Simple Facts

The second amendment makes things clear. Gun rights ate protected. The boogey man isn't going to take my guns away. There is nothing to worry about. I don't need the NRA to tell me anything.

So how is it that we stopped all tainted OTC drugs but can't stop mass murders or individual killings by gun?

Why is it that I have to show two forms of photo ID to buy a nasal decongestant at CVS? Insurance liability! From every manufacturer who makes and distributes pseudoephedrine.

Because it's used to make meth, and we all know that we have to keep meth off the streets, but semi-automatic weapons? No problem.

I could be more liable for squirting nasal spray at an 18-year-old than carrying a gun into McDonald's. How fucked up is that?

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The second amendment makes things clear. Gun rights ate protected. The boogey man isn't going to take my guns away. There is nothing to worry about. I don't need the NRA to tell me anything.

The 2nd Amendment is about the rights of the citizenry to form "a well regulated militia" in the event the government becomes tyrannical, you NRA-ass-kisser.
Illegals kill, rape, and injure far more American citizens than AR-15's yet liberals defend illegals, things that make you go hmmm :eusa_think: Using the liberals gun control logic all illegals should be rounded up and deported even though only a percent commit the crimes. Oh I got the liberals by the balls on this one.
You can thank the Brady Act for that plunge in the homicide rate. Your chart starts in 1993. That's not a coincidence. Your propaganda ministry framed the picture that way deliberately so you couldn't see the before and after.

What before and after, you may be wondering.

This one: The Brady Act was enacted in 1993.


And here you were, probably bleeving the number of guns had something to do with it. That's why your propaganda ministry framed the picture that way. So you would come to that idiotic conclusion.

And the percentage of gun owners has plummeted since the 70s. So while there may be more guns out there, there are a lot less gun owners per 1,000 people. the percentage of gun owners has been dropping, so has the homicide rate.

Anti self defense laws such as the Brady Act will work as intended when there are no more criminals.
Please explain how a criminal background check is an "anti self defense law".
You call them what you wish. The ultimate goal is to limit or even end private ownership if firearms.
I believe you have misunderstood my post. I used to be a member of the NRA, but because now I see how they are full of it and I see it, I am no longer a member because they use fear to try and get my money. I am a hunter who clearly sees nobody is out to take away my hunting rifle. That is pure lies. Therefore I am o longer a member. I still have the right to own my hunting rifle. There is no threat to that. The NRA would have me believe different. I believe in background checks and sensible laws. Felons don't need guns.
One guy failed to blow up a plane with his shoe and now we all have to take off our shoes.

More or less 100 people killed by guns every day and our reaction is to make more guns available to the very people who should not have guns.
The second amendment makes things clear. Gun rights ate protected. The boogey man isn't going to take my guns away. There is nothing to worry about. I don't need the NRA to tell me anything.

The 2nd Amendment is about the rights of the citizenry to form "a well regulated militia" in the event the government becomes tyrannical, you NRA-ass-kisser.
You conveniently left out "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed".
Now you will respond with "there are conditions"....Of course there are conditions. None of our rights are absolute.
Protection of the people from the tyranny of government is just one part of why there is a right to keep and bear arms.
You can thank the Brady Act for that plunge in the homicide rate. Your chart starts in 1993. That's not a coincidence. Your propaganda ministry framed the picture that way deliberately so you couldn't see the before and after.

What before and after, you may be wondering.

This one: The Brady Act was enacted in 1993.


And here you were, probably bleeving the number of guns had something to do with it. That's why your propaganda ministry framed the picture that way. So you would come to that idiotic conclusion.

And the percentage of gun owners has plummeted since the 70s. So while there may be more guns out there, there are a lot less gun owners per 1,000 people. the percentage of gun owners has been dropping, so has the homicide rate.

Anti self defense laws such as the Brady Act will work as intended when there are no more criminals.
Please explain how a criminal background check is an "anti self defense law".
You call them what you wish. The ultimate goal is to limit or even end private ownership if firearms.

I have no doubt that many liberals harbor a desire to repeal the Second Amendment and deny gun ownership for all.

However, that is not my position. I'll let a guy who is a better communicator than me explain: Why I'm for the Brady Bill

As it turns out, it worked. The homicide rate plummeted to record lows. And you and I can still buy all the guns we want.

Want. I don't have to prove a need. God bless Ronald Reagan, and God bless Merka!
Illegals kill, rape, and injure far more American citizens than AR-15's yet liberals defend illegals, things that make you go hmmm :eusa_think: Using the liberals gun control logic all illegals should be rounded up and deported even though only a percent commit the crimes. Oh I got the liberals by the balls on this one.

Uh no, actually you don't.

Your argument should be able to stand on its own. If it could that, you would not have to continually come up with these idiotic guns are just like swimming pools/cars/illegals nonsensical comparisons.

Not to mention that its the NRA, GOP and RWNJs who are arming illegals, terrorists, criminals and crazies.

Ya wanna try again?

You left wing nut jobs are trying every angle possible to justify "gun control".
Gun control is when law abiding citizens are free to use weapons for their personal protection against criminal acts perpetrated upon them.
Such as.....Owner Fatally Shoots Suspect in 2 Attempted Armed Robberies

Out of the 100 or so killings every single day, you have to really search to find one like this.

IOW, you are proving your position is incorrect because its based on non-facts.

Ya wanna try again?

The second amendment makes things clear. Gun rights ate protected. The boogey man isn't going to take my guns away. There is nothing to worry about. I don't need the NRA to tell me anything.

