Simple question for the right wing ,how whould you stop refugees from coming across our border.

Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.
Refugees? Illegals are the problem. Thread closed.
OMG, look at the latest plan from those evil rightwingers:

  • Increasing the Use of Expedited Removal. Effective immediately, individuals who attempt to enter the United States without permission, do not have a legal basis to remain, and cannot be expelled pursuant to Title 42 will be increasingly subject to expedited removal to their country of origin and subject to a five-year ban on reentry.
How did the rightwingers convince Biden to say that?

Ok, you don't even have a slight clue what you are talking about , title 42 is no longer, and it can't be used now. Title 42 is for stopping medical disasters like covid. What the hell did you think it was. . You have not one iota of the reality of this situation, just the fact that you have been trained to hate immigrants. It's comical.
jbander, for future reference, the reason this thread went south for you so quickly is that the title is deliberately misleading. It sounds like a challenge to describe the logistics of securing the border. If you want more of your sister Democrats to jump on the bandwagon, your title should have been: "We CAN'T Stop Illegals from Coming in and Staying in because Treaties. So, there!"

Then you would have started the conversation that you wanted to have.

But then, that would have gone south on you also, so never mind . . .
This is the thread that you are unwilling to respond to. "Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum." What it means is that these are the only things that can be addressed, changed or over-ridden so you can have your way and erase, the immigrant crossing the border from México. There is not one thing that you want to happen that can happen when these laws are in place. all your suggestions are simply wishful thinking, as in nonsense.
Only because you say so, but not the case in reality
no not really I would be pointing to dozens of studies that come up with this type of information, and the US EDA also the US bureau of economic development (BEA) Bureau of economic analysis all support what I said , it is you with just a opinion. I must add a opinion derived from hated of immigrants. in a country that is made up of 100% immigrants. This is a hoot.
Where does anyone get the hair-brained idea that there are some treaties that force us to allow just anyone who wishes to stroll into our country and take up residence?

That's just goofy!
Ok, you don't even have a slight clue what you are talking about , title 42 is no longer, and it can't be used now. Title 42 is for stopping medical disasters like covid. What the hell did you think it was. . You have not one iota of the reality of this situation, just the fact that you have been trained to hate immigrants. It's comical.
It sounds like the Biden White House hates immigrants. It is now threatening to remove them with a five year ban on re-entry backed by prison time if they violate it. Those are the "right-wingers" you should focus on, since they have the power to enforce their anti-immigrant stance.
This is the thread that you are unwilling to respond to. "Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way.
Quote the parts of those treaties and laws that you think allow anyone who walks in to claim asylum and stay.
And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum.
I believe that only applies if they report to a legal port of entry, not if they sneak in, get caught, and only then claim asylum. But you are welcome to quote me the "sneak on in!" clause of the law.
Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties.
Including Mexico? Then all refugees south of our border should be applying for asylum in Mexico.
In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum." What it means is that these are the only things that can be addressed, changed or over-ridden so you can have your way and erase, the immigrant crossing the border from México. There is not one thing that you want to happen that can happen when these laws are in place. all your suggestions are simply wishful thinking, as in nonsense.
Again, if the constitution could be violated due to COVID, some treaty can be paused due to the border crisis.
Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.
Fix the law that is holding the door open

In the meantime send them back to mexico while they wait for a court date

Then slow walk their paperwork so that it takes years before they see a judge
no not really I would be pointing to dozens of studies that come up with this type of information, and the US EDA also the US bureau of economic development (BEA) Bureau of economic analysis all support what I said , it is you with just a opinion. I must add a opinion derived from hated of immigrants. in a country that is made up of 100% immigrants. This is a hoot.
Simple question for you: so we should just let in any Tom, Dick, & Pedro in the entire world who wants to come here?
It sounds like the Biden White House hates immigrants. It is now threatening to remove them with a five year ban on re-entry backed by prison time if they violate it. Those are the "right-wingers" you should focus on, since they have the power to enforce their anti-immigrant stance.

