simple question for the WTC collapse

I'm telling you that the debris were thrown outward in every direction; not bearing down upon the lower sections... and the fact that they are debris in the first place and not a connected skyscraper is the result of demolition. Was there any weight bearing down upon the top section? What tore it apart, then?

bottom line: there's no upper section still intact, it is blown to bits in every picture taken from every angle. And yet Todd somehow still sees it. And you seem to forget that if it is a pile of debris, then it is just dead weight, which never could have collapsed the bottom floors and especially could not have collapsed the center column.

Gravitational collapse was simply impossible, and there is zero evidence of it; we have clear video of demolition. The upper floors above impact point are blown to bits and there is nothing bearing down upon them. The lower floors below impact are blown to bits and in short order, there was next to nothing bearing down upon them.
I'm too stupid to look at a picture and see whether a giant object is there or not. I'm not asking them to spot a dime on the ocean floor, we are looking at pictures of the World Trade Center, are the upper floors there or are they already blown to bits?

The floors are still there, just in a different "form".

If I buy all the parts to build a desk and stack them all on a scale, they will weigh the same when I connect them all together and BUILD the desk.

If I drop that stack of pieces onto a scale, it will register the same amount of weight if I drop the desk made from them on it.
I'm telling you that the debris were thrown outward in every direction; not bearing down upon the lower sections... and the fact that they are debris in the first place and not a connected skyscraper is the result of demolition. Was there any weight bearing down upon the top section? What tore it apart, then?

Explain how the building starting at 3:22 in the video I posted above completely collapsed WITHOUT explosives.

Explain what happened to the upper section of that building beginning at 3:22 in the video I posted above.

bottom line: there's no upper section still intact, it is blown to bits in every picture taken from every angle. And yet Todd somehow still sees it. And you seem to forget that if it is a pile of debris, then it is just dead weight, which never could have collapsed the bottom floors and especially could not have collapsed the center column.

Bottom line is that the MASS is still there whether or not the structure is intact or not. This has been explained to you over and over.
I'm telling you that the debris were thrown outward in every direction; not bearing down upon the lower sections... and the fact that they are debris in the first place and not a connected skyscraper is the result of demolition. Was there any weight bearing down upon the top section? What tore it apart, then?

bottom line: there's no upper section still intact, it is blown to bits in every picture taken from every angle. And yet Todd somehow still sees it. And you seem to forget that if it is a pile of debris, then it is just dead weight, which never could have collapsed the bottom floors and especially could not have collapsed the center column.

Gravitational collapse was simply impossible, and there is zero evidence of it; we have clear video of demolition. The upper floors above impact point are blown to bits and there is nothing bearing down upon them. The lower floors below impact are blown to bits and in short order, there was next to nothing bearing down upon them.

I'm telling you that the debris were thrown outward in every direction

Mostly down. Onto the floors below.
In a forum built for discussion, I have six replies in this thread from Rat in the Hat, and he writes exactly zero words aggregate in all those replies. So, I conclude that he/she is a wordless Rat, and some other poster gives me negative reputation for that and comments that I am an idiot. That poster doesn't even bother to post in the thread. We have no way to know whether this is the behavior of a 13 year old or just someone that acts like a 13 year old. This top post asked one simple question; where's the weight bearing down upon the structure that NIST ascribes super force strength? It clearly does not exist. Did any of these posters who replied in the negative bother to answer that question? Nope. That was the title of the top post, that was the whole point. How can they reply to the thread and not respond to the question? I wrote a post about energetic particles and got similar replies. zero intelligent content, about what you would expect from a 3rd grader playing around on the site instead of doing his/her homework. Look at that first response; all the guy writes is one word: Aliens. Is that a serious reply? The guy might as well just type; I'm too stupid to look at a picture and see whether a giant object is there or not. I'm not asking them to spot a dime on the ocean floor, we are looking at pictures of the World Trade Center, are the upper floors there or are they already blown to bits? An honest first grader can answer that question. So how pathetic is this batch of posters?

Post something intelligent and you will get intelligent replies. What we've seen so far deserves no well thought out replies, just the ridicule you are getting.
How the Towers were Demolished

Sorry, Dr. Greening

Dr. Greening is, I believe, a chemist so it is only fair to look at this field of study first of all. One of his most well known arguments is that there could have been natural thermite reactions within the tower fires. He lists those ingredients which are necessary for this natural thermite and shows that all of these ingredients were present, so his argument follows that a natural thermite reaction could have taken place. Now I will never claim to be good at chemistry but I know that if I leave margarine, flour, sugar and fruit in a cupboard, when I next open the cupboard I will not find a fruit crumble. Some mechanism is required to convert the ingredients. Similarly, if I take these same ingredients, set them alight and throw them out the window, I still will not get my fruit crumble. The mechanism must have some order. Dr. Greening fails to provide any explanation or narrative for these required mechanisms but rather relies on simply ticking off the ingredients and falling back on the unfailing support of his accolytes. It came as an enormous surprise to me that some educated people have been taken in by this, most notably and recently was Manuel Garcia, in his Counterpunch article. What we are being asked to swallow in place of our absent fruit crumble, is that the tonnes of aluminium aircraft parts were powderised upon impact, thoroughly mixed with tonnes of rust from the towers steel superstructure in exactly the required proportion to form tonnes of thermite, which then hung around for about an hour before distributing itself to key structural points throughout the tower, then igniting in a complex sequence to cause the towers' collapse. It is granted that a good imagination is a requirement for a good scientist, but this just abuses the privilege. Perhaps the name for this natural thermite should instead be intelligent thermite, or intelligent malevolent thermite.
First of all,I'm not saying whether it was an inside job or not,but there are some things that seem a little odd.
First being the way the two towers collapsed as if demolished. Then you have the building next to the towers that was on fire but did not get hit by the planes....strangely enough it fell just like the two towers.
Straight down. As if demolished. And there's no way a fire would cause a modern building to collapse.
Then you look at the Pentagon. In no way does the damage look like it was caused by a jumbo jet.
The areas next to the hole in the building showed no sign of damage where the wings would have hit.

