Since I criticize Trump so he going to send me a Pipe Bomb?

I have been working in the mailing industry for over 23 years. There are two blatant clues on the package in dumbwinger's photo that proves this is all bullshit.
I have been working in the mailing industry for over 23 years. There are two blatant clues on the package in dumbwinger's photo that proves this is all bullshit.
Thank you!

These idiots couldn't pull off a band aid,
yet, here they are, trying to pull off another hair brained scheme

It would be comical if it weren't so damn pathetic!
Draft dodge Donnie doesn't even know which foot got him out of serving the nation, if he tried to make up an explosive device we'd have Pence and we'd all wish Trump had been smarter.
Draft dodge Donnie doesn't even know which foot got him out of serving the nation, if he tried to make up an explosive device we'd have Pence and we'd all wish Trump had been smarter.

Serving USA.INC, you mean?
Crooked Donnie has an app on his phone to pick who he wants bombs sent to
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I’m checking my mailbox

If it is written in crayon and has numerous misspellings, I know it is from Trump
The signature would be bigger than the text. If you've seen him sign anything, you'd know what I'm talking about.
So far, bombs have been sent to ten of Trumps enemies

If they sent them to all Trumps friends........nobody would have to worry
Never argue with stupid people
They will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience
Trump seems to have a long enemies list

He is making Prince Salman look like an amateur
I've heard this said before, but Trump does indeed have all the right enemies.

Trump has a long list of enemies

All ex presidents
Every Democrat
The media
Our NATO Allies
All Mexicans
All Muslims

Forum List
