Simple energy-savings solutions not involving money or change in behaviour


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Since most people are resistant to great changes in their lifestyles, simple things that can be done while effecting significant changes (like if every American did them, times hundreds of millions a tiny effect becomes a great and worthwhile one)is the way to go. For now.

-Unplug electrical devices when not in use. Most electrical devices still draw some power if plugged in. If hundreds of millions of appliances quit drawing power that isn't even being used, a considerable savings could be effected.

Add your suggestions and let's help conserve so we don't seek energy solutions which involve adding more power generation stations be they coal or nuclear if simply making more efficient use of what power we have now is more efficient all-around.
Since most people are resistant to great changes in their lifestyles, simple things that can be done while effecting significant changes (like if every American did them, times hundreds of millions a tiny effect becomes a great and worthwhile one)is the way to go. For now.

-Unplug electrical devices when not in use.

You said "without changes in lifestyle", didn't you read your own title? Unplugging my electrical devices when not in use means running around, plugging and unplugging, all damn day long.

Get serious….if you are now going to require a change in lifestyle, unlike what you claimed in the title , then do something SERIOUS already, buy a new refrigerator, or get rid of an old one. Collect an EV.

Delta4Embassy said:
Add your suggestions and let's help conserve so we don't seek energy solutions which involve adding more power generation stations be they coal or nuclear if simply making more efficient use of what power we have now is more efficient all-around.

Higher subsidies for EVs! Yeah baby, make a REAL difference, stop purchasing liquid fuels at the extortion stores!
Try unplugging your VCR so you can have the pleasure of re-initializing it every time you want to use it.

Better yet, unplug all your clocks. Then you can quit worrying about time altogether.
At least once a month prudent energy-saving activists are removing everything from their refrigerators and then crawling in and closing the doors to be sure the light inside is not being left on unnecessarily.

The most ardent of them sleep in their refrigerators for one night just once a year (groundhog day is a good reminder) to ensure that the light is not sneaking back on when they're not watching.
I'm paying for my electricity, I'll use however much I want, thank you very much.

My bill averages $300 per month. More in the summer when the AC runs.
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Energy is for using in order that we live more comfortable, fulfilled lives.
I think you missed the main point. We can effect big changes by truly insignificant details. Un-Plugging was an example, which takes about 3 seconds and bending over. I didn't realize these tasks would over-book/over-burden everyone but it seems it would. Perhaps we need other suggestions.

Another might be to drive your car more efficiently instead of having a lead foot. It really saves gas and money. I understand if your late but plan accordingly (by like 3 minutes) and things work out for everyone. I don't see why one would prefer not to save money over doing something they derive no special pleasure, well, unless your penis is so small you have to pretend to be a race-car driver all over town. In these short cases I suppose that is the exception.
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Personally I have many appliances plugged in a surge protector which has an easy on off switch. Perhaps turning this off over night, unless it houses a clock, might be an easy way to save 10-100+ dollars over the year.
The most wasteful part on the automobile is.........

The brake pedal!

Taking your foot off the gas in anticipation of an impending stop rather than racing up to the stop sign and slamming on the brakes will put a big dent in your gas bill.

Besides, it'll piss off the liberal who's been tailgating you for the last five miles.
Keep your tires properly inflated, engine tuned, shit out of the trunk, and lose some weight yourself.
Since most people are resistant to great changes in their lifestyles, simple things that can be done while effecting significant changes (like if every American did them, times hundreds of millions a tiny effect becomes a great and worthwhile one)is the way to go. For now.

-Unplug electrical devices when not in use. Most electrical devices still draw some power if plugged in. If hundreds of millions of appliances quit drawing power that isn't even being used, a considerable savings could be effected.

Add your suggestions and let's help conserve so we don't seek energy solutions which involve adding more power generation stations be they coal or nuclear if simply making more efficient use of what power we have now is more efficient all-around.

What's it like being a sex addict?
Heard a funny statistic that gives about the only valid reason to drive one of those small weird two seater SF cars.


It says only 1% of the fuel used is spent on propelling the weight of the driver, presumably the main and only reason many people travel (unless you intend to haul wood or have a roomy backseat for lovin'). The rest of the fuel either burns off before it can propel the car or is used to propel the car. Can't find the source but it sounds reasonable in which case driving in our 1992 buicks is not reasonable! *sells buick*
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Eat non- GMO corn kernels. Until you belly pops.

And your ass can shit no more.

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