simple question for the WTC collapse

[ame=]Carl Sagan - Millions, Billions and Trillions. All the illions from Cosmos and in order. - YouTube[/ame]
other possible additional energies, sure, but not replacing demolition, just in addition to demolition. The demolition is obvious.

Is controlled demolition a likely scenario from the top to the bottom when there is an intervening airplane crash into the building at the 93rd floor and a fire ranging in the upper floors for almost an hour?

If you were doing a controlled demolition and had placed explosives inside the building so as to achieve such demolition, would you not be concerned that such a catastrophic intervening event might disrupt your ability to proceed with the demolition? And if you are unable to proceed, the evidence would be left in place allowing for easy discovery.

Think about it.

Further the debris was ALL checked for explosive residue, NONE was found. So now we have magical explosives that were magically painted on the supports and beams with no one noticing set off magically and then magically left no residue. I guess the Unicorns blew up the trade towers.
14 minute 10 second mark, she completely missed the first collapse, as she was focusing in on the traffic jam in the streets. 19 minutes 43 seconds, she catches the second collapse and the debris is clearly seen hurled far from the building, in fact she catches a massive chunk of concrete that is hurled 100 feet clear of the tower. The 2nd tower to fall (Tower One) hardly even started with any upper floors to begin with, it was all demolition wave, top to bottom. There's clearly no upper floors crushing the lower floors, her video proves that.
there are also 50 moons orbiting Jupiter. My guess is the birds maintain their body weight aloft by pushing down on the air, hence the trailer weighed the same if it was sealed tight.

there's nothing more disconnected than government agencies. Even the agencies that are relying on shared information were disconnected, that's why GWB formed Homeland Security cabinet position... not that it worked.
Please tell us days, just what caused the indentions of the sides of the tower just before the collapse...The one estimated to be somewhere around 50 inches....

And no I haven't looked up the link recently....
We didn't go to war over Boiler failure, it was the forward magazines, you are turning into a fountain of disinformation.

The debris that were thrown clear of the building are not acting on the lower floors, are they?

Demolition is not impossible work, it happens all the time. Impossible, would be two 1350 foot skyscrapers coming apart in 12 seconds without demolition.
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there are also 50 moons orbiting Jupiter. My guess is the birds maintain their body weight aloft by pushing down on the air, hence the trailer weighed the same if it was sealed tight.


Bingo. Next question

Now did the debris from the collapse weigh:

1.) more;
2.) less; or,
3.) the same

as it did before it was converted into debris when the collapse began?
it was blown to bits.

"I can't see any top portion of tower doing this herculean crushing of the entire structure below it. That's because the demolition wave began at points of impact and went in both directions; down and up, and since the towers were struck in the upper portions, the tops were blown to pieces by the time the bottoms were still only half blown to pieces. So, there was no upper tower portion left bearing down upon the lower portions of the tower."


Sigh... There was a mythbusters episode about whether a trailer truck filled with birds was lighter if the birds were flying inside the trailer. Think about it.


This is my LOL thread of the day.
it was blown to bits.

"I can't see any top portion of tower doing this herculean crushing of the entire structure below it. That's because the demolition wave began at points of impact and went in both directions; down and up, and since the towers were struck in the upper portions, the tops were blown to pieces by the time the bottoms were still only half blown to pieces. So, there was no upper tower portion left bearing down upon the lower portions of the tower."


Sigh... There was a mythbusters episode about whether a trailer truck filled with birds was lighter if the birds were flying inside the trailer. Think about it.


This is my LOL thread of the day.
were you jumping up and down on 9/11 by any chance ?
Sigh... There was a mythbusters episode about whether a trailer truck filled with birds was lighter if the birds were flying inside the trailer. Think about it.


This is my LOL thread of the day.
were you jumping up and down on 9/11 by any chance ?


I was sobbing.

And Bush 43 gave us the strength. And he drew and walked the line.

And in that single worst attack on our homeland. He glued us. And he never backed down.

You can say what you want about 43

But a good man with balls from Texas is a good man with balls from Texas.
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This is my LOL thread of the day.
were you jumping up and down on 9/11 by any chance ?


I was sobbing.

And Bush 43 gave us the strength. And he drew and walked the line.

And in that single worst attack on our homeland. He glued us. And he never backed down.

You can what you want about 43

But a good man with balls from Texas is a good man with balls from Texas.

