Since 2011, Baltimore has lost or settled more than 100 cases related to police brutality

Why can't people get a job and move?
You live in a impoverished area with gangs, drugs, discrimination... Lack to decent employment as it is, underfunded education, a family to take care of, rising cost of living.. You tell me, pig.

Then tell me how I saw all the ones who did it...did it.

Graduate high school.
Dont knock a girl up.
Stay out of jail.
Get an entry level job.
Dont blow money on rims and shoes.

EVERY person I the ghetto chooses the above...or doesnt.
Or they do a mix of both while struggling with gangs, family problems, poverty.. Stop trying to shape a bullshit two side argument.

You know why they struggle with a mix of both? Because they CHOOSE to.

Everything is a life CHOICE.

Got problems with a gang? DONT JOIN ONE.
Got money problems? Stop blowing money on smart phones and rims and expensive shoes.
Got family problems? Stop creating kids you cant afford.

People like you just hate the hard truth.
Gangs have a massive influence on children. Money problems? In a world where capitalists are always shoving the mindset of owning nice things as an indicator of success, it's no surprise some may buy a smartphone. Family problems? What the fuck does that have to do with divorce, crime?

You cant be this stupid.

So every INDIVIDUAL in the ghetto makes their own choices. And their combined efforts created a shithole..and you want us to feel bad?

The black female Maryland Army NG General who is in Baltimore. ...she was a high school dropout runaway. NOW....shes a black female Army General.

Shes proof that you're full of shit. If they want out and want a better life...they can CHOOSE that.
You live in a impoverished area with gangs, drugs, discrimination... Lack to decent employment as it is, underfunded education, a family to take care of, rising cost of living.. You tell me, pig.

Then tell me how I saw all the ones who did it...did it.

Graduate high school.
Dont knock a girl up.
Stay out of jail.
Get an entry level job.
Dont blow money on rims and shoes.

EVERY person I the ghetto chooses the above...or doesnt.
Or they do a mix of both while struggling with gangs, family problems, poverty.. Stop trying to shape a bullshit two side argument.

You know why they struggle with a mix of both? Because they CHOOSE to.

Everything is a life CHOICE.

Got problems with a gang? DONT JOIN ONE.
Got money problems? Stop blowing money on smart phones and rims and expensive shoes.
Got family problems? Stop creating kids you cant afford.

People like you just hate the hard truth.
Gangs have a massive influence on children. Money problems? In a world where capitalists are always shoving the mindset of owning nice things as an indicator of success, it's no surprise some may buy a smartphone. Family problems? What the fuck does that have to do with divorce, crime?

You cant be this stupid.

So every INDIVIDUAL in the ghetto makes their own choices. And their combined efforts created a shithole..and you want us to feel bad?

The black female Maryland Army NG General who is in Baltimore. ...she was a high school dropout runaway. NOW....shes a black female Army General.

Shes proof that you're full of shit. If they want out and want a better life...they can CHOOSE that.
In other words, ignore the societal issues that are causing this, and blame those who are affected, got it.
Then tell me how I saw all the ones who did it...did it.

Graduate high school.
Dont knock a girl up.
Stay out of jail.
Get an entry level job.
Dont blow money on rims and shoes.

EVERY person I the ghetto chooses the above...or doesnt.
Or they do a mix of both while struggling with gangs, family problems, poverty.. Stop trying to shape a bullshit two side argument.

You know why they struggle with a mix of both? Because they CHOOSE to.

Everything is a life CHOICE.

Got problems with a gang? DONT JOIN ONE.
Got money problems? Stop blowing money on smart phones and rims and expensive shoes.
Got family problems? Stop creating kids you cant afford.

People like you just hate the hard truth.
Gangs have a massive influence on children. Money problems? In a world where capitalists are always shoving the mindset of owning nice things as an indicator of success, it's no surprise some may buy a smartphone. Family problems? What the fuck does that have to do with divorce, crime?

You cant be this stupid.

So every INDIVIDUAL in the ghetto makes their own choices. And their combined efforts created a shithole..and you want us to feel bad?

The black female Maryland Army NG General who is in Baltimore. ...she was a high school dropout runaway. NOW....shes a black female Army General.

