since gun sales are soaring maybe remington will do well and be able cover

Because shit happens.

And you can't take care of yourself with anything else other than a gun if shit happens? You're telling me you're so weak mentally and physically that a gun is the only thing that can provide you with security? Is that the argument you want to make? That you're completely helpless as a person unless you have a gun?

I have a very small chance of my house burning down but I still carry insurance for just such an occasion.

Actually, fires in the home are pretty common. And yes, you have insurance. Do you have insurance on your guns? No. So what point are you trying to make?
A bartender can be sued for serving a drunk who goes out and kills someone.

So if a gun retailer floods a high crime area with guns...
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If a gun manufacturer floods a high crime area with guns, do you think they have no responsibility for what follows?
I don't think gunmakers sell to the public. Dealers with federal licenses sell new firearms. I once bought a new handgun at a gunshow, but that was before any background checks, and the seller was a professional gun seller. I think background checks should apply to gunshow sales.

Your friend who shoots his floor needs to be on youtube. (-:
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If a gun manufacturer floods a high crime area with guns, do you think they have no responsibility for what follows?
Lol what?
A manufacturer flooding an area? Are they giving them away free or something?
Law abiding citizens according to you are the ones supplying criminals with guns? What a maniac you are.

Of course they are. All guns in the hands of criminals come from "responsible gun owners" and "law abiding citizens" who lose them, have them stolen, or sell them to someone shady because they need a quick buck.
If i ever get hit by a drunk driver, i am going to sue chevy amd Jim Beam.
Actually, our car makers were sued for not putting seat belts in their cars. That's how Ralph Nader made his bones.

As for drunk drivers, a bartender can be sued for serving a drunk who goes out and kills someone.
I dont think retail and manufacturers are a good comparison. But thanks for the info on the cars
Because people like you won't punish them when caught.

HUH? What are you talking about? We want stricter and harsher gun laws. You're the ones who don't.

Instead you slap them on the wrist and try to disarm the rest of us so we will be at their mercy.

No, you do that with gun owners. We are the ones who want stricter penalties and punishments but you're the ones who resist any gun legislation. Period.

BMy God man, you got kicked out of one topic and here you are posting the same brain dead crap. You really do need mental help.

I didn't get kicked out because I was losing an argument...I got kicked out because I was winning the argument.
What kind of dumbass thinks a manufacturer is liable for what a crazy person does with their tools?
If a gun manufacturer floods a high crime area with guns, do you think they have no responsibility for what follows?
I don't think gunmakers sell to the public. Dealers with federal licenses sell new firearms. I once bought a new handgun at a gunshow, but that was before any background checks, and the seller was a professional gun seller. I think background checks should apply to gunshow sales.

Your friend who shoots his floor needs to be on youtube. (-:
They do if they are licensed. I believe the only guns sold at a gun show that do not have BCs are private transfers.
So tell me if I can't tell if you're going to become a child rapist why shouldn't I put you on a sex offenders list right now, chemically castrate you and limit your contact with children?

So you completely missed the point of what I said. I didn't say gun owners were inherently criminals, I said gun owners were inherently irresponsible.

You have yet to illustrate in any coherent way how in your opinion responsible law abiding gun owners are responsible for criminals having guns.
Lucy, in the studies that have been done, the vast majority of the guns used in a crime were originally purchased legally and then stolen.
Here is one, G. I watched a symposium on CSPAN many months ago that involved three or four different agencies trying to impact gun violence, and there was quite a lot about it on there, as well. I didn't take notes, though, so I don't know how to link it for you.
New evidence confirms what gun rights advocates have said for a long time about crime
Law abiding citizens are not supplying guns to criminals.

Yes they are. 230,000 guns are stolen from "responsible gun owners" and "law abiding citizens" every year. In fact, in the time it took me to write this response another 2 or 3 guns have just been stolen.

Criminals only get their guns from "responsible gun owners". Guns don't "fall off a truck", nor do they magically appear in the hands of criminals out of thin air. Any gun a criminal gets was once a gun that a "responsible gun owner" either lost, had stolen, or sold to someone shady because they needed the money.
Perhaps liberals should stop letting so many criminals get away with crimes.
Law abiding citizens according to you are the ones supplying criminals with guns? What a maniac you are.

Of course they are. All guns in the hands of criminals come from "responsible gun owners" and "law abiding citizens" who lose them, have them stolen, or sell them to someone shady because they need a quick buck.

There are approx 100 million law abiding gun owners, 300 million plus guns, so 99% of those gun owners are protecting their guns, which makes your theory ridiculous.
Because people like you won't punish them when caught.

