Simple Facts

You can thank the Brady Act for that plunge in the homicide rate. Your chart starts in 1993. That's not a coincidence. Your propaganda ministry framed the picture that way deliberately so you couldn't see the before and after.

What before and after, you may be wondering.

This one: The Brady Act was enacted in 1993.


And here you were, probably bleeving the number of guns had something to do with it. That's why your propaganda ministry framed the picture that way. So you would come to that idiotic conclusion.

And the percentage of gun owners has plummeted since the 70s. So while there may be more guns out there, there are a lot less gun owners per 1,000 people. the percentage of gun owners has been dropping, so has the homicide rate.

Anti self defense laws such as the Brady Act will work as intended when there are no more criminals.
Please explain how a criminal background check is an "anti self defense law".
You call them what you wish. The ultimate goal is to limit or even end private ownership if firearms.

I have no doubt that many liberals harbor a desire to repeal the Second Amendment and deny gun ownership for all.

However, that is not my position. I'll let a guy who is a better communicator than me explain: Why I'm for the Brady Bill

As it turns out, it worked. The homicide rate plummeted to record lows. And you and I can still buy all the guns we want.

Want. I don't have to prove a need. God bless Ronald Reagan, and God bless Merka!
Please educate yourself what a semi automatic over-the-counter weapon is, you obviously you don't have a clue the difference between a real assualt weapon and over-the-counter the weapon.
Illegals kill, rape, and injure far more American citizens than AR-15's yet liberals defend illegals, things that make you go hmmm :eusa_think: Using the liberals gun control logic all illegals should be rounded up and deported even though only a percent commit the crimes. Oh I got the liberals by the balls on this one.

Uh no, actually you don't.

Your argument should be able to stand on its own. If it could that, you would not have to continually come up with these idiotic guns are just like swimming pools/cars/illegals nonsensical comparisons.

Not to mention that its the NRA, GOP and RWNJs who are arming illegals, terrorists, criminals and crazies.

Ya wanna try again?

More laws are a waste of time and money and will not save a single soul dumbass.
The second amendment makes things clear. Gun rights ate protected. The boogey man isn't going to take my guns away. There is nothing to worry about. I don't need the NRA to tell me anything.

The 2nd Amendment is about the rights of the citizenry to form "a well regulated militia" in the event the government becomes tyrannical, you NRA-ass-kisser.
You conveniently left out "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed".
Now you will respond with "there are conditions"....Of course there are conditions. None of our rights are absolute.
Protection of the people from the tyranny of government is just one part of why there is a right to keep and bear arms.
Quote the whole paragraph. The right to own a gun was in order to create a militia, a well regulated militia.
Not really, read it in context of the time.
So no one wants to talk about the ludicrous laws that forbid me to buy Sudafed. They want to talk about what they think the constitution says about guns.

Just answer the question: since the Tylenol murders how many people have died from tainted over-the-counter drugs because laws were enacted and lawsuits were filed?

Don't try to misquote the Constitution and the Second Amendment. And by the way ask any attorney and they will tell you that the Constitution guarantees nothing.
More laws have never worked it will never work dumbass.
I believe you have misunderstood my post. I used to be a member of the NRA, but because now I see how they are full of it and I see it, I am no longer a member because they use fear to try and get my money. I am a hunter who clearly sees nobody is out to take away my hunting rifle. That is pure lies. Therefore I am o longer a member. I still have the right to own my hunting rifle. There is no threat to that. The NRA would have me believe different. I believe in background checks and sensible laws. Felons don't need guns.

You might want to check out the legislation the SPCA is pushing, they want all hunting stopped.
I think there is a legitimate compromise in order for the second amendment. We need to be allowed to bear arms. Ar 15 and automatic weapons are only useful when killing groups of people. Those should be outlawed as well as no guns for people on the No Fly List
I think there is a legitimate compromise in order for the second amendment. We need to be allowed to bear arms. Ar 15 and automatic weapons are only useful when killing groups of people. Those should be outlawed as well as no guns for people on the No Fly List
Are you lacking all common sense?? You obviously have no idea of the difference between assualt weapon and an over the counter ar15.
Please educate yourself
You left wing nut jobs are trying every angle possible to justify "gun control".
Gun control is when law abiding citizens are free to use weapons for their personal protection against criminal acts perpetrated upon them.
Such as.....Owner Fatally Shoots Suspect in 2 Attempted Armed Robberies

Out of the 100 or so killings every single day, you have to really search to find one like this.

IOW, you are proving your position is incorrect because its based on non-facts.

Ya wanna try again?


Your lies are just as much bullshit as anyone elses. 2/3rds of the people who die from guns hurt no one but themselves and the do it intentionally. Your intellectual dishonesty of not keeping your numbers on gun crime and the criminals make you look like your avatar, a damned fool.
Illegals kill, rape, and injure far more American citizens than AR-15's yet liberals defend illegals, things that make you go hmmm :eusa_think: Using the liberals gun control logic all illegals should be rounded up and deported even though only a percent commit the crimes. Oh I got the liberals by the balls on this one.

Uh no, actually you don't.

Your argument should be able to stand on its own. If it could that, you would not have to continually come up with these idiotic guns are just like swimming pools/cars/illegals nonsensical comparisons.

