Simple Question: Did we (USA) win Iraq War?

Did We Win the Iraq War

  • Yes

    Votes: 32 46.4%
  • No

    Votes: 37 53.6%

  • Total voters
What changed was 12 years of Saddams Bull Shit games.

Why do you even care? none of your business in the first place...

It became our business when several different countries in the area asked us for military assistance because of Saddam. Or do you forget we were asked to be there.........

Did you forget we told Iraq "we don't get involved in arab on arab conflicts, encouraging him to invade Kuwait.

Stop defending criminals like Ollie North and Rumsfeld. Stupid. You're like people who defend OJ.
Wow you really are clueless, arent you?

What he said was true. We paid off all the different groups we were fighting to have a siece fire and to help us get Al Queda out of the equasion. But that still left the sunni's and shiites that don't like America. What a mess. Then we made Iraq and Iran best buddies because both are Shiites. Are we stupid? Defend that decision buddy. Fill us in. Obviously you are hear to give knowledge, not recieve it. So give it. Tell us the facts. CLUE us in.

The first thing I'd like to clue you in on is something called "spellcheck."

That's the best you got Rabby? Lieberman? Does your opinion have anything to do with the motherland? I'm greek. You don't see me siding with the Greek government just because, do you?

I understand. Fight them there so you don't have to fight them in Isreal. Well maybe Israel can send more troops.

But your logic is flawed. Your bs reasons for why we are there or what we are doing is flat out wrong. Oil companies and defense contractors are looting Iraq's oil and the US people are footing the bill. And we're creating terrorists. Plus we have basically turned Iraq over to Iran, so checkmate. Dumb.
Wow you really are clueless, arent you?

What he said was true. We paid off all the different groups we were fighting to have a siece fire and to help us get Al Queda out of the equasion. But that still left the sunni's and shiites that don't like America. What a mess. Then we made Iraq and Iran best buddies because both are Shiites. Are we stupid? Defend that decision buddy. Fill us in. Obviously you are hear to give knowledge, not recieve it. So give it. Tell us the facts. CLUE us in.

The first thing I'd like to clue you in on is something called "spellcheck."

SPELL CHECK MY COCK!!! Oh sorry I know words with more than 15 letters are HARD for you to read.
What he said was true. We paid off all the different groups we were fighting to have a siece fire and to help us get Al Queda out of the equasion. But that still left the sunni's and shiites that don't like America. What a mess. Then we made Iraq and Iran best buddies because both are Shiites. Are we stupid? Defend that decision buddy. Fill us in. Obviously you are hear to give knowledge, not recieve it. So give it. Tell us the facts. CLUE us in.

The first thing I'd like to clue you in on is something called "spellcheck."

SPELL CHECK MY COCK!!! Oh sorry I know words with more than 15 letters are HARD for you to read.

They run from real debate. How the hell are they going to win in 2010 or 2012 if they aren't right about any of the issues?

No one is buying the GOP's arguments on healthcare. I shouldn't say no one, but not enough believe a word they say. They are just obstructing progress. They didn't fix it on their watch. It got worse on their watch. They only represent the ignorant who have healthcare and don't want it getting worse for them. The "leave my healthcare alone" crowd.

Spending. We can defend our spending. They couldn't defend theirs.

Jobs and wages? They don't even want to have the debate because they are anti labor.

Anyways. If you look at the defense and oil contracts, very powerful rich Americans are making a fortune off Iraq. They won and continue winning. But for AMERICA, Iraq is a no win situation. But every day we stay, there are a few Americans that get richer and richer. There are also a very small number of Iraqi's who are benefitting from our occupation. This is a rich vs poor thing. Us Americans want to leave Iraq and most Iraqi's want us to leave too. So what's the problem? Haloburton and Hunt Oil?
What he said was true. We paid off all the different groups we were fighting to have a siece fire and to help us get Al Queda out of the equasion. But that still left the sunni's and shiites that don't like America. What a mess. Then we made Iraq and Iran best buddies because both are Shiites. Are we stupid? Defend that decision buddy. Fill us in. Obviously you are hear to give knowledge, not recieve it. So give it. Tell us the facts. CLUE us in.

The first thing I'd like to clue you in on is something called "spellcheck."

SPELL CHECK MY COCK!!! Oh sorry I know words with more than 15 letters are HARD for you to read.

You dont know any words with more than 15 letters.
And your homosexual fantasies about me are growing disturbing.
The first thing I'd like to clue you in on is something called "spellcheck."

