Simple Question: Did we (USA) win Iraq War?

Did We Win the Iraq War

  • Yes

    Votes: 32 46.4%
  • No

    Votes: 37 53.6%

  • Total voters
I should point out something about the `stability`in Iraq:

The stability is a direct consequence of Sunnis turning against the armed Sunni resistances and terrorists. Their cooperation with the US was the primary reason for stability amongst Sunnis. Here`s an article from march 2008:

`There are several reasons why the level of violence in Iraq has not increased in the last several months. Among them, the surge gave the United States the needed manpower to better fight insurgents, and Moktada al-Sadr declared a truce with the U.S. and Iraqi governments. But the effectiveness and commitment of the so-called "Sunni Awakening Councils" was the most significant factor in keeping the peace.`

What`s happening now according to many sources is that the Sunni awakening strength is crumbling. The Sunnis didn`t get paid, and there are Sunni-on-Sunni killings going on.

The Shias are being held back by Iran, who doesn`t want to compromise it`s attempts to get into the G20 (they won`t, but they`re really trying).

The violence is growing rapidly, and will probably escalate some more:

Iraq gripped by violence -
Can you say you’ve ‘won’ a war when it never needed to be fought and there was no benefit to waging it?

Iraq War “To Do” List
1. Defeat Iraqi Military
2. Overrun Baghdad
3. Capture Saddam
4. Begin Martial Law
5. Defeat Insurgency
6. Facilitate Elections
7. Establish New Currency
8. Establish New Constitution
9. Establish Fair Markets
10. Rebuild infrastructure

None of the 10 points capture the real, failed, objective of why we went in the first place. Some of these points are just plain crazy. We went to establish martial law? Establish New Currency?? Many service members and civilians were killed or wounded and this is what they died for???
History on Iraq is far from over.

The biggest question of success is religous.

Which side will win, Shia, Wahhabi-Sunni, Sunni, Moderate-Sunni, Iranian-Shia, Kurd-Sunni, or will the country be democratic and provide liberty for all people.

Can these different religions live in harmony or must they fight one another until the death.

We cannot be there policemen so the immediate question must be answered, will they all get along or not.

Iran has a historic right to Iraq, all who worship Islam have a religous right to Iraq, will Iraq be able to accept all these different factions or not.

News yeserday was that they agreed on a framework for democratic elections in January. So they appear to be learning how to negotiate and work with each other.
So much for the "we lost" doomsayers.

Did I see somewhere that that fell apart? LOL. What an idiot. If you think Iraq will become the "SYMBOL OF DEMOCRACY" then you know NOTHING about Iraq.
I'm guessing you voted "no" and like the other NO Voters your "reasons" and "ideas" are pretty fucking stupid.

Ya ..stupid.... If the tables were turned and I lived in Iraq I would spend the remainder of my life with one goal. That goal would be to exact revenge...ya would just cower and in no time at all start sucking up to the invaders wouldn't ya frankie? I'll take stupid over yellow any day sport.

Dems Just Loves their Dictators: Stalin, Mao, Fidel, Chavez and Uncle Saddam

Sniff. Sniff. Uncle Saddam loved us and cared for us. We miss him so badly. Bad USA! BAD!

Sorry but it wasn't the DEMS who put Saddam in power. Check again.
We are winning in Iraq.

Find a way to deal with it.

I suggest therapy.

No we have LOST it. We have compromised our principles and DESTABILIZED Iraq. Oh it may seem stable NOW but that ONLY came due to PAYING off insurgents to get the Sunni "awakening" and that is a FACT. Tell you what when and IF we finally get out of Iraq give it six months to a year and you will see just how bad our FAILURE Iraq really was. The minority will have VERY little power in the Gov't and will be BRUTALIZED becuase the RULING majority will have an axe to grind due to how Saddam ruled.

Oh one more thing......(in my opinion)The "LOST" TEN BILLION $s and small arms are all a part of of someone's wet dream to create a "shadow" army and Gawd only knows what, why, and where it will show up.

End result a SEGREGATED Iraq along ethinc lines, hundreds of thousands, if not millions who have fled Iraq never to return, land basically SEIZED by the majority resulting in DISPLACED minorities, and a Gov't that will eventually force the minority out of gov't and thus UNREPRESENTED in passing legislation. When we are gone the scope of our LOSS will become apperent.
We went in and BRUTILIZED a country with a broken military and some of you are PROUD of that? We are no better than Saddam attacking Kuwait; it is all about the oil because it sure as HELL wasn't about WMD or Iraqi links with Al Qeada......Saddam was SECULAR and HATED OBL. Remember we got our "intel" from a guy called "CURVE BALL" who was an exile from Iraq.....Not a very trustworthy source.
We went in and BRUTILIZED a country with a broken military and some of you are PROUD of that? We are no better than Saddam attacking Kuwait; it is all about the oil because it sure as HELL wasn't about WMD or Iraqi links with Al Qeada......Saddam was SECULAR and HATED OBL. Remember we got our "intel" from a guy called "CURVE BALL" who was an exile from Iraq.....Not a very trustworthy source.

Damn, so who exactly got all that Oil that this was all about?

The USA gets as much as 4% of their imported oil from Iraq. That would be just over 1% of the oil that we use everyday. We could have got that with our own oil a whole lot easier than starting a war.

SO many people simply refuse to think.
We went in and BRUTILIZED a country with a broken military and some of you are PROUD of that? We are no better than Saddam attacking Kuwait; it is all about the oil because it sure as HELL wasn't about WMD or Iraqi links with Al Qeada......Saddam was SECULAR and HATED OBL. Remember we got our "intel" from a guy called "CURVE BALL" who was an exile from Iraq.....Not a very trustworthy source.