Quote the parts of those treaties and laws that you think allow anyone who walks in to claim asylum and stay.

I believe that only applies if they report to a legal port of entry, not if they sneak in, get caught, and only then claim asylum. But you are welcome to quote me the "sneak on in!" clause of the law.

Including Mexico? Then all refugees south of our border should be applying for asylum in Mexico.

Again, if the constitution could be violated due to COVID, some treaty can be paused due to the border crisis.
All nonsense. I have already said that the Biden bills for entering this country are in court all ready and Biden will lose, We have laws in place already from every possible aspects protecting people who seek asylum , So ace your remarks is crap and already been dealt with. Stupid number two ,anyone who puts in a claim for asylum is let into the country and their claims have to be investigated. . Are you really that stupid. Doesn't matter how they get in and claim asylum , you not knowing that is expected , you are so full of bullshit. I'm done answering your stupid ideas , You just don't have a clue, all these ideas of yours can be tried and have been they are totally stupid. the court will dump them and they have on every one of these stupid ideas. . You have toy child ideas on what can be done. , you live in la la land. This is a honest attempt to show why it is all but impossible to go against the laws of this country,the world and our treaty's to gain some hateful ugly result that you want.
It sounds like the Biden White House hates immigrants. It is now threatening to remove them with a five year ban on re-entry backed by prison time if they violate it. Those are the "right-wingers" you should focus on, since they have the power to enforce their anti-immigrant stance.

Quote the parts of those treaties and laws that you think allow anyone who walks in to claim asylum and stay.

I believe that only applies if they report to a legal port of entry, not if they sneak in, get caught, and only then claim asylum. But you are welcome to quote me the "sneak on in!" clause of the law.

Including Mexico? Then all refugees south of our border should be applying for asylum in Mexico.

Again, if the constitution could be violated due to COVID, some treaty can be paused due to the border crisis.
I can't pass on your last one . Title 42 has been in effect for a long time, and it makes sense. There is nothing out there to support your nonsense.
These ideas by the right are a hoot. haven't seen one that can be implemented or that even makes sense, other than a way to show their hatred. Since day one immigrants have been a net gain for this country, in fact they created the most powerful wealthiest country in the world. But hate can be used to attack anything. Even motherhood.
Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.
How do you stop anyone from entering into an area you don't want them in?
All nonsense. I have already said that the Biden bills for entering this country are in court all ready and Biden will lose, We have laws in place already from every possible aspects protecting people who seek asylum , So ace your remarks is crap and already been dealt with. Stupid number two ,anyone who puts in a claim for asylum is let into the country and their claims have to be investigated. . Are you really that stupid. Doesn't matter how they get in and claim asylum , you not knowing that is expected , you are so full of bullshit. I'm done answering your stupid ideas , You just don't have a clue, all these ideas of yours can be tried and have been they are totally stupid. the court will dump them and they have on every one of these stupid ideas. . You have toy child ideas on what can be done. , you live in la la land. This is a honest attempt to show why it is all but impossible to go against the laws of this country,the world and our treaty's to gain some hateful ugly result that you want.
Ma'am, you are angry!

From where does this anger stem, do you think?

Is it from your inability to answer the most elementary questions that I posed about your position?
Goofball right wingers and their hatred of immigrants. In a whole country of immigrants. These people are clowns.
Title 42 ended with the end of COVID as a "crisis."
You are simply repeating things I have already said. The thread is clear it is up to you to respond to the thread, not me to respond to remarks and questions that mean nothing. I even told you why each remark means nothing. I mean really you are lucky i even respond to your nonsense.
You are simply repeating things I have already said. The thread is clear it is up to you to respond to the thread, not me to respond to remarks and questions that mean nothing. I even told you why each remark means nothing. I mean really you are lucky i even respond to your nonsense.
I responded. You didn't like the response but had no valid counter. I hope you don't respond if you can't do better than you have so far.

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