Simple Question: Did we (USA) win Iraq War?

Did We Win the Iraq War

  • Yes

    Votes: 32 46.4%
  • No

    Votes: 37 53.6%

  • Total voters
Depends on who you ask. Cheney/Bush/Blackwater/KBR/Haloburton? Fuck yes they won.

The American people? Fuck no. The cost was too great. We were scammed. They looted the treasury thru war. And got away with it. As if Saddam was anything but a minor annoyance. And now Iran and Iraq are both Shiite run. Dumb mistake.
Wow. Still trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Some people cannot give up their illusions. Sad really.
Wow still unwilling to admit that EVERYONE in GHWB's advised AGAINST taking out Saddam. Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Bush himself knew the risks and deemed them FAR TOO GREAT to press into Bagdad and remove Saddam. If you don't beleive me then compare their OWN words from GWI to GWII. What suddenly changed?
Wow still unwilling to admit that EVERYONE in GHWB's advised AGAINST taking out Saddam. Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Bush himself knew the risks and deemed them FAR TOO GREAT to press into Bagdad and remove Saddam. If you don't beleive me then compare their OWN words from GWI to GWII. What suddenly changed?

Are you still using pre-surge arguments? "The war is lost!" saith Harry Reid. Too bad it didnt turn out quite like he said.
Victory is defeat. war is peace. 1984 anyone?
Wow still unwilling to admit that EVERYONE in GHWB's advised AGAINST taking out Saddam. Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Bush himself knew the risks and deemed them FAR TOO GREAT to press into Bagdad and remove Saddam. If you don't beleive me then compare their OWN words from GWI to GWII. What suddenly changed?

What changed was 12 years of Saddams Bull Shit games. Clinton had signed the Iraqi freedom act of 1998 and bush finally got pissed enough to act on it. He simply didn't follow up very well after the war was won in a few weeks time.
Wow still unwilling to admit that EVERYONE in GHWB's advised AGAINST taking out Saddam. Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Bush himself knew the risks and deemed them FAR TOO GREAT to press into Bagdad and remove Saddam. If you don't beleive me then compare their OWN words from GWI to GWII. What suddenly changed?

Are you still using pre-surge arguments? "The war is lost!" saith Harry Reid. Too bad it didnt turn out quite like he said.
Victory is defeat. war is peace. 1984 anyone?

No you dumb fucker I am using PRE-GWII arguments made by people from GHWB's own party.
PRE-SURGE!? We paid the Sunnis off to not make trouble. THAT was the surge. The "surge" of money out of our treasury to insurgents.
I really don't think you know ANYHING about Iraq you have shown yourself to be totally CLUELESS about Iraq over and over and over.
Wow still unwilling to admit that EVERYONE in GHWB's advised AGAINST taking out Saddam. Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Bush himself knew the risks and deemed them FAR TOO GREAT to press into Bagdad and remove Saddam. If you don't beleive me then compare their OWN words from GWI to GWII. What suddenly changed?

What changed was 12 years of Saddams Bull Shit games. Clinton had signed the Iraqi freedom act of 1998 and bush finally got pissed enough to act on it. He simply didn't follow up very well after the war was won in a few weeks time.

Oh BUSH got PISSED no doubt the best thing to base foreign policy and the decision to go to WAR and get 4,000 US SOLDIERS killed.........All because Bush got PISSED. Well I am glad I know the REAL reason for attacking Iraq.

Usually decisions based on emotion don't lead to very good follow up.
Iraq will make us leave in the next two years.

Iraq will ally with Iran.

The internationalist wing of the GOP has lost creditibility with the mainstream of America.

Yes, America lost the war.
it seems that the Iraq war was the final straw for the arabs... they decided they'd rather side with a non-arab country than with a non-muslim country. They feel threatened, and if they're backed into a corner the sunnis will support the shia governments of Iran and now Iraq.
Wow still unwilling to admit that EVERYONE in GHWB's advised AGAINST taking out Saddam. Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Bush himself knew the risks and deemed them FAR TOO GREAT to press into Bagdad and remove Saddam. If you don't beleive me then compare their OWN words from GWI to GWII. What suddenly changed?

What changed was 12 years of Saddams Bull Shit games. Clinton had signed the Iraqi freedom act of 1998 and bush finally got pissed enough to act on it. He simply didn't follow up very well after the war was won in a few weeks time.