What are the odds of three buildings collapsing that way? When you look at the picture where you can see the top of the building starting to come down,it's at an angle. How did it correct itself and fall straight down?
Like I said,I'm not saying it was an inside job. But it does seem a little weird.
How the Towers were Demolished

Sorry, Dr. Greening

Dr. Greening is, I believe, a chemist so it is only fair to look at this field of study first of all. One of his most well known arguments is that there could have been natural thermite reactions within the tower fires. He lists those ingredients which are necessary for this natural thermite and shows that all of these ingredients were present, so his argument follows that a natural thermite reaction could have taken place. Now I will never claim to be good at chemistry but I know that if I leave margarine, flour, sugar and fruit in a cupboard, when I next open the cupboard I will not find a fruit crumble. Some mechanism is required to convert the ingredients. Similarly, if I take these same ingredients, set them alight and throw them out the window, I still will not get my fruit crumble. The mechanism must have some order. Dr. Greening fails to provide any explanation or narrative for these required mechanisms but rather relies on simply ticking off the ingredients and falling back on the unfailing support of his accolytes. It came as an enormous surprise to me that some educated people have been taken in by this, most notably and recently was Manuel Garcia, in his Counterpunch article. What we are being asked to swallow in place of our absent fruit crumble, is that the tonnes of aluminium aircraft parts were powderised upon impact, thoroughly mixed with tonnes of rust from the towers steel superstructure in exactly the required proportion to form tonnes of thermite, which then hung around for about an hour before distributing itself to key structural points throughout the tower, then igniting in a complex sequence to cause the towers' collapse. It is granted that a good imagination is a requirement for a good scientist, but this just abuses the privilege. Perhaps the name for this natural thermite should instead be intelligent thermite, or intelligent malevolent thermite.

You unwittingly just proved the existence of God.
It is not the obligation of those finding fault with the official account of the collapse to offer explanations for what REALLY IS going on.

It is enough IF they find VALID flaws in the explanation.

Personally I have difficulty believing the official story of both the WTC and the attack on the pentagon.

But my incredulity does not obligate me (or any other doubting thomases) to offer an alternative narrative TO explain what happened.

My personal opinion is that no one knows why the towers collapsed but that is not an answer the US would accept so they came up with the best they could.

But the looney tunes reasons given by the truthers are beyond stupid. Honestly claiming that every floor was set with explosives and that the building was completely blown up? REALLY?

Or that the planes were controlled from some other source? And don't even start on the idiotic claims about the pentagon.
where did it go? It is right in front of you, it is part of that huge debris being blown out in every direction.
In order for there to be a conspiracy to hide the "real" evidence of the collapse one would need to have complete control over the hundreds of investigators and clean up crews. From 4 different agencies.

It has been 12 years and not a single person has talked. Not likely with the number of people that would have to be in on the cover up.

Are all of those agencies and clean up crews actively engaged in determining HOW the towers collapsed, or were they instead focused on doing their job in a sort of "silo" - per se?
Thing is, people think in order for a conspiracy theory to work, "everyone" must be in on it. That's not the case.

Most people would rather get through the day by doing just THEIR job and not ponder the macro implications of their collective work.
If you ever stood at the ground level and looked up at the towers, you would appreciate how large they were. They were immense buildings, and here we are talking about the top 40 stories of Tower Two. It isn't hiding behind some dust, it is blown to bits... if it had not been blown to bits, it would still be there. NIST explanation for implosion required those 40 stories to remain intact and bore through the bottom floors; NIST doesn't explain the core snaps that happened at onset of implosion to separate the upper floors from the bottom floors, but that obviously happened, and it is visually recorded by the tilting of the entire upper floor structure.

No one has ever denied that the debris was thrown out in every direction. Tell me you didn't go there.

It takes immense energy to tear apart a truss, and that's what happened. So, let me ask you this about those tops of the structure, in this case the top 40 floors of Tower Two, what blew them to bits?
America has had false flags since the days of the revolution. Remember the Maine? We set off the forward magazines of our own battleship to make it look like it was fired upon in the Havana harbor. That's how we started the Spanish/American war.
There are very simple answers to those questions. But before I answer your questions, you should answer the question in the top post. Can you see an intact 40 story structure bearing down on the lower floors in that picture? I don't see any intact structure, there's nothing but debris. What happened to 40 stories of vertical truss? What blew that to bits? In 5 seconds time?
America has had false flags since the days of the revolution. Remember the Maine? We set off the forward magazines of our own battleship to make it look like it was fired upon in the Havana harbor. That's how we started the Spanish/American war.

Actually a boiler blew. But don't let that get in the way of a good rant.

As to your claim the debris was not VAPORIZED thus the weight still existed even if your ignorant claim is true. Further that many tons of material if thrown to the sides would have crushed the other buildings. Once again for the slow and delusional the upper stories are obscured by the debris but they are there.

It is physically impossible that someone set explosives on every floor of the twin towers, And that you think it is not is proof you are insane.
Your opinion was formed by what? Certainly not the evidence.... because all the visual evidence is demolition, floor by floor, and what exactly is it about demolition that creates your incredulity? Really? demolition? as if it isn't done all the time. What's so incredible about demolition?

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