Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

The Russians interfered: every sane person knows that.

The ? is this: did Trump associates collude with them to interfere in the election?
The uneducated comments above are interesting.

Comey has invigorated the Russian hacking and collusion investigations.

Trump's prior knowledge probably did not include the campaign stupidity of some of his associates.

If he covered up or lied after find out about the hacking and the collusion (if he did), Mueller will find it.
Invigorated? He blew that clear the hell out of the water. WTF are you thinking?

Comey said the Russians most definitely interfered with the election. And Flynn, and other members of Trump's team were in the pay of or had been paid by Russian interests, and they had a LOT of contacts with Russia during the campaign.

Come on, DL...that's six degrees of separation stuff! Yes, the Russian tried to interfere in the election but it's nothing that they haven't done before. To say that there was some sinister "collusion" taking place because some people on the Trump team know some Russians is ridiculous!

You know what this is? It's an excuse being put forth by Hillary Clinton for why she lost! (along with dozens of other things she's now blaming for her defeat...none of which include her own scandals!) It's also a way for the Democrats to prevent Trump from moving ahead with his agenda.

Look past the partisanship here at what is happening. The Russians tried the same thing in the French election but because the French were aware of what happened in the US, they repelled the attempt.

I was happy to see the Republican Party pass legislation to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions against the Russians without the consent of Congress.

You should be more than a little concerned about his treatment of your allies and trading partners. Putin is dancing with glee over the wedge in NATO.
I simply pointed out that you on the left thought Comey's testimony was going to hurt Trump but in reality it revealed one more example of what a bunch of sleazy characters the Clinton's and the people that work for them are, Faun! You wanted a Special Prosecutor? Fine, lets put Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch under oath and have them tell us all about their conversation that day in know...the one where they talked about their grand kids?

That issue has been settled.

So you put them both under Oath and they both say "We talked about our grandkids".

Somehow, I don't think you are going to believe them, but that would kind of be the end of the matter.

I don't think anyone with even a dollop of common sense would believe them, Joey...including yourself! I think we both know that they'd lie through their teeth because that's what the Clinton's have been doing for thirty plus years!
Why cares what you b'lieve? You have to prove they talked about something illegally

Actually, Faun...I don't need to prove anything because I'm not running for President! That's Hillary Clinton's "holy grail" and she's never going to get there because although nobody can prove what took place in that plane on the tarmac in Arizona enough people with common sense KNOW that Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch didn't plan a clandestine meeting to talk about their grandchildren days before the FBI released it's findings on Hillary's emails! I'm content knowing that the Clinton's won't be befouling the White House again!
Colin Powell and Condi Rice ran the State Department through private servers they set up in their private residences...servers that they hid from Congress when asked about them? Really Joey?

No, they just used private emails and couldn't produce those emails when they were supeoned by Congress when Congress finally got around to asking 'How did we get into a war that killed 100,000 people over weapons that didn't exist?"

The Director of the FBI saw some of the material that was on Clinton's servers...he said that she had classified materials there.

Material that she didn't send, someone else did. Probably someone who had no idea that it was classified because it was reclassified after the fact.

which isn't a big deal, as she had a security clearance to see that kind of stuff. Which you guys keep forgetting.

No puppies, Joey...just incredibly sleazy actions...and then a whole bunch of lies to cover up what she had been doing!

again, guy, I think Trump making money off the presidency is a lot sleazier than anything Clinton did by using the wrong kind of email because the State Department system sucked.

Nobody is claiming that Clinton didn't have the security clearance to see classified materials, Joey...we're simply pointing out that Clinton's use of those private servers to hide how she was conducting business at the State Department from Congressional oversight was illegal and dangerous because it wasn't secure. The fact that it was done so that she could make money through pay for play is what's really disgusting and it's laughable that you don't see that for what it was!
Still can't stop trying to divert this thread to be about Hillary, can you?

