Since disagreeing w/ Obama is racist. Is Rutgers racist 4 disagreeing w/ Condi Rice?

1) Substantially Less. Obama got us out of Iraq and he's getting us out of Afghanistan. Personally, I think he spent too much effort in Afghanistan, as it was a lost cause a long time ago.

2) Obama didn't get us into these messes, Bush and Condi and the gang did.

3) Nobody was denying Condi her "rights". The students just felt that bringing in a war criminal to speak on their special day was inappropriate. Good for them. It's about them, not her.
Meh. You are just a racist and a sexiist.

pure and simple who is spinning his ass off to try and cover it up
as if he knows how many came home that way to begin with

Pretty easy to do the math.

5000 Dead in Iraq

20% of those were black.

so that would be 1000.

Conflict with Iraq: Study shows 20 percent of war deaths are blacks

Thanks for Playing, Staph.
Meh. You are just a racist and a sexiist.

pure and simple who is spinning his ass off to try and cover it up
as if he knows how many came home that way to begin with

Pretty easy to do the math.

5000 Dead in Iraq

20% of those were black.

so that would be 1000.

Conflict with Iraq: Study shows 20 percent of war deaths are blacks

Thanks for Playing, Staph.
All that proves to me is that bombs and bullets are less racist that you are.
pure and simple who is spinning his ass off to try and cover it up
as if he knows how many came home that way to begin with

Pretty easy to do the math.

5000 Dead in Iraq

20% of those were black.

so that would be 1000.

Conflict with Iraq: Study shows 20 percent of war deaths are blacks

Thanks for Playing, Staph.
All that proves to me is that bombs and bullets are less racist that you are.

All that proves to me is that you guys are happy to trot out your Uncle Toms like Rice, Thomas, Ben Carson, Alan West and then wonder why other blacks don't think that much of them.
pure and simple who is spinning his ass off to try and cover it up
as if he knows how many came home that way to begin with

Pretty easy to do the math.

5000 Dead in Iraq

20% of those were black.

so that would be 1000.

Conflict with Iraq: Study shows 20 percent of war deaths are blacks

Thanks for Playing, Staph.
All that proves to me is that bombs and bullets are less racist that you are.

Pretty easy to do the math.

5000 Dead in Iraq

20% of those were black.

so that would be 1000.

Conflict with Iraq: Study shows 20 percent of war deaths are blacks

Thanks for Playing, Staph.
All that proves to me is that bombs and bullets are less racist that you are.

All that proves to me is that you guys are happy to trot out your Uncle Toms like Rice, Thomas, Ben Carson, Alan West and then wonder why other blacks don't think that much of them.
I know why you don't think much of them. It is because you are a racist scumbucket.
All that proves to me is that bombs and bullets are less racist that you are.

All that proves to me is that you guys are happy to trot out your Uncle Toms like Rice, Thomas, Ben Carson, Alan West and then wonder why other blacks don't think that much of them.
I know why you don't think much of them. It is because you are a racist scumbucket.

I don't think much of them because they piss on the people who gave them oppurtunities to side with the people who've given us Birtherism, Willie Horton and "Welfare Queen" Stories.

But you all scratch your big monkey Craniums and say, "Gee, why do blacks vote 96% democratic"
Condoleeza Rice's actions both as National Security Advisor and as Secretary of State were beyond contemptible -- as well as treacherous to the interests of the Nation. But, like Colin Powell, her service left nothing for Blacks to be proud of but quite the opposite. Both served themselves and their elitist master by betraying the American People and by helping to unnecessarily send thousands of GIs to their deaths.

I give those Rutgers students, some of whom are Black, credit for demonstrating their pride, honesty and intelligence by rejecting her. The Rutgers faculty should have better judgment.

LOL. You fail to mention that Obama has perpetuated the war in Afghanistan and that more GIs have died under his watch than did under Bush's entire 8-years as Prez. Where's the outrage?
Since disagreeing w/ Obama is racist.

