Since disagreeing w/ Obama is racist. Is Rutgers racist 4 disagreeing w/ Condi Rice?

Sadly, I don't think they see it.



I guess we don't, because this isn't a race issue.

Rice wasn't disinvited because she was black.

She wasn't disinvited because she was a woman.

She was disinvited because she was part of a policy making team that went to war based on a lie, and resulted in the deaths of 5000 Americans and 500,000 Iraqis.

Perfect example, right on cue, too funny.

Joe thinks those who dislike Obama are racists, yet those who dislike Condi Rice are do so only because of policy. In Joe's world, the rationale is undeniable and the irony inadmissible.
I guess we don't, because this isn't a race issue.

Rice wasn't disinvited because she was black.

She wasn't disinvited because she was a woman.

She was disinvited because she was part of a policy making team that went to war based on a lie, and resulted in the deaths of 5000 Americans and 500,000 Iraqis.

Perfect example, right on cue, too funny.

Joe thinks those who dislike Obama are racists, yet those who dislike Condi Rice are do so only because of policy. In Joe's world, the rationale is undeniable and the irony inadmissible.
And the tokenism all the more glaring. :lol:

Joe thinks those who dislike Obama are racists, yet those who dislike Condi Rice are do so only because of policy. In Joe's world, the rationale is undeniable and the irony inadmissible.

No, guy, the reason why I think most of you Obama-Haters are racist is because you turn against things you were previously for when a White Guy suggested them.

Case in point- ObamaCare.

You guys thought it was a WONDERFUL idea when the Heritage Foundation proposed it in 1994 as an alternative to HillaryCare.

You guys thought it was awesome when they put in in place in Massachusetts and called it "RomneyCare". In fact, Romney didn't get one cross word about it in the GOP primaries in 2008.

Then the Black Guy did it.
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So, since it's obviously racist to disagree with Obama on anything, does that make Rutgers racist for disagreeing with Condleezza Rice?

Absolutely not. Rice is a Republican, so that automatically disqualifies her from being black. According to lefties and Democrats, she's still 3/5 of a person. The more things change about Democrats and lefties, the more they stay the same. Condi left their plantation and needs to be whipped, then lynched by lefty Dems.

Condi Rice is an Uncle Tom, so wail away......

He's dead serious.


Yes, 5000 dead american soldiers and 32,000 wounded is something I am VERY serious about.

I'm just not sure why you guys aren't.

Oh, wait. Because it isn't anyone you know.
How many are dead under your little token's watch?

How many has he brought home for good in the upright position?

are we talking about Just Iraq, or are you going to be disingenuous and want to throw Afghanistan into the mix even though there is bipartisan agreement fighting the war in Afghanistan was the right thing to do.

You see, I have no problem with the War in Afghanistan. Maybe the way it was fought, but the principle of why we went in was fine. They were sheltering Al Qaeda when 9/11 happened.

Iraq, on the other hand, was not helping Al Qaeda, they were not hoarding WMD's, they were not a threat to anyone.

THIS is why Rice and Rummy and Feith and Cheney and Bush should be pariahs now.

Joe thinks those who dislike Obama are racists, yet those who dislike Condi Rice are do so only because of policy. In Joe's world, the rationale is undeniable and the irony inadmissible.

No, guy, the reason why I think most of you Obama-Haters are racist is because you turn against things you were previously for when a White Guy suggested them.

Case in point- ObamaCare.

You guys thought it was a WONDERFUL idea when the Heritage Foundation proposed it in 1994 as an alternative to HillaryCare.

You guys thought it was awesome when they put in in place in Massachusetts and called it "RomneyCare". In fact, Romney didn't get one cross word about it in the GOP primaries in 2008.

Then the Black Guy did it.
Who are "you guys"?

We know you hate Romney because he was a Mormon, you hate Zimmerman because he killed a thug and you live in a shit hole, but what's with all the hate?

Joe thinks those who dislike Obama are racists, yet those who dislike Condi Rice are do so only because of policy. In Joe's world, the rationale is undeniable and the irony inadmissible.

No, guy, the reason why I think most of you Obama-Haters are racist is because you turn against things you were previously for when a White Guy suggested them.

Case in point- ObamaCare.

You guys thought it was a WONDERFUL idea when the Heritage Foundation proposed it in 1994 as an alternative to HillaryCare.

You guys thought it was awesome when they put in in place in Massachusetts and called it "RomneyCare". In fact, Romney didn't get one cross word about it in the GOP primaries in 2008.

Then the Black Guy did it.
Who are "you guys"?

We know you hate Romney because he was a Mormon, you hate Zimmerman because he killed a thug and you live in a shit hole, but what's with all the hate?

