Simple math time; FOX News vs. 5 other far lefty news orgs..............

(R)IGHTeous 1

Dec 5, 2010
Why does the left keep bashing FOX News? The answer is really simple. FOX News is the ONLY news org. out there that comes closest to fair and balanced. They have lefty D's on their news and talk programs alot.

This there a SLIGHT rightward tilt? Yes, it also pales in comparison to CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, BBC, I could go on......

5 AGAINST 1 IS SOMEHOW FAIR? Yet FOX News continues to destroy said competition in the ratings battle, cuz the rest of America sees this same common sense as I.

Even tho it's the only 1 of its kind, the left wants it gon, so they can finally have their precious monopoly, information control, and nurture yet another means of covert indoctrination.
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You're not right, you're not righteous, nor are you just 1.

Face're 1 in a pack of lemmings going over the cliff.

Sorry about your bad fucking luck........really..........
FOX isn't's owned partly by the Saudi Government and spouts propaganda for the oil loving republicans.
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You're not right, you're not righteous, nor are you just 1.

Face're 1 in a pack of lemmings going over the cliff.

Sorry about your bad fucking luck........really..........

Anything besides spam to post?

Wanna make an amusing attempt @ tryna refute my facts? Or are you gonna keep lowering the collective IQ of this board?
FOX isn't's owned partly by the Saudi Government and spouts propaganda for the oil loving republicans.

Hey........aren't they the ones that said they own the Republican party? And, isn't it also true that their largest PRIVATE shareholder is a Saudi prince?

No wonder the Taliban started to get fancy graphics and stuff for their terrorist tapes. They were probably buying them from FAUX Nooze.
FOX isn't's owned partly by the Saudi Government and spouts propaganda for the oil loving republicans.

^^In case anyone ever wonders why leftists make an 20% of the population TOPS.^^

Wanna actually respond? Or are you gonna follow that ABikerSailor sheep? If yall do, yall can both be added to the belt.
FOX isn't's owned partly by the Saudi Government and spouts propaganda for the oil loving republicans.

^^In case anyone ever wonders why leftists make an 20% of the population TOPS.^^

Wanna actually respond? Or are you gonna follow that ABikerSailor sheep? If yall do, yall can both be added to the belt.

Respond to what?

You're the one who thinks that if a person never gets convicted in a court of law..they aren't a criminal. No matter what they may have actually done.

Like this guy..

Tommy Gagliano - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You're not right, you're not righteous, nor are you just 1.

Face're 1 in a pack of lemmings going over the cliff.

Sorry about your bad fucking luck........really..........

Anything besides spam to post?

Wanna make an amusing attempt @ tryna refute my facts? Or are you gonna keep lowering the collective IQ of this board?

Actually, those were me insulting you, not spam. I'd expect you to know the difference.

BTW............isn't FAUX Nooze the ones that got caught with their pants down REPEATEDLY fudging numbers and stuff?

Wanna talk about how "factual" Beck and O'reilly are?

C'mon n00b, show us how smart you are so we can commence to kicking your ass.
Why does the left keep bashing FOX News? The answer is really simple. FOX News is the ONLY news org. out there that comes closest to fair and balanced. They have lefty D's on their news and talk programs alot.

This there a SLIGHT rightward tilt? Yes, it also pails in comparison to CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, BBC, I could go on......

5 AGAINST 1 IS SOMEHOW FAIR? Yet FOX News continues to destroy said competition in the ratings battle, cuz the rest of America sees this same common sense as I.

Even tho it's the only 1 of its kind, the left wants it gon, so they can finally have their precious monopoly, information control, and nurture yet another means of covert indoctrination.