SPELL CHECK MY COCK!!! Oh sorry I know words with more than 15 letters are HARD for you to read.

They run from real debate. How the hell are they going to win in 2010 or 2012 if they aren't right about any of the issues?

No one is buying the GOP's arguments on healthcare. I shouldn't say no one, but not enough believe a word they say. They are just obstructing progress. They didn't fix it on their watch. It got worse on their watch. They only represent the ignorant who have healthcare and don't want it getting worse for them. The "leave my healthcare alone" crowd.

Spending. We can defend our spending. They couldn't defend theirs.

Jobs and wages? They don't even want to have the debate because they are anti labor.

Anyways. If you look at the defense and oil contracts, very powerful rich Americans are making a fortune off Iraq. They won and continue winning. But for AMERICA, Iraq is a no win situation. But every day we stay, there are a few Americans that get richer and richer. There are also a very small number of Iraqi's who are benefitting from our occupation. This is a rich vs poor thing. Us Americans want to leave Iraq and most Iraqi's want us to leave too. So what's the problem? Haloburton and Hunt Oil?

What fantasyland do you live in? Currently only 38% of voters support the current health care reform. So I guess the Republicans are winning that debate as well.
And who was in charge of Congress for the last two and a half years? Hint: not the GOP.
Anti-labor? If you mean anti job killing labor unions then yes. If you mean anti people working then you have the GOP confused with the Democrats, the party of free money.
Defend you spending? Yes, please defend stimulus funds spent in non-existent Congressional districts. I'd like to see that one.
All Iraqis have benefitted from free elections and the overthrow of a vicious tyrant. Of course the Democrats are now the party of tyrants, having befriended Hugo Chavez and betrayed the Honduran and Iranian fighters for democracy.
With so little grounding in reality, it is a cinch the Democrats will have their ass handed to them in 2010 and 2012.
Iraq War “To Do” List
1. Defeat Iraqi Military
2. Overrun Baghdad
3. Capture Saddam
4. Begin Martial Law
5. Defeat Insurgency
6. Facilitate Elections
7. Establish New Currency
8. Establish New Constitution
9. Establish Fair Markets
10. Rebuild infrastructure


Sounds good !
When will something similar happen in the US ?
SPELL CHECK MY COCK!!! Oh sorry I know words with more than 15 letters are HARD for you to read.

They run from real debate. How the hell are they going to win in 2010 or 2012 if they aren't right about any of the issues?

No one is buying the GOP's arguments on healthcare. I shouldn't say no one, but not enough believe a word they say. They are just obstructing progress. They didn't fix it on their watch. It got worse on their watch. They only represent the ignorant who have healthcare and don't want it getting worse for them. The "leave my healthcare alone" crowd.

Spending. We can defend our spending. They couldn't defend theirs.

Jobs and wages? They don't even want to have the debate because they are anti labor.

Anyways. If you look at the defense and oil contracts, very powerful rich Americans are making a fortune off Iraq. They won and continue winning. But for AMERICA, Iraq is a no win situation. But every day we stay, there are a few Americans that get richer and richer. There are also a very small number of Iraqi's who are benefitting from our occupation. This is a rich vs poor thing. Us Americans want to leave Iraq and most Iraqi's want us to leave too. So what's the problem? Haloburton and Hunt Oil?

What fantasyland do you live in? Currently only 38% of voters support the current health care reform. So I guess the Republicans are winning that debate as well.
And who was in charge of Congress for the last two and a half years? Hint: not the GOP.
Anti-labor? If you mean anti job killing labor unions then yes. If you mean anti people working then you have the GOP confused with the Democrats, the party of free money.
Defend you spending? Yes, please defend stimulus funds spent in non-existent Congressional districts. I'd like to see that one.
All Iraqis have benefitted from free elections and the overthrow of a vicious tyrant. Of course the Democrats are now the party of tyrants, having befriended Hugo Chavez and betrayed the Honduran and Iranian fighters for democracy.
With so little grounding in reality, it is a cinch the Democrats will have their ass handed to them in 2010 and 2012.

But more than 38% support healthcare reform. They might not like the current bill, but neither do I. We had to cater to the blue dog dems and lobbyists who wound up writing the bill. If it weren't for republicans and blue dogs, we'd have the healthcare giants in check. Instead, it will remain a problem.

And we had a slim majority for 2 years. BFD. You had 6 full years of complete control. Are you sure you weren't born yesterday?

