Since Mexico Has Universal Health Care, Why are So Many Mexicans Leaving to Enter America Illegally?

Mexico has universal health care. It has no death penalty. Marijuana, though technically illegal, is legal in practice and readily available in most parts of Mexico. Mexico has free public education (although, gasp, proof of Mexican citizenship is required to attend Mexican public schools!). In recent years Mexico's abortion laws have been liberalized substantially. Mexico has a mandatory social security system, so all Mexicans receive some kind of retirement pension. Etc., etc., etc.

So why are tens of thousands of Mexicans leaving Mexico and entering the U.S. illegally every year? What gives?
Canada has universal health care. It has no death penalty. Marijuana, though technically illegal, is legal in practice and readily available in most parts of Canada. Canada has free public education (although, gasp, proof of Canadian citizenship is required to attend Canadian public schools!). In recent years Canada's abortion laws have been liberalized substantially. Canada has a mandatory social security system, so all Canadians receive some kind of retirement pension. Etc., etc., etc.

So why aren't people leaving Canada in droves every year to come to the U.S.? What gives?


You never heard of PineNeedleBacks?

They're pouring over the northern border by the millions, all wanting to ...........

Never mind.

I can't think of anything a Canadian would want here.
Good question about Mexicans immigrating here.

I note the OP failed to note economic opportunities.
Like corrupt employers and cheap labor they can exploit, underpay overwork and threat to deport if they don't play along. AND ruin the underclass poor Americans and the overall demographics for short term profits. Sort of like strip-mining or over logging the rainforest but with the American culture as the target and illegal Mexicans as the tool used to ruin it. $$$$$ is all that matters? No, let's end this. Immigrate legally, no exceptions.
Why do Americans go to Mexico for health care?
I remember when Steve McQueen went to Mexico for health care after he was diagnosed with terminal cancer . He died shortly after. Cheap clinics selling immortality or beauty or sex changes, that is what Mexican health care offers.
Mexico has universal health care. It has no death penalty. Marijuana, though technically illegal, is legal in practice and readily available in most parts of Mexico. Mexico has free public education (although, gasp, proof of Mexican citizenship is required to attend Mexican public schools!). In recent years Mexico's abortion laws have been liberalized substantially. Mexico has a mandatory social security system, so all Mexicans receive some kind of retirement pension. Etc., etc., etc.

So why are tens of thousands of Mexicans leaving Mexico and entering the U.S. illegally every year? What gives?

I could ask you a similar question. Iran and Saudi Arabia bans gay marriages. Why don't homophobic, Christian, RW cons move to Iran or Saudi Arabia?
Mexico has universal health care. It has no death penalty. Marijuana, though technically illegal, is legal in practice and readily available in most parts of Mexico. Mexico has free public education (although, gasp, proof of Mexican citizenship is required to attend Mexican public schools!). In recent years Mexico's abortion laws have been liberalized substantially. Mexico has a mandatory social security system, so all Mexicans receive some kind of retirement pension. Etc., etc., etc.

So why are tens of thousands of Mexicans leaving Mexico and entering the U.S. illegally every year? What gives?
Here's a little hint when it comes to presenting Mexico or Latinos in a less than positive light: DON'T. According to pro illegal alien, open border liberal brain washed drones, you are a "hater" and must be silenced. That is their ace in the hole. Don't expect a honest logical cogent response from those liberal zombies. Great question, good post.
And all these non-white people will come to U.S., get on welfare and vote Democrat. Liberal immigration policy = voter fraud.
Illegal immigrants hide behind their race/culture....It doesn't matter if they are non white as much as they hide being "Latino" as an EXCUSE to avoid following laws. And our local neighborhood liberal spineless lackeys are more than happy to oblige. Sucking noises are heard coming from their direction.

Oh really? You mean to tell me Mexicans get a special deal with the judge when it comes to conviction and incarceration?

"Hey Amigo judge, please release me, I am a Mexican/Honduran/Panamanian". Is that how our justice sytem works? Interesting, I didn't know that.
Mexico has universal health care. It has no death penalty. Marijuana, though technically illegal, is legal in practice and readily available in most parts of Mexico. Mexico has free public education (although, gasp, proof of Mexican citizenship is required to attend Mexican public schools!). In recent years Mexico's abortion laws have been liberalized substantially. Mexico has a mandatory social security system, so all Mexicans receive some kind of retirement pension. Etc., etc., etc.

So why are tens of thousands of Mexicans leaving Mexico and entering the U.S. illegally every year? What gives?
Here's a little hint when it comes to presenting Mexico or Latinos in a less than positive light: DON'T. According to pro illegal alien, open border liberal brain washed drones, you are a "hater" and must be silenced. That is their ace in the hole. Don't expect a honest logical cogent response from those liberal zombies. Great question, good post.
And all these non-white people will come to U.S., get on welfare and vote Democrat. Liberal immigration policy = voter fraud.
Illegal immigrants hide behind their race/culture....It doesn't matter if they are non white as much as they hide being "Latino" as an EXCUSE to avoid following laws. And our local neighborhood liberal spineless lackeys are more than happy to oblige. Sucking noises are heard coming from their direction.

