Since SCOTUS Decision, a 5% Turn Against Homo 'Marriage'

Even with its most appealing question asked, people have shifted 5% against Faggotry marriage.
Pew poll shows drop in support for same-sex ‘marriage’: new trend or a blip?

"Those numbers are approximately the same as public support in 2013, which Pew said averaged 50 percent in support and 43 percent opposed. However, it is a five percent drop from February for support for redefining marriage.

"Pew's report stated, "It is too early to know whether this is an anomaly or the beginning of a reversal or leveling off of the growth in support for same-sex marriage widely observed in polls over the past decade."

"Judicial Crisis Network Chief Counsel and Policy Director Carrie Severino agreed with Pew, telling LifeSiteNews, "It's impossible to know if this is a real trend, or simply a brief variation." But she also said that the public could be turning against same-sex "marriage" because of judicial action on the issue that often overturns laws and constitutional amendments supported by the public.

"One thing that was a direct consequence of Roe v. Wade, pointed to even by advocates of the decision like Justice Ginsburg, is that when a court gets out ahead of the public on a divisive issue like abortion, it can have a detrimental effect on the country at large," said Severino."

Lol, and the Gheys said it would never happen, roflmao, and this issue will NEVER end, promise.

Blowback's to be expected. Would see the same in the wake of every such adjustment to law. Imagine anti-black sentiment skyrocketed when the slaves were freed too.

You do realize the engine behind much of that, do you not? It didn't just 'happen because'. When these types of changes are made there is a faction that is pushing the 'liberation' so they can exploit the clueless nubes, and they always do. That causes resentment and reaction.

But in this case there isn't only exploitation of the fags, but there is also a use of new ambiguities in the law to oppress and silence Biblical Christians who are on the opposite side of the 'liberation' for the first time in this nations history. And don't tell me that fundamentalists Baptists back in the 960s prove that All of Christianity was against equal rights for blacks, dude. The Baptists are in global terms a fringe group, smaller even than atheists.
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What I'd like to know is why are we supposed to follow a ruling ( and personally, I don't believe they have this power to rule over all of our states and they just walked all over OUR VOTES in our states). why is people ok with this? and another thing this wasn't even a unanimous decision? so why do we the people have to follow the rulings of a few? I don't get why this hasn't been challenged and why more of the people aren't asking it be. these are just a couple things that has been bothering me over this whole ordeal. and I could care less about them marrying, but I'm not liking how this was SHOVED off on us.

What EXACTLY was shoved off on you? How does allowing gays to marry effect you at all? Unless you cater to the wedding industry, how does this have any effect on you?
It shifts more tax burden on child rearing families by giving fags the same tax breaks and they produce no children.

And the families that produce children get additional tax breaks, even if their inability to raise their children costs society more and more money? Yeah, that is a horrible thing.

It is still taking money from demographically productive people and giving it to unproductive people.

Look at Russia and what they have done to finally reverse their demographic negatives, and among them is restricting abortion to the first trimester, keeping fags on the fringe of society and romanticizing motherhood and families, much like we used to.

Now Russia has the only Christian population in Europe with a growing population. We will eventually have to adopt these same measures to restore our own birth rates or this nation will collapse.
well with people getting fined over not baking cakes and now they are getting put in JAIL for not issuing a piece of paper. I'd say this is to be expected. When they try to FORCE people to accept something.... it's not going to be good.

Yeah, real Americans take that freedom thing pretty serious
But real Americans don't take idiots who don't know the law seriously.
well with people getting fined over not baking cakes and now they are getting put in JAIL for not issuing a piece of paper. I'd say this is to be expected. When they try to FORCE people to accept something.... it's not going to be good.

Yeah, real Americans take that freedom thing pretty serious
But real Americans don't take idiots who don't know the law seriously.
And libtards like you are at the top of that 'don't take the Constitution seriously' list, dear.
well with people getting fined over not baking cakes and now they are getting put in JAIL for not issuing a piece of paper. I'd say this is to be expected. When they try to FORCE people to accept something.... it's not going to be good.

Yeah, like when people get fined for driving a little fast or sent to jail for redistributing someone's belongings?

The cake people not only broke anti-discrimination laws, but went on a rather vicious PR campaign.

