Since disagreeing w/ Obama is racist. Is Rutgers racist 4 disagreeing w/ Condi Rice?

Why are you labeled racists?

Because when Bush did the same thing or something far worse, you didn't bitch at him. 5000 dead in Iraq over a lie? No big deal. 4 dead in Benghazi and they wonder if the video had something to do with it. "OH MY GOD THIS IS THE WORST THING SINCE WATERGATE!!!!"

Because some of you will struggle to find a way to criticize Obama no matter what he does. If he doesn't bomb a terrorist group, he's soft, but if he orders a drone strike, then he's violating their right to "due process".

You guys had no problem with RomneyCare, but when Obama does the exact same thing you guys are rending your clothing.

You blurt out things like "Muslim" and "Marxist" and really expect it to be taken seriously.

Seriously, the last time I saw people lose their shit this badly over a politician winning an office is when Harold Washington became Chicago's first black mayor.

Man, did people lose their shit back then. Just like now.

Really? How many times in the last week or so, on this board, have you seen liberals play the race card against all the relentless attacks on Obama over Benghazi?

Of all the hundreds and hundreds of posts on it.
Boy, had to go back all of 6 posts for this.

Couch-boy asked why people think folks like him are racist.

I told him.

Ooops. Can't have the truth coming out, now, can we?

95% of oppossition to Obama is because of his race. You guys wait until he states a policy before you decide what you are against. even if it was what you guys were previously for.

I don't agree. They're trying to lynch Hillary as much or more than Obama, and she's white last time I looked.

Racism is the icing on the anti-Obama cake. The hatred of Obama on the right is so comprehensive that its scope in and of itself reduces racism to a fractional component of the sum total of the hatred.
Why are you labeled racists?

Because when Bush did the same thing or something far worse, you didn't bitch at him. 5000 dead in Iraq over a lie? No big deal. 4 dead in Benghazi and they wonder if the video had something to do with it. "OH MY GOD THIS IS THE WORST THING SINCE WATERGATE!!!!"

Because some of you will struggle to find a way to criticize Obama no matter what he does. If he doesn't bomb a terrorist group, he's soft, but if he orders a drone strike, then he's violating their right to "due process".

You guys had no problem with RomneyCare, but when Obama does the exact same thing you guys are rending your clothing.

You blurt out things like "Muslim" and "Marxist" and really expect it to be taken seriously.

Seriously, the last time I saw people lose their shit this badly over a politician winning an office is when Harold Washington became Chicago's first black mayor.

Man, did people lose their shit back then. Just like now.

Really? How many times in the last week or so, on this board, have you seen liberals play the race card against all the relentless attacks on Obama over Benghazi?

Of all the hundreds and hundreds of posts on it.
Boy, had to go back all of 6 posts for this.

So it happened once in several thousand posts?

Conservatives did more labeling of liberals as racists in the handful of Condi Rice threads we had lately.

Should we revisit them?
Tell you what cabbie, go back and find all the accusations of racism on either side and get back to me. You don't seem to have much of a life and you don't take getting trumped particularly graciously.

Once in several thousand posts, my ass.
Boy, had to go back all of 6 posts for this.

So it happened once in several thousand posts?

Conservatives did more labeling of liberals as racists in the handful of Condi Rice threads we had lately.

Should we revisit them?
Tell you what cabbie, go back and find all the accusations of racism on either side and get back to me. You don't seem to have much of a life and you don't take getting trumped particularly graciously.

Once in several thousand posts, my ass.

The 6th post in the first thread about Condoleezza Rice and Rutgers was the race card,

and got seven thank you's from conservative proponents of the 'liberals are racist' card.

And it goes on and on throughout the thread. This happens in every thread about black conservatives.
All conservative blacks are considered race traitors by liberals " uncle toms " " not down with the cause " etc. The demonization of them is habitual! Using the race card is a cheap below the belt tactic that liberals have used as a spearhead to effectuate redistribution - the realm in which they operate! They will continue to rest under it's umbrage like a snake under a rock; they feel that they have a monopoly on it! When they are void of substance on an issue, or have an untenable position, they play it irregardless of credibility - no matter the stretch!

