Simple question for the right wing ,how whould you stop refugees from coming across our border.

Build the wall. Top it with machine gun towers. Open the border to hunting. Brand all illegals on the face and deport them. If they come back with that brand, shot on sight.
Your ass is out of don't get to try to sell your killing Nazism here ever. Not on my watch.
I dumped Evil cat, I won't allow his kill the immigrant's response here on my thread. He can start up his own kill kill kill Thread or get onto one of his hate party buddies thread , to kill kill kill. Here's the humor, I would rather have these immigrants that are looking for asylum as all my neighbors than one of these gun Bubba idiots as a neighbor. I would be 100 times safer with a full neighborhood of these immigrants, then just one of these right wing killers as a neighbor.
If they keep on insisting to not contribute or try to hijack the thread , dump their asses , You want to keep this forum with some semblance of truth and sanity , don't let them lie or distort and don't let them move by hijacking the thread to a subject that they may think they know something about , trying to control this board. It's simple, Hi jacking threads is against the rule in every Forum I've used. That rule exists for a logical reason.
"Hijacking the subject?" You mean talking about the subject?
I dumped Evil cat, I won't allow his kill the immigrant's response here on my thread. He can start up his own kill kill kill Thread or get onto one of his hate party buddies thread , to kill kill kill. Here's the humor, I would rather have these immigrants that are looking for asylum as all my neighbors than one of these gun Bubba idiots as a neighbor. I would be 100 times safer with a full neighborhood of these immigrants, then just one of these right wing killers as a neighbor.
Wow, what did you son to EvilCat Breath ?

He looks fine. . .
The stupid part is literally everything Evil cat said is impossible, all his hate kill kill shit or his other crazy solutions are all illegal and there is no way to pass laws in this country to free up the hands of these haters so they can get their way. They want to Dump the evil immigrants with this country literally 100% made up of immigrants , you can't make this shit up
Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.
Well first - don't invite them here. Don't say things that STRONGLY encourages them to rush the border.
That is a good start
The stupid part is literally everything Evil cat said is impossible, all his hate kill kill shit or his other crazy solutions are all illegal and there is no way to pass laws in this country to free up the hands of these haters so they can get their way. They want to Dump the evil immigrants with this country literally 100% made up of immigrants , you can't make this shit up
How would these haters pick who as immigrants would be allowed in this country, We already know that considering the level of their bigotry and hatred of other religions other than theirs. They would be selected by the color of their skin and the religion that they believe in. Every dictator in history has done that. The most obvious of course would be the Nazis'.
Build the wall. Top it with machine gun towers. Open the border to hunting. Brand all illegals on the face and deport them. If they come back with that brand, shot on sight.

This ^^^^^ kind of childish self-indulgent nonsense does NOTHING to further any serious discussion of a serious problem.
How would these haters pick who as immigrants would be allowed in this country, We already know that considering the level of their bigotry and hatred of other religions other than theirs. They would be selected by the color of their skin and the religion that they believe in. Every dictator in history has done that. The most obvious of course would be the Nazis'.
I'm not familiar with Nazi immigration policies.

Me, I would pick them the same way Canada does: Allow in immigrants who can contribute to Canada's well being. Except - you know - the United States' well being for us.
The stupid part is literally everything Evil cat said is impossible, all his hate kill kill shit or his other crazy solutions are all illegal and there is no way to pass laws in this country to free up the hands of these haters so they can get their way. They want to Dump the evil immigrants with this country literally 100% made up of immigrants , you can't make this shit up
I thought you said that you "dumped" EvilCat Breath 's ass?

By "dump his ass," did you mean "allowed him to live rent free" in your head?
Off course, I made that more than clear, they become law when signed and no there is nothing in these old treaties that says they have to go through the the nearest country , and it's bullshit that they only can come from Canada and Mexico , you have no clue what you are talking about and you won't be able to bullshit your way through this. These are international agreements (the two treatys')
Show us the treaties that say what you say that they say.

Once a migrant makes it to Mexico, why would they want to enter the U.S., as evil and racist as we are?
What is going to happen when the sick and dying are given a blanket and a spot in the parking lot? When they go to the food bank and it's closed. When the hotels, schools, and prisons are full and they have to fight for a place on the sidewalk. That's what it is coming to.
Make living as an illegal impossible. Any contact whatsoever with any government agency on any level should result in deportation. Make housing, sheltering, employing, or otherwise aiding an illegal alien in any way except emergency medical care a felony punished with long prison sentences and 6 figure fines.

Give the Border Patrol shoot-on-sight ROE at the border, which should also be patrolled with armed drones and liberally sown with land mines.
I agree with most of that, but not the shoot on sight part. Illegal immigration isn’t a Capital crime.

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