Since when did Trump disapprove of "tabloid gossip?"


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Talk about having no portfolio!!!

At today's WH press briefing, Sarah Sanders twice referred to Michael Wolff's book as "tabloid gossip":
  • "I’m not going to waste my time or the country’s time going page by page, talking about a book that’s complete fantasy and just full of tabloid gossip, because it’s sad, pathetic, and our administration and our focus is going to be on moving the country forward."
  • "I don’t think we have been tiptoeing around our feelings on this. It’s completely tabloid gossip."
  • May 2016 -- Donald Trump: "I mean, you can’t knock the National Enquirer. It’s brought many things to light, not all of them pleasant."
  • July 2016 -- Donald Trump: "[The National Enquirer] was a magazine that, in many respects, is respected. Why didn’t the National Enquirer get the Pulitzer surprise for Edwards? And OJ Simpson? And all of these things?"
since hes president
hes been doing a great job
so no need to respond to the liar wolfe

i think he quoted me in the book
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