Simple Question: Did we (USA) win Iraq War?

Did We Win the Iraq War

  • Yes

    Votes: 32 46.4%
  • No

    Votes: 37 53.6%

  • Total voters
I guess Israel never won a war then because terrorism is still going on there. And Spain never won its revolution because they still have terrorist incidents. The Soviet Union is still standing because they continue to experience terrorism. The communists did not win the civil war in China in 1948 because they are still experiencing terrorism from the Uighers.

Do you honestly believe that???

I think China has a strong government and strong country. You cannot compare to that to Iraq. Spain as well, although things could change. As for Israel, it's pretty clear to me they still have not "won": the borders are not finalized, the country wants to be a Jewish democracy yet has 20% of its population not Jewish, etc. It clearly has the upperhand, but to say that Israel "won", I think you need more than years and years of uncertainty.
I'm not sure whether you are more ignorant of the Bible or of foreign affairs. But it's close.

You're probably one of the geniuses that goes around telling people S + G was about homosexuality on some level.

As for foreign affairs....did you forget you just tried to compare the propaganda of Japan's emperor to legalized rape? How do you do it? Is it because you don't have to look anyone in the eyes? How else could you explain saying some of the dumbest rosie odonnel shit followed by accusing others of being ignorant?

Given that it's explicit in the text it's hard to refute.
But someone who can redefine victory as defeat is an easy mark for satire.

Like I don't have the first clue about Gen 19. Let's go back to how you tried to compare the Emperor of Japan keeping his office open, with absolutely no power in the government, to legalized rape in Iraq. Are you a fan of rape? Is that why you called it an "achievement" in iraq to put a theocracy in place that makes rape legal? If not, why would you call it an achievement?
History on Iraq is far from over.

The biggest question of success is religous.

Which side will win, Shia, Wahhabi-Sunni, Sunni, Moderate-Sunni, Iranian-Shia, Kurd-Sunni, or will the country be democratic and provide liberty for all people.

Can these different religions live in harmony or must they fight one another until the death.

We cannot be there policemen so the immediate question must be answered, will they all get along or not.

Iran has a historic right to Iraq, all who worship Islam have a religous right to Iraq, will Iraq be able to accept all these different factions or not.

News yeserday was that they agreed on a framework for democratic elections in January. So they appear to be learning how to negotiate and work with each other.
So much for the "we lost" doomsayers.

Glad a nice, informed, and unbiased person like yourself is spreading the word.
You're probably one of the geniuses that goes around telling people S + G was about homosexuality on some level.

As for foreign affairs....did you forget you just tried to compare the propaganda of Japan's emperor to legalized rape? How do you do it? Is it because you don't have to look anyone in the eyes? How else could you explain saying some of the dumbest rosie odonnel shit followed by accusing others of being ignorant?

Given that it's explicit in the text it's hard to refute.
But someone who can redefine victory as defeat is an easy mark for satire.

Like I don't have the first clue about Gen 19. Let's go back to how you tried to compare the Emperor of Japan keeping his office open, with absolutely no power in the government, to legalized rape in Iraq. Are you a fan of rape? Is that why you called it an "achievement" in iraq to put a theocracy in place that makes rape legal? If not, why would you call it an achievement?

Wow. Just wow.
I want to hear the sermon of CurveLight on Gen 19. Maybe you can explain how Lot actually lost in the encounter.
Given that it's explicit in the text it's hard to refute.
But someone who can redefine victory as defeat is an easy mark for satire.

Like I don't have the first clue about Gen 19. Let's go back to how you tried to compare the Emperor of Japan keeping his office open, with absolutely no power in the government, to legalized rape in Iraq. Are you a fan of rape? Is that why you called it an "achievement" in iraq to put a theocracy in place that makes rape legal? If not, why would you call it an achievement?

Wow. Just wow.
I want to hear the sermon of CurveLight on Gen 19. Maybe you can explain how Lot actually lost in the encounter.

Let's go back to how you tried to compare the Emperor of Japan keeping his office open, with absolutely no power in the government, to legalized rape in Iraq. Are you a fan of rape? Is that why you called it an "achievement" in iraq to put a theocracy in place that makes rape legal? If not, why would you call it an achievement?

(if you want schooled on Gen 19 then start a thread in religion)
Someone who can define victory as defeat should have no trouble defining Sodom as, I don't know, a lifestyle choice?
I know I can't wait for this whopper.
Someone who can define victory as defeat should have no trouble defining Sodom as, I don't know, a lifestyle choice?
I know I can't wait for this whopper.

Like I don't have the first clue about Gen 19. Let's go back to how you tried to compare the Emperor of Japan keeping his office open, with absolutely no power in the government, to legalized rape in Iraq. Are you a fan of rape? Is that why you called it an "achievement" in iraq to put a theocracy in place that makes rape legal? If not, why would you call it an achievement?