Yes, there is a slight rightward tilt, if one calls a category 5 storm a bit windy, or a 8.0 earthquake a minor jolt. The fact is, Fox News is not News, it is entertainment pretending to be news; it is SNL if SNL took itself seriously.
Now, I hate false dichotomies, but, I must conclude you are either a troll worthy of taking the place of Rabbi, or a complete and utter fool, also worthy of taking the place of Rabbi.
Sallow wrote:

Respond to what?
The facts in my OP, or are you illiterate like majority of the leftists here.

You're the one who thinks that if a person never gets convicted in a court of law..they aren't a criminal. No matter what they may have actually done.
Yea, sorry I busted the bubble of your Reagan hate, but that's just the cold, hard facts. Whatever subjective view you hold means diddly shit to the U.S., and Presidential history.
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ABikerSailor wrote:
Actually, those were me insulting you, not spam. I'd expect you to know the difference.
Spam is anything not related to the subject @ hand, my OP, it's garbage that shouldn't even be there, just like those unwanted e-mails you get. You did nothing to post related to it, nothing to address the facts I posted. You're yet another sad lil lefty spammer it looks like, who, like your other ilk here, will quickly resort to trolling once I'm done destroying you.

BTW............isn't FAUX Nooze the ones that got caught with their pants down REPEATEDLY fudging numbers and stuff?
Nice, unsubstantiated claim. Remember Rathergate? How MSNBC'S Olberman was recently suspended for donating to Jackass candidates?

Wanna talk about how "factual" Beck and O'reilly are?
Those are TALK SHOWS you clueless moron.:lol::lol::lol: They aren't supposed to objectively report the news, that's why the shows are named AFTER THEM.

C'mon n00b, show us how smart you are so we can commence to kicking your ass.
With what? Your dunce cap?:lol: You've already lost. Let's see if Sallow fairs any better......
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Wry Catcher wrote:

Yes, there is a slight rightward tilt, if one calls a category 5 storm a bit windy, or a 8.0 earthquake a minor jolt. The fact is, Fox News is not News, it is entertainment pretending to be news; it is SNL if SNL took itself seriously.
Again with that tired, laughable DNC talking point?:lol: Outta ammo already huh.
Now, I hate false dichotomies, but, I must conclude you are either a troll worthy of taking the place of Rabbi, or a complete and utter fool, also worthy of taking the place of Rabbi.
Annnnd the lefty resorts to calling the kettle black, and further petty personal attacks. Typical.
Sallow wrote:

Respond to what?
The facts in my OP, or are you illiterate like majority of the leftists here.

You're the one who thinks that if a person never gets convicted in a court of law..they aren't a criminal. No matter what they may have actually done.
Yea, sorry I busted the bubble of your Reagan hate, but that's just the cold, hard facts. Whatever subjective view you holds mean diddly shit to the U.S., and Presidential history.

You got him on video admitting treason and violation of the Constitution. That was not enough. This is after congress held an investigation, found wrong doing, but were to chickenshit to impeach the fool and remove him from they made him apologize and convicted everyone around him. But that's still not enough for ya.

You can lead a horse to water..
Sallow wrote:

Respond to what?
The facts in my OP, or are you illiterate like majority of the leftists here.

You're the one who thinks that if a person never gets convicted in a court of law..they aren't a criminal. No matter what they may have actually done.
Yea, sorry I busted the bubble of your Reagan hate, but that's just the cold, hard facts. Whatever subjective view you holds mean diddly shit to the U.S., and Presidential history.

You got him on video admitting treason and violation of the Constitution. That was not enough. This is after congress held an investigation, found wrong doing, but were to chickenshit to impeach the fool and remove him from they made him apologize and convicted everyone around him. But that's still not enough for ya.

You can lead a horse to water..

Nice paraphrasing! So Reagan really want on there and said "I'M GUILTY OF TREASON":lol::lol::lol:

Separate what was said in your head, from reality please, then get back to me....
ABikerSailor wrote:
Actually, those were me insulting you, not spam. I'd expect you to know the difference.
Spam is anything not related to the subject @ hand, my OP, it's garbage that shouldn't even be there, just like those unwanted e-mails you get. You did nothing to post related to it, nothing to address the facts I posted. You're yet another sad lil lefty spammer it looks like, who, like your other ilk here, will quickly resort to trolling once I'm done destroying you.