I meant jumping up and down hard enough to possibly cause anything that large to fall.
Are you talking about the crumpling of the sides at the impact area? Do you mean the inward crimp when it folded on the floor just as the collapse began? Because if you are trying to say that the collapse sequence began with that entire floor collapsing, I would agree with that. The question is; what caused that floor to collapse?
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And New Orleans is a crime hell hole (sorry NOLA) but that was local dipass that did that to you.

Well and Mother Nature.

I would rather have a prezbo with some black and white balls than the bicycle bell ringer NOTHING pussy bend over boi we have.

Bend over America. We're taking it the ass for pussyboi.
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it was blown to bits.

"I can't see any top portion of tower doing this herculean crushing of the entire structure below it. That's because the demolition wave began at points of impact and went in both directions; down and up, and since the towers were struck in the upper portions, the tops were blown to pieces by the time the bottoms were still only half blown to pieces. So, there was no upper tower portion left bearing down upon the lower portions of the tower."


Sigh... There was a mythbusters episode about whether a trailer truck filled with birds was lighter if the birds were flying inside the trailer. Think about it.


Dwain Deets, MS Physics, MS Eng – Former Director, Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center.
Before this appointment, he served as Director, Research Engineering Division at Dryden. Recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Award and the Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in the Senior Executive Service (1988). Selected presenter of the Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics, a distinguished speaking engagement sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (1986). Included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" 1993 - 2000. Former Chairman of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Former Member, AIAA Committee on Society and Aerospace Technology. 37 year NASA career.

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:
"The many visual images (massive structural members being hurled horizontally, huge pyroclastic clouds, etc.) leave no doubt in my mind explosives were involved [in the destruction of the World Trade Center].

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report


This is my LOL thread of the day.
were you jumping up and down on 9/11 by any chance ?


I was sobbing.

And Bush 43 gave us the strength. And he drew and walked the line.

And in that single worst attack on our homeland. He glued us. And he never backed down.

You can what you want about 43

But a good man with balls from Texas is a good man with balls from Texas.
[ame=]Bush Jokes about WMD - YouTube[/ame]
Are you talking about the crumpling of the sides at the impact area? Do you mean the inward crimp when it folded on the floor just as the collapse began? Because if you are trying to say that the collapse sequence began with that entire floor collapsing, I would agree with that. The question is; what caused that floor to collapse?

Actually the video footage shows it several minutes before the collapse.....
other possible additional energies, sure, but not replacing demolition, just in addition to demolition. The demolition is obvious.

is controlled demolition a likely scenario from the top to the bottom when there is an intervening airplane crash into the building at the 93rd floor and a fire ranging in the upper floors for almost an hour?

If you were doing a controlled demolition and had placed explosives inside the building so as to achieve such demolition, would you not be concerned that such a catastrophic intervening event might disrupt your ability to proceed with the demolition? And if you are unable to proceed, the evidence would be left in place allowing for easy discovery.

Think about it.

further the debris was all checked for explosive residue, none was found. so now we have magical explosives that were magically painted on the supports and beams with no one noticing set off magically and then magically left no residue. I guess the unicorns blew up the trade towers.
shut the fuck up.. No testing was done for explosive residue have no clue what you are babbling about
it was blown to bits.

"I can't see any top portion of tower doing this herculean crushing of the entire structure below it. That's because the demolition wave began at points of impact and went in both directions; down and up, and since the towers were struck in the upper portions, the tops were blown to pieces by the time the bottoms were still only half blown to pieces. So, there was no upper tower portion left bearing down upon the lower portions of the tower."


Sigh... There was a mythbusters episode about whether a trailer truck filled with birds was lighter if the birds were flying inside the trailer. Think about it.


Dwain Deets, MS Physics, MS Eng – Former Director, Aerospace Projects, NASA Dryden Flight Research Center.
Before this appointment, he served as Director, Research Engineering Division at Dryden. Recipient of the NASA Exceptional Service Award and the Presidential Meritorious Rank Award in the Senior Executive Service (1988). Selected presenter of the Wright Brothers Lectureship in Aeronautics, a distinguished speaking engagement sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) (1986). Included in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" 1993 - 2000. Former Chairman of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee of the Society of Automotive Engineers. Former Member, AIAA Committee on Society and Aerospace Technology. 37 year NASA career.

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:
"The many visual images (massive structural members being hurled horizontally, huge pyroclastic clouds, etc.) leave no doubt in my mind explosives were involved [in the destruction of the World Trade Center].

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report


How many of those rigs were needed and who placed them in what time period? Come on EOTS you know they couldn't be placed in those buildings....

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