Since disagreeing w/ Obama is racist. Is Rutgers racist 4 disagreeing w/ Condi Rice?


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
So, since it's obviously racist to disagree with Obama on anything, does that make Rutgers racist for disagreeing with Condleezza Rice?

Absolutely not. Rice is a Republican, so that automatically disqualifies her from being black. According to lefties and Democrats, she's still 3/5 of a person. The more things change about Democrats and lefties, the more they stay the same. Condi left their plantation and needs to be whipped, then lynched by lefty Dems.
Its in your head that disagreeing with Obama is racist. Who has accused you of being racist for disagreeing with Obama?
So, since it's obviously racist to disagree with Obama on anything, does that make Rutgers racist for disagreeing with Condleezza Rice?

Absolutely not. Rice is a Republican, so that automatically disqualifies her from being black. According to lefties and Democrats, she's still 3/5 of a person. The more things change about Democrats and lefties, the more they stay the same. Condi left their plantation and needs to be whipped, then lynched by lefty Dems.

You're only racist if you disagree with an ultra-leftist black. If you disagree with a conservative black then you're a hero.
Condoleeza Rice's actions both as National Security Advisor and as Secretary of State were beyond contemptible -- as well as treacherous to the interests of the Nation. But, like Colin Powell, her service left nothing for Blacks to be proud of but quite the opposite. Both served themselves and their elitist master by betraying the American People and by helping to unnecessarily send thousands of GIs to their deaths.

I give those Rutgers students, some of whom are Black, credit for demonstrating their pride, honesty and intelligence by rejecting her. The Rutgers faculty should have better judgment.
Condoleeza Rice's actions both as National Security Advisor and as Secretary of State were beyond contemptible -- as well as treacherous to the interests of the Nation. But, like Colin Powell, her service left nothing for Blacks to be proud of but quite the opposite. Both served themselves and their elitist master by betraying the American People and by helping to unnecessarily send thousands of GIs to their deaths.

Interestingly, Hillary Clinton and Democrats supported the same actions these idiots are protesting. Would these idiots protest any of these Democrats for speaking? Of course not, they are nothing more than leftist hacks who can't see beyond the letter "D". Well, since the discussion is costing GI's their lives, how about all the losses of GI lives Democrats are responsible for by getting us involved in WW I, FDR purposely letting us get hit in Pearl Harbor to get us in WW II. Then there are the Korean War and Vietnam War? How about Obama's sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan? During Bush's 8 years, 575 troops were killed and 3000 wounded in Afghanistan. In far less time under Obama, as of 2012, 1,405 troops have been killed, 15,000 wounded in Afghanistan, a 70% increase in deaths, and nearly 80% increase in wounded? So, where are these leftist hacks protesting Democrats? Oh....never-mind, Democrat wars are good wars, only wars under Republicans are evil and full of war criminals.

I give those Rutgers students, some of whom are Black, credit for demonstrating their pride, honesty and intelligence by rejecting her. The Rutgers faculty should have better judgment.

They displayed none of what you mentioned. Liberal Juan Williams said it best:

Liberals are shockingly quick to demean and dismiss brilliant black people like Rice, [noted surgeon Ben] Carson, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), Professor Walter E. Williams and economist Thomas Sowell because they don’t fit into the role they have carved out for a black person in America. Black Americans must be obedient liberals of all things or risk being called a race traitor or Uncle Tom.

It's obvious the sheets that will be worn at Rutgers graduation won't be graduation gowns.
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So, since it's obviously racist to disagree with Obama on anything, does that make Rutgers racist for disagreeing with Condleezza Rice?

Absolutely not. Rice is a Republican, so that automatically disqualifies her from being black. According to lefties and Democrats, she's still 3/5 of a person. The more things change about Democrats and lefties, the more they stay the same. Condi left their plantation and needs to be whipped, then lynched by lefty Dems.

