Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

The leaks that Comey perpetuated were simply one more example of his lack of different than his failure to stand up to Loretta Lynch's totally inappropriate request!
People with integrity don't leak through third parties.

What was it he "leaked"? His personal notes from his conversations with Trump. Are you more upset he leaked those notes than the reason why he did what he did? He didn't trust the president to be truthful, so like any good manager, he documented it, shared it with his superiors and co-workers, and covered his butt. Trump made the claim that tapes exist too, which Comey didn't know at the time.
Comey shared with his superiors? When did that take place? Comey never went to anyone at the DOJ and reported what Trump had said to him . He SHOULD have but he didn't!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


RUBIO: Finally, who are those senior leaders at the FBI that you shared these conversations with?

COMEY: As I said in response to Senator Feinstein’s question, deputy director, my chief of staff, general counsel, the deputy director’s chief counsel, and then, more often than not, the number three person at the FBI, who is the associate deputy director, and then, quite often, the head of the national security branch.
Of course you still care. Why else would you spend every post in this thread trying to derail it.


This thread is not about Hillary, yet you can't stop trying to make it about her.

The thread is about James Comey...his testimony...and what it proved! Unfortunately for you, Comey's testimony didn't prove that Trump colluded with the Russians at all...but did raise some serious questions about why Loretta Lynch called up James Comey right after secretly meeting with Bill Clinton and asked Comey to refer to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" instead of an FBI investigation!
Nothing in Comey's testimony raised any questions about Hillary and even if it had, this thread is about Comey and Trump. Which apparently scares the b'jeezus out of you since you can't stop trying to divert it to be about Hillary.

Only the truly partisan could listen to Comey describe how Loretta Lynch pressured him into referring to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" and not realize that came on the heels of Lynch having that secret meeting with Bill Clinton on his plane in Arizona just days earlier! To say THAT testimony doesn't raise questions about Hillary Clinton is you burying your head in the sand, Faun!

Speaking of partisans, only a partisan would keep trying to derail a thread about, Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President, into one about the Clintons and Loretta lynch.

I didn't derail your thread, Faun...James Comey's testimony derailed that! Right when Comey admitted that Trump had encouraged him to follow the Russian investigation where ever it led him even if it meant he was investigating Trump's "satellites" ie his aides! Your string came off the tracks RIGHT THERE!
Sorry putz, Comey didn't derail it either. Only you are. The thread is about Comey's private discussions with Trump and Comey leaking them. Unless Comey talked to Trump in private about Loretta Lynch, and he never said they did, you are trying to derail it.

Why are you so afraid to talk about Comey calling Trump a liar that you can't stop trying to derail this thread?
This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
It doesn't help get Trump impeached, so there WILL NOT be a big deal made out of it.

But you are correct. It should be a crime. Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

I guess Comey woudln't have confessed if it was a crime. I am SURE he spoke to lawyers at length prior to testifying.
Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

Are his farts also classified?
People with integrity don't leak through third parties.

What was it he "leaked"? His personal notes from his conversations with Trump. Are you more upset he leaked those notes than the reason why he did what he did? He didn't trust the president to be truthful, so like any good manager, he documented it, shared it with his superiors and co-workers, and covered his butt. Trump made the claim that tapes exist too, which Comey didn't know at the time.
Comey shared with his superiors? When did that take place? Comey never went to anyone at the DOJ and reported what Trump had said to him . He SHOULD have but he didn't!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


RUBIO: Finally, who are those senior leaders at the FBI that you shared these conversations with?

COMEY: As I said in response to Senator Feinstein’s question, deputy director, my chief of staff, general counsel, the deputy director’s chief counsel, and then, more often than not, the number three person at the FBI, who is the associate deputy director, and then, quite often, the head of the national security branch.

kinda like teaching grasshoppers to shoot pistols isnt it ?
This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
It doesn't help get Trump impeached, so there WILL NOT be a big deal made out of it.

But you are correct. It should be a crime. Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

I guess Comey woudln't have confessed if it was a crime. I am SURE he spoke to lawyers at length prior to testifying.
Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

Are his farts also classified?

no ... think about it.
This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
It doesn't help get Trump impeached, so there WILL NOT be a big deal made out of it.

But you are correct. It should be a crime. Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

I guess Comey woudln't have confessed if it was a crime. I am SURE he spoke to lawyers at length prior to testifying.
Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

Are his farts also classified?

Yes, burps, too.

