simple question for the WTC collapse

I can clear it all up for you. Bush and Cheney flew the planes (wearing yarmulkes and Star of David shoulder patches of course) and parachuted just before impact. The 5 dancing Israelis planted the charges. So our government and the Jews did it. There...we killed 2 birds with 1 stone. Simple as that.
Night night conspiracy unicorns.

2 points:

1) The NIST report required the top portion to pulverize the core. Even if the upper portion had remained fully intact, it could never have achieved that. But when the upper portion of floors above the impact area is fragmented in 5 seconds time and blown outward in every direction; NOTHING is bearing down on the core. See, that's the point in the top post. Pancaking doesn't destroy the core, so NIST had to fudge some murky explanation that the core was pulverized by the weight of the upper floors, so I'm looking at that and saying it is a worse answer than pancaking; there simply is no structure bearing down on the core, it doesn't exist, the upper floors were blown to bits in 5 seconds time.

2) Then there's also the question of what blew the upper floors to bits in 5 seconds time? The core was pulverized in those floors also... how? A truss is the strongest construction design known to architects; what tore apart the (upper) 40 story truss of Tower 2 in just five seconds? This was 40 stories of Tower 2, which would make it an enormous structure in its own right... reduced to debris in five seconds.
The top post was about old evidence that is right in front of your nose. The top 40 stories of Tower Two was blown to bits in 5 seconds, by that point in the implosion they only show up as debris. 40 stories blown to bits in 5 seconds and nothing was falling on the upper floors. If it wasn't demolition, it was something worse than demolition... but, Ollie, you did notice that 40 stories were reduced into falling debris in 5 seconds time? You can see that much, right?

The top did not become weightless anti-matter nor was it sucked up into a black hole. It was still matter that weighed exactly the same amoung whether it was 'vaporized' and fell straight down or fell floor by floor like the video I posted that takes 26 minutes to watch shows. :cool:

yet it never slows...

[ame=]NEWTON'S LAWS VS. NIST - 9/11 EXPERIMENTS - YouTube[/ame]
There's a 700+ page book out there, written by an ex LA police detective, that is totally devoted to white house documents, which prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Cheney spent the entire day in the White House bunker, directing the nation's military.
there's a 700+ page book out there, written by an ex la police detective, that is totally devoted to white house documents, which prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that cheney spent the entire day in the white house bunker, directing the nation's military.

books ?..maybe if you could put it into an inane picture with a corny caption they would read it...
09/11 was the biggest experiment in mass hypnosis and media distortion of events, ever.

The government had everything in place beforehand, every story prepared in advance, they even reported the collapse of WTC7 30 minutes before it actually collapsed... and if you listen to the story, they tell you what caused the collapse definitively; 30 minutes before it was demolished, while the building was still standing.

[ame=""]Live on 09/11[/ame]
mostly outward. But the question is still not answered; what turned the top 40 stories of Tower 2 into debris in five seconds? 40 floors of vertical truss was blown to bits in five seconds, in mid-air.

The descent of the roof lines in all 3 WTC collapses was uniform acceleration, which means they fell at exactly the speed of free fall and made no contact with the lower floors. That's physics, that already settled science. The upper floors didn't even make contact with the lower floors, the lower floors were taken out from beneath the upper floors faster than the debris from the upper floors demolition could fall to earth. That's why the debris mass elongates. Look at how compact it is in the first pic. Then look how it grows in size vertically. The lower floors are being blown to bits faster than the upper floors can fall into the exploding lower floors, that forms nice perfect arcs of debris, because there is no contact between the lower floor debris spray with the upper floors debris spray, which continue their graceful arcs outward. So the upper floors made no contact with the lower floors; they just fell through air - for five seconds - and that was enough to totally rip a 40 story truss apart into a spray of debris? uhm, you kind of need demolition to help out in accomplishing that.

Wow all that to ask this....

So, let me ask you... how did those towers collapse?

Planes hit them. Hope that helped.
LegalEagle is correct about the weight of the debris demolishing the lower floors.

The construction of the WTC was part of the reason why it collapsed in the way that it did. Each floor was designed to only hold the weight of whatever was on that floor and that load was then transferred to the outside structure which was responsible for holding up the entire building. The impact of the planes destroyed both the integrity of the outer structure and the floor supports. They also knocked the remaining floor supports out of alignment. The fire only had to heat the outer structure to the point where it started to bend under the weight of the upper floors. Since the bending could not go inwards it had to go outwards instead. That bending pulled the remaining floor supports out and that floor then collapsed onto the floor below which wasn't strong enough to support 2 floors which then collapsed onto the floor below. Essentially it was like vertically stacked dominoes from that point onwards.

As far as the "explosions" are concerned the air between each floor was instantly compressed by the collapsing floors and had to go somewhere. It was effectively "blown outwards" by the force of the debris above and took with it whatever wasn't nailed down and closest to the windows. The air pressure was great enough to look like an explosion and the collapsing structural members would have sounded like "explosions" as they were destroyed in milliseconds.