It is not racist to disagree with Obama, it is racist to dislike him because of his racial heritage. That should straighten you out and end this silly thread.
So, since it's obviously racist to disagree with Obama on anything, does that make Rutgers racist for disagreeing with Condleezza Rice?

Absolutely not. Rice is a Republican, so that automatically disqualifies her from being black. According to lefties and Democrats, she's still 3/5 of a person. The more things change about Democrats and lefties, the more they stay the same. Condi left their plantation and needs to be whipped, then lynched by lefty Dems.

actually, she's 100% Uncle Tom and 100% a war criminal.

But I'm all for equality. I think we need to send her off to the Hague for trial along with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, and all the other NeoCons who instigated the Iraq war.

I like all the denials.

"Gosh, how weird. What do you mean? No way. No one is EVER called racist when they criticize Obama. That doesn't happen. This is just CRAZY talk."


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How many black kids came home in boxes or without arms or legs because of the Lies that Condi Rice told to get us into a war with Iraq.

That's why it's not racist to tell her to go fuck herself.
How many black kids came home in boxes or without arms or legs because of the Lies that Condi Rice told to get us into a war with Iraq.

That's why it's not racist to tell her to go fuck herself.

Maybe you can tell us how many have come home like that while under Obama/Hagel/Clinton/Kerry regime?

you're a sick person and not only a racist but a woman hater to boot...You libs are so full of shit you care more for women's rights...the only right you all care about, is the right for them to kill their offspring through, Abortion
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How many black kids came home in boxes or without arms or legs because of the Lies that Condi Rice told to get us into a war with Iraq.

That's why it's not racist to tell her to go fuck herself.

Maybe you can tell us how many have come home like that while under Obama/Hagel/Clinton/Kerry regime?

you're a sick person and not only a racist but a woman hater to boot...You libs are so full of shit you care more for women's rights...the only right you all care about, is the right for them to kill their offspring through, Abortion

1) Substantially Less. Obama got us out of Iraq and he's getting us out of Afghanistan. Personally, I think he spent too much effort in Afghanistan, as it was a lost cause a long time ago.

2) Obama didn't get us into these messes, Bush and Condi and the gang did.

3) Nobody was denying Condi her "rights". The students just felt that bringing in a war criminal to speak on their special day was inappropriate. Good for them. It's about them, not her.
How many black kids came home in boxes or without arms or legs because of the Lies that Condi Rice told to get us into a war with Iraq.

That's why it's not racist to tell her to go fuck herself.

Maybe you can tell us how many have come home like that while under Obama/Hagel/Clinton/Kerry regime?

you're a sick person and not only a racist but a woman hater to boot...You libs are so full of shit you care more for women's rights...the only right you all care about, is the right for them to kill their offspring through, Abortion

1) Substantially Less. Obama got us out of Iraq and he's getting us out of Afghanistan. Personally, I think he spent too much effort in Afghanistan, as it was a lost cause a long time ago.

2) Obama didn't get us into these messes, Bush and Condi and the gang did.

3) Nobody was denying Condi her "rights". The students just felt that bringing in a war criminal to speak on their special day was inappropriate. Good for them. It's about them, not her.
Meh. You are just a racist and a sexiist.
Maybe you can tell us how many have come home like that while under Obama/Hagel/Clinton/Kerry regime?

you're a sick person and not only a racist but a woman hater to boot...You libs are so full of shit you care more for women's rights...the only right you all care about, is the right for them to kill their offspring through, Abortion

1) Substantially Less. Obama got us out of Iraq and he's getting us out of Afghanistan. Personally, I think he spent too much effort in Afghanistan, as it was a lost cause a long time ago.

2) Obama didn't get us into these messes, Bush and Condi and the gang did.

3) Nobody was denying Condi her "rights". The students just felt that bringing in a war criminal to speak on their special day was inappropriate. Good for them. It's about them, not her.
Meh. You are just a racist and a sexiist.

pure and simple who is spinning his ass off to try and cover it up
as if he knows how many came home that way to begin with

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