Since SCOTUS Decision, a 5% Turn Against Homo 'Marriage'

Number disprove the theory. Gallup poll shows more than 60% of american support gay marriage.

SCOTUS did not create new law, it said that gays can not be denied the same rights as other couples to get married.

Marriage is a government issue not a religious one. Licenses are not issued by the church but the government. Where and how they choose to perform the marriage is up to the couple.

A church cannot stop a couple being wed by a judge in a civil ceremony or by another church that does not object.

Taxes, benefits, rights are not give by the church but by the state. What a particular church thinks is irrelevant. Constitutionally gays have a right to get married and get the same rights as other married couples.

They cannot be treated differently from other people.

where is it written that marriage is a government issue? . some have called because of all this MESS it Creates and it was RIGHT off the bat before the states could even respond that government be taken out of it

Licenses are not issued by the church but by the government. Licenses have been required since the 17th C. Most states have a 6 day waiting period between the issuing date and the marriage ceremony itself, civil or religious. Licenses are valid for up to 60 days after being issued. Blood tests are also required many times.

Marriage, birth and deaths records are all controlled by the government. Now it also controls SS#, taxes and medical as well as driver's and ID cards, immigration and green cards.

With all the various faiths, civil and common law marriages, the church(s) could not and should not be the sole controllers of unions.

yes that's true. I'm just still upset how all this was brought down on us (and its not about them marrying I'm talking about) and I don't know how the SC can just overstep states rights and all of the citizens rights who live in the states. I don't know where it's going. but I especially don't like this turn of having someone put in jail over it. We'll see I guess
^continues to show ignorance of the Federal system of government.
Even with its most appealing question asked, people have shifted 5% against Faggotry marriage.
Pew poll shows drop in support for same-sex ‘marriage’: new trend or a blip?

"Those numbers are approximately the same as public support in 2013, which Pew said averaged 50 percent in support and 43 percent opposed. However, it is a five percent drop from February for support for redefining marriage.

"Pew's report stated, "It is too early to know whether this is an anomaly or the beginning of a reversal or leveling off of the growth in support for same-sex marriage widely observed in polls over the past decade."

"Judicial Crisis Network Chief Counsel and Policy Director Carrie Severino agreed with Pew, telling LifeSiteNews, "It's impossible to know if this is a real trend, or simply a brief variation." But she also said that the public could be turning against same-sex "marriage" because of judicial action on the issue that often overturns laws and constitutional amendments supported by the public.

"One thing that was a direct consequence of Roe v. Wade, pointed to even by advocates of the decision like Justice Ginsburg, is that when a court gets out ahead of the public on a divisive issue like abortion, it can have a detrimental effect on the country at large," said Severino."

Lol, and the Gheys said it would never happen, roflmao, and this issue will NEVER end, promise.

Blowback's to be expected. Would see the same in the wake of every such adjustment to law. Imagine anti-black sentiment skyrocketed when the slaves were freed too.

You do realize the engine behind much of that, do you not? It didn't just 'happen because'. When these types of changes are made there is a faction that is pushing the 'liberation' so they can exploit the clueless nubes, and they always do. That causes resentment and reaction.

But in this case there isn't only exploitation of the fags, but there is also a use of new ambiguities in the law to oppress and silence Biblical Christians who are on the opposite side of the 'liberation' for the first time in this nations history. And don't tell me that fundamentalists Baptists back in the 960s prove that All of Christianity was against equal rights for blacks, dude. The Baptists are in global terms a fringe group, smaller even than atheists.
Ah..tin foil time...
Number disprove the theory. Gallup poll shows more than 60% of american support gay marriage.

SCOTUS did not create new law, it said that gays can not be denied the same rights as other couples to get married.

Marriage is a government issue not a religious one. Licenses are not issued by the church but the government. Where and how they choose to perform the marriage is up to the couple.

A church cannot stop a couple being wed by a judge in a civil ceremony or by another church that does not object.

Taxes, benefits, rights are not give by the church but by the state. What a particular church thinks is irrelevant. Constitutionally gays have a right to get married and get the same rights as other married couples.

