Simple question for the right wing ,how whould you stop refugees from coming across our border.

Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.
Nope, no treaty becomes US law until ratified by congress and signed by the president. those treaties also require refugees to seek refuge at the nearest safe country. So under those treaties the USA is only forced to accept refugees from Canada and Mexico, NOT central or South America.
Nope, no treaty becomes US law until ratified by congress and signed by the president. those treaties also require refugees to seek refuge at the nearest safe country. So under those treaties the USA is only forced to accept refugees from Canada and Mexico, NOT central or South America.
Off course, I made that more than clear, they become law when signed and no there is nothing in these old treaties that says they have to go through the the nearest country , and it's bullshit that they only can come from Canada and Mexico , you have no clue what you are talking about and you won't be able to bullshit your way through this. These are international agreements (the two treatys')
I responded. You didn't like the response but had no valid counter. I hope you don't respond if you can't do better than you have so far.
I made it more than clear and responded, showing how stupid your points were. The only thing that can be addressed here is the thread itself , not some goofball offshoot idea trying to change the subject, I will make this very clear for you , i won't let you hijack this thread. I'll dump your ass before I will let you take over the thread. Simple enough for you.
Stick to the thread people , your offshoot questions won't be allowed if it isn't within the realm of this thread. NO HIJACKING!
Here is the problem, first we are forced by law to let refugees seeking asylum into this country to be investigated. by not just international law, also Two Treaty that we signed years and years ago. One is the "UN's Convention against torture" The second is the "1951 refugee convention". By these treaties it automatically becomes US law when signed, all treaties are that way. And we also have laws we have written on the domestic books that say we are obligated to accept refugees That claim asylum. Literally the whole world has signed these two treaties. In fact, this country with many right-wingers were a driving force to get these two treaties out in the world and signed. Tell us what you want to do to stop people from coming across our border when they claim asylum.
Hold employers legally responsible for hiring illegals....fine them, arrest them.
I made it more than clear and responded, showing how stupid your points were. The only thing that can be addressed here is the thread itself , not some goofball offshoot idea trying to change the subject, I will make this very clear for you , i won't let you hijack this thread. I'll dump your ass before I will let you take over the thread. Simple enough for you.
You’ll “dump my ass?”

What does that even mean? Your thread is not going the way you hoped it would, but I have been on topic for both the title of the OP and the body of the OP, which themselves did not actually match.

I’ve answered the question of how we can stop the flow of people belatedly claiming to be refugees, and answered the question of how we can do that considering existing treaties and laws.

Were you seriously expecting that people would say, “Gee, I guess you are right. I never thought about the treaties and laws. Best to pump more funds into welcoming, processing, housing, feeding and educating as many people as are able to make it across our southern border?”

I think on Facebook, you can make a post and then cut off comments. That might work better for you. Not sure, I would never want to shut people up, because I don’t fear people’s words. It might be in Facebook groups that you can do that.
Hold employers legally responsible for hiring illegals....fine them, arrest them.
Yup that's the humor, These companies that hire them and use them are protected by the right wing. Democrats have offered bills to effect this exact thing, and the right has always been able to vote them down. But even with existing laws they could be doing something, but the penalty has to increase massively for these businesses for it to work. And the right will stop that I guaranty.
And you thought your pro0perty was yours
CA, OR And OH Bills Would Allow Homeless (INVADERS)
To Camp On All Private Property…Think Of YOUR Own Front
Lawn - Oppose Them And Be Jailed - Vets Thrown Out Of NY
Hotels To Let Invaders In - Vide


Seymour Flops, One more time and the last time , two things you have to contribute and I won't let you hijack my thread, you do know that is against the rules set up here on this forum. If you can't do that, I'll dump your ass.​

Hold employers legally responsible for hiring illegals....fine them, arrest them.
Here is the problem, you can't do a thing if you can't pass the laws needed to do it. Example you can't throw Immigrants out if they are applying for asylum , it is almost impossible. There has been dozens of attempts, but they are totally protected by our domestic laws and international laws and two treaties that you really have a hard time getting around. All attempts have been thrown out in court.
I love watching the right hold their breath and stomp their feet because nothing can be done to get rid of asylum seekers.
With this subject, the most common response from the right is kill them. or harm them.
The invaders have joined the ranks of the homeless with the occasional job picked up from the cartels. There are no jobs. There is no work. The lawns that invaders used to mow are now artificial turf. The fields are being harvested by machines. There are fewer and fewer jobs. They are ending up on the streets with the more enterprising turning to crime.
Here is the problem, you can't do a thing if you can't pass the laws needed to do it. Example you can't throw Immigrants out if they are applying for asylum , it is almost impossible. There has been dozens of attempts, but they are totally protected by our domestic laws and international laws and two treaties that you really have a hard time getting around. All attempts have been thrown out in court.
Specifically, if you can please, why was it so easy for President Trump to manage our border and get Mexico to cooperate with us in keeping our border closed?

As you know, the vast majority of illegal aliens do not qualify for asylum.

Why do you believe that millions of illegal aliens, about which we know absolutely nothing, flooding across our border is a good thing?
With this subject, the most common response from the right is kill them. or harm them.

Seymour Flops, One more time and the last time , two things you have to contribute and I won't let you hijack my thread, you do know that is against the rules set up here on this forum. If you can't do that, I'll dump your ass.​

I still have no idea what you mean by "dump your ass." But I am pretty sure there is a rule here against making threats.

I get that you don't want me to respond to your bizarre claim that the U.S. is required to allow as many people as can get here to cross our border where ever they feel like it and claim refugee status. You think that once they do, some combination of laws and treaties requires them to have priority over American citizens, including homeless veterans.

Yet, you are unable to show such a law or treaty. I get it. You read some clever magazine article and you're repeating what you read. The article cited no sources, so you can't either.

Sure, go ahead . . .

I'm curious as to what you are actually threatening me with.
The invaders have joined the ranks of the homeless with the occasional job picked up from the cartels. There are no jobs. There is no work. The lawns that invaders used to mow are now artificial turf. The fields are being harvested by machines. There are fewer and fewer jobs. They are ending up on the streets with the more enterprising turning to crime.
Not one indication in this whole country that that is true, just MAGA Bullshit. These clowns either lie of distort, never the truth . The one most major thing that buries these clowns all the time is the truth.
I still have no idea what you mean by "dump your ass." But I am pretty sure there is a rule here against making threats.

I get that you don't want me to respond to your bizarre claim that the U.S. is required to allow as many people as can get here to cross our border where ever they feel like it and claim refugee status. You think that once they do, some combination of laws and treaties requires them to have priority over American citizens, including homeless veterans.

Yet, you are unable to show such a law or treaty. I get it. You read some clever magazine article and you're repeating what you read. The article cited no sources, so you can't either.

Sure, go ahead . . .

I'm curious as to what you are actually threatening me with.
If they keep on insisting to not contribute or try to hijack the thread , dump their asses , You want to keep this forum with some semblance of truth and sanity , don't let them lie or distort and don't let them move by hijacking the thread to a subject that they may think they know something about , trying to control this board. It's simple, Hi jacking threads is against the rule in every Forum I've used. That rule exists for a logical reason.

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