Since Hillary is the only one that's actually been shown to have "colluded" to subvert our question is why are we even talking about Trump? You've had ten months to show some evidence that Trump DID collude with the Russians to steal the election and you've shown me nothing, Faun! Comey's testimony simply highlighted something that anyone with half a clue already knew...that Hillary Clinton and her minions conspired to deceive the American people about what she'd done.
Oldstyle's regressive attempt at deflection and distraction fails.

The hunt continues.

The hunt continues?
The uneducated comments above are interesting.

Comey has invigorated the Russian hacking and collusion investigations.

Trump's prior knowledge probably did not include the campaign stupidity of some of his associates.

If he covered up or lied after find out about the hacking and the collusion (if he did), Mueller will find it.
Invigorated? He blew that clear the hell out of the water. WTF are you thinking?

Comey said the Russians most definitely interfered with the election. And Flynn, and other members of Trump's team were in the pay of or had been paid by Russian interests, and they had a LOT of contacts with Russia during the campaign.

Come on, DL...that's six degrees of separation stuff! Yes, the Russian tried to interfere in the election but it's nothing that they haven't done before. To say that there was some sinister "collusion" taking place because some people on the Trump team know some Russians is ridiculous!

You know what this is? It's an excuse being put forth by Hillary Clinton for why she lost! (along with dozens of other things she's now blaming for her defeat...none of which include her own scandals!) It's also a way for the Democrats to prevent Trump from moving ahead with his agenda.

Look past the partisanship here at what is happening. The Russians tried the same thing in the French election but because the French were aware of what happened in the US, they repelled the attempt.

I was happy to see the Republican Party pass legislation to prevent Trump from lifting sanctions against the Russians without the consent of Congress.

You should be more than a little concerned about his treatment of your allies and trading partners. Putin is dancing with glee over the wedge in NATO.

What "wedge" in NATO? You mean the part where Trump demanded that our NATO allies live up the promises that they've made on how much they spend for their own defense? Someone should have done THAT years ago, DL!
I simply pointed out that you on the left thought Comey's testimony was going to hurt Trump but in reality it revealed one more example of what a bunch of sleazy characters the Clinton's and the people that work for them are, Faun! You wanted a Special Prosecutor? Fine, lets put Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch under oath and have them tell us all about their conversation that day in know...the one where they talked about their grand kids?

That issue has been settled.

So you put them both under Oath and they both say "We talked about our grandkids".

Somehow, I don't think you are going to believe them, but that would kind of be the end of the matter.

I don't think anyone with even a dollop of common sense would believe them, Joey...including yourself! I think we both know that they'd lie through their teeth because that's what the Clinton's have been doing for thirty plus years!
Why cares what you b'lieve? You have to prove they talked about something illegally

Actually, Faun...I don't need to prove anything because I'm not running for President! That's Hillary Clinton's "holy grail" and she's never going to get there because although nobody can prove what took place in that plane on the tarmac in Arizona enough people with common sense KNOW that Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch didn't plan a clandestine meeting to talk about their grandchildren days before the FBI released it's findings on Hillary's emails! I'm content knowing that the Clinton's won't be befouling the White House again!
Translation: you can't prove it so you'll just keep making shit up like you always do.

Anyone disagree?
Colin Powell and Condi Rice ran the State Department through private servers they set up in their private residences...servers that they hid from Congress when asked about them? Really Joey?

No, they just used private emails and couldn't produce those emails when they were supeoned by Congress when Congress finally got around to asking 'How did we get into a war that killed 100,000 people over weapons that didn't exist?"

The Director of the FBI saw some of the material that was on Clinton's servers...he said that she had classified materials there.

Material that she didn't send, someone else did. Probably someone who had no idea that it was classified because it was reclassified after the fact.

which isn't a big deal, as she had a security clearance to see that kind of stuff. Which you guys keep forgetting.