And dear Kim didn't go to jail for not issuing a piece of paper. She went to jail for blatantly refusing a court order, and being too obstinate to compromise when her contempt of court hearing offered her a way out.
Stephanie can't help the lying and misrepresentations...The 8th Commandment means nothing to her.
well with people getting fined over not baking cakes and now they are getting put in JAIL for not issuing a piece of paper. I'd say this is to be expected. When they try to FORCE people to accept something.... it's not going to be good.

Yeah, real Americans take that freedom thing pretty serious
But real Americans don't take idiots who don't know the law seriously.

I don't consider you a real America, in fact from what I hear you're a sock. Sorry but it's out there and why I don't take you serious. Have a good one
well with people getting fined over not baking cakes and now they are getting put in JAIL for not issuing a piece of paper. I'd say this is to be expected. When they try to FORCE people to accept something.... it's not going to be good.

Yeah, real Americans take that freedom thing pretty serious
But real Americans don't take idiots who don't know the law seriously.
And libtards like you are at the top of that 'don't take the Constitution seriously' list, dear.
I take it very seriously...I took an oath to uphold it...the real Constitution....not what nut cases such as yourself ignorantly think it should be.
well with people getting fined over not baking cakes and now they are getting put in JAIL for not issuing a piece of paper. I'd say this is to be expected. When they try to FORCE people to accept something.... it's not going to be good.

Yeah, real Americans take that freedom thing pretty serious
But real Americans don't take idiots who don't know the law seriously.
And libtards like you are at the top of that 'don't take the Constitution seriously' list, dear.
I take it very seriously...I took an oath to uphold it...the real Constitution....not what nut cases such as yourself ignorantly think it should be.
Bullshit, your posts say otherwise.
well with people getting fined over not baking cakes and now they are getting put in JAIL for not issuing a piece of paper. I'd say this is to be expected. When they try to FORCE people to accept something.... it's not going to be good.

Yeah, like when people get fined for driving a little fast or sent to jail for redistributing someone's belongings?

The cake people not only broke anti-discrimination laws, but went on a rather vicious PR campaign.

And dear Kim didn't go to jail for not issuing a piece of paper. She went to jail for blatantly refusing a court order, and being too obstinate to compromise when her contempt of court hearing offered her a way out.
Stephanie can't help the lying and misrepresentations...The 8th Commandment means nothing to her.
Now you lie about Stephanie.

When will you libtards give up on the Big Lie tactic?

well with people getting fined over not baking cakes and now they are getting put in JAIL for not issuing a piece of paper. I'd say this is to be expected. When they try to FORCE people to accept something.... it's not going to be good.

Yeah, real Americans take that freedom thing pretty serious
But real Americans don't take idiots who don't know the law seriously.

I don't consider you a real America, in fact from what I hear you're a sock. Sorry but it's out there and why I don't take you serious. Have a good one
You don't consider me a real American...too funny honey...just like a typical supporter of Christian spit on military vets and believe in fascist are a classic Rightwinger.
well with people getting fined over not baking cakes and now they are getting put in JAIL for not issuing a piece of paper. I'd say this is to be expected. When they try to FORCE people to accept something.... it's not going to be good.

Yeah, real Americans take that freedom thing pretty serious
But real Americans don't take idiots who don't know the law seriously.
And libtards like you are at the top of that 'don't take the Constitution seriously' list, dear.
I take it very seriously...I took an oath to uphold it...the real Constitution....not what nut cases such as yourself ignorantly think it should be.
Bullshit, your posts say otherwise.
Because I don't agree with you?...a known idiot who doesn't even know what the U.S. Constitution says....sad that we don't give government knowledge tests before allowing people to vote....but that would be unConstitutional. Bummer.
well with people getting fined over not baking cakes and now they are getting put in JAIL for not issuing a piece of paper. I'd say this is to be expected. When they try to FORCE people to accept something.... it's not going to be good.

Yeah, real Americans take that freedom thing pretty serious
But real Americans don't take idiots who don't know the law seriously.

I don't consider you a real America, in fact from what I hear you're a sock. Sorry but it's out there and why I don't take you serious. Have a good one
You don't consider me a real American...too funny honey...just like a typical supporter of Christian spit on military vets and believe in fascist are a classic Rightwinger.