Damn, so who exactly got all that Oil that this was all about?

The USA gets as much as 4% of their imported oil from Iraq. That would be just over 1% of the oil that we use everyday. We could have got that with our own oil a whole lot easier than starting a war.

SO many people simply refuse to think.

* You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SFC Ollie again. *
We went in and BRUTILIZED a country with a broken military and some of you are PROUD of that? We are no better than Saddam attacking Kuwait; it is all about the oil because it sure as HELL wasn't about WMD or Iraqi links with Al Qeada......Saddam was SECULAR and HATED OBL. Remember we got our "intel" from a guy called "CURVE BALL" who was an exile from Iraq.....Not a very trustworthy source.

Damn, so who exactly got all that Oil that this was all about?

The USA gets as much as 4% of their imported oil from Iraq. That would be just over 1% of the oil that we use everyday. We could have got that with our own oil a whole lot easier than starting a war.

SO many people simply refuse to think.

The U.N.
We went in and BRUTILIZED a country with a broken military and some of you are PROUD of that? We are no better than Saddam attacking Kuwait; it is all about the oil because it sure as HELL wasn't about WMD or Iraqi links with Al Qeada......Saddam was SECULAR and HATED OBL. Remember we got our "intel" from a guy called "CURVE BALL" who was an exile from Iraq.....Not a very trustworthy source.

Damn, so who exactly got all that Oil that this was all about?

The USA gets as much as 4% of their imported oil from Iraq. That would be just over 1% of the oil that we use everyday. We could have got that with our own oil a whole lot easier than starting a war.

SO many people simply refuse to think.

it's not about oil consumption, it's about distribution

Wolfowitz wanted to go to Iraq to flood the market with oil and break the Saudis and OPEC in general

That failed MISERABLY. Mainly because everyone else in the administration preferred high oil prices for their friends and didn't push for stability, only CONTROL of Iraq's oil.
We went in and BRUTILIZED a country with a broken military and some of you are PROUD of that? We are no better than Saddam attacking Kuwait; it is all about the oil because it sure as HELL wasn't about WMD or Iraqi links with Al Qeada......Saddam was SECULAR and HATED OBL. Remember we got our "intel" from a guy called "CURVE BALL" who was an exile from Iraq.....Not a very trustworthy source.

Damn, so who exactly got all that Oil that this was all about?

The USA gets as much as 4% of their imported oil from Iraq. That would be just over 1% of the oil that we use everyday. We could have got that with our own oil a whole lot easier than starting a war.

SO many people simply refuse to think.

it's not about oil consumption, it's about distribution

Wolfowitz wanted to go to Iraq to flood the market with oil and break the Saudis and OPEC in general

That failed MISERABLY. Mainly because everyone else in the administration preferred high oil prices for their friends and didn't push for stability, only CONTROL of Iraq's oil.

So you believe that Bush believed that the world would allow us to steal control of Iraqs oil? Contrary to popular belief, President Bush was not that stupid.
We went in and BRUTILIZED a country with a broken military and some of you are PROUD of that? We are no better than Saddam attacking Kuwait; it is all about the oil because it sure as HELL wasn't about WMD or Iraqi links with Al Qeada......Saddam was SECULAR and HATED OBL. Remember we got our "intel" from a guy called "CURVE BALL" who was an exile from Iraq.....Not a very trustworthy source.

Damn, so who exactly got all that Oil that this was all about?

The USA gets as much as 4% of their imported oil from Iraq. That would be just over 1% of the oil that we use everyday. We could have got that with our own oil a whole lot easier than starting a war.

SO many people simply refuse to think.

Who do you think PROFITS from that oil WHEREVER it goes? American oil cos.
We went in and BRUTILIZED a country with a broken military and some of you are PROUD of that? We are no better than Saddam attacking Kuwait; it is all about the oil because it sure as HELL wasn't about WMD or Iraqi links with Al Qeada......Saddam was SECULAR and HATED OBL. Remember we got our "intel" from a guy called "CURVE BALL" who was an exile from Iraq.....Not a very trustworthy source.

Damn, so who exactly got all that Oil that this was all about?

The USA gets as much as 4% of their imported oil from Iraq. That would be just over 1% of the oil that we use everyday. We could have got that with our own oil a whole lot easier than starting a war.

SO many people simply refuse to think.

Exactly, and their names are Bush, Cheney, Libby, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz...need I go on? If we didn't invade Iraq, sacrifice the lives of over 4,000 American service men and women, and five times that number with life long disabilities, why did we invade and occupy Iraq for six years after "Mission Accomplished"?
Please, NCO, explain why. What did we gain, and what did we lose?
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Damn, so who exactly got all that Oil that this was all about?

The USA gets as much as 4% of their imported oil from Iraq. That would be just over 1% of the oil that we use everyday. We could have got that with our own oil a whole lot easier than starting a war.

SO many people simply refuse to think.

it's not about oil consumption, it's about distribution

Wolfowitz wanted to go to Iraq to flood the market with oil and break the Saudis and OPEC in general

That failed MISERABLY. Mainly because everyone else in the administration preferred high oil prices for their friends and didn't push for stability, only CONTROL of Iraq's oil.

So you believe that Bush believed that the world would allow us to steal control of Iraqs oil? Contrary to popular belief, President Bush was not that stupid.

Perhaps you could tell me what cos got the oil contracts to the Iraqi oil.

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