They cannot be treated differently from other people.

where is it written that marriage is a government issue? . some have called because of all this MESS it Creates and it was RIGHT off the bat before the states could even respond that government be taken out of it

Licenses are not issued by the church but by the government. Licenses have been required since the 17th C. Most states have a 6 day waiting period between the issuing date and the marriage ceremony itself, civil or religious. Licenses are valid for up to 60 days after being issued. Blood tests are also required many times.

Marriage, birth and deaths records are all controlled by the government. Now it also controls SS#, taxes and medical as well as driver's and ID cards, immigration and green cards.

With all the various faiths, civil and common law marriages, the church(s) could not and should not be the sole controllers of unions.

yes that's true. I'm just still upset how all this was brought down on us (and its not about them marrying I'm talking about) and I don't know how the SC can just overstep states rights and all of the citizens rights who live in the states. I don't know where it's going. but I especially don't like this turn of having someone put in jail over it. We'll see I guess
^continues to show ignorance of the Federal system of government.
^continues to confuse your ignorant view of the federal government with reality.
Even with its most appealing question asked, people have shifted 5% against Faggotry marriage.
Pew poll shows drop in support for same-sex ‘marriage’: new trend or a blip?

"Those numbers are approximately the same as public support in 2013, which Pew said averaged 50 percent in support and 43 percent opposed. However, it is a five percent drop from February for support for redefining marriage.

"Pew's report stated, "It is too early to know whether this is an anomaly or the beginning of a reversal or leveling off of the growth in support for same-sex marriage widely observed in polls over the past decade."

"Judicial Crisis Network Chief Counsel and Policy Director Carrie Severino agreed with Pew, telling LifeSiteNews, "It's impossible to know if this is a real trend, or simply a brief variation." But she also said that the public could be turning against same-sex "marriage" because of judicial action on the issue that often overturns laws and constitutional amendments supported by the public.

"One thing that was a direct consequence of Roe v. Wade, pointed to even by advocates of the decision like Justice Ginsburg, is that when a court gets out ahead of the public on a divisive issue like abortion, it can have a detrimental effect on the country at large," said Severino."

Lol, and the Gheys said it would never happen, roflmao, and this issue will NEVER end, promise.

Blowback's to be expected. Would see the same in the wake of every such adjustment to law. Imagine anti-black sentiment skyrocketed when the slaves were freed too.

You do realize the engine behind much of that, do you not? It didn't just 'happen because'. When these types of changes are made there is a faction that is pushing the 'liberation' so they can exploit the clueless nubes, and they always do. That causes resentment and reaction.

But in this case there isn't only exploitation of the fags, but there is also a use of new ambiguities in the law to oppress and silence Biblical Christians who are on the opposite side of the 'liberation' for the first time in this nations history. And don't tell me that fundamentalists Baptists back in the 960s prove that All of Christianity was against equal rights for blacks, dude. The Baptists are in global terms a fringe group, smaller even than atheists.
Ah..tin foil time...

Lol, you are so damned stupid, it defies the English language to describe it.

When the slaves were freed the Northern industrialists that sponsored the various Abolitionists movements used the freedmen to control the Southern states governments to pass Draconian laws and were filled with corruption. The reaction to this Reconstruction Era fueled the hatred the South had for blacks and Yankees for over a century.

And that is just one example, stupid ass.
Even with its most appealing question asked, people have shifted 5% against Faggotry marriage.
Pew poll shows drop in support for same-sex ‘marriage’: new trend or a blip?

"Those numbers are approximately the same as public support in 2013, which Pew said averaged 50 percent in support and 43 percent opposed. However, it is a five percent drop from February for support for redefining marriage.

"Pew's report stated, "It is too early to know whether this is an anomaly or the beginning of a reversal or leveling off of the growth in support for same-sex marriage widely observed in polls over the past decade."

"Judicial Crisis Network Chief Counsel and Policy Director Carrie Severino agreed with Pew, telling LifeSiteNews, "It's impossible to know if this is a real trend, or simply a brief variation." But she also said that the public could be turning against same-sex "marriage" because of judicial action on the issue that often overturns laws and constitutional amendments supported by the public.