Listen up, "honey" I do more for veterans than you ever will, I'm the daughter of a career US Navy MCPO, granddaughter of a Retired USAF Lt.Col and my step father was career USMC. So take your elementary BS and stick it...."honey". Ans stop your goddamn lying, you do it constantly and everyone knows it. Now get past yourself...I did long ago....sock
well with people getting fined over not baking cakes and now they are getting put in JAIL for not issuing a piece of paper. I'd say this is to be expected. When they try to FORCE people to accept something.... it's not going to be good.

Yeah, like when people get fined for driving a little fast or sent to jail for redistributing someone's belongings?

The cake people not only broke anti-discrimination laws, but went on a rather vicious PR campaign.

And dear Kim didn't go to jail for not issuing a piece of paper. She went to jail for blatantly refusing a court order, and being too obstinate to compromise when her contempt of court hearing offered her a way out.
Stephanie can't help the lying and misrepresentations...The 8th Commandment means nothing to her.
Now you lie about Stephanie.

When will you libtards give up on the Big Lie tactic?

Stephanie is a loony like you with no clue about the Constitution.....of course you are birds of a dodo
well with people getting fined over not baking cakes and now they are getting put in JAIL for not issuing a piece of paper. I'd say this is to be expected. When they try to FORCE people to accept something.... it's not going to be good.

Yeah, real Americans take that freedom thing pretty serious
But real Americans don't take idiots who don't know the law seriously.

I don't consider you a real America, in fact from what I hear you're a sock. Sorry but it's out there and why I don't take you serious. Have a good one
You don't consider me a real American...too funny honey...just like a typical supporter of Christian spit on military vets and believe in fascist are a classic Rightwinger.

Listen up, "honey" I do more for veterans than you ever will, I'm the daughter of a career US Navy MCPO, granddaughter of a Retired USAF Lt.Col and my step father was career USMC. So take your elementary BS and stick it...."honey". Ans stop your goddamn lying, you do it constantly and everyone knows it. Now get past yourself...I did long ago....sock
I am a veteran as is my father in are nothing more than one of those hanger-ons we occasionally have to tolerate...acting like you support and all until it comes to helping vets when we come back...some with problems...then you find something to say you support...and we all know what you think of Veterans who aren't stupid enough to lockstep the Rightwing's agenda. Yes we do.
What I'd like to know is why are we supposed to follow a ruling ( and personally, I don't believe they have this power to rule over all of our states and they just walked all over OUR VOTES in our states). why is people ok with this? and another thing this wasn't even a unanimous decision? so why do we the people have to follow the rulings of a few? I don't get why this hasn't been challenged and why more of the people aren't asking it be. these are just a couple things that has been bothering me over this whole ordeal. and I could care less about them marrying, but I'm not liking how this was SHOVED off on us.

What EXACTLY was shoved off on you? How does allowing gays to marry effect you at all? Unless you cater to the wedding industry, how does this have any effect on you?
It shifts more tax burden on child rearing families by giving fags the same tax breaks and they produce no children.
Odd...our daughters and sons would disagree.
What I'd like to know is why are we supposed to follow a ruling ( and personally, I don't believe they have this power to rule over all of our states and they just walked all over OUR VOTES in our states). why is people ok with this? and another thing this wasn't even a unanimous decision? so why do we the people have to follow the rulings of a few? I don't get why this hasn't been challenged and why more of the people aren't asking it be. these are just a couple things that has been bothering me over this whole ordeal. and I could care less about them marrying, but I'm not liking how this was SHOVED off on us.

What EXACTLY was shoved off on you? How does allowing gays to marry effect you at all? Unless you cater to the wedding industry, how does this have any effect on you?
Right. Nobody ever cares what happens to society or to other people, only what affects them personally. Stop projecting your narcissism.
How's the psycho cat-killing biz today?
What I'd like to know is why are we supposed to follow a ruling ( and personally, I don't believe they have this power to rule over all of our states and they just walked all over OUR VOTES in our states). why is people ok with this? and another thing this wasn't even a unanimous decision? so why do we the people have to follow the rulings of a few? I don't get why this hasn't been challenged and why more of the people aren't asking it be. these are just a couple things that has been bothering me over this whole ordeal. and I could care less about them marrying, but I'm not liking how this was SHOVED off on us.

Stephanie after the bullshit SCOTUS ruling the only remedy is a States Constitutional Amendments Article V Convention.

Call your Congresscritters to demand one!

thank you dear. I will for sure be calling as I hope more people will do the same.

Or as it is: we are now being RULED over and NOT having a say in our own country
You should call on your American Spring millions...they'll roll right on

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