Simple etiquette is lost in the petty world of one Donald Trump

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Gold Member
Dec 22, 2018

Since 1989, former presidents were invited back to the white house by the current president. Political talk was pushed to the side and it did not matter what your political persuasion was. All was welcomed as fitting for a nation . It was a time of being nice to one another on the national level . Something that you would expect from someone who is the president and one that was the president. New portraits being displayed.of the former president. Yet now Trump can not even push aside his pettiness to do a human thing. Be polite with your enemy. Is he waiting for Obama to show appreciation to him by kissing his hand.

A nation based on religion where one loves their enemy. Do good to those who hate you. Yet Trump cannot even do that. A simple act of being nice. Do you have to get along with someone in order to be nice to that person?

Obviously the ramification are profound. There are haters and now they have been given a good excuse to hate. Even those who profess religious view can put aside the hate. Yet why can't Trump. Personally I think he takes things to personal. The ego that he has was forged by his father and the silver spoon is can never be used. Sometime you have to let it go. The Teflon Don should not let anything stick but it does. Is he concern that his portrait will look less dignified than Obama. Well the thing about making America great is that you have to believe that it has always been great. By denying this simple truth is are playing the ego card. Yet sometimes you have to put your ego aside as people are watching. If simple etiquette is lost then I guess we will have to find it again.

Since 1989, former presidents were invited back to the white house by the current president. Political talk was pushed to the side and it did not matter what your political persuasion was. All was welcomed as fitting for a nation . It was a time of being nice to one another on the national level . Something that you would expect from someone who is the president and one that was the president. New portraits being displayed.of the former president. Yet now Trump can not even push aside his pettiness to do a human thing. Be polite with your enemy. Is he waiting for Obama to show appreciation to him by kissing his hand.

A nation based on religion where one loves their enemy. Do good to those who hate you. Yet Trump cannot even do that. A simple act of being nice. Do you have to get along with someone in order to be nice to that person?

Obviously the ramification are profound. There are haters and now they have been given a good excuse to hate. Even those who profess religious view can put aside the hate. Yet why can't Trump. Personally I think he takes things to personal. The ego that he has was forged by his father and the silver spoon is can never be used. Sometime you have to let it go. The Teflon Don should not let anything stick but it does. Is he concern that his portrait will look less dignified than Obama. Well the thing about making America great is that you have to believe that it has always been great. By denying this simple truth is are playing the ego card. Yet sometimes you have to put your ego aside as people are watching. If simple etiquette is lost then I guess we will have to find it again.

Obama used the occasion of the commencement speech he taped to trash President Trump. He endorsed Trump's rival, Sleepy Joe, a man who threatened to beat up President Trump.

If you want civility, you have to show civility, and Obama has failed. Anyone who has read Trump's tremendous book "Art of the Comeback" knows that getting even is part of the Trump philosophy. Do unto others, as they have done unto you.

OTOH, Trump is a reasonable man. If Obama were to come hat in hand and apologize to him, he would be cool with accepting the apology and letting him back into his good graces.
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