simple question for the WTC collapse

How long does it take for falling debris to fall to the ground? Falling debris from the tower collapses in the morning started fires in WTC7 in the afternoon. So, I guess those debris flew around for 3 hours before landing in the building across the street. Strange doesn't begin to cover it. Thousands of file cabinets completely vanished, and yet, the paper inside them survived. It was damn strange.
Thing is, people think in order for a conspiracy theory to work, "everyone" must be in on it. That's not the case.

Most people would rather get through the day by doing just THEIR job and not ponder the macro implications of their collective work.

All the debris was taken to Fresh Kills land fill. Where anything larger than a pebble was examined... Nothing that pointed to explosives was found.


Fantasy Unicorn Land Conspiracy Killing

Why fly the planes into the buildings AND use explosives? If the objective is to drum up support for war, wouldn't the planes flying into the buildings be enough even if the buildings didn't come down? OR...Why not just plant explosives, collapse the towers, and blame the muslims? No reason to do BOTH.

no massive death toll from plane crashes alone..

If they had just demo'd the buildings, they would have killed thousands more.
Why warn everyone by crashing planes first?

Fantasy Unicorn Land Conspiracy Killer Wingman

One, two, three, four, five. FIVE stars.

sorry, that you are dead set on your agenda. btw, shit happens from food that was eaten... it doesn't pop out until food went in. Ever heard of GIGO?

NIST did their best to blame the demolition of the towers on a gravitational collapse. The top post points out that the upper portions of the towers were blown to bits before the bottom portions were half destroyed. Not much left there to debate. There was no upper floors to blame the collapse on. Just look back at the pics taken halfway into the collapse... the upper floors are completely blown to bits. The new guy doesn't see any wiggle room for that Lie. Know why they call it the 09/11 Truth movement? Because the government purely Lied. Now go ahead, choose to stand with the Liars.

I despise Liars.
sorry, that you are dead set on your agenda. btw, shit happens from food that was eaten... it doesn't pop out until food went in. Ever heard of GIGO?

NIST did their best to blame the demolition of the towers on a gravitational collapse. The top post points out that the upper portions of the towers were blown to bits before the bottom portions were half destroyed. Not much left there to debate. There was no upper floors to blame the collapse on. Just look back at the pics taken halfway into the collapse... the upper floors are completely blown to bits. The new guy doesn't see any wiggle room for that Lie. Know why they call it the 09/11 Truth movement? Because the government purely Lied. Now go ahead, choose to stand with the Liars.

I despise Liars.

Think of it this way------a whole lot of little things weigh a lot when there are tons of them falling AT THE SAME TIME.
sorry, that you are dead set on your agenda. btw, shit happens from food that was eaten... it doesn't pop out until food went in. Ever heard of GIGO?

NIST did their best to blame the demolition of the towers on a gravitational collapse. The top post points out that the upper portions of the towers were blown to bits before the bottom portions were half destroyed. Not much left there to debate. There was no upper floors to blame the collapse on. Just look back at the pics taken halfway into the collapse... the upper floors are completely blown to bits. The new guy doesn't see any wiggle room for that Lie. Know why they call it the 09/11 Truth movement? Because the government purely Lied. Now go ahead, choose to stand with the Liars.

I despise Liars.

Think of it this way------a whole lot of little things weigh a lot when there are tons of them falling AT THE SAME TIME.

They have a difficult time understanding that a ton of feathers weigh as much as a ton of concrete.
sorry, that you are dead set on your agenda. btw, shit happens from food that was eaten... it doesn't pop out until food went in. Ever heard of GIGO?

NIST did their best to blame the demolition of the towers on a gravitational collapse. The top post points out that the upper portions of the towers were blown to bits before the bottom portions were half destroyed. Not much left there to debate. There was no upper floors to blame the collapse on. Just look back at the pics taken halfway into the collapse... the upper floors are completely blown to bits. The new guy doesn't see any wiggle room for that Lie. Know why they call it the 09/11 Truth movement? Because the government purely Lied. Now go ahead, choose to stand with the Liars.

I despise Liars.

Think of it this way------a whole lot of little things weigh a lot when there are tons of them falling AT THE SAME TIME.

We are to believe that A) the floors were all rigged to blow and no one knew, B) that all the upper floors were not only blown up but it Vaporized the tons of material on explosion OR C) the tons of debris all rained down on the city and did absolutely no damage any where.
The top post was about old evidence that is right in front of your nose. The top 40 stories of Tower Two was blown to bits in 5 seconds, by that point in the implosion they only show up as debris. 40 stories blown to bits in 5 seconds and nothing was falling on the upper floors. If it wasn't demolition, it was something worse than demolition... but, Ollie, you did notice that 40 stories were reduced into falling debris in 5 seconds time? You can see that much, right?

The top post was about old evidence that is right in front of your nose. The top 40 stories of Tower Two was blown to bits in 5 seconds, by that point in the implosion they only show up as debris. 40 stories blown to bits in 5 seconds and nothing was falling on the upper floors. If it wasn't demolition, it was something worse than demolition... but, Ollie, you did notice that 40 stories were reduced into falling debris in 5 seconds time? You can see that much, right?


nothing was blown to bits. It fell apart and then it fell down, crushing everything in it's path as it descended.
In 2008 they found the explosive; nano thermitic devices, brand new technology in 1999, the only people who had it in 2001 was US military Labs (probably still the case).

You make false statements. You obviously have an agenda.
Okay, it fell to pieces in 5 seconds.

know anything about vertical trusses?
In 2008 they found the explosive; nano thermitic devices, brand new technology in 1999, the only people who had it in 2001 was US military Labs (probably still the case).

You make false statements. You obviously have an agenda.

I'll let you talk with someone else who is not with the FBI-----hang on a sec.
So your answer as to what is crushing the lower floors?

you call that thinking? really?

structural failure happens when a superior force overcomes an inferior force.

What was the force acting on the upper floors? falling for 5 seconds? anything else?
I volunteered Navy for Gulf War I, Todd. I come from a military family. My father was drill team commander in the Air Force, the epitome of military snap and precision. My brother graduated from the Air Force Academy and flew recon in Korea, 18 months of daily battle missions.

None of that changes what happened to the upper 40 floors of WTC Tower 2; it was blown to bits in 5 seconds as the pics plainly show. 40 stories of vertical truss devolved into flying debris in 5 seconds.

other possible additional energies, sure, but not replacing demolition, just in addition to demolition. The demolition is obvious.
IOW, 3-4 seconds after collapse. Are you suggesting it was a separate event? I didn't think so. So what is your point?
it was blown to bits.

"I can't see any top portion of tower doing this herculean crushing of the entire structure below it. That's because the demolition wave began at points of impact and went in both directions; down and up, and since the towers were struck in the upper portions, the tops were blown to pieces by the time the bottoms were still only half blown to pieces. So, there was no upper tower portion left bearing down upon the lower portions of the tower."


Sigh... There was a mythbusters episode about whether a trailer truck filled with birds was lighter if the birds were flying inside the trailer. Think about it.
other possible additional energies, sure, but not replacing demolition, just in addition to demolition. The demolition is obvious.

Is controlled demolition a likely scenario from the top to the bottom when there is an intervening airplane crash into the building at the 93rd floor and a fire ranging in the upper floors for almost an hour?

If you were doing a controlled demolition and had placed explosives inside the building so as to achieve such demolition, would you not be concerned that such a catastrophic intervening event might disrupt your ability to proceed with the demolition? And if you are unable to proceed, the evidence would be left in place allowing for easy discovery.

Think about it.

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