since gun sales are soaring maybe remington will do well and be able cover

[Only a fraction of the population are criminals

If criminals make up but a tiny fraction, why are you insistent on going to such drastic lengths to protect yourself?

Perhaps they need to protect themselves at some point from nutjobs like you, it's increasingly evident that you are mentally unhinged, so who knows one night you might totally flip and then someone out there might have to protect themselves from a maniac like you.
Fortunately the people who will not commit murder far outnumber those that do

So if there's such a remote chance that you will be a victim of murder, why are you going to such drastic lengths and putting yourself at so much risk by having a gun?

yet you want to disarm the people who will not are are the least likely to commit murder

Them committing murder is but one of many reasons why people shouldn't be armed. The most predominant reason is that all guns in the hands of criminals were supplied by "responsible gun owners" who bought them to protect themselves from criminals. 230,000 guns are stolen every year from "responsible gun owners", and those guns end up in the hands of criminals, which fuels the gun crimes.

You are adding to the supply of available guns for criminals to steal when you bring that gun into your house.

So the irony is that you buy a gun to protect your home from criminals armed with guns they stole from homes.

If you can't see the stupidity of that, then it's willful ignorance at this point, and it boils your argument down to the simple fact that you just want a gun, not that you need it.

No I want the best tool for self defense or the defense of my wife should the need arise. That tool happens to be a firearm.

So until you can guarantee me with absolute certainty that no one on the planet will be murdered from now until the end of time I'll keep my guns
[Only a fraction of the population are criminals

If criminals make up but a tiny fraction, why are you insistent on going to such drastic lengths to protect yourself?

Perhaps they need to protect themselves at some point from nutjobs like you, it's increasingly evident that you are mentally unhinged, so who knows one night you might totally flip and then someone out there might have to protect themselves from a maniac like you.
I think it's possible that this poor man was denied the purchase of a firearm and that has affected him mentally somehow. Does anyone here know him or anyone close to him that could intervene and get him some help? Seriously.
All those bullshit lawsuits over sandy hook.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If i ever get attacked with a hammer, i am going to sue Stanley.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Do you idiots ever think about what your bedwetting is doing to society?
I think Trump needs to boost gun sales for the NRA by threatening gun seizures without due process again.
So tell me if I can't tell if you're going to become a child rapist why shouldn't I put you on a sex offenders list right now, chemically castrate you and limit your contact with children?

So you completely missed the point of what I said. I didn't say gun owners were inherently criminals, I said gun owners were inherently irresponsible.
The US has not been invaded by another country since we’ve had em.

If you mean a ground assault and landing, no, we haven't. The last time a foreign country actually invaded was the War of 1812. We have had other countries invade us in different ways, though, like Russia invading us via social media to sway weak-minded, racist Conservatives to vote for Putin's puppet.
All those bullshit lawsuits over sandy hook.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If i ever get attacked with a hammer, i am going to sue Stanley.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Do you idiots ever think about what your bedwetting is doing to society?
I think Trump needs to boost gun sales for the NRA by threatening gun seizures without due process again.
He is such a jackass.
All those bullshit lawsuits over sandy hook.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If i ever get attacked with a hammer, i am going to sue Stanley.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Do you idiots ever think about what your bedwetting is doing to society?
Guns have no purpose but to kill. That's why.
No shit.
Can you actually answer the question?
I worked for lawyers for awhile, so I'm not surprised about manufacturers being named in personal injury suits. It happens pretty routinely, although they are very rarely actually held liable. You would have to ask a lawyer for the "official" answer, but "deep pockets" is the actual answer.

I do see more sense in suing Remington than Stanley, though, since guns are manufactured to kill. Hammers are not.

Although I don't remember what exactly this is about, I read somewhere that it is to pressure gun manufacturers to put some kind of safety thingy on their guns? I don't remember exactly.
So purpose makes them liable? Thats silly.
What about hunting knives then?
Do you not see how ridiculous this notion is?
Do NOT confuse me with a lawyer. Go argue that with one of them.
So tell me if I can't tell if you're going to become a child rapist why shouldn't I put you on a sex offenders list right now, chemically castrate you and limit your contact with children?

So you completely missed the point of what I said. I didn't say gun owners were inherently criminals, I said gun owners were inherently irresponsible.

You have yet to illustrate in any coherent way how in your opinion responsible law abiding gun owners are responsible for criminals having guns.
So tell me if I can't tell if you're going to become a child rapist why shouldn't I put you on a sex offenders list right now, chemically castrate you and limit your contact with children?