Liberals hate anyone that opposes their agenda regardless of race, but they do have a special hatred for those blacks that have transcended the entitlement mentality; those that have left their plantation! Calling Rutgers racist absolutely fits the liberal criteria!
All conservative blacks are considered race traitors by liberals " uncle toms " " not down with the cause " etc. The demonization of them is habitual! Using the race card is a cheap below the belt tactic that liberals have used as a spearhead to effectuate redistribution - the realm in which they operate! They will continue to rest under it's umbrage like a snake under a rock; they feel that they have a monopoly on it! When they are void of substance on an issue, or have an untenable position, they play it irregardless of credibility - no matter the stretch!

Liberals hate anyone that opposes their agenda regardless of race, but they do have a special hatred for those blacks that have transcended the entitlement mentality; those that have left their plantation! Calling Rutgers racist absolutely fits the liberal criteria!
Indeed. The left has built themselves a new Plantation, and they can't afford to have renegade slaves of any colour off of it. They have to maintain the New Slavery.
Why do you think it is obviously racist to simply disagree with the President? I suppose one could infer that position by the way you disagrees with his policies. I mean I disagree with a lot of what he's said and done politically. His race really should have nothing to do with it.

Then why are we labeled racists for doing so? Why aren't you telling your liberal friends this? Hmm? Anyhow, there is no special way to disagree with Obama. We just do. His race as you just pointed out has nothing to do with it. We're simply using the same logic Democrats use. If you disagree with a black person, you're racist.

Let it be seen by all here, one liberal who sees the light.

If you think your race is superior to another then you are a racist period.

So, how does disagreeing with Obama correlate with that?

I don't agree. They're trying to lynch Hillary as much or more than Obama, and she's white last time I looked.

Racism is the icing on the anti-Obama cake. The hatred of Obama on the right is so comprehensive that its scope in and of itself reduces racism to a fractional component of the sum total of the hatred.

I think the animus that the GOP feels towards Hillary is residual animus they felt against Bill, who whupped them and whupped them pretty good.

I do also think a lot of the animus against Obama is racism. I mean, you got the poster here who portrays the first couple as apes, a few of them are pretty open in their racism.
All conservative blacks are considered race traitors by liberals " uncle toms " " not down with the cause " etc. The demonization of them is habitual! Using the race card is a cheap below the belt tactic that liberals have used as a spearhead to effectuate redistribution - the realm in which they operate! They will continue to rest under it's umbrage like a snake under a rock; they feel that they have a monopoly on it! When they are void of substance on an issue, or have an untenable position, they play it irregardless of credibility - no matter the stretch!

Liberals hate anyone that opposes their agenda regardless of race, but they do have a special hatred for those blacks that have transcended the entitlement mentality; those that have left their plantation! Calling Rutgers racist absolutely fits the liberal criteria!

well, that's not true, really.

People have a lot of respect for Colin Powell, despite the role he played in the Iraq debacle.

someone like Clarance Thomas, though, is quite another story.

I don't agree. They're trying to lynch Hillary as much or more than Obama, and she's white last time I looked.

Racism is the icing on the anti-Obama cake. The hatred of Obama on the right is so comprehensive that its scope in and of itself reduces racism to a fractional component of the sum total of the hatred.

I think the animus that the GOP feels towards Hillary is residual animus they felt against Bill, who whupped them and whupped them pretty good.

I do also think a lot of the animus against Obama is racism. I mean, you got the poster here who portrays the first couple as apes, a few of them are pretty open in their racism.

Well the racist ape-guy can't be said to be representative of all conservatives - if you ask conservatives.

On the other hand, dead Southern Democrats are representative of all living Democrats, and liberals,

if you ask conservatives.
So, since it's obviously racist to disagree with Obama on anything, does that make Rutgers racist for disagreeing with Condleezza Rice?