It was an extremely violent event and it was primarily driven by the sheer weight of the building and the force of gravity after the planes did the initial damage. From a mechanical engineering point of view this is what happens when the strength of materials and the factors of safety are exceeded. If it had been possible to extinguish the fires instead of allowing them to weaken the supports the buildings would have survived the impacts. However putting out a blaze of that magnitude at that level was far more than the sprinkler system could cope with.
2 points:

1) The NIST report required the top portion to pulverize the core. Even if the upper portion had remained fully intact, it could never have achieved that. But when the upper portion of floors above the impact area is fragmented in 5 seconds time and blown outward in every direction; NOTHING is bearing down on the core. See, that's the point in the top post. Pancaking doesn't destroy the core, so NIST had to fudge some murky explanation that the core was pulverized by the weight of the upper floors, so I'm looking at that and saying it is a worse answer than pancaking; there simply is no structure bearing down on the core, it doesn't exist, the upper floors were blown to bits in 5 seconds time.

2) Then there's also the question of what blew the upper floors to bits in 5 seconds time? The core was pulverized in those floors also... how? A truss is the strongest construction design known to architects; what tore apart the (upper) 40 story truss of Tower 2 in just five seconds? This was 40 stories of Tower 2, which would make it an enormous structure in its own right... reduced to debris in five seconds.

There is no evidence that the "the upper portion of floors above the impact area is fragmented in 5 seconds time and blown outward in every direction". The air between the pancaking floors is "blown outward" and it contains the smoke and burned debris from the fires. But the remaining concrete and steel is what pancakes down and pulverized the core in the process.

The steel trusses were weakened by the softening effect of the fire and started to bend under the weight. They were never designed to support that weight under those temperatures.
you call that thinking? really?

structural failure happens when a superior force overcomes an inferior force.

What was the force acting on the upper floors? falling for 5 seconds? anything else?

Here's a question for you. Which direction did the upper section shear apart? From top to bottom or bottom to top? Are you suggesting that they rigged the descending upper section with explosives to detonate from the bottom up? As it fell?

2) Then there's also the question of what blew the upper floors to bits in 5 seconds time? The core was pulverized in those floors also... how? A truss is the strongest construction design known to architects; what tore apart the (upper) 40 story truss of Tower 2 in just five seconds? This was 40 stories of Tower 2, which would make it an enormous structure in its own right... reduced to debris in five seconds.

You need to get your facts straight first.

Where are you getting 40 stories above the impact zones? WTC1's collapse initiated on the 98th floor which gives us 12 floors. WTC2's collapse initiated on the 82nd floor which gives us 28 floors.

The descent of the roof lines in all 3 WTC collapses was uniform acceleration, which means they fell at exactly the speed of free fall and made no contact with the lower floors. That's physics, that already settled science. The upper floors didn't even make contact with the lower floors, the lower floors were taken out from beneath the upper floors faster than the debris from the upper floors demolition could fall to earth. That's why the debris mass elongates.

Ah Days...

Are you familiar with the work of femr2? Who has studied and analyzed video of the collapse. I suggest you do that because you are looking foolish. Take a look at his work and tell me what you find.
LegalEagle is correct about the weight of the debris demolishing the lower floors.

The construction of the WTC was part of the reason why it collapsed in the way that it did. Each floor was designed to only hold the weight of whatever was on that floor and that load was then transferred to the outside structure which was responsible for holding up the entire building. The impact of the planes destroyed both the integrity of the outer structure and the floor supports. They also knocked the remaining floor supports out of alignment. The fire only had to heat the outer structure to the point where it started to bend under the weight of the upper floors. Since the bending could not go inwards it had to go outwards instead. That bending pulled the remaining floor supports out and that floor then collapsed onto the floor below which wasn't strong enough to support 2 floors which then collapsed onto the floor below. Essentially it was like vertically stacked dominoes from that point onwards.

As far as the "explosions" are concerned the air between each floor was instantly compressed by the collapsing floors and had to go somewhere. It was effectively "blown outwards" by the force of the debris above and took with it whatever wasn't nailed down and closest to the windows. The air pressure was great enough to look like an explosion and the collapsing structural members would have sounded like "explosions" as they were destroyed in milliseconds.

It was an extremely violent event and it was primarily driven by the sheer weight of the building and the force of gravity after the planes did the initial damage. From a mechanical engineering point of view this is what happens when the strength of materials and the factors of safety are exceeded. If it had been possible to extinguish the fires instead of allowing them to weaken the supports the buildings would have survived the impacts. However putting out a blaze of that magnitude at that level was far more than the sprinkler system could cope with.

To add to the above. For those who don't understand how loads are distributed, here is a good diagram.


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