Yes, members of cults started by child molestors who want to impose theocracy on my country are generally met by ire. So are guys who shoot unarmed children.

And frankly, I'm always amused by your ignorance of Chicago.

Get back to me when you can refute my point, okay?
You do realize that the "Stockyards" were a long time ago, right?

Or are you just that profoundly ignorant?
Yeah, whatever was I thinking. Things are much better now:

A senior Chicago police officer said that parts of the city are being overwhelmed by gun violence, after a weekend in which nine people were shot dead and at least 36 – including six children – were wounded.

Ronald Holt, the commander of the Chicago police department’s special activities division, said that the city was witnessing “fratricide” among young men who had come to believe “that the only way to resolve a conflict is to get a gun and go shoot to kill”.

“To tackle gun violence where it is overwhelming communities with the extraordinary loss of lives at an alarming pace, we must deal with it as a social disease and health issue,” Holt, whose 17-year-old son Blair was shot dead on a bus in 2007, told the Guardian in an email.

His remarks came as Chicago suffered its bloodiest weekend of the year. Dozens of residents were shot in a series of separate incidents. On the city’s south side, five children aged between 11 and 15 were shot while walking home from a park on Sunday evening.

Chicago police face overwhelming gun crime as 45 people shot over weekend | World news |
Guy, the whole country has a gun violence problem, which is what happens when you have a gun industry determined to sell to everyone they possibly can.

Is that the best you can come up with?
The baby-killers are not in Iraq or Afghanistan, they are the thugs who share your shit hole with you. If you want to be productive and help people, walk down your street and challenge the thugs and baby-killers there. You are far too much of a hypocrite though, preferring to make useless rants behind a computer about things you know little about rather than actually making a difference where you could: your shit hole of a city.
Guy, the whole country has a gun violence problem, which is what happens when you have a gun industry determined to sell to everyone they possibly can.

Is that the best you can come up with?
The baby-killers are not in Iraq or Afghanistan, they are the thugs who share your shit hole with you. If you want to be productive and help people, walk down your street and challenge the thugs and baby-killers there. You are far too much of a hypocrite though, preferring to make useless rants behind a computer about things you know little about rather than actually making a difference where you could: your shit hole of a city.

First, I don't live in Chicago itself, I live in one of the suburbs.

Second, Chicago is vastly better off than cities like Cleveland, detroit, Milwaukee and others killed by the greed of the 1%.

Third, Crime is actually down in CHicago this year.

fourth- the real problem is too many people have guns. Period. And I'm all for gun control.

Now, are you going to get back to addressing the point, or are you just going to keep expressing your ignorance about a place you've never been?
Guy, the whole country has a gun violence problem, which is what happens when you have a gun industry determined to sell to everyone they possibly can.

Is that the best you can come up with?
The baby-killers are not in Iraq or Afghanistan, they are the thugs who share your shit hole with you. If you want to be productive and help people, walk down your street and challenge the thugs and baby-killers there. You are far too much of a hypocrite though, preferring to make useless rants behind a computer about things you know little about rather than actually making a difference where you could: your shit hole of a city.

First, I don't live in Chicago itself, I live in one of the suburbs.

Second, Chicago is vastly better off than cities like Cleveland, detroit, Milwaukee and others killed by the greed of the 1%.

Third, Crime is actually down in CHicago this year.

fourth- the real problem is too many people have guns. Period. And I'm all for gun control.

Now, are you going to get back to addressing the point, or are you just going to keep expressing your ignorance about a place you've never been?
Get off your ass and stop babies and young people from getting killed. Hell, you're from the shit hole where it's happening, but then you really don't give a rat's ass.

Your mental pathology aside, you really are self-righteous twat and a hypocrite.
Then why are we labeled racists for doing so? Why aren't you telling your liberal friends this? Hmm? Anyhow, there is no special way to disagree with Obama. We just do. His race as you just pointed out has nothing to do with it. We're simply using the same logic Democrats use. If you disagree with a black person, you're racist.

Let it be seen by all here, one liberal who sees the light.

If you think your race is superior to another then you are a racist period.

So, how does disagreeing with Obama correlate with that?

All depends on how you disagree. I see most of the disagreements as highly partisan not racist. Some of the dumb ass partisans parrots racist terms in their rants. I think mostly they're to stupid to be racist, but that's only an opinion.
Get off your ass and stop babies and young people from getting killed. Hell, you're from the shit hole where it's happening, but then you really don't give a rat's ass.

Your mental pathology aside, you really are self-righteous twat and a hypocrite.

Guy, simple enough solution.

Ban private gun ownership.

Problem solved.

Can't blame me if they don't listen to me.

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