Wow. Just wow.
I want to hear the sermon of CurveLight on Gen 19. Maybe you can explain how Lot actually lost in the encounter.

Let's go back to how you tried to compare the Emperor of Japan keeping his office open, with absolutely no power in the government, to legalized rape in Iraq. Are you a fan of rape? Is that why you called it an "achievement" in iraq to put a theocracy in place that makes rape legal? If not, why would you call it an achievement?

(if you want schooled on Gen 19 then start a thread in religion)

Maybe if you keep closing your eyes you can convince others you keep ignoring the topic of the thread? I also never defined victory as defeat. It's really rare I would see it as a complete waste of time to dialogue with anyone but you've come closer than anyone else.
Come come, you're deflecting. Again.
Please please post your deep wisdom on Sodom and Gemora. And then explain how the U.S. suffered a grievous defeat in Iraq.
Surely someone of your erudition and knowledge can't have a problem doing that.
I've clearly invited you to start a thread in religion if you wish to discuss S+G and you ignore that just like you have ignored the theocracy we put in iraq legalized rape. I never meet anyone like you on the street because the only place you can play these games in safety with a trumped up feeling of superiority is on a message board. How many times did you refuse to define victory in iraq?
I answered that question many pages ago.
Are you still insisting that Iraq is a theocracy? Have you learned nothing from this and the other thread?
Merely asserting in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary indicates a serious psychological problem. Ask your doctor.
Did we "win" the war in Iraq? Ask the thief if he likes his stolen property. The question is obscene. Do you not think that the hundreds of thousands of displaced Iraqi families and orphans and thier futur families will not hate us for generations? You who think we won something in Iraq are evil sick ignorant pieces of shit.
Did we "win" the war in Iraq? Ask the thief if he likes his stolen property. The question is obscene. Do you not think that the hundreds of thousands of displaced Iraqi families and orphans and thier futur families will not hate us for generations? You who think we won something in Iraq are evil sick ignorant pieces of shit.

I'm guessing you voted "no" and like the other NO Voters your "reasons" and "ideas" are pretty fucking stupid.
Did we "win" the war in Iraq? Ask the thief if he likes his stolen property. The question is obscene. Do you not think that the hundreds of thousands of displaced Iraqi families and orphans and thier futur families will not hate us for generations? You who think we won something in Iraq are evil sick ignorant pieces of shit.

I'm guessing you voted "no" and like the other NO Voters your "reasons" and "ideas" are pretty fucking stupid.

Ya ..stupid.... If the tables were turned and I lived in Iraq I would spend the remainder of my life with one goal. That goal would be to exact revenge...ya would just cower and in no time at all start sucking up to the invaders wouldn't ya frankie? I'll take stupid over yellow any day sport.
Did we "win" the war in Iraq? Ask the thief if he likes his stolen property. The question is obscene. Do you not think that the hundreds of thousands of displaced Iraqi families and orphans and thier futur families will not hate us for generations? You who think we won something in Iraq are evil sick ignorant pieces of shit.

I'm guessing you voted "no" and like the other NO Voters your "reasons" and "ideas" are pretty fucking stupid.

Ya ..stupid.... If the tables were turned and I lived in Iraq I would spend the remainder of my life with one goal. That goal would be to exact revenge...ya would just cower and in no time at all start sucking up to the invaders wouldn't ya frankie? I'll take stupid over yellow any day sport.

Dems Just Loves their Dictators: Stalin, Mao, Fidel, Chavez and Uncle Saddam

Sniff. Sniff. Uncle Saddam loved us and cared for us. We miss him so badly. Bad USA! BAD!
I'm guessing you voted "no" and like the other NO Voters your "reasons" and "ideas" are pretty fucking stupid.

Ya ..stupid.... If the tables were turned and I lived in Iraq I would spend the remainder of my life with one goal. That goal would be to exact revenge...ya would just cower and in no time at all start sucking up to the invaders wouldn't ya frankie? I'll take stupid over yellow any day sport.

Dems Just Loves their Dictators: Stalin, Mao, Fidel, Chavez and Uncle Saddam

Sniff. Sniff. Uncle Saddam loved us and cared for us. We miss him so badly. Bad USA! BAD!

Put a cork in your poop shooter frankie. If I lived under Saddam he would have been a dead man before we ever showed up. Him and his kids. I didn't care about his bullshit one way or the other but that raping the girls ...that would have done it in my book. You probably would have taken girls to him. That is the one thing that would have cost the stupid fuck in my world.
I'm guessing you voted "no" and like the other NO Voters your "reasons" and "ideas" are pretty fucking stupid.

Ya ..stupid.... If the tables were turned and I lived in Iraq I would spend the remainder of my life with one goal. That goal would be to exact revenge...ya would just cower and in no time at all start sucking up to the invaders wouldn't ya frankie? I'll take stupid over yellow any day sport.