Shes proof that you're full of shit. If they want out and want a better life...they can CHOOSE that.
In other words, ignore the societal issues that are causing this, and blame those who are affected, got it.

Blame those who are CAUSING it.

Its not my fault the ghetto is a shithole. When the people there are tired of it...THEY can change it. Outsiders cant.
Then tell me how I saw all the ones who did it...did it.

Graduate high school.
Dont knock a girl up.
Stay out of jail.
Get an entry level job.
Dont blow money on rims and shoes.

EVERY person I the ghetto chooses the above...or doesnt.
Or they do a mix of both while struggling with gangs, family problems, poverty.. Stop trying to shape a bullshit two side argument.

You know why they struggle with a mix of both? Because they CHOOSE to.

Everything is a life CHOICE.

Got problems with a gang? DONT JOIN ONE.
Got money problems? Stop blowing money on smart phones and rims and expensive shoes.
Got family problems? Stop creating kids you cant afford.

People like you just hate the hard truth.
Gangs have a massive influence on children. Money problems? In a world where capitalists are always shoving the mindset of owning nice things as an indicator of success, it's no surprise some may buy a smartphone. Family problems? What the fuck does that have to do with divorce, crime?

You cant be this stupid.

So every INDIVIDUAL in the ghetto makes their own choices. And their combined efforts created a shithole..and you want us to feel bad?

The black female Maryland Army NG General who is in Baltimore. ...she was a high school dropout runaway. NOW....shes a black female Army General.

Shes proof that you're full of shit. If they want out and want a better life...they can CHOOSE that.
In other words, ignore the societal issues that are causing this, and blame those who are affected, got it.

LMAO.."societal issues" don't compel well balanced people to commit crimes.
"Society" is a social construct created by the people involved. One can build a civilization or one can live like wild animals. There are choices.
When you commit the vast proportion of the criminal activity...Well, don't be surprised when you're dealing with the vast proportion of asshole cops.
Or they do a mix of both while struggling with gangs, family problems, poverty.. Stop trying to shape a bullshit two side argument.

You know why they struggle with a mix of both? Because they CHOOSE to.

Everything is a life CHOICE.

Got problems with a gang? DONT JOIN ONE.
Got money problems? Stop blowing money on smart phones and rims and expensive shoes.
Got family problems? Stop creating kids you cant afford.

People like you just hate the hard truth.
Gangs have a massive influence on children. Money problems? In a world where capitalists are always shoving the mindset of owning nice things as an indicator of success, it's no surprise some may buy a smartphone. Family problems? What the fuck does that have to do with divorce, crime?

You cant be this stupid.

So every INDIVIDUAL in the ghetto makes their own choices. And their combined efforts created a shithole..and you want us to feel bad?

The black female Maryland Army NG General who is in Baltimore. ...she was a high school dropout runaway. NOW....shes a black female Army General.

Shes proof that you're full of shit. If they want out and want a better life...they can CHOOSE that.
In other words, ignore the societal issues that are causing this, and blame those who are affected, got it.

Blame those who are CAUSING it.

Its not my fault the ghetto is a shithole. When the people there are tired of it...THEY can change it. Outsiders cant.

They need to charge it and they can start doing such with sweeping the fucking floor and cutting their lawn. Next they can teach their children respect for other people and about the importance of hard work...
In other words, ignore the societal issues that are causing this, and blame those who are affected, got it.

YOu think everybody had it easy growing up except Blacks?

You are an idiot of monumental proportions.

What's holding Black people back is their 5,000 year old history.

And most recently, in this Country, a well-earned reputation for being lazy, uncooperative, defiant, unwilling to work well with others, unrelaible, dishonest, prone to violence and lacking education.

Other than that, we're all the same. fucking moron.

Just like last night on TV...... A Black guy was complaining about how nobody wants to build a business in his neighborhood.....

While unruly urchins were busily burning down businesses in his neighborhood.

Another guy was complaining that there wasn't one Grocery Store in the neighborhood..... While nappy-headed thugs were looting and burning the liquor store, the check cashing store and a Beauty Shop

Know what you're problem is?

You're stupid. You're not regular stupid, you are FUCKING stupid. The incurable kind of stupid.
Denzel in Training Day was right. It takes a wolf to catch a wolf.

