him.

Link to the article?
This is getting funnier than hell. For months on end the media have been telling us that Trump and Trump associates have been under surveilliance.

But now the left doesn't want us to believe that Trump et al are under survelliance.


This is whacked out.
Clapper is caught in his own bullshit now. First he said there was intelligence that Russia was trying to impact the election, and now he is claiming there were no wire taps, and no evidence that The Trump team had any illegal or unethical dealings with Russia.

He did a complete 360 on his position when just a few weeks ago he was running his mouth on every Lefty News show that would have him and pounding the podium like Kruschev swearing up and down the The RUSSIANS were working with TRUMP!

1. Why was The Obama Administration setting up wire taps of Sessions, Flynn, Trump Towers, Trump, Trump's Son In Law and then having a Russian Ambassador Kislyak paying these people a visit after the wire taps were installed?

WHEW...... That will be a heck of an explanation to answer all your questions. But let's dissect this one.
1. As far as what is reported nobody put a wiretap on Session but he was caught lying under oath.
There are no evidence or proof that you or Trump can provide that the Trump Tower was wiretapped.
There is an evidence that Trump's son in law and others met with Kislyak during the campaign. But no evidence of wiretapped.
There are no evidence that Flynn phone was wiretapped.
There is an evidence that Kislyak phone was wiretapped and that is how they caught lying Flynn............. Fair enough?

So the big question is........ What & Why there are so many or so much interest of Trump's senior staff meeting Kislyak? A Russian ambassador and well known by intelligence as a spy recruiter.

Why would the NYT's lie about wiretapping then.
Clapper is caught in his own bullshit now. First he said there was intelligence that Russia was trying to impact the election, and now he is claiming there were no wire taps, and no evidence that The Trump team had any illegal or unethical dealings with Russia.

He did a complete 360 on his position when just a few weeks ago he was running his mouth on every Lefty News show that would have him and pounding the podium like Kruschev swearing up and down the The RUSSIANS were working with TRUMP!

1. Why was The Obama Administration setting up wire taps of Sessions, Flynn, Trump Towers, Trump, Trump's Son In Law and then having a Russian Ambassador Kislyak paying these people a visit after the wire taps were installed?

WHEW...... That will be a heck of an explanation to answer all your questions. But let's dissect this one.
1. As far as what is reported nobody put a wiretap on Session but he was caught lying under oath.
There are no evidence or proof that you or Trump can provide that the Trump Tower was wiretapped.
There is an evidence that Trump's son in law and others met with Kislyak during the campaign. But no evidence of wiretapped.
There are no evidence that Flynn phone was wiretapped.
There is an evidence that Kislyak phone was wiretapped and that is how they caught lying Flynn............. Fair enough?

So the big question is........ What & Why there are so many or so much interest of Trump's senior staff meeting Kislyak? A Russian ambassador and well known by intelligence as a spy recruiter.

Why did Obama meet with him so very many times?
FISA is not supposed to be used against US Citizens, so whoever asked for the warrant, issued the warrant and did the wiretapping all committed crimes.
I suppose you think it should also not be used against US citizens working for ISIS, not to mention working for Russia.
It must come from the Administration, Obama must give the AG a written request.
This is getting funnier than hell. For months on end the media have been telling us that Trump and Trump associates have been under surveilliance.

But now the left doesn't want us to believe that Trump et al are under survelliance.


This is whacked out.

I don't listen to the Alt Right News. My source is the MSM and they've been saying that several of Trumps associates had been recorded in conversations with suspected Russian intelligence agents who were under surveillance. One network claimed they were in near constant contact. I don't recall any of them claiming that the associates or even the "Grabber" himself were under surveillance.
Clapper is caught in his own bullshit now. First he said there was intelligence that Russia was trying to impact the election, and now he is claiming there were no wire taps, and no evidence that The Trump team had any illegal or unethical dealings with Russia.

He did a complete 360 on his position when just a few weeks ago he was running his mouth on every Lefty News show that would have him and pounding the podium like Kruschev swearing up and down the The RUSSIANS were working with TRUMP!

1. Why was The Obama Administration setting up wire taps of Sessions, Flynn, Trump Towers, Trump, Trump's Son In Law and then having a Russian Ambassador Kislyak paying these people a visit after the wire taps were installed?

WHEW...... That will be a heck of an explanation to answer all your questions. But let's dissect this one.
1. As far as what is reported nobody put a wiretap on Session but he was caught lying under oath.
There are no evidence or proof that you or Trump can provide that the Trump Tower was wiretapped.
There is an evidence that Trump's son in law and others met with Kislyak during the campaign. But no evidence of wiretapped.
There are no evidence that Flynn phone was wiretapped.
There is an evidence that Kislyak phone was wiretapped and that is how they caught lying Flynn............. Fair enough?

So the big question is........ What & Why there are so many or so much interest of Trump's senior staff meeting Kislyak? A Russian ambassador and well known by intelligence as a spy recruiter.

Why would the NYT's lie about wiretapping then.

Post the article.
Clapper is caught in his own bullshit now. First he said there was intelligence that Russia was trying to impact the election, and now he is claiming there were no wire taps, and no evidence that The Trump team had any illegal or unethical dealings with Russia.

He did a complete 360 on his position when just a few weeks ago he was running his mouth on every Lefty News show that would have him and pounding the podium like Kruschev swearing up and down the The RUSSIANS were working with TRUMP!

1. Why was The Obama Administration setting up wire taps of Sessions, Flynn, Trump Towers, Trump, Trump's Son In Law and then having a Russian Ambassador Kislyak paying these people a visit after the wire taps were installed?

WHEW...... That will be a heck of an explanation to answer all your questions. But let's dissect this one.
1. As far as what is reported nobody put a wiretap on Session but he was caught lying under oath.
There are no evidence or proof that you or Trump can provide that the Trump Tower was wiretapped.
There is an evidence that Trump's son in law and others met with Kislyak during the campaign. But no evidence of wiretapped.
There are no evidence that Flynn phone was wiretapped.
There is an evidence that Kislyak phone was wiretapped and that is how they caught lying Flynn............. Fair enough?

So the big question is........ What & Why there are so many or so much interest of Trump's senior staff meeting Kislyak? A Russian ambassador and well known by intelligence as a spy recruiter.

Why did Obama meet with him so very many times?

The meeting with Obama was public and published. Obama never kissed Putin ass like Trump and his senior staff.
All of Trump surrogates lied................. They denied that there was NO meeting with the Russians during the campaign.
This is getting funnier than hell. For months on end the media have been telling us that Trump and Trump associates have been under surveilliance.

But now the left doesn't want us to believe that Trump et al are under survelliance.


This is whacked out.

As long as you can prove it........ then the rest of Americans will believe you or Trump.
So far you and Trump got nothing. So why would smart with brains and common sense Americans believe in conspiracy theory like this?

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