"One thing that was a direct consequence of Roe v. Wade, pointed to even by advocates of the decision like Justice Ginsburg, is that when a court gets out ahead of the public on a divisive issue like abortion, it can have a detrimental effect on the country at large," said Severino."

Lol, and the Gheys said it would never happen, roflmao, and this issue will NEVER end, promise.

The Pew polls show 49% in favor and 41% opposed to redefining marriage. If you consider that a victory, I'm happy for your optimism.

A 5% drop? What is the margin for error on these polls? 4.5%?

So it could be a 9.5% drop

Number disprove the theory. Gallup poll shows more than 60% of american support gay marriage.

SCOTUS did not create new law, it said that gays can not be denied the same rights as other couples to get married.

Marriage is a government issue not a religious one. Licenses are not issued by the church but the government. Where and how they choose to perform the marriage is up to the couple.

A church cannot stop a couple being wed by a judge in a civil ceremony or by another church that does not object.

Taxes, benefits, rights are not give by the church but by the state. What a particular church thinks is irrelevant. Constitutionally gays have a right to get married and get the same rights as other married couples.

They cannot be treated differently from other people.

where is it written that marriage is a government issue? . some have called because of all this MESS it Creates and it was RIGHT off the bat before the states could even respond that government be taken out of it

WTF? The debate is about whether or not they get a GOVERNMENT ISSUED MARRIAGE LICENSE. Of course it is a gov't issue.
No, that is not the case. What has happened is that the corrupt politicians have managed to keep you so worked up about shit that doesn't matter, you have completely ignored the shit that does matter. Your freedoms have been eroded. Your income has been effectively reduced. Your "leaders" have been bought. But you worry about who gets married? lol

I know that and I agree with you. But when the unions fixed things in the 1950s they had unity due to a common set of values from the KJV and Shakespeare's literature forming a set of reference pints that allowed us all to understand certain basic axioms. *POOF* it is gone and we are undone.

And as for anything being changed in the next few decades, you are wrong. A few decades ago, gay sex was illegal. Gays couldn't be teachers. They were fired from numerous jobs just for being gay. All of that changed and won't be going back.

No, some of that will get rolled back or else we will be in eternal war with Islam. WE will reverse fag marriage or we will see our demographic growth rates plummet even more. Look at what the Russians did to reverse their demographic collapse and you see what we will have to do to fix ours too, and eventually we will have to.

The big question, if you are worried about freedom, is why marriages require consent from the state. Why is your marriage only vaid if a gov't official signs off on it? You GAVE that freedom away for some benefits. You sold out, and now you are upset at what that got you? lol I find that hilarious.

My ideal would be that the state have no right to license marriage at all. But that is not the case, and is the most likely way to undo this whole travesty of fag marriage.

You want to roll back the freedoms of American citizens because you are afraid of radical islamics? Fuck those bastards and their terroristic threats. If I wasn't in favor of gay marriage before, I damn sure would be just to give the finger to the crazy islamics.
What I'd like to know is why are we supposed to follow a ruling ( and personally, I don't believe they have this power to rule over all of our states and they just walked all over OUR VOTES in our states). why is people ok with this? and another thing this wasn't even a unanimous decision? so why do we the people have to follow the rulings of a few? I don't get why this hasn't been challenged and why more of the people aren't asking it be. these are just a couple things that has been bothering me over this whole ordeal. and I could care less about them marrying, but I'm not liking how this was SHOVED off on us.

What EXACTLY was shoved off on you? How does allowing gays to marry effect you at all? Unless you cater to the wedding industry, how does this have any effect on you?
It shifts more tax burden on child rearing families by giving fags the same tax breaks and they produce no children.

And the families that produce children get additional tax breaks, even if their inability to raise their children costs society more and more money? Yeah, that is a horrible thing.

It is still taking money from demographically productive people and giving it to unproductive people.

Look at Russia and what they have done to finally reverse their demographic negatives, and among them is restricting abortion to the first trimester, keeping fags on the fringe of society and romanticizing motherhood and families, much like we used to.