Shithole ghettos cant be policed by Andy Griffith saying "Now now fellas...yall just go on home now and knock off this horseplay...ill get Aunt Bee to send over a nice blueberry pie".

These thugs would rape Aunt Bee and burn Sheriff Griffiths car.

Yes. This is how the police should handle the ghetto youth. It would work so much better.
What might help is to just leave those neighborhoods alone.

The Blacks don't want the Cops in there? Give them what they want.

Fer real.

We all pay taxes but those neighborhoods suck up the VAST majority of, not only Cops, but Ambulances and Firemen.

Just walk away from them. That way, the rest can have a little more of what WE pay for.

Do like down here....... You stumble into the wrong neighborhood showing your ass and the Cops WILL bust you quick and hard.
What might help is to just leave those neighborhoods alone.

The Blacks don't want the Cops in there? Give them what they want.

Fer real.

We all pay taxes but those neighborhoods suck up the VAST majority of, not only Cops, but Ambulances and Firemen.

Just walk away from them. That way, the rest can have a little more of what WE pay for.

Do like down here....... You stumble into the wrong neighborhood showing your ass and the Cops WILL bust you quick and hard.

Well....last night they did. And local blacks whined that the police "arent doing anything" about the violence of the thugs. Yet...when police do something. ..they bitch.

I agree. Just surrender the ghettos. Let them figure it out themselves. Let them start an all black PD.
What might help is to just leave those neighborhoods alone.

The Blacks don't want the Cops in there? Give them what they want.

Fer real.

We all pay taxes but those neighborhoods suck up the VAST majority of, not only Cops, but Ambulances and Firemen.

Just walk away from them. That way, the rest can have a little more of what WE pay for.

Do like down here....... You stumble into the wrong neighborhood showing your ass and the Cops WILL bust you quick and hard.

Well....last night they did. And local blacks whined that the police "arent doing anything" about the violence of the thugs. Yet...when police do something. ..they bitch.

I agree. Just surrender the ghettos. Let them figure it out themselves. Let them start an all black PD.

They don't want white cops to patrol because white cops are "racist" .
They don't want white prosecutors in court because white prosecutors are "racist".
They don't want white politicians to represent them because white politicians are "racist".
They don't want white teachers teaching their spawn because white teachers are "racist"
Give them what they want, then. Give them a couple of states and let them have their "New Congo" or "New Africa".
No white people allowed...because we're all "racists" anyway...and visas with exit dates mandatory for negroes who want to visit.

Imagine how clean and safe the cities would be.
Imagine how much improved the schools would become.
Imagine how empty the prisons would be.
Imagine how much crime statistics would decline.

Imagine the heights negroes could reach if only us white devils weren't around to hold them back.....LMAO...
What might help is to just leave those neighborhoods alone.

The Blacks don't want the Cops in there? Give them what they want.

Fer real.

We all pay taxes but those neighborhoods suck up the VAST majority of, not only Cops, but Ambulances and Firemen.

Just walk away from them. That way, the rest can have a little more of what WE pay for.

Do like down here....... You stumble into the wrong neighborhood showing your ass and the Cops WILL bust you quick and hard.

Well....last night they did. And local blacks whined that the police "arent doing anything" about the violence of the thugs. Yet...when police do something. ..they bitch.

I agree. Just surrender the ghettos. Let them figure it out themselves. Let them start an all black PD.

They don't want white cops to patrol because white cops are "racist" .
They don't want white prosecutors in court because white prosecutors are "racist".
They don't want white politicians to represent them because white politicians are "racist".
They don't want white teachers teaching their spawn because white teachers are "racist"
Give them what they want, then. Give them a couple of states and let them have their "New Congo" or "New Africa".
No white people allowed...because we're all "racists" anyway...and visas with exit dates mandatory for negroes who want to visit.

Imagine how clean and safe the cities would be.
Imagine how much improved the schools would become.
Imagine how empty the prisons would be.
Imagine how much crime statistics would decline.

Imagine the heights negroes could reach if only us white devils weren't around to hold them back.....LMAO...

Heres the sad part. Many cities tried the tactic of sending mostly cops to patrol black neighborhoods. Atlanta tried when I was there.

The result?

NAACP.and others blasted police....saying....drum roll please..... Why are they only sending blacks to the most dangerous areas!!!!

Cant fucking win haha.

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