And Republicans love jobs, just as long as they don't pay well. Notice you didn't say good paying jobs? Republicans only think they work hard or deserve a decent wage. Ever notice that?

You're the one who doesn't live in reality. But what do I expect from people who killed Jesus.
Why do you even care? none of your business in the first place...

It became our business when several different countries in the area asked us for military assistance because of Saddam. Or do you forget we were asked to be there.........

Did you forget we told Iraq "we don't get involved in arab on arab conflicts, encouraging him to invade Kuwait.

Stop defending criminals like Ollie North and Rumsfeld. Stupid. You're like people who defend OJ.

Ollie North is irelevant to todays topic. Rumsfeld had brilliant strategies for winning the war, he simply was stupid when it cam to winning the peace. We did not invite Saddam to invade Kuwait, and both Kuwait and Saudi asked for our help against Saddam. Had we invited him to invade why would they ask for our help?
It became our business when several different countries in the area asked us for military assistance because of Saddam. Or do you forget we were asked to be there.........

Did you forget we told Iraq "we don't get involved in arab on arab conflicts, encouraging him to invade Kuwait.

Stop defending criminals like Ollie North and Rumsfeld. Stupid. You're like people who defend OJ.

Ollie North is irelevant to todays topic. Rumsfeld had brilliant strategies for winning the war, he simply was stupid when it cam to winning the peace. We did not invite Saddam to invade Kuwait, and both Kuwait and Saudi asked for our help against Saddam. Had we invited him to invade why would they ask for our help?

I've heard conflicting stories about Rumsfeld. Like, he was against the way things were being handled in Iraq. I don't know what to believe. If you ask me, he should be hung right along side Chaney and Bush and Condy Rice.

We didn't invite Saddam to invade? Not what I heard.

I thought Saddam was a Sunni and so are the Saudi's? You mean the Saudi's wanted Iraq to become Shiite?

And don't ask questions neither of us can for sure answer. Why did they ask for our help? Maybe they didn't know we encouraged him to invade. Maybe your whole premise is flawed? What help did Saudi Arabia need with Saddam? Do you mean when he invaded Kuwait?

You do realize we put Saddam in power, right? You need to start watching those PBS documentaries on what really goes on behind the scenes. Instead you just believe the Bush regimes lies, even though they've been proven liars over and over again.
It became our business when several different countries in the area asked us for military assistance because of Saddam. Or do you forget we were asked to be there.........

Did you forget we told Iraq "we don't get involved in arab on arab conflicts, encouraging him to invade Kuwait.

Stop defending criminals like Ollie North and Rumsfeld. Stupid. You're like people who defend OJ.

Ollie North is irelevant to todays topic. Rumsfeld had brilliant strategies for winning the war, he simply was stupid when it cam to winning the peace. We did not invite Saddam to invade Kuwait, and both Kuwait and Saudi asked for our help against Saddam. Had we invited him to invade why would they ask for our help?

Easy to win a war against a 3rd world country, especially when you aren't worried about an exit strategy.

That alone should prove they wanted a never ending war so their defense contractors and oil companies could rape the American people of our $.
Did you forget we told Iraq "we don't get involved in arab on arab conflicts, encouraging him to invade Kuwait.

Stop defending criminals like Ollie North and Rumsfeld. Stupid. You're like people who defend OJ.

Ollie North is irelevant to todays topic. Rumsfeld had brilliant strategies for winning the war, he simply was stupid when it cam to winning the peace. We did not invite Saddam to invade Kuwait, and both Kuwait and Saudi asked for our help against Saddam. Had we invited him to invade why would they ask for our help?

Easy to win a war against a 3rd world country, especially when you aren't worried about an exit strategy.

That alone should prove they wanted a never ending war so their defense contractors and oil companies could rape the American people of our $.

There always was an exit strategy, it was called victory, unfortunately Bush listened to Rumsfeld too long. You haters just never would accept anything positive from Bush though.
He made his mistakes but going after Saddam wasn't one of them.
Ollie North is irelevant to todays topic. Rumsfeld had brilliant strategies for winning the war, he simply was stupid when it cam to winning the peace. We did not invite Saddam to invade Kuwait, and both Kuwait and Saudi asked for our help against Saddam. Had we invited him to invade why would they ask for our help?

Easy to win a war against a 3rd world country, especially when you aren't worried about an exit strategy.

That alone should prove they wanted a never ending war so their defense contractors and oil companies could rape the American people of our $.