Now Russia has the only Christian population in Europe with a growing population. We will eventually have to adopt these same measures to restore our own birth rates or this nation will collapse.

Unproductive? Most gay couples are two income households. They are as productive as anyone.

Now, if you are talking about producing offspring, then no, not without help. But is a greater and great population really what we should be giving tax breaks for? Is there some shortage of people that I am unaware of?
No, some of that will get rolled back or else we will be in eternal war with Islam. WE will reverse fag marriage or we will see our demographic growth rates plummet even more. Look at what the Russians did to reverse their demographic collapse and you see what we will have to do to fix ours too, and eventually we will have to.

Does this mean we should ban bikinis, bacon, and ballots for women? After all, we wouldn't to offend the Islamists.
No, some of that will get rolled back or else we will be in eternal war with Islam. WE will reverse fag marriage or we will see our demographic growth rates plummet even more. Look at what the Russians did to reverse their demographic collapse and you see what we will have to do to fix ours too, and eventually we will have to.

Does this mean we should ban bikinis, bacon, and ballots for women? After all, we wouldn't to offend the Islamists.

Can you believe the cowardice involved in that piece of shit's statement?
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Number disprove the theory. Gallup poll shows more than 60% of american support gay marriage.

SCOTUS did not create new law, it said that gays can not be denied the same rights as other couples to get married.

Marriage is a government issue not a religious one. Licenses are not issued by the church but the government. Where and how they choose to perform the marriage is up to the couple.

A church cannot stop a couple being wed by a judge in a civil ceremony or by another church that does not object.

Taxes, benefits, rights are not give by the church but by the state. What a particular church thinks is irrelevant. Constitutionally gays have a right to get married and get the same rights as other married couples.

They cannot be treated differently from other people.

where is it written that marriage is a government issue? . some have called because of all this MESS it Creates and it was RIGHT off the bat before the states could even respond that government be taken out of it

Licenses are not issued by the church but by the government. Licenses have been required since the 17th C. Most states have a 6 day waiting period between the issuing date and the marriage ceremony itself, civil or religious. Licenses are valid for up to 60 days after being issued. Blood tests are also required many times.

Marriage, birth and deaths records are all controlled by the government. Now it also controls SS#, taxes and medical as well as driver's and ID cards, immigration and green cards.

With all the various faiths, civil and common law marriages, the church(s) could not and should not be the sole controllers of unions.

yes that's true. I'm just still upset how all this was brought down on us (and its not about them marrying I'm talking about) and I don't know how the SC can just overstep states rights and all of the citizens rights who live in the states. I don't know where it's going. but I especially don't like this turn of having someone put in jail over it. We'll see I guess
^continues to show ignorance of the Federal system of government.
^continues to confuse your ignorant view of the federal government with reality.
^ shows that he doesn't know the difference between the Federal system and the federal government. :lol:
A poll commissioned by the Family Research Council? Showing skewed numbers against homosexuals? What a shocker.

There's another more accurate poll coming out about may have heard of the source? It's called "election 2016". And yes, you will be shocked.

If you were let down in 2014, you'd better brace yourself. That was like a puff of wind compared to the hurricane that's coming..
No, some of that will get rolled back or else we will be in eternal war with Islam. WE will reverse fag marriage or we will see our demographic growth rates plummet even more. Look at what the Russians did to reverse their demographic collapse and you see what we will have to do to fix ours too, and eventually we will have to.

Does this mean we should ban bikinis, bacon, and ballots for women? After all, we wouldn't to offend the Islamists.

We do not live in Sweden, thank you very much
No, some of that will get rolled back or else we will be in eternal war with Islam. WE will reverse fag marriage or we will see our demographic growth rates plummet even more. Look at what the Russians did to reverse their demographic collapse and you see what we will have to do to fix ours too, and eventually we will have to.

Does this mean we should ban bikinis, bacon, and ballots for women? After all, we wouldn't to offend the Islamists.

Can you believe the cowardice involved in that piece of shit's statement?

It is singular in it's stupidity.
Even with its most appealing question asked, people have shifted 5% against Faggotry marriage.
Pew poll shows drop in support for same-sex ‘marriage’: new trend or a blip?