Not to mention that its the NRA, GOP and RWNJs who are arming illegals, terrorists, criminals and crazies.

Ya wanna try again?


Trust me I utterly destroyed you libs with that, your ancestors felt that one.
The second amendment makes things clear. Gun rights ate protected. The boogey man isn't going to take my guns away. There is nothing to worry about. I don't need the NRA to tell me anything.

The 2nd Amendment is about the rights of the citizenry to form "a well regulated militia" in the event the government becomes tyrannical, you NRA-ass-kisser.


It gives the people the right to keep and bear arms.

Not the milita

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state the right of the people to keep and bear arms Shall not be infringed "

You forgot the comma between "state" and "the" which allows all after the comma to stand on its own. But you already knew that, so did the supreme court.
I believe you have misunderstood my post. I used to be a member of the NRA, but because now I see how they are full of it and I see it, I am no longer a member because they use fear to try and get my money. I am a hunter who clearly sees nobody is out to take away my hunting rifle. That is pure lies. Therefore I am o longer a member. I still have the right to own my hunting rifle. There is no threat to that. The NRA would have me believe different. I believe in background checks and sensible laws. Felons don't need guns.
The NRA is harmless

Yep, I just joined because they have such a nack pissing off regressives.
I think there is a legitimate compromise in order for the second amendment. We need to be allowed to bear arms. Ar 15 and automatic weapons are only useful when killing groups of people. Those should be outlawed as well as no guns for people on the No Fly List

An AR 15 is no more an automatic weapon than my double action revolver. Pleas learn the difference.
Maybe we should be going after a cure for cancer rather than guns. Libturds have all their priorities in their big toe.

Cancer Facts & Figures 2015

This annual report provides the estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2015, as well as current cancer incidence, mortality, and survival statistics and information on cancer symptoms, risk factors, early detection, and treatment. In 2015, there will be an estimated 1,658,370 new cancer cases diagnosed and 589,430 cancer deaths in the US. (Please note: The projected numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2015 should not be compared with previous years to track cancer trends because they are model-based and vary from year to year for reasons other than changes in cancer occurrence. Age-standardized incidence and death rates should be used to measure cancer trends.)


Cancer Facts and Statistics 2015 | Research | American Cancer Society
The number of gun related incidents in 2014 is nowhere near the 589,430 projected cancer deaths in the US in 2015. Nor are the numbers for gun homicides anywhere near the 47,000 deaths from drug overdoses in 2014.

Primary tabs
  • Total Number of Incidents 51,770
  • Number of Deaths1 12,574
  • Number of Injuries1 23,037
  • Number of Children (age 0-11) Killed/Injured1 628
  • Number of Teens (age 12-17) Killed/Injured1 2,371
  • Mass Shooting2 281
  • Officer Involved Incident2 3,212
  • Home Invasion2 2,610
  • Defensive Use2 1,581
  • Accidental Shooting2 1,601
Gun violence incidents collected/validated from 1200+ sources daily – source links on each incident report.

1: Actual number of deaths and injuries
2: Number of INCIDENTS reported and verified

Numbers on this table reflect a subset of all information
collected and will not add to 100% of incidents.

Data Validated: December 18, 2015

Summary Ledger | Gun Violence Archive
Denying the simple fact that less guns means less homicides makes one incapable of putting together a cogent argument against nanny state liberals. If liberals decided we needed to start banning high capacity swimming pools to reduce the number of drownings, the retards would argue that less swimming pools would mean MORE drownings.

That is what you fools sound like when you deny less guns means less homicides, and claim that less guns means MORE homicides. You look like idiots.

Rather than deny reality, take it head-on. The fact you are avoiding reality means you have no rational argument not to ban guns, and that is why the liberals keep winning.

So think about what arguments you would make against a swimming pool ban, because it is identical to the argument against gun bans.

It really is.
Denying the simple fact that less guns means less homicides makes one incapable of putting together a cogent argument against nanny state liberals. If liberals decided we needed to start banning high capacity swimming pools to reduce the number of drownings, the retards would argue that less swimming pools would mean MORE drownings.

That is what you fools sound like when you deny less guns means less homicides, and claim that less guns means MORE homicides. You look like idiots.

Rather than deny reality, take it head-on. The fact you are avoiding reality means you have no rational argument not to ban guns, and that is why the liberals keep winning.

So think about what arguments you would make against a swimming pool ban, because it is identical to the argument against gun bans.

It really is.
More guns in abiding citizens hands equals less crime… Fact
Denying the simple fact that less guns means less homicides makes one incapable of putting together a cogent argument against nanny state liberals. If liberals decided we needed to start banning high capacity swimming pools to reduce the number of drownings, the retards would argue that less swimming pools would mean MORE drownings.

That is what you fools sound like when you deny less guns means less homicides, and claim that less guns means MORE homicides. You look like idiots.

Rather than deny reality, take it head-on. The fact you are avoiding reality means you have no rational argument not to ban guns, and that is why the liberals keep winning.

So think about what arguments you would make against a swimming pool ban, because it is identical to the argument against gun bans.

It really is.
Criminals don't obey laws...

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