Absolutely not. Rice is a Republican, so that automatically disqualifies her from being black. According to lefties and Democrats, she's still 3/5 of a person. The more things change about Democrats and lefties, the more they stay the same. Condi left their plantation and needs to be whipped, then lynched by lefty Dems.

Why do you think it is obviously racist to simply disagree with the President? I suppose one could infer that position by the way you disagrees with his policies. I mean I disagree with a lot of what he's said and done politically. His race really should have nothing to do with it.

Then why are we labeled racists for doing so?

Because there are those on the right who in fact predicate their opposition to the president based solely on his race, where his alleged ‘incompetence’ is consistent with overall ‘black incompetence,’ where he became president only as a consequence of his race, having nothing to do with his skills and abilities. Indeed, one of your fellow rightists recently started a thread on this very forum making the failed and inane ‘argument’ that the only reason why Obama was elected was due to ‘white guilt.’

The examples above and others constitute racism practiced by many on the right.

Now, if you and others on the right don’t subscribe to such racist notions, then you needn’t be concerned about being labeled a racist; for those who do, however, the label is both appropriate and earned.
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Liberals don't think a business should have the right to refuse service Rice because she's black, or refuse to hire her because she's black, or deny her the right to marry if she happens to be gay as is the rumor.

Condi Rice would fare very poorly in a world run by conservatives; fortunately for her the US is no such place,

and not about to be anytime soon.
So it happened once in several thousand posts?

Conservatives did more labeling of liberals as racists in the handful of Condi Rice threads we had lately.

Should we revisit them?
Tell you what cabbie, go back and find all the accusations of racism on either side and get back to me. You don't seem to have much of a life and you don't take getting trumped particularly graciously.

Once in several thousand posts, my ass.

The 6th post in the first thread about Condoleezza Rice and Rutgers was the race card,

and got seven thank you's from conservative proponents of the 'liberals are racist' card.

And it goes on and on throughout the thread. This happens in every thread about black conservatives.
Sucks when the shoe is on the other foot, doesn't it? :lol:
Tell you what cabbie, go back and find all the accusations of racism on either side and get back to me. You don't seem to have much of a life and you don't take getting trumped particularly graciously.

Once in several thousand posts, my ass.

The 6th post in the first thread about Condoleezza Rice and Rutgers was the race card,

and got seven thank you's from conservative proponents of the 'liberals are racist' card.

And it goes on and on throughout the thread. This happens in every thread about black conservatives.
Sucks when the shoe is on the other foot, doesn't it? :lol:

Sadly, I don't think they see it.

"Diversity" and "inclusion" are only allowed for certain people.

Which is so delicious in its irony that it makes me wanna sit back and rub my little tummy.


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The 6th post in the first thread about Condoleezza Rice and Rutgers was the race card,

and got seven thank you's from conservative proponents of the 'liberals are racist' card.

And it goes on and on throughout the thread. This happens in every thread about black conservatives.
Sucks when the shoe is on the other foot, doesn't it? :lol:

Sadly, I don't think they see it.



I guess we don't, because this isn't a race issue.

Rice wasn't disinvited because she was black.

She wasn't disinvited because she was a woman.

She was disinvited because she was part of a policy making team that went to war based on a lie, and resulted in the deaths of 5000 Americans and 500,000 Iraqis.
Sucks when the shoe is on the other foot, doesn't it? :lol:

Sadly, I don't think they see it.



I guess we don't, because this isn't a race issue.

Rice wasn't disinvited because she was black.

She wasn't disinvited because she was a woman.

She was disinvited because she was part of a policy making team that went to war based on a lie, and resulted in the deaths of 5000 Americans and 500,000 Iraqis.

Perfect example, right on cue, too funny.

Sucks when the shoe is on the other foot, doesn't it? :lol:

Sadly, I don't think they see it.



I guess we don't, because this isn't a race issue.

Rice wasn't disinvited because she was black.

She wasn't disinvited because she was a woman.

She was disinvited because she was part of a policy making team that went to war based on a lie, and resulted in the deaths of 5000 Americans and 500,000 Iraqis.
Not only dumb as dirt, but humorless too. :lmao:

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