Oh really? You mean to tell me Mexicans get a special deal with the judge when it comes to conviction and incarceration?

"Hey Amigo judge, please release me, I am a Mexican/Honduran/Panamanian". Is that how our justice sytem works? Interesting, I didn't know that.
You were taking my last post literally. So you think that illegal aliens are all being deported and all immigration laws are enforced? In the last fifteen years Latino illegals have been given havens and sanctuary and local state police have been instructed by local officials not to turn over illegal aliens to INS or ICE. So, yeah, they are getting special treatment. And their ethnicity is the major reason. Latinos ARE the largest single group violating immigration law. Or perhaps you have a better explanation?.
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Mexico has universal health care. It has no death penalty. Marijuana, though technically illegal, is legal in practice and readily available in most parts of Mexico. Mexico has free public education (although, gasp, proof of Mexican citizenship is required to attend Mexican public schools!). In recent years Mexico's abortion laws have been liberalized substantially. Mexico has a mandatory social security system, so all Mexicans receive some kind of retirement pension. Etc., etc., etc.

So why are tens of thousands of Mexicans leaving Mexico and entering the U.S. illegally every year? What gives?
Here's a little hint when it comes to presenting Mexico or Latinos in a less than positive light: DON'T. According to pro illegal alien, open border liberal brain washed drones, you are a "hater" and must be silenced. That is their ace in the hole. Don't expect a honest logical cogent response from those liberal zombies. Great question, good post.
And all these non-white people will come to U.S., get on welfare and vote Democrat. Liberal immigration policy = voter fraud.
Illegal immigrants hide behind their race/culture....It doesn't matter if they are non white as much as they hide being "Latino" as an EXCUSE to avoid following laws. And our local neighborhood liberal spineless lackeys are more than happy to oblige. Sucking noises are heard coming from their direction.

Oh really? You mean to tell me Mexicans get a special deal with the judge when it comes to conviction and incarceration?

"Hey Amigo judge, please release me, I am a Mexican/Honduran/Panamanian". Is that how our justice sytem works? Interesting, I didn't know that.
You were taking my last post literally. So you think that illegal aliens are all being deported and all immigration laws are enforced? In the last fifteen years Latino illegals have been given havens and sanctuary and local state police have been instructed by local officials not to turn over illegal aliens to INS or ICE. So, yeah, they are getting special treatment. And their ethnicity is the major reason. Latinos ARE the largest single group violating immigration law. Or perhaps you have a better explanation?.

It is not the job of local governments to enforce immigration laws.

If you were realy concerned about crime, you would have helped pass sensible gun control laws. But you don't. There are illegal Irish, Russian and Germans in the US. I don't see any of them being deported.
Here's a little hint when it comes to presenting Mexico or Latinos in a less than positive light: DON'T. According to pro illegal alien, open border liberal brain washed drones, you are a "hater" and must be silenced. That is their ace in the hole. Don't expect a honest logical cogent response from those liberal zombies. Great question, good post.
And all these non-white people will come to U.S., get on welfare and vote Democrat. Liberal immigration policy = voter fraud.
Illegal immigrants hide behind their race/culture....It doesn't matter if they are non white as much as they hide being "Latino" as an EXCUSE to avoid following laws. And our local neighborhood liberal spineless lackeys are more than happy to oblige. Sucking noises are heard coming from their direction.

Oh really? You mean to tell me Mexicans get a special deal with the judge when it comes to conviction and incarceration?

"Hey Amigo judge, please release me, I am a Mexican/Honduran/Panamanian". Is that how our justice sytem works? Interesting, I didn't know that.
You were taking my last post literally. So you think that illegal aliens are all being deported and all immigration laws are enforced? In the last fifteen years Latino illegals have been given havens and sanctuary and local state police have been instructed by local officials not to turn over illegal aliens to INS or ICE. So, yeah, they are getting special treatment. And their ethnicity is the major reason. Latinos ARE the largest single group violating immigration law. Or perhaps you have a better explanation?.

It is not the job of local governments to enforce immigration laws.

If you were realy concerned about crime, you would have helped pass sensible gun control laws. But you don't. There are illegal Irish, Russian and Germans in the US. I don't see any of them being deported.
Two things I would like to point out. First, the State and the Feds can and should work together, and they usually do when it comes to violent criminals crossing state lines, counterfeiters, various other instances. How can you or anyone else arbitrary just start drawing the line at immigration law enforcement? THAT is part of the problem! Secondly, you bring in the gun control issue. OFF topic, and you have the nerve to presume I am against it. Wrong! I support gun control, which, also involves the Feds...the ATF.
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I don't think the RWers are serious about immigration or gun control. RWers can today fine every single farmer and developer who uses illegal construction worker. But as we all know the Romneys and the Trumps desperately need the illegal laborers. So they only take anti immigration posture, in reality they get rich off illegal laborers.

