Since disagreeing w/ Obama is racist. Is Rutgers racist 4 disagreeing w/ Condi Rice?

Disagreeing with Bush made you unpatriotic and a traitor, with Oblama all you get is being a racist. I still call them French fries and not patriot fries.
How many black kids came home in boxes or without arms or legs because of the Lies that Condi Rice told to get us into a war with Iraq.

That's why it's not racist to tell her to go fuck herself.

Maybe you can tell us how many have come home like that while under Obama/Hagel/Clinton/Kerry regime?

you're a sick person and not only a racist but a woman hater to boot...You libs are so full of shit you care more for women's rights...the only right you all care about, is the right for them to kill their offspring through, Abortion


U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan: Obama vs Bush | Just Foreign Policy


US Troop fatalities in Afghanistan under Obama Vs. Bush


So you opposed the war in Afghanistan?
So, since it's obviously racist to disagree with Obama on anything, does that make Rutgers racist for disagreeing with Condleezza Rice?

Absolutely not. Rice is a Republican, so that automatically disqualifies her from being black. According to lefties and Democrats, she's still 3/5 of a person. The more things change about Democrats and lefties, the more they stay the same. Condi left their plantation and needs to be whipped, then lynched by lefty Dems.

actually, she's 100% Uncle Tom and 100% a war criminal.

But I'm all for equality. I think we need to send her off to the Hague for trial along with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, and all the other NeoCons who instigated the Iraq war.

A liberal that's a racist.....go figure.
She isn't an "uncle tom, nor a war criminal....she just isn't a liberal black and that IS what has your panties all in a wad.
So, since it's obviously racist to disagree with Obama on anything, does that make Rutgers racist for disagreeing with Condleezza Rice?

Absolutely not. Rice is a Republican, so that automatically disqualifies her from being black. According to lefties and Democrats, she's still 3/5 of a person. The more things change about Democrats and lefties, the more they stay the same. Condi left their plantation and needs to be whipped, then lynched by lefty Dems.

You think it's racist to disagree with President Obama??

lol, whoa!

Most liberals on this board have proven that you're wrong.

Um, yeah.

That's what happens when you exempt the rich from military service and leave defending the country to working class kids.

So when the race card didn't work for you, you did a quick segue to class envy.

Okay Joe, whatever works for ya. Keep up the division, keep up the hate.


Statements like "since disagreeing w obama is racist" is a racist statement.
Statements like "since disagreeing w obama is racist" is a racist statement.

Holy shit.



Yes, trying to say that any disagreement with Obama is racist, when in fact almost all of it is not, is racist.

Son, it is not racism to call a racist a racist, or to call out someone who is using the race card to deflect criticism.

Both sides play the race card, and both sides are wrong.
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Statements like "since disagreeing w obama is racist" is a racist statement.

Holy shit.



Yes, trying to say that any disagreement with Obama is racist, when in fact almost all of it is not, is racist.

Son, it is not racism to call a racist a racist, or to call out someone who is using the race card to deflect criticism.

Both sides play the race card, and both sides are wrong.

Your side needs to stop screaming "racist" at every opportunity for political advantage.

You're hurting the people you claim to "care" about.


All that proves to me is that you guys are happy to trot out your Uncle Toms like Rice, Thomas, Ben Carson, Alan West and then wonder why other blacks don't think that much of them.
I know why you don't think much of them. It is because you are a racist scumbucket.

I don't think much of them because they piss on the people who gave them oppurtunities to side with the people who've given us Birtherism, Willie Horton and "Welfare Queen" Stories.

But you all scratch your big monkey Craniums and say, "Gee, why do blacks vote 96% democratic"
How often do you need to replace the gloves that protect your knuckles from bleeding? :lol:
So, since it's obviously racist to disagree with Obama on anything, does that make Rutgers racist for disagreeing with Condleezza Rice?

Absolutely not. Rice is a Republican, so that automatically disqualifies her from being black. According to lefties and Democrats, she's still 3/5 of a person. The more things change about Democrats and lefties, the more they stay the same. Condi left their plantation and needs to be whipped, then lynched by lefty Dems.

You think it's racist to disagree with President Obama??

lol, whoa!

Most liberals on this board have proven that you're wrong.

Most of them have called you a racist because you don't support Obamacare? Can you prove that?
Statements like "since disagreeing w obama is racist" is a racist statement.

Holy shit.


And if you do not understand that it is racist, that just further proves what a racist that you are! :lol: :rolleyes:

Being an Bambot progressive is easy. All you need to do is reject all higher thought processes and shout "RACIST!" :lol:

I swear, sometimes I think they're serious.

Maybe they are, who the hell knows at this point.


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