HUH? What are you talking about? We want stricter and harsher gun laws. You're the ones who don't.

Instead you slap them on the wrist and try to disarm the rest of us so we will be at their mercy.

No, you do that with gun owners. We are the ones who want stricter penalties and punishments but you're the ones who resist any gun legislation. Period.

BMy God man, you got kicked out of one topic and here you are posting the same brain dead crap. You really do need mental help.

I didn't get kicked out because I was losing an argument...I got kicked out because I was winning the argument.
Democrats routinely allow criminals to get away with a slap on the wrist. We saw that in the recent Florida mass murder. The NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches gun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...
Here you go, OldLady:

Most perpetrators (79%) were carrying a gun that did not belong to them. More than 30% of the guns recovered were reported stolen by owners when the FTU contacted them. For 44% of the guns, whether the gun was stolen was either unknown or not able to be determined

Gaps continue in firearm Surveillance: Evidence from a large U.S. city Bureau of Police | Fabio | Social Medicine
What is your point? How do you think the guns left the hands of the legal owner? Either way, the legal owner did not responsibly hold on to it, did they?
Here you go, OldLady:

Most perpetrators (79%) were carrying a gun that did not belong to them. More than 30% of the guns recovered were reported stolen by owners when the FTU contacted them. For 44% of the guns, whether the gun was stolen was either unknown or not able to be determined

Gaps continue in firearm Surveillance: Evidence from a large U.S. city Bureau of Police | Fabio | Social Medicine
What is your point? How do you think the guns left the hands of the legal owner? Either way, the legal owner did not responsibly hold on to it, did they?
Thats what i was hearing about the newtown kid and his moms guns. You know, the one he murdered.
No I want the best tool for self defense or the defense of my wife should the need arise. That tool happens to be a firearm.

According to whom? Just you. The best tool for self-defense is to live in a low-crime area. After that are strong locks and an alarm system. After that would be a dog. After that would be any non-lethal form of protection (beanbag guns, tasers, melee weapons). A gun just adds to the supply of guns for criminals to steal. And 230,000 of them are stolen every year from homes that they were supposed to protect.

I think you want to have an excuse to kill someone. I don't think this is about protection for you at all...I think you want a gun because you have a personal wish to justify murdering someone. Like, you're going to blow someone's head off because they want to steal your shitty little TV? No. You want to blow someone's head off because it's your sick, personal desire.

So until you can guarantee me with absolute certainty that no one on the planet will be murdered from now until the end of time I'll keep my guns

A gun is more likely to murder someone than it will ever be used to defend someone from murder.
According to me too. However, if a gun does murder someone and is caught, democrats will let the gun go free as soon as they can.
You have yet to illustrate in any coherent way how in your opinion responsible law abiding gun owners are responsible for criminals having guns.

I have articulated it. You were responding to a thread where I was doing that. I base that judgment on the fact that 230,000 guns are stolen every year from "responsible, law abiding gun owners" and that is what is fueling gun crime, just like the DOJ said.

'Hot' Guns Fueling Crime, US Study Says
An estimated 230,000 guns per year are stolen in home burglaries and property crimes, according to a study by the Department of Justice.

Those guns are then used in crimes.

So you shitty people, in an effort to protect yourself from guns, have merely made it that much easier for criminals to get guns, which you got a gun to protect from.

It's completely masturbatory; you buy a gun to protect your home from criminals armed with guns stolen from homes.

Fucking dumb.
I say you are inherently irresponsible.

I'm not a gun owner, so you can try and say that, but it doesn't change how irresponsible you are for bringing that target for thieves into your home.

So you buy a gun to protect your home from criminals armed with guns they stole from homes.

^that is your circular, masturbatory reasoning, is it not?

And you have yet to come to my house, find my gun safe and either open it or free it from it's moorings embedded in 4 feet of concrete and carry the 600 lbs (give or take) up the stairs and out the door before the cops get to my house after you set off the alarm

Yawn. You know, when you people say stuff like this, it makes me less confident in your abilities to manage your weapons. Also, if your gun is that safely secured, how on earth are you able to get to it quickly in the event your home is broken into when you're there?

It makes no say your gun is so tightly and secretly locked away, yet not readily accessible in the event you think you may need it.

So it's not about home defense, it's about your sick fetish for guns.
Mexico has invaded via Illegal Immigration, half of California is now effectively Mexico, you have 11 million Illegal Invaders.

The Mexican government isn't sending people across the border...those people are being brought here by folks like Trump who give them work visas, then they overstay those visas.

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