simple question for the WTC collapse

Why were there ANY core columns? Supposedly the explosives got rid of the floors and every thing else. How did they miss the columns you show still standing? Were these "intelligent" explosions capable of choosing what components they would miss?


No ,they are non -intelligent explosives that can that did not cut or burn completely through in a small area allowing them to stand for a few secs longer than the rest

Where are your ejected beams/core columns/perimeter columns 4 seconds after the collapse initiation eots?

Your hero Chandler says they were ejected at 60 to 70 mph?!

the thickness of the steel in the core columns tapered from bottom to top.
do squids come from every single floor during the collapse ?

Wait... WHAT???

There were squids on every single floor of the Twin Towers???

Were they using the towers as giant aquariums???
Jumping on a typo is proof of the weakness of your positon

Is that so?

you would likely know more about homosexual prostitution than anyone else but it is irrelevant to the discussion of building 7.. perhaps you should start a thread for your homosexual imaginings I am sure daws and OBA would be happy join in as it is one of their fave pastimes too
funny how every time somebody brings up homosexuality even in jest, eot's is johnny on the spot seems kinda gay to me!
BTW this thread did not start as a discussion of wtc7 byou eot's pulled it that way and ther is no rule thar states it must remain that way.

your spell check not working today ?

No ,they are non -intelligent explosives that can that did not cut or burn completely through in a small area allowing them to stand for a few secs longer than the rest

Where are your ejected beams/core columns/perimeter columns 4 seconds after the collapse initiation eots?

Your hero Chandler says they were ejected at 60 to 70 mph?!

the thickness of the steel in the core columns tapered from bottom to top.

So it should have been EASIER to eject LIGHTER core columns and perimeter columns with explosives?

What a dumbass!

Wait... WHAT???

There were squids on every single floor of the Twin Towers???

Were they using the towers as giant aquariums???
Jumping on a typo is proof of the weakness of your positon

Is that so?

funny how every time somebody brings up homosexuality even in jest, eot's is johnny on the spot seems kinda gay to me!
BTW this thread did not start as a discussion of wtc7 byou eot's pulled it that way and ther is no rule thar states it must remain that way.

your spell check not working today ?


do squids come from every single floor during the collapse ?

Wait... WHAT???

There were squids on every single floor of the Twin Towers???

Were they using the towers as giant aquariums???
well yea...where do you think they kept the giant squids?

Originally Posted by daws101 View Post
funny how every time somebody brings up homosexuality even in jest, eot's is johnny on the spot seems kinda gay to me!
BTW this thread did not start as a discussion of wtc7 byou eot's pulled it that way and ther is no rule thar states it must remain that way.

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Wait... WHAT???

There were squids on every single floor of the Twin Towers???

Were they using the towers as giant aquariums???
well yea...where do you think they kept the giant squids?

Originally Posted by daws101 View Post
funny how every time somebody brings up homosexuality even in jest, eot's is johnny on the spot seems kinda gay to me!
BTW this thread did not start as a discussion of wtc 7 but eot's pulled it out of his ass.

well yea...where do you think they kept the giant squids?

Originally Posted by daws101 View Post
funny how every time somebody brings up homosexuality even in jest, eot's is johnny on the spot seems kinda gay to me!
BTW this thread did not start as a discussion of wtc 7 but eot's pulled it out of his ass.


trying to derail the thread with your homosexual obsessions again ? it s amazing how you can eventually bring any thread around to the topic of homosexuality..whats up with that ?
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How does that video prove any of Eot's conspiracy theories? If that is the core then it shows exactly the opposite of what he is alleging. His imaginary "pre-cuts" would have been made to the core as well as the curtain walls. So it should have been part of the initial collapse but instead it continued to remain briefly "upright" as the rest of the building came down. What is even more revealing is that the core would have ended up on the top of the debris which means that any imaginary "pre-cuts" would have been clearly visible to both the inspection and clean up crews. Yet another glaring inconsistency in the conspiracy theory.

How does that video prove any of Eot's conspiracy theories? If that is the core then it shows exactly the opposite of what he is alleging. His imaginary "pre-cuts" would have been made to the core as well as the curtain walls. So it should have been part of the initial collapse but instead it continued to remain briefly "upright" as the rest of the building came down. What is even more revealing is that the core would have ended up on the top of the debris which means that any imaginary "pre-cuts" would have been clearly visible to both the inspection and clean up crews. Yet another glaring inconsistency in the conspiracy theory.


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