Dems Just Loves their Dictators: Stalin, Mao, Fidel, Chavez and Uncle Saddam

Sniff. Sniff. Uncle Saddam loved us and cared for us. We miss him so badly. Bad USA! BAD!

Is helps explain a lot about why you support fierce liberalism. You love it.
I think Rabbi prefers RAPE in every home rather than "Saddam rape rooms".

The FACT is that Sunni and Shia have been killing each other for a MILLENIA and they won't stop now because of some "feel good" constitution that we crafted FOR THEM. The minority is going to be in EEP SHIT the second we leave. Hundreds of thousands already left Iraq and hundreds of thousands more have congregated into ethnic seclusion. There are Sunni areas and there are Shia areas and you wouldn't want to be in the wrong one.
Ya ..stupid.... If the tables were turned and I lived in Iraq I would spend the remainder of my life with one goal. That goal would be to exact revenge...ya would just cower and in no time at all start sucking up to the invaders wouldn't ya frankie? I'll take stupid over yellow any day sport.

Dems Just Loves their Dictators: Stalin, Mao, Fidel, Chavez and Uncle Saddam

Sniff. Sniff. Uncle Saddam loved us and cared for us. We miss him so badly. Bad USA! BAD!

Put a cork in your poop shooter frankie. If I lived under Saddam he would have been a dead man before we ever showed up. Him and his kids. I didn't care about his bullshit one way or the other but that raping the girls ...that would have done it in my book. You probably would have taken girls to him. That is the one thing that would have cost the stupid fuck in my world.

Oh yeah you big badass I am SURE YOU would have been the ONE to take out Saddam. Do you think that is an idea only YOU thought of?

Listen up and learn sonny. During GWI in which GHW Bush, Rummy, AND Cheney decidied that taking out Saddam would result in EXACTELY the type of insurgency we have now we were covertly supporting the Northern Kurds to take out Saddam and when GHW decided to leave we laft them to be SLAUGHTERED!!!! Did you know that RAMBO!!!??? We took our weapons and our intel and FUCKED THEM IN THE ASS for being for getting rid of Saddam. I wonder how bad off they and their DAUGHTERS had it......What do you think Rabbi? I suspect a LOT of Kurds were draged off in the night to horrible torture and DEATH because they DARED to take the U.S. and the C.I.A. at their word!!!

Go fuck yourself Rabbi because when we leave that shit is goint to be a fucking POWDER KEG because Sunni and Shia DON'T PLAY WELL TOGETHER.
Dems Just Loves their Dictators: Stalin, Mao, Fidel, Chavez and Uncle Saddam

Sniff. Sniff. Uncle Saddam loved us and cared for us. We miss him so badly. Bad USA! BAD!

Put a cork in your poop shooter frankie. If I lived under Saddam he would have been a dead man before we ever showed up. Him and his kids. I didn't care about his bullshit one way or the other but that raping the girls ...that would have done it in my book. You probably would have taken girls to him. That is the one thing that would have cost the stupid fuck in my world.

Oh yeah you big badass I am SURE YOU would have been the ONE to take out Saddam. Do you think that is an idea only YOU thought of?

Listen up and learn sonny. During GWI in which GHW Bush, Rummy, AND Cheney decidied that taking out Saddam would result in EXACTELY the type of insurgency we have now we were covertly supporting the Northern Kurds to take out Saddam and when GHW decided to leave we laft them to be SLAUGHTERED!!!! Did you know that RAMBO!!!??? We took our weapons and our intel and FUCKED THEM IN THE ASS for being for getting rid of Saddam. I wonder how bad off they and their DAUGHTERS had it......What do you think Rabbi? I suspect a LOT of Kurds were draged off in the night to horrible torture and DEATH because they DARED to take the U.S. and the C.I.A. at their word!!!

Go fuck yourself Rabbi because when we leave that shit is goint to be a fucking POWDER KEG because Sunni and Shia DON'T PLAY WELL TOGETHER.

You might have seen one too many Sylvester Stallone movies. Maybe I didn't make myself enough less opacqe. You don't have to be "rambo" to stick up for the women in your family. When I was 12 up on the Island a distant cousin and I'll name the Fuck..Jack Cadden dropped by for some unknown reason and he started getting pushy with my mom. I didn't get the whole conversation but interceeded and told him to leave...he claimed he was gonna kick my ass so I high tailed it up stairs to my bedroom and got my british 303 enfield out from under the bed. Loaded and unlocked I went back down the stairs and stuck the rifle barrel in his face. He pissed himself and ran out the back door screaming threats. He never bothered us again. Iraqis are not unnarmed now and they never have been even under Suddam. It doesn't take a rambo to do what is right. I have been in several situations requiring a violent resolution in my life since childhood. Not suprising considering the line of work I chose. Again don't have to be rambo. In regards to the big picture...If we took out saddam or if an Iraqi took out saddam I think you are looking at the insurection delema incorrectly. There would still be a standing army. After we threw out the army is when it became danagerous for the population.

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