False Premise, no support, mistaken conclusion with no emphasis

OP fail
I do think there is an unfortunate condition in which some on the Left accuse those critics of the Obama administration as being racist. For example, I do believe our Attorney General Eric Holder used the race card in response to political opposition this past April. Although that's one example, I'm fairly certain that there have been numerous incidents of people from the political Left using the race card when race was never the issue. It's also understandable that there will be some partisans who will avidly deny any occasion ever happening from our current administration; that's expected. This critique of the Left isn't to be misconstrued as an exoneration of the Right, either. They have their own problems to deal with.
So, since it's obviously racist to disagree with Obama on anything, does that make Rutgers racist for disagreeing with Condleezza Rice?

Absolutely not. Rice is a Republican, so that automatically disqualifies her from being black. According to lefties and Democrats, she's still 3/5 of a person. The more things change about Democrats and lefties, the more they stay the same. Condi left their plantation and needs to be whipped, then lynched by lefty Dems.

You think it's racist to disagree with President Obama??

lol, whoa!
How many black kids came home in boxes or without arms or legs because of the Lies that Condi Rice told to get us into a war with Iraq.

That's why it's not racist to tell her to go fuck herself.

Maybe you can tell us how many have come home like that while under Obama/Hagel/Clinton/Kerry regime?

you're a sick person and not only a racist but a woman hater to boot...You libs are so full of shit you care more for women's rights...the only right you all care about, is the right for them to kill their offspring through, Abortion


U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan: Obama vs Bush | Just Foreign Policy


US Troop fatalities in Afghanistan under Obama Vs. Bush

Last edited:
And a hush fell over the room of Liberals and Leftist Ideologues.

If the left didn't lie and have a willing lamestream Pravda media to do it with, they would PROBABLY never win elections... and Obambam surely wouldn't of won re-election with the piss poor record he had...that's what all the wailing is over trying to get to the bottom of Benghazi...the people MIGHT FIND out the TRUTH
Since disagreeing w/ Obama is racist.

False Premise, no support, mistaken conclusion with no emphasis

OP fail

I think a lot of the Obama haters use race as an excuse because they can't communicate their displeasure or handle it when someone offers an opposing opinion. Has the left cried racism...sure; but not nearly as much as some would like to claim. You can't have an honest discussion with these pseudo-conservatives...they lack intelligence and social tact.

And Steph, using the racist argument in every post...then, like the hypocrite she is, always calls people sexists when they disagree with her.

I wonder if there are any true conservatives here that don't use racism as a defense, weapon, or rally call.
Says a lot and then people wonder why we are so, can thank the left/Democrats/progressives/radical commies like Billy Ayers who is a domestic terrorist now teacher at a university


Special Report

The Sixties’ Road to Rutgers and Beyond

Marcusian “tolerance” continues its Long March.

By Daniel J. Flynn – 5.9.14

Condi Rice withdrew on Saturday from speaking at the Rutgers University graduation after the usual round of sit-ins and destruction of property. In tortuous and inhumane logic, New Brunswick’s loud contingent of silencers said that allowing Rice to speak meant “encouraging and perpetuating a world that justifies torture and debases humanity.” In allowing the triumph of the hecklers’ veto, the school sends a disturbing, though not untrue, commencement message: graduates enter a society so contemptuous of free discourse that it exacts a heavy price for its exercise.

The former Secretary of State’s canceled commencement address joins an ignominious list that demonstrates that our infantilized culture rewards temper tantrums thrown by adults: the firing of a gaming company employee for tweeting disapproval of the surreptitious recording of Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling’s private phone conversations, the forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich for a six-year-old donation supporting a pro-traditional marriage ballot initiative, and the derailment of an HGTV real-estate reality show because of the outspoken Christianity of its twin-brother stars.

Where did adults learn such hostility for free discourse? At colleges such as Rutgers, the very places where toleration for a diversity of views should be sacrosanct.

ALL of it here
The Sixties? Road to Rutgers and Beyond | The American Spectator

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