No puppies, Joey...just incredibly sleazy actions...and then a whole bunch of lies to cover up what she had been doing!

again, guy, I think Trump making money off the presidency is a lot sleazier than anything Clinton did by using the wrong kind of email because the State Department system sucked.

Nobody is claiming that Clinton didn't have the security clearance to see classified materials, Joey...we're simply pointing out that Clinton's use of those private servers to hide how she was conducting business at the State Department from Congressional oversight was illegal and dangerous because it wasn't secure. The fact that it was done so that she could make money through pay for play is what's really disgusting and it's laughable that you don't see that for what it was!
Still can't stop trying to divert this thread to be about Hillary, can you?

Since Hillary is the only one that's actually been shown to have "colluded" to subvert our question is why are we even talking about Trump? You've had ten months to show some evidence that Trump DID collude with the Russians to steal the election and you've shown me nothing, Faun! Comey's testimony simply highlighted something that anyone with half a clue already knew...that Hillary Clinton and her minions conspired to deceive the American people about what she'd done.
So? Close this investigation then. Start up s new one. Keep looking until something is found. The Republican way.
I simply pointed out that you on the left thought Comey's testimony was going to hurt Trump but in reality it revealed one more example of what a bunch of sleazy characters the Clinton's and the people that work for them are, Faun! You wanted a Special Prosecutor? Fine, lets put Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch under oath and have them tell us all about their conversation that day in know...the one where they talked about their grand kids?

That issue has been settled.

So you put them both under Oath and they both say "We talked about our grandkids".

Somehow, I don't think you are going to believe them, but that would kind of be the end of the matter.

I don't think anyone with even a dollop of common sense would believe them, Joey...including yourself! I think we both know that they'd lie through their teeth because that's what the Clinton's have been doing for thirty plus years!
Why cares what you b'lieve? You have to prove they talked about something illegally

Actually, Faun...I don't need to prove anything because I'm not running for President! That's Hillary Clinton's "holy grail" and she's never going to get there because although nobody can prove what took place in that plane on the tarmac in Arizona enough people with common sense KNOW that Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch didn't plan a clandestine meeting to talk about their grandchildren days before the FBI released it's findings on Hillary's emails! I'm content knowing that the Clinton's won't be befouling the White House again!
Translation: you can't prove it so you'll just keep making shit up like you always do.

Anyone disagree?

Translation: I don't care if it can't be proven in a court of law, Faun...the court of public opinion has already passed judgement on Hillary Clinton. She's unfit for office.
That issue has been settled.

So you put them both under Oath and they both say "We talked about our grandkids".

Somehow, I don't think you are going to believe them, but that would kind of be the end of the matter.

I don't think anyone with even a dollop of common sense would believe them, Joey...including yourself! I think we both know that they'd lie through their teeth because that's what the Clinton's have been doing for thirty plus years!
Why cares what you b'lieve? You have to prove they talked about something illegally

Actually, Faun...I don't need to prove anything because I'm not running for President! That's Hillary Clinton's "holy grail" and she's never going to get there because although nobody can prove what took place in that plane on the tarmac in Arizona enough people with common sense KNOW that Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch didn't plan a clandestine meeting to talk about their grandchildren days before the FBI released it's findings on Hillary's emails! I'm content knowing that the Clinton's won't be befouling the White House again!
Translation: you can't prove it so you'll just keep making shit up like you always do.

Anyone disagree?

Translation: I don't care if it can't be proven in a court of law, Faun...the court of public opinion has already passed judgement on Hillary Clinton. She's unfit for office.
Of course you still care. Why else would you spend every post in this thread trying to derail it.


This thread is not about Hillary, yet you can't stop trying to make it about her.
I don't think anyone with even a dollop of common sense would believe them, Joey...including yourself! I think we both know that they'd lie through their teeth because that's what the Clinton's have been doing for thirty plus years!
Why cares what you b'lieve? You have to prove they talked about something illegally

Actually, Faun...I don't need to prove anything because I'm not running for President! That's Hillary Clinton's "holy grail" and she's never going to get there because although nobody can prove what took place in that plane on the tarmac in Arizona enough people with common sense KNOW that Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch didn't plan a clandestine meeting to talk about their grandchildren days before the FBI released it's findings on Hillary's emails! I'm content knowing that the Clinton's won't be befouling the White House again!
Translation: you can't prove it so you'll just keep making shit up like you always do.