As for gun control measures on the right, the less said the better. Gun ownership is a funny thing: It culls its owners. Gun owners are more likely to die in suicides and through gun accidents or in rare cases actual gun violence. But let's not talk about gun control with the right lest they might think their 2nd Am rights are jeopardized.
I don't think the RWers are serious about immigration or gun control. RWers can today fine every single farmer and developer who uses illegal construction worker. But as we all know the Romneys and the Trumps desperately need the illegal laborers. So they only take anti immigration posture, in reality they get rich off illegal laborers.

As for gun control measures on the right, the less said the better. Gun ownership is a funny thing: It culls its owners. Gun owners are more likely to die in suicides and through gun accidents or in rare cases actual gun violence. But let's not talk about gun control with the right lest they might think their 2nd Am rights are jeopardized.
Well, I can't speak for anyone but my self. I have been hurt by illegal aliens and that is a big deal, and I don't like people that have little or no knowledge of this relegating all opponents of illegal immigration as extremist rightist fascist hater racist. That is just something to salve the conscience of those that blindly support illegal aliens like someone whistling past the graveyard. I have seen the harm guns do, and we really need to get real about THAT, too. I have had someone threaten me with a gun, too. We need to stop the insanity of illegal immigration and guns...Funny, isn't it?
I thought Mexicans came here to rape and murder......I never imagined it was about healthcare

I don't think the RWers are serious about immigration or gun control. RWers can today fine every single farmer and developer who uses illegal construction worker. But as we all know the Romneys and the Trumps desperately need the illegal laborers. So they only take anti immigration posture, in reality they get rich off illegal laborers.

As for gun control measures on the right, the less said the better. Gun ownership is a funny thing: It culls its owners. Gun owners are more likely to die in suicides and through gun accidents or in rare cases actual gun violence. But let's not talk about gun control with the right lest they might think their 2nd Am rights are jeopardized.
Well, I can't speak for anyone but my self. I have been hurt by illegal aliens and that is a big deal, and I don't like people that have little or no knowledge of this relegating all opponents of illegal immigration as extremist rightist fascist hater racist. That is just something to salve the conscience of those that blindly support illegal aliens like someone whistling past the graveyard. I have seen the harm guns do, and we really need to get real about THAT, too. I have had someone threaten me with a gun, too. We need to stop the insanity of illegal immigration and guns...Funny, isn't it?

Begin by fining employers of illegals.
Begin by demanding ban on guns in public places.

Will you do that? Yes or no? This will tell us if you really are serious about ending illegal immigration.
Illegal immigration is a net benefit to our society. The cheap labor alone pays off for everything we hate about II. Also let me know when you protest the farmers who hire day laborers and also other places where illegals are hired for day labor jobs.
Illegal immigration is a net benefit to our society. The cheap labor alone pays off for everything we hate about II. Also let me know when you protest the farmers who hire day laborers and also other places where illegals are hired for day labor jobs.

You're a damned uniformed, anti-American fool!
Illegal immigration is a net benefit to our society. The cheap labor alone pays off for everything we hate about II. Also let me know when you protest the farmers who hire day laborers and also other places where illegals are hired for day labor jobs.

You're a damned uniformed, anti-American fool!

Just to piss you off I am going to hire a landscaper who I know uses spanish speaking employees. I am guessing most are illegals. I never ask him if they are illegal. I know they don't speak English. So here's the deal: I will hire spanish speaking people and pray to Allah that they be illegal.

Hey remember: Arizona, California and Texas employers need laborers. Me is guessing most Texas and Arizona employers are republicans. You shd focus on attacking the TX and AZ employers.
Send in the military just as we did in 1845 and take over the country. Once their government surrenders, declare Mexico a U.S. Territory. Once that is done, have the troops hunt down all cartel members and execute, not imprison them. All others will automatically become U.S. citizens and thus will not need to come up here.
Mexico has universal health care. It has no death penalty. Marijuana, though technically illegal, is legal in practice and readily available in most parts of Mexico. Mexico has free public education (although, gasp, proof of Mexican citizenship is required to attend Mexican public schools!). In recent years Mexico's abortion laws have been liberalized substantially. Mexico has a mandatory social security system, so all Mexicans receive some kind of retirement pension. Etc., etc., etc.

So why are tens of thousands of Mexicans leaving Mexico and entering the U.S. illegally every year? What gives?
Canada has universal health care. It has no death penalty. Marijuana, though technically illegal, is legal in practice and readily available in most parts of Canada. Canada has free public education (although, gasp, proof of Canadian citizenship is required to attend Canadian public schools!). In recent years Canada's abortion laws have been liberalized substantially. Canada has a mandatory social security system, so all Canadians receive some kind of retirement pension. Etc., etc., etc.

So why aren't people leaving Canada in droves every year to come to the U.S.? What gives?
Are you kidding, there are 10x as many Canadians here than Americans in Canada. Also unlike those coming from the 3rd world, it is hard for Canucks to immigrate here.
Send in the military just as we did in 1845 and take over the country. Once their government surrenders, declare Mexico a U.S. Territory. Once that is done, have the troops hunt down all cartel members and execute, not imprison them. All others will automatically become U.S. citizens and thus will not need to come up here.

No thanks. Don't want us to turn into another Hispanic country.
That is why the US did not take the whole country in 1848, too many Mexicans in the American electorate as well as they were opposed to slavery.

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