There always was an exit strategy, it was called victory, unfortunately Bush listened to Rumsfeld too long. You haters just never would accept anything positive from Bush though.
He made his mistakes but going after Saddam wasn't one of them.

They KNEW the price of the REAL war occupation that is why GHWB, Rummy, and CHENEY ALL refused to go into Bagdad during GWI.......And I think you are smart enough to realise that.
Easy to win a war against a 3rd world country, especially when you aren't worried about an exit strategy.

That alone should prove they wanted a never ending war so their defense contractors and oil companies could rape the American people of our $.

There always was an exit strategy, it was called victory, unfortunately Bush listened to Rumsfeld too long. You haters just never would accept anything positive from Bush though.
He made his mistakes but going after Saddam wasn't one of them.

They KNEW the price of the REAL war occupation that is why GHWB, Rummy, and CHENEY ALL refused to go into Bagdad during GWI.......And I think you are smart enough to realise that.

Bush 41 was criticized for listening to the UN and not going into Baghdad. Bush 43 was crucified for not listening to the UN and going in. You ass wipes just can't have it both ways.
Yes it was a UN decision that we shouldn't take out Saddam during Desert Storm.
Ollie, get hatin', guy. Bush41 did the right thing in not going into Baghdad in GWI. His son was stupid to listen to Rummy and Dick and the rest of dark lords of neo-conservatism. I am glad our colleges and public schools are correctly teaching that GW2 was a failure perpetrated by the bushies.
There always was an exit strategy, it was called victory, unfortunately Bush listened to Rumsfeld too long. You haters just never would accept anything positive from Bush though.
He made his mistakes but going after Saddam wasn't one of them.

They KNEW the price of the REAL war occupation that is why GHWB, Rummy, and CHENEY ALL refused to go into Bagdad during GWI.......And I think you are smart enough to realise that.

Bush 41 was criticized for listening to the UN and not going into Baghdad. Bush 43 was crucified for not listening to the UN and going in. You ass wipes just can't have it both ways.
Yes it was a UN decision that we shouldn't take out Saddam during Desert Storm.

I thought people like you said FUCK the UN and we should tell them to go fuck themselves so I find it odd that you would bring the UN up.
They KNEW the price of the REAL war occupation that is why GHWB, Rummy, and CHENEY ALL refused to go into Bagdad during GWI.......And I think you are smart enough to realise that.

Bush 41 was criticized for listening to the UN and not going into Baghdad. Bush 43 was crucified for not listening to the UN and going in. You ass wipes just can't have it both ways.
Yes it was a UN decision that we shouldn't take out Saddam during Desert Storm.

I thought people like you said FUCK the UN and we should tell them to go fuck themselves so I find it odd that you would bring the UN up.

Non-sequitur of the week. And it's just Monday.
How cute! Little Rabbi found a new phrase. Now, he does not understand it, gang, and can't apply it. But how cute, wanting to play with the grown ups!
They KNEW the price of the REAL war occupation that is why GHWB, Rummy, and CHENEY ALL refused to go into Bagdad during GWI.......And I think you are smart enough to realise that.

Bush 41 was criticized for listening to the UN and not going into Baghdad. Bush 43 was crucified for not listening to the UN and going in. You ass wipes just can't have it both ways.
Yes it was a UN decision that we shouldn't take out Saddam during Desert Storm.

I thought people like you said FUCK the UN and we should tell them to go fuck themselves so I find it odd that you would bring the UN up.

I think the UN is a joke, but that wasn't the point.
But to repeat :::

This is an interesting article I am retyping from the September 2009 Issue of the American Legion magazine.

No news is good News

You won't read it in the morning paper or see it on the evening news, but the U.S. military has dramatically - and perhaps irreversibly - turned the corner in Iraq, as the nonpartisan Brookings Institution details in it's Iraq index:

* Iraq rates forth in the region in political freedom, behind Israel, Lebanon, and Morocco.

* Under Saddam Hussein, there were no commercial TV stations and no independent newspapers; by 2006 there were 54 commercial TV stations and 268 Independent newspapers and magazines.

*Pre-war Iraq had just 833,000 telephone subscribers; today there are 17.7 million cellular and 1.3 million land line phone subscribers.

* Attacks on energy installations and personnel have fallen from 30 per month in late 2004 to one per month in 2009.

* The size of Iraqs security force has grown from 30,000 in mid 2003 to 589,000 in late 2008.

* Monthly U.S. troop fatalities that once were as high as 137 now are in the single digits and low teens.

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