Simple question for the right wing ,how whould you stop refugees from coming across our border.

can't do it the laws and treaties prohibit that, Title 42 was a joke, it is for stopping the spread of diseases and that isn't needed nor can it be used now.. Come on experts, you have all these imaginary ideas that won't ever happen. You have to find your way around these treaties and domestic and international laws.
The treaties only allow asylum seekers from Cuba, Mexico and Canada to come to the USA. Asylum seekers have to seek asylum in the NEAREST safe country to theirs. Also economic difficulties or criminal activities are reasonable causes for asylum. Only immediate threats to life or safety.
What is going to happen when the sick and dying are given a blanket and a spot in the parking lot? When they go to the food bank and it's closed. When the hotels, schools, and prisons are full and they have to fight for a place on the sidewalk. That's what it is coming to.
Then they will go home and spread the word that the Norte gravy train has stopped.
The treaties only allow asylum seekers from Cuba, Mexico and Canada to come to the USA. Asylum seekers have to seek asylum in the NEAREST safe country to theirs. Also economic difficulties or criminal activities are reasonable causes for asylum. Only immediate threats to life or safety.
None of that is true , The treaties are international treaties signed by every civilized country in the world . So you are trying to tell us that only Cuba Mexico and Canada are allowed to ask for asylum. , They state clearly the opposite of what you are saying about having to be only from a neighbor country , You have to accept people from all countries throughout the world. International law says the same thing, and domestic law does also. People who are threatened by immigrants have been trying to write law for years to stop them , but it won't work because the courts stop them , Because of our law that controls what has to be done as far as Asylum seekers. There is no court that will change this now and as far as I can see into the future. These haters hate Immigrants in a country that is made up of 100% immigrants. Only the haters want this done, Our law supports asylum seekers by two treaties, multiple domestic law and international law. There are lots of haters in this country but nowhere near the number that it will take for the public to support these haters. The law is clear so the courts won't help the haters either and to boot, 90% of what the haters says are lies about these asylum seekers. When push comes to shove and the truth is made clear, there will only be the haters that would push against a massive majority over this hate group they call a party. Population wise, a lot of conservatives won't support the MAGAS hate on this subject.
Open your eyes. The invaders are using the asylum system as a work around from the normal immigration process. We need to stop this end around play
Goofball there are no invaders , that's just comical. It quite clear to me that you haven't been following this thread. Tell us how you are going to get the laws and treaties changed that protects asylum seekers in every civilized country in the world. Tell me how we can legally stop asylum seekers. You have the laws against you ,the court against you and the majority of this country against you .
Using the Roosevelt rule: US Military colud push the border 50-100 miles south. Make it a kill zone. Case closed//
Kill zone, your ass is out of here. No crazies allowed. Your Roosevelt Rule is in only three states, and it is on our side of the border, and it is made up of reservations. You think the Native Americans will help your ugly hate cause. You want to try to share your gun Bubba bulshit about killing people , go someplace else. These termites have to be dumped.
You want to promote killing people here, then find some idiot that will allow you , I won't. I just dumped leftwinger because of that, and I will dump anyone else that tries to bring their ugliness and hatred threatening to kill people , into any of my threads.
Kill zone, your ass is out of here. No crazies allowed. Your Roosevelt Rule is in only three states, and it is on our side of the border, and it is made up of reservations. You think the Native Americans will help your ugly hate cause. You want to try to share your gun Bubba bulshit about killing people , go someplace else. These termites have to be dumped.

Wrong. Its a National Emergency. An invasion. A War. Fight back or be consumed. American Children count on us.
How would these haters pick who as immigrants would be allowed in this country, We already know that considering the level of their bigotry and hatred of other religions other than theirs. They would be selected by the color of their skin and the religion that they believe in. Every dictator in history has done that. The most obvious of course would be the Nazis'.

This is weapon-grade stupid.

I thought you said that you "dumped" EvilCat Breath 's ass?

By "dump his ass," did you mean "allowed him to live rent free" in your head?

Pretty much.

Though Evil Cat Breath is a woman.

What is going to happen when the sick and dying are given a blanket and a spot in the parking lot? When they go to the food bank and it's closed. When the hotels, schools, and prisons are full and they have to fight for a place on the sidewalk. That's what it is coming to.

This year, the way it's going.
Goofball there are no invaders , that's just comical. It quite clear to me that you haven't been following this thread. Tell us how you are going to get the laws and treaties changed that protects asylum seekers in every civilized country in the world. Tell me how we can legally stop asylum seekers. You have the laws against you ,the court against you and the majority of this country against you .
Unilaterally withdraw from the treaties.
Kill zone, your ass is out of here. No crazies allowed. Your Roosevelt Rule is in only three states, and it is on our side of the border, and it is made up of reservations. You think the Native Americans will help your ugly hate cause. You want to try to share your gun Bubba bulshit about killing people , go someplace else. These termites have to be dumped.

