Since certain demrats want play slash and burn

The women of the march today can dish it out and stomp the alt right, yes.
Thy SUREEEEEEEE have been showing the hate the past couple months. Exposure.
The women of the march today can dish it out and stomp the alt right, yes.

Liberal klunts like Ashley Judd bitching about paying a sales tax on tampons as if it's Trump's fault that is the case? Trump can overturn Roe v Wade that allows a woman to kill the life of a fetus for a minimal charge and then have that fetus sold for profit?

Not likely or even within the realm of possibility. Somehow, Trump is the target of leftard angstr because the pedophile child trafficking slime ball and her husband were denied another tour on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...their raping, pillaging and plundering using their slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation is going to have to find other avenues than the WH and the state department.
lets see if they can take it as well as they think they dish it out.

Take what? You whining and cryng again, weeping about how people criticizing you is "hate"?

What was the point of this thread, other than to show how butthurt you are over mainstream America giving you a smackdown?

I suggest you stop melting down every time you get criticized by mainstream America, becaue it will be happening a lot.
The women of the march today can dish it out and stomp the alt right, yes.
Liberal klunts

You know, you're still not allowed to be sexist assshole in public just because your fuerher is a sexist asshole in public.

You can try, but I wouldn't recommend it. You cockroaches should continue to stay hidden in your slimy crevices.

Fortunately, I don't come across many liberal klunts or liberal males in real time that wish to confront me in public when I speak my mind. The very few that have? Well, they end up walking away with their heads on backwards. The last time I had a real time confrontation with a leftard was when I was in Georgia at a sports bar. I was there for a software/firmware upgrade on some mailing equipment when the Barrypuppet started talking about lines in the sand with Syria when it was actually CIAl-qaeda that did it and I said as much....some short, fat Barrypuppet fan tried to take umbrage with what I publicly stated and when I got done thoroughly defeating him and making him run off in a huff? I didn't have to buy a beer for the rest of the night. Leftards are not as numerous as people would think...they just have big fucking mouths and the lamestream Operation Mockingbird media gives them a voice. What I have learned is that the pseudo liberal Fabian socialists are long on wind but deficient and short on facts with no ability to back up what they brag, just fact.
Fortunately, I don't come across many liberal klunts or liberal males in real time that wish to confront me in public when I speak my mind. The very few that have? Well, they end up walking away with their heads on backwards. The last time I had a real time confrontation with a leftard was when I was in Georgia at a sports bar. I was there for a software/firmware upgrade on some mailing equipment when the Barrypuppet started talking about lines in the sand with Syria when it was actually CIAl-qaeda that did it and I said as much....some short, fat Barrypuppet fan tried to take umbrage with what I publicly stated and when I got done thoroughly defeating him and making him run off in a huff? I didn't have to buy a beer for the rest of the night. Leftards are not as numerous as people would think...they just have big fucking mouths and the lamestream Operation Mockingbird media gives them a voice. What I have learned is that the pseudo liberal Fabian socialists are long on wind but deficient and short on facts with no ability to back up what they brag, just fact.

Cool story bro.

However, it's not as good as the one in the airport where the liberal college professor says war is wrong, and so everyone stands up and sings God Bless America.

You need to work on yours. Spice it up more.
Fortunately, I don't come across many liberal klunts or liberal males in real time that wish to confront me in public when I speak my mind. The very few that have? Well, they end up walking away with their heads on backwards. The last time I had a real time confrontation with a leftard was when I was in Georgia at a sports bar. I was there for a software/firmware upgrade on some mailing equipment when the Barrypuppet started talking about lines in the sand with Syria when it was actually CIAl-qaeda that did it and I said as much....some short, fat Barrypuppet fan tried to take umbrage with what I publicly stated and when I got done thoroughly defeating him and making him run off in a huff? I didn't have to buy a beer for the rest of the night. Leftards are not as numerous as people would think...they just have big fucking mouths and the lamestream Operation Mockingbird media gives them a voice. What I have learned is that the pseudo liberal Fabian socialists are long on wind but deficient and short on facts with no ability to back up what they brag, just fact.

Cool story bro.

However, it's not as good as the one in the airport where the liberal college professor says war is wrong, and so everyone stands up and sings God Bless America.

You need to work on yours. Spice it up more.

I would have stood by the professor and proclaimed that he was "dead on" why did leftards want war in Syria and push for war against Russia????
The far right snowflakes keep crying because America yesterday rejected Alt Right hate.
Why can't everyone pay for their own shit, what kind of fucked up delusional deadbeats think that it's right for other people to pay for their shit there?
The women of the march today can dish it out and stomp the alt right, yes.
The so called "woman's march" really only highlights what petty insignificant problems American women have compared to the rest of the world. And how entitled these spoild brats think they are.

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