BTW............isn't FAUX Nooze the ones that got caught with their pants down REPEATEDLY fudging numbers and stuff?
Nice, unsubstantiated claim. Remember Rathergate? How MSNBC'S Olberman was recently suspended for donating to Jackass candidates?

Wanna talk about how "factual" Beck and O'reilly are?
Those are TALK SHOWS you clueless moron.:lol::lol::lol: They aren't supposed to objectively report the news, that's why the shows are named AFTER THEM.

C'mon n00b, show us how smart you are so we can commence to kicking your ass.
With what? Your dunce cap?:lol: You've already lost. Let's see if Sallow fairs any better......

Here ya go you poor little 'tard...........


Hannity even admitted to faking the footage and calling it real.

As far as the Olberman suspension? It was because of the rules, but interestingly enough, he was back on the air after only 3 days (including a weekend). Additionally, it was shown that Olberman didn't really do anything wrong.

And yeah......both Beck and O'Reilly REPEATEDLY get their "facts" wrong that they try to pass off as news.

Remember Becktard and his Constitutional interpretation that everyone paid 10 bucks to immigrate here, and it turned out it was a tax on slaves?

C'mon ya pathetic little window licker on the short bus, give us something good, preferably with REAL links.
Sallow wrote:

The facts in my OP, or are you illiterate like majority of the leftists here.

Yea, sorry I busted the bubble of your Reagan hate, but that's just the cold, hard facts. Whatever subjective view you holds mean diddly shit to the U.S., and Presidential history.

You got him on video admitting treason and violation of the Constitution. That was not enough. This is after congress held an investigation, found wrong doing, but were to chickenshit to impeach the fool and remove him from they made him apologize and convicted everyone around him. But that's still not enough for ya.

You can lead a horse to water..

Nice paraphrasing! So Reagan really want on there and said "I'M GUILTY OF TREASON":lol::lol::lol:

Separate what was said in your head, from reality please, then get back to me....


Yeah..without saying those exact words..

He did.
ABikerSailor wrote:

Hannity even admitted to faking the footage and calling it real.
Gooood job! Finally a coherent thought! That said, it's not like any news network doesn't make mistakes, as I've already proven. They admitted to it, owned up to it, which is more than Olberman, or Rather ever did.

As far as the Olberman suspension? It was because of the rules, but interestingly enough, he was back on the air after only 3 days (including a weekend). Additionally, it was shown that Olberman didn't really do anything wrong.
If he did nothing wrong, HE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED. More epic fail from you and the twisted lil fantasy world you fester in.:lol:

And yeah......both Beck and O'Reilly REPEATEDLY get their "facts" wrong that they try to pass off as news.

C'mon ya pathetic little window licker on the short bus, give us something good, preferably with REAL links.
^^Typical lefty flaming and trolling after being called out, and pwned^^

Watch everyone, as he sits @ his PC, scratching his head as to what insults, and smoke and mirrors he plans to pass for debate next.:lol:
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You got him on video admitting treason and violation of the Constitution. That was not enough. This is after congress held an investigation, found wrong doing, but were to chickenshit to impeach the fool and remove him from they made him apologize and convicted everyone around him. But that's still not enough for ya.

You can lead a horse to water..

Nice paraphrasing! So Reagan really want on there and said "I'M GUILTY OF TREASON":lol::lol::lol:

Separate what was said in your head, from reality please, then get back to me....


Yeah..without saying those exact words..

He did.

LOL, that's what I thought. You can't separate reality from your fantasy. No doubt you'll now post the vid. Go ahead, as no Prez. is actually stupid enough to talk themselves into that kinda corner, not even a dolt like Carter or Obama.

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