"Those numbers are approximately the same as public support in 2013, which Pew said averaged 50 percent in support and 43 percent opposed. However, it is a five percent drop from February for support for redefining marriage.

"Pew's report stated, "It is too early to know whether this is an anomaly or the beginning of a reversal or leveling off of the growth in support for same-sex marriage widely observed in polls over the past decade."

"Judicial Crisis Network Chief Counsel and Policy Director Carrie Severino agreed with Pew, telling LifeSiteNews, "It's impossible to know if this is a real trend, or simply a brief variation." But she also said that the public could be turning against same-sex "marriage" because of judicial action on the issue that often overturns laws and constitutional amendments supported by the public.

"One thing that was a direct consequence of Roe v. Wade, pointed to even by advocates of the decision like Justice Ginsburg, is that when a court gets out ahead of the public on a divisive issue like abortion, it can have a detrimental effect on the country at large," said Severino."

Lol, and the Gheys said it would never happen, roflmao, and this issue will NEVER end, promise.

Blowback's to be expected. Would see the same in the wake of every such adjustment to law. Imagine anti-black sentiment skyrocketed when the slaves were freed too.

You do realize the engine behind much of that, do you not? It didn't just 'happen because'. When these types of changes are made there is a faction that is pushing the 'liberation' so they can exploit the clueless nubes, and they always do. That causes resentment and reaction.

But in this case there isn't only exploitation of the fags, but there is also a use of new ambiguities in the law to oppress and silence Biblical Christians who are on the opposite side of the 'liberation' for the first time in this nations history. And don't tell me that fundamentalists Baptists back in the 960s prove that All of Christianity was against equal rights for blacks, dude. The Baptists are in global terms a fringe group, smaller even than atheists.
Ah..tin foil time...

Lol, you are so damned stupid, it defies the English language to describe it.

When the slaves were freed the Northern industrialists that sponsored the various Abolitionists movements used the freedmen to control the Southern states governments to pass Draconian laws and were filled with corruption. The reaction to this Reconstruction Era fueled the hatred the South had for blacks and Yankees for over a century.

And that is just one example, stupid ass.
Oh look....a loony....if anything more is needed to prove it besides your own post, it would be overly repetitive. :cuckoo:
Number disprove the theory. Gallup poll shows more than 60% of american support gay marriage.

SCOTUS did not create new law, it said that gays can not be denied the same rights as other couples to get married.

Marriage is a government issue not a religious one. Licenses are not issued by the church but the government. Where and how they choose to perform the marriage is up to the couple.

A church cannot stop a couple being wed by a judge in a civil ceremony or by another church that does not object.

Taxes, benefits, rights are not give by the church but by the state. What a particular church thinks is irrelevant. Constitutionally gays have a right to get married and get the same rights as other married couples.

They cannot be treated differently from other people.

where is it written that marriage is a government issue? . some have called because of all this MESS it Creates and it was RIGHT off the bat before the states could even respond that government be taken out of it

WTF? The debate is about whether or not they get a GOVERNMENT ISSUED MARRIAGE LICENSE. Of course it is a gov't issue.
Isn't it cute how she has NO CLUE?
No, some of that will get rolled back or else we will be in eternal war with Islam. WE will reverse fag marriage or we will see our demographic growth rates plummet even more. Look at what the Russians did to reverse their demographic collapse and you see what we will have to do to fix ours too, and eventually we will have to.

Does this mean we should ban bikinis, bacon, and ballots for women? After all, we wouldn't to offend the Islamists.

Can you believe the cowardice involved in that piece of shit's statement?
He's definitely mentally damaged.
A poll commissioned by the Family Research Council? Showing skewed numbers against homosexuals? What a shocker.

There's another more accurate poll coming out about may have heard of the source? It's called "election 2016". And yes, you will be shocked.

If you were let down in 2014, you'd better brace yourself. That was like a puff of wind compared to the hurricane that's coming..

You have an alarmingly shitty record when it comes to making predictions. Pardon me, if I take this prediction with a very small grain of salt.

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