So you completely missed the point of what I said. I didn't say gun owners were inherently criminals, I said gun owners were inherently irresponsible.

I say you are inherently irresponsible.

And you have yet to come to my house, find my gun safe and either open it or free it from it's moorings embedded in 4 feet of concrete and carry the 600 lbs (give or take) up the stairs and out the door before the cops get to my house after you set off the alarm

If you can do that then you can tell me I'm irresponsible.
The US has not been invaded by another country since we’ve had em.

If you mean a ground assault and landing, no, we haven't. The last time a foreign country actually invaded was the War of 1812. We have had other countries invade us in different ways, though, like Russia invading us via social media to sway weak-minded, racist Conservatives to vote for Putin's puppet.

Mexico has invaded via Illegal Immigration, half of California is now effectively Mexico, you have 11 million Illegal Invaders.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If a gun manufacturer floods a high crime area with guns, do you think they have no responsibility for what follows?
So tell me if I can't tell if you're going to become a child rapist why shouldn't I put you on a sex offenders list right now, chemically castrate you and limit your contact with children?

So you completely missed the point of what I said. I didn't say gun owners were inherently criminals, I said gun owners were inherently irresponsible.
Gun owners are very responsible.

So here we have another instance of someone posting something they haven't read through.

The article you linked to didn't say the gunmakers were being sued. It didn't even say a lawsuit is proceeding. What it says is that the CT State Supreme Court is hearing a motion to allow a lawsuit to proceed.

So you bent the truth, exercising your Fake News muscles to misrepresent what was actually happening. So victims families suing in court for the right to sue gun makers became victims families suing gunmakers.

There is no clearer example of you spreading Fake News than what you just did.

You didn't even read the thing you referenced. Most definitely not maximum effort on your part. Laziness and sloppiness, actually.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Actually, our car makers were sued for not putting seat belts in their cars. That's how Ralph Nader made his bones.

As for drunk drivers, a bartender can be sued for serving a drunk who goes out and kills someone.
So tell me if I can't tell if you're going to become a child rapist why shouldn't I put you on a sex offenders list right now, chemically castrate you and limit your contact with children?

So you completely missed the point of what I said. I didn't say gun owners were inherently criminals, I said gun owners were inherently irresponsible.
Gun owners are very responsible.
Not all of them are.

A friend of mine recently shot a round through his kitchen floor while cleaning his weapon. That's the second time he has done that.
So tell me if I can't tell if you're going to become a child rapist why shouldn't I put you on a sex offenders list right now, chemically castrate you and limit your contact with children?

So you completely missed the point of what I said. I didn't say gun owners were inherently criminals, I said gun owners were inherently irresponsible.

You have yet to illustrate in any coherent way how in your opinion responsible law abiding gun owners are responsible for criminals having guns.
Lucy, in the studies that have been done, the vast majority of the guns used in a crime were originally purchased legally and then stolen. Of course, someone who made a straw purchase for a friend or someone who didn't do a required background check would SAY it was stolen when it was just illegally transferred. But that's where the research is at right now, not that there has been a whole lot of it, as far as I know.
Derp inferring by that, that gun owners are irresponsible is his own "finding."
All those bullshit lawsuits over sandy hook.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If i ever get attacked with a hammer, i am going to sue Stanley.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Do you idiots ever think about what your bedwetting is doing to society?
I'm not sure what basis there would be to sue a gun manufacturer for building a gun that was legal to build, could be used to perform some legal action and was not somehow mechanically mis-designed to have some hidden danger of malfunctioning.
So tell me if I can't tell if you're going to become a child rapist why shouldn't I put you on a sex offenders list right now, chemically castrate you and limit your contact with children?

So you completely missed the point of what I said. I didn't say gun owners were inherently criminals, I said gun owners were inherently irresponsible.

You have yet to illustrate in any coherent way how in your opinion responsible law abiding gun owners are responsible for criminals having guns.
Lucy, in the studies that have been done, the vast majority of the guns used in a crime were originally purchased legally and then stolen.
Law abiding citizens are not supplying guns to criminals.

Yes they are. 230,000 guns are stolen from "responsible gun owners" and "law abiding citizens" every year. In fact, in the time it took me to write this response another 2 or 3 guns have just been stolen.

Criminals only get their guns from "responsible gun owners". Guns don't "fall off a truck", nor do they magically appear in the hands of criminals out of thin air. Any gun a criminal gets was once a gun that a "responsible gun owner" either lost, had stolen, or sold to someone shady because they needed the money.

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