Oh BUSH got PISSED no doubt the best thing to base foreign policy and the decision to go to WAR and get 4,000 US SOLDIERS killed.........All because Bush got PISSED. Well I am glad I know the REAL reason for attacking Iraq.

Usually decisions based on emotion don't lead to very good follow up.

And no way he would have sold us on invading Iraq if it weren't for 9-11 and all the lies Bush told us.

I remember being behind the decision to invade. I remember putting politics aside for about a year until Bush squandered all the support we gave him. American liberals and the rest of the world.

Remember conservatives said FUCK THE REST OF THE WORLD when we told them the rest of the world was against us on Iraq? Or the righties said that they had a lot of countries backing us. One of their biggest was Poland, and they sent about 10 troops. LOL.
Wow still unwilling to admit that EVERYONE in GHWB's advised AGAINST taking out Saddam. Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Bush himself knew the risks and deemed them FAR TOO GREAT to press into Bagdad and remove Saddam. If you don't beleive me then compare their OWN words from GWI to GWII. What suddenly changed?

Are you still using pre-surge arguments? "The war is lost!" saith Harry Reid. Too bad it didnt turn out quite like he said.
Victory is defeat. war is peace. 1984 anyone?

No you dumb fucker I am using PRE-GWII arguments made by people from GHWB's own party.
PRE-SURGE!? We paid the Sunnis off to not make trouble. THAT was the surge. The "surge" of money out of our treasury to insurgents.
I really don't think you know ANYHING about Iraq you have shown yourself to be totally CLUELESS about Iraq over and over and over.

Wow you really are clueless, arent you?
Are you still using pre-surge arguments? "The war is lost!" saith Harry Reid. Too bad it didnt turn out quite like he said.
Victory is defeat. war is peace. 1984 anyone?

No you dumb fucker I am using PRE-GWII arguments made by people from GHWB's own party.
PRE-SURGE!? We paid the Sunnis off to not make trouble. THAT was the surge. The "surge" of money out of our treasury to insurgents.
I really don't think you know ANYHING about Iraq you have shown yourself to be totally CLUELESS about Iraq over and over and over.

Wow you really are clueless, arent you?

I could suffer a MASSIVE brain injury and know more than you EVER will about Iraq/Afghanistan.
Are you still using pre-surge arguments? "The war is lost!" saith Harry Reid. Too bad it didnt turn out quite like he said.
Victory is defeat. war is peace. 1984 anyone?

No you dumb fucker I am using PRE-GWII arguments made by people from GHWB's own party.
PRE-SURGE!? We paid the Sunnis off to not make trouble. THAT was the surge. The "surge" of money out of our treasury to insurgents.
I really don't think you know ANYHING about Iraq you have shown yourself to be totally CLUELESS about Iraq over and over and over.

Wow you really are clueless, arent you?

What he said was true. We paid off all the different groups we were fighting to have a siece fire and to help us get Al Queda out of the equasion. But that still left the sunni's and shiites that don't like America. What a mess. Then we made Iraq and Iran best buddies because both are Shiites. Are we stupid? Defend that decision buddy. Fill us in. Obviously you are hear to give knowledge, not recieve it. So give it. Tell us the facts. CLUE us in.
Rab really does not know, sealybobo, other than he has swallowed the koolaide and begs for more.
Rabbi couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper sack. He has no answers because he has no fucking IDEA what Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or ANY other ME country is about. The only thing he can EVER say is that Israel can do WHATEVER they want to do regardless of the reprecusions to the ME and the US!
No you dumb fucker I am using PRE-GWII arguments made by people from GHWB's own party.
PRE-SURGE!? We paid the Sunnis off to not make trouble. THAT was the surge. The "surge" of money out of our treasury to insurgents.
I really don't think you know ANYHING about Iraq you have shown yourself to be totally CLUELESS about Iraq over and over and over.

Wow you really are clueless, arent you?

What he said was true. We paid off all the different groups we were fighting to have a siece fire and to help us get Al Queda out of the equasion. But that still left the sunni's and shiites that don't like America. What a mess. Then we made Iraq and Iran best buddies because both are Shiites. Are we stupid? Defend that decision buddy. Fill us in. Obviously you are hear to give knowledge, not recieve it. So give it. Tell us the facts. CLUE us in.

The first thing I'd like to clue you in on is something called "spellcheck."

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