Loads of jizz that POTUS blows all over interns is NOT CLASSIFIED, however.
This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
It doesn't help get Trump impeached, so there WILL NOT be a big deal made out of it.

But you are correct. It should be a crime. Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

I guess Comey woudln't have confessed if it was a crime. I am SURE he spoke to lawyers at length prior to testifying.
Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

Are his farts also classified?

no ... think about it.
I did.

After I read: Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

And it shocked me that right wingers talk about defending the constitution and don't know what's in it.

Is the Trump administration, even with the leaks, the least transparent in history? Trump had two meeting with former presidents of Colombia and our press didn't know about them until the Colombian press printed the story. During the Obama administration, White House logs on who visited, why and who signed them in were availible to the press and the public. Under Trump, it's all secret. Very authoritarian. No wonder he loves Russia.
You're assuming that the FBI investigation has found proof of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, Derp!

Well, since the investigations are ongoing, no one can say for sure what they've found. But we can surmise some things by the action of the Grand Jury, which issued subpoenas relating to Flynn. Grand Juries only issue subpoenas if there is enough circumstantial evidence. So at the very least, there exists enough circumstantial evidence to warrant subpoenas concerning Flynn's contact with Russia while a member of Trump's team.
This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
It doesn't help get Trump impeached, so there WILL NOT be a big deal made out of it.

But you are correct. It should be a crime. Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

I guess Comey woudln't have confessed if it was a crime. I am SURE he spoke to lawyers at length prior to testifying.
Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

Are his farts also classified?

no ... think about it.
I did.

After I read: Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

And it shocked me that right wingers talk about defending the constitution and don't know what's in it.

Is the Trump administration, even with the leaks, the least transparent in history? Trump had two meeting with former presidents of Colombia and our press didn't know about them until the Colombian press printed the story. During the Obama administration, White House logs on who visited, why and who signed them in were availible to the press and the public. Under Trump, it's all secret. Very authoritarian. No wonder he loves Russia.

a branch or body of government has to classify any intel,and mark it restricted, confidential, secret and top secret.

or its not considered classified.

Not HRC, a career politician whose ambition was to be POTUS. Why would HRC collude with Russia to lose the election? You haven't given any good reasons because there aren't any in the first place.

Did I say she colluded?

Man, if ever a poster had the right screen name......

It be you

Derp Derp Derp
Of course you still care. Why else would you spend every post in this thread trying to derail it.


This thread is not about Hillary, yet you can't stop trying to make it about her.

The thread is about James Comey...his testimony...and what it proved! Unfortunately for you, Comey's testimony didn't prove that Trump colluded with the Russians at all...but did raise some serious questions about why Loretta Lynch called up James Comey right after secretly meeting with Bill Clinton and asked Comey to refer to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" instead of an FBI investigation!
Nothing in Comey's testimony raised any questions about Hillary and even if it had, this thread is about Comey and Trump. Which apparently scares the b'jeezus out of you since you can't stop trying to divert it to be about Hillary.

Only the truly partisan could listen to Comey describe how Loretta Lynch pressured him into referring to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" and not realize that came on the heels of Lynch having that secret meeting with Bill Clinton on his plane in Arizona just days earlier! To say THAT testimony doesn't raise questions about Hillary Clinton is you burying your head in the sand, Faun!

Speaking of partisans, only a partisan would keep trying to derail a thread about, Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President, into one about the Clintons and Loretta lynch.

I didn't derail your thread, Faun...James Comey's testimony derailed that! Right when Comey admitted that Trump had encouraged him to follow the Russian investigation where ever it led him even if it meant he was investigating Trump's "satellites" ie his aides! Your string came off the tracks RIGHT THERE!

Translation: I don't care if it can't be proven in a court of law, Faun...the court of public opinion has already passed judgement on Hillary Clinton. She's unfit for office.
Of course you still care. Why else would you spend every post in this thread trying to derail it.


This thread is not about Hillary, yet you can't stop trying to make it about her.

The thread is about James Comey...his testimony...and what it proved! Unfortunately for you, Comey's testimony didn't prove that Trump colluded with the Russians at all...but did raise some serious questions about why Loretta Lynch called up James Comey right after secretly meeting with Bill Clinton and asked Comey to refer to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" instead of an FBI investigation!
Nothing in Comey's testimony raised any questions about Hillary and even if it had, this thread is about Comey and Trump. Which apparently scares the b'jeezus out of you since you can't stop trying to divert it to be about Hillary.