The 2nd Amendment is about the rights of the citizenry to form "a well regulated militia" in the event the government becomes tyrannical, you NRA-ass-kisser.


It gives the people the right to keep and bear arms.

Not the milita
The second amendment makes things clear. Gun rights ate protected. The boogey man isn't going to take my guns away. There is nothing to worry about. I don't need the NRA to tell me anything.

The 2nd Amendment is about the rights of the citizenry to form "a well regulated militia" in the event the government becomes tyrannical, you NRA-ass-kisser.
You conveniently left out "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed".
Now you will respond with "there are conditions"....Of course there are conditions. None of our rights are absolute.
Protection of the people from the tyranny of government is just one part of why there is a right to keep and bear arms.
Quote the whole paragraph. The right to own a gun was in order to create a militia, a well regulated militia.
I believe you have misunderstood my post. I used to be a member of the NRA, but because now I see how they are full of it and I see it, I am no longer a member because they use fear to try and get my money. I am a hunter who clearly sees nobody is out to take away my hunting rifle. That is pure lies. Therefore I am o longer a member. I still have the right to own my hunting rifle. There is no threat to that. The NRA would have me believe different. I believe in background checks and sensible laws. Felons don't need guns.
As with any advocacy group( NAACP, ACLU. AARP, MADD) the NRA got the taste of politics and how politics can be used to enrich those who are in charge of said groups. They use that money to then influence ( buy) political cover for their respective causes.
The second amendment makes things clear. Gun rights ate protected. The boogey man isn't going to take my guns away. There is nothing to worry about. I don't need the NRA to tell me anything.

The 2nd Amendment is about the rights of the citizenry to form "a well regulated militia" in the event the government becomes tyrannical, you NRA-ass-kisser.
You conveniently left out "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed".
Now you will respond with "there are conditions"....Of course there are conditions. None of our rights are absolute.
Protection of the people from the tyranny of government is just one part of why there is a right to keep and bear arms.
Quote the whole paragraph. The right to own a gun was in order to create a militia, a well regulated militia.
Not it isn't. Where do you see that?
The sentence I posted is a direct quote. That line is absent of ambiguity.
You can twist in the wind all you like. You are free to create your own reality. Just don't expect others to live in it
The second amendment makes things clear. Gun rights ate protected. The boogey man isn't going to take my guns away. There is nothing to worry about. I don't need the NRA to tell me anything.

The 2nd Amendment is about the rights of the citizenry to form "a well regulated militia" in the event the government becomes tyrannical, you NRA-ass-kisser.
You conveniently left out "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed".
Now you will respond with "there are conditions"....Of course there are conditions. None of our rights are absolute.
Protection of the people from the tyranny of government is just one part of why there is a right to keep and bear arms.
Quote the whole paragraph. The right to own a gun was in order to create a militia, a well regulated militia.

and yet the right was given to the people, not the militia.
The second amendment makes things clear. Gun rights ate protected. The boogey man isn't going to take my guns away. There is nothing to worry about. I don't need the NRA to tell me anything.

The 2nd Amendment is about the rights of the citizenry to form "a well regulated militia" in the event the government becomes tyrannical, you NRA-ass-kisser.


It gives the people the right to keep and bear arms.

Not the milita

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state the right of the people to keep and bear arms Shall not be infringed "
The second amendment makes things clear. Gun rights ate protected. The boogey man isn't going to take my guns away. There is nothing to worry about. I don't need the NRA to tell me anything.

The 2nd Amendment is about the rights of the citizenry to form "a well regulated militia" in the event the government becomes tyrannical, you NRA-ass-kisser.
You conveniently left out "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed".
Now you will respond with "there are conditions"....Of course there are conditions. None of our rights are absolute.
Protection of the people from the tyranny of government is just one part of why there is a right to keep and bear arms.
Quote the whole paragraph. The right to own a gun was in order to create a militia, a well regulated militia.

and yet the right was given to the people, not the militia.
The second amendment makes things clear. Gun rights ate protected. The boogey man isn't going to take my guns away. There is nothing to worry about. I don't need the NRA to tell me anything.

The 2nd Amendment is about the rights of the citizenry to form "a well regulated militia" in the event the government becomes tyrannical, you NRA-ass-kisser.
You conveniently left out "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed".
Now you will respond with "there are conditions"....Of course there are conditions. None of our rights are absolute.
Protection of the people from the tyranny of government is just one part of why there is a right to keep and bear arms.
Quote the whole paragraph. The right to own a gun was in order to create a militia, a well regulated militia.
Not it isn't. Where do you see that?
The sentence I posted is a direct quote. That line is absent of ambiguity.
You can twist in the wind all you like. You are free to create your own reality. Just don't expect others to live in it

I don't have to create my own reality show. It's in the Constitution. Just because the NRA can blow smoke up your ass doesn't mean they can't blow it up mine
The second amendment makes things clear. Gun rights ate protected. The boogey man isn't going to take my guns away. There is nothing to worry about. I don't need the NRA to tell me anything.

The 2nd Amendment is about the rights of the citizenry to form "a well regulated militia" in the event the government becomes tyrannical, you NRA-ass-kisser.


It gives the people the right to keep and bear arms.

Not the milita

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state the right of the people to keep and bear arms Shall not be infringed "

the right of the people to keep and bear arms

Wrong, the right was given to the PEOPLE, NOT the militia.

militia was able bodied men, between the ages of 16-45, (57 in some states).

YOUR take on it would have prevented anyone else from having the right to own a firearm.

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