You want to promote killing people here, then find some idiot that will allow you , I won't. I just dumped leftwinger because of that, and I will dump anyone else that tries to bring their ugliness and hatred threatening to kill people , into any of my threads.
You're a legend in your own mind.
None of that is true , The treaties are international treaties signed by every civilized country in the world . So you are trying to tell us that only Cuba Mexico and Canada are allowed to ask for asylum. , They state clearly the opposite of what you are saying about having to be only from a neighbor country , You have to accept people from all countries throughout the world. International law says the same thing, and domestic law does also.
Show us, then.

People who are threatened by immigrants have been trying to write law for years to stop them , but it won't work because the courts stop them , Because of our law that controls what has to be done as far as Asylum seekers. There is no court that will change this now and as far as I can see into the future. These haters hate Immigrants in a country that is made up of 100% immigrants. Only the haters want this done, Our law supports asylum seekers by two treaties, multiple domestic law and international law. There are lots of haters in this country but nowhere near the number that it will take for the public to support these haters. The law is clear so the courts won't help the haters either and to boot, 90% of what the haters says are lies about these asylum seekers.
Asylum is still a discretionary option. Admitance of any or all refugees is at the discretion of the U.S. Government, using the guidelines set by the executive branch.

Asylum is technically a “discretionary” status, meaning that some individuals can be denied asylum even if they meet the definition of a refugee.

A law or treaty such that you imagine, which requires that every individual or group from every country on Earth who makes it into the United States by means fair or foul be granted refugee status and welcomed, no matter how harmful to American citizens and legal immigrants would be suicidal.
When push comes to shove and the truth is made clear, there will only be the haters that would push against a massive majority over this hate group they call a party. Population wise, a lot of conservatives won't support the MAGAS hate on this subject.
You must not be keeping up with current events. The lastest "haters," are Black Americans in Chicago, most of whom have voted exclusively (D) all their lives and who are waking up to how the Democrats are attacking them using migrants as shock troops.

Posturing as a “sanctuary city” used to be fun when it meant resisting Donald Trump, but now the migrant crisis is everywhere. “We simply have no more shelters, spaces, or resources,” Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot says in a letter Sunday to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. “Though I am sympathetic to the significant challenges that border cities face, this situation is completely untenable.”

As New York City deals with a massive influx of illegal immigrants, Mayor Eric Adams on Thursday said he was asking a judge to revisit the city’s sanctuary city law.

"The law of sanctuary city was in place long before I became mayor. I’m following the law. As a law enforcement person, you know, we follow the law," Adams said. "We are now in court now, today, asking the judge to revisit this law to deal with this humanitarian crisis because, even when they decided to put in place that law, no one thought they would be dealing with a humanitarian crisis of this proportion."

Isn't it amusing how they(the MAGA's)build their whole opinion on lies and if you take away their lies they just disappear and move onto the next conversation.
Isn't it amusing how they(the MAGA's)build their whole opinion on lies and if you take away their lies they just disappear and move onto the next conversation.
What do you mean "the next" conversation?

You aren't having a conversation, you're just threatening posters who try to engage you on the topic.

I guess by "dump your ass" you mean ignoring them? What a weak response to being engaged in debate!
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None of that is true , The treaties are international treaties signed by every civilized country in the world . So you are trying to tell us that only Cuba Mexico and Canada are allowed to ask for asylum. , They state clearly the opposite of what you are saying about having to be only from a neighbor country , You have to accept people from all countries throughout the world. International law says the same thing, and domestic law does also. People who are threatened by immigrants have been trying to write law for years to stop them , but it won't work because the courts stop them , Because of our law that controls what has to be done as far as Asylum seekers. There is no court that will change this now and as far as I can see into the future. These haters hate Immigrants in a country that is made up of 100% immigrants. Only the haters want this done, Our law supports asylum seekers by two treaties, multiple domestic law and international law. There are lots of haters in this country but nowhere near the number that it will take for the public to support these haters. The law is clear so the courts won't help the haters either and to boot, 90% of what the haters says are lies about these asylum seekers. When push comes to shove and the truth is made clear, there will only be the haters that would push against a massive majority over this hate group they call a party. Population wise, a lot of conservatives won't support the MAGAS hate on this subject.
According to the treaties, asylum seekers MUST seek asylum in
the NEAREST safe country. Which means only Cuba, Canada and Mexico are the only countries without intervening safe countries between them and the USA. Any Central or South American country has at least ONE safe country between it and the USA. These aren’t legitimate asylum seekers, they are economic or social refugees and not covered by the treaties on asylum seekers.
According to the treaties, asylum seekers MUST seek asylum in
the NEAREST safe country. Which means only Cuba, Canada and Mexico are the only countries without intervening safe countries between them and the USA. Any Central or South American country has at least ONE safe country between it and the USA. These aren’t legitimate asylum seekers, they are economic or social refugees and not covered by the treaties on asylum seekers.
For the third time you are wrong, The 51 version had some limitations but the 67 Protocol which is the one we signed has no limits at all You are totally wrong, and I've told you that now three times, why is this important to you. 1951 Refugee Convention or the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951 , "The 1967 Protocol removed the time limits and applied to refugees "without any geographic limitation" but declarations previously made by parties to the Convention on geographic scope were grandfathered.[7]" Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees - Wikipedia
There is no group that says the know more but really know less than the MAGA group. Every thing they say is a lie or distortion, and they are always shooting blanks. .

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