Only the truly partisan could listen to Comey describe how Loretta Lynch pressured him into referring to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" and not realize that came on the heels of Lynch having that secret meeting with Bill Clinton on his plane in Arizona just days earlier! To say THAT testimony doesn't raise questions about Hillary Clinton is you burying your head in the sand, Faun!

Speaking of partisans, only a partisan would keep trying to derail a thread about, Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President, into one about the Clintons and Loretta lynch.

Since he offered the testimony
People with integrity don't leak through third parties.

What was it he "leaked"? His personal notes from his conversations with Trump. Are you more upset he leaked those notes than the reason why he did what he did? He didn't trust the president to be truthful, so like any good manager, he documented it, shared it with his superiors and co-workers, and covered his butt. Trump made the claim that tapes exist too, which Comey didn't know at the time.
Comey shared with his superiors? When did that take place? Comey never went to anyone at the DOJ and reported what Trump had said to him . He SHOULD have but he didn't!

Correct again, unless a university professor is now somehow the FBI directors superior.

Can you believe the crap that comes out of these people heads?
Of course you still care. Why else would you spend every post in this thread trying to derail it.


This thread is not about Hillary, yet you can't stop trying to make it about her.

The thread is about James Comey...his testimony...and what it proved! Unfortunately for you, Comey's testimony didn't prove that Trump colluded with the Russians at all...but did raise some serious questions about why Loretta Lynch called up James Comey right after secretly meeting with Bill Clinton and asked Comey to refer to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" instead of an FBI investigation!
Nothing in Comey's testimony raised any questions about Hillary and even if it had, this thread is about Comey and Trump. Which apparently scares the b'jeezus out of you since you can't stop trying to divert it to be about Hillary.

Only the truly partisan could listen to Comey describe how Loretta Lynch pressured him into referring to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" and not realize that came on the heels of Lynch having that secret meeting with Bill Clinton on his plane in Arizona just days earlier! To say THAT testimony doesn't raise questions about Hillary Clinton is you burying your head in the sand, Faun!

Speaking of partisans, only a partisan would keep trying to derail a thread about, Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President, into one about the Clintons and Loretta lynch.

Since he offered the testimony
He said nothing about Clinton and Lynch in regards to private conversations he had with Trump.

You remain delusional.
This is an abuse of power, and probably a crime.
It doesn't help get Trump impeached, so there WILL NOT be a big deal made out of it.

But you are correct. It should be a crime. Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

I guess Comey woudln't have confessed if it was a crime. I am SURE he spoke to lawyers at length prior to testifying.
Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

Are his farts also classified?

no ... think about it.
I did.

After I read: Isn't anything said by POTUS in private automatically classified?

And it shocked me that right wingers talk about defending the constitution and don't know what's in it.

Is the Trump administration, even with the leaks, the least transparent in history? Trump had two meeting with former presidents of Colombia and our press didn't know about them until the Colombian press printed the story. During the Obama administration, White House logs on who visited, why and who signed them in were availible to the press and the public. Under Trump, it's all secret. Very authoritarian. No wonder he loves Russia.

Why did Obama invoke executive privilege and Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress for THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS gun running scheme in Mexico?

Was it for being so transparent?

If the Obama administration was so transparent, why didn't Holder turn over to COngress the documents they requested?

Holder, instead, decided to be HELD IN CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS rather than be TRANSPARENT.
Any communication from top cabinet-level officials (INCLUDING POTUS) is inherently classified (what they call "BORN CLASSIFIED")at the instant it is sent or received, and to assume otherwise is not only a direct violation of U.S. government policy, but also dangerous.

When some people mishandle information, they end up with extra holes in their head. COUGHSETHRICHCOUGH.
Last edited:
Any communication from top cabinet-level officials (INCLUDING POTUS) is inherently classified (what they call "BORN CLASSIFIED")at the instant it is sent or received, and to assume otherwise is not only a direct violation of U.S. government policy, but also dangerous.

When some people mishandle information, they end up with extra holes in their head. COUGHSETHRICHCOUGH.
Fake post
Any communication from top cabinet-level officials (INCLUDING POTUS) is inherently classified (what they call "BORN CLASSIFIED")at the instant it is sent or received, and to assume otherwise is not only a direct violation of U.S. government policy, but also dangerous.

When some people mishandle information, they end up with extra holes in their head. COUGHSETHRICHCOUGH.
Fake post

No, it's real. I posted it.

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