Anyone disagree?

Translation: I don't care if it can't be proven in a court of law, Faun...the court of public opinion has already passed judgement on Hillary Clinton. She's unfit for office.
Of course you still care. Why else would you spend every post in this thread trying to derail it.


This thread is not about Hillary, yet you can't stop trying to make it about her.

The thread is about James Comey...his testimony...and what it proved! Unfortunately for you, Comey's testimony didn't prove that Trump colluded with the Russians at all...but did raise some serious questions about why Loretta Lynch called up James Comey right after secretly meeting with Bill Clinton and asked Comey to refer to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" instead of an FBI investigation!
Why cares what you b'lieve? You have to prove they talked about something illegally

Actually, Faun...I don't need to prove anything because I'm not running for President! That's Hillary Clinton's "holy grail" and she's never going to get there because although nobody can prove what took place in that plane on the tarmac in Arizona enough people with common sense KNOW that Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch didn't plan a clandestine meeting to talk about their grandchildren days before the FBI released it's findings on Hillary's emails! I'm content knowing that the Clinton's won't be befouling the White House again!
Translation: you can't prove it so you'll just keep making shit up like you always do.

Anyone disagree?

Translation: I don't care if it can't be proven in a court of law, Faun...the court of public opinion has already passed judgement on Hillary Clinton. She's unfit for office.
Of course you still care. Why else would you spend every post in this thread trying to derail it.


This thread is not about Hillary, yet you can't stop trying to make it about her.

The thread is about James Comey...his testimony...and what it proved! Unfortunately for you, Comey's testimony didn't prove that Trump colluded with the Russians at all...but did raise some serious questions about why Loretta Lynch called up James Comey right after secretly meeting with Bill Clinton and asked Comey to refer to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" instead of an FBI investigation!
Nothing in Comey's testimony raised any questions about Hillary and even if it had, this thread is about Comey and Trump. Which apparently scares the b'jeezus out of you since you can't stop trying to divert it to be about Hillary.
I wonder when the DOJ will actually look into the CLAIM that the DNC server was hacked and by whom?
...but refused to publicly state that Trump wasn't under investigation......

You don't have a clue how the FBI works do you? They announce investigations when they go public, ex: seeking a grand jury indictment. They don't announce who isn't under investigation, because the list would be 320,000,000 people long.

Very few of the 320,000,000 is the Commander in Chief, are they?

He told members of congress that Trump wasn't under investigation. No reason at all that he couldn't tell (or leak) that info to the general population

Trump is not under investigation, until he is
That time will come if or when an underling informs that Trump was involved in illegal activities

The same can be said of you.
Actually, Faun...I don't need to prove anything because I'm not running for President! That's Hillary Clinton's "holy grail" and she's never going to get there because although nobody can prove what took place in that plane on the tarmac in Arizona enough people with common sense KNOW that Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch didn't plan a clandestine meeting to talk about their grandchildren days before the FBI released it's findings on Hillary's emails! I'm content knowing that the Clinton's won't be befouling the White House again!
Translation: you can't prove it so you'll just keep making shit up like you always do.

Anyone disagree?

Translation: I don't care if it can't be proven in a court of law, Faun...the court of public opinion has already passed judgement on Hillary Clinton. She's unfit for office.
Of course you still care. Why else would you spend every post in this thread trying to derail it.


This thread is not about Hillary, yet you can't stop trying to make it about her.

The thread is about James Comey...his testimony...and what it proved! Unfortunately for you, Comey's testimony didn't prove that Trump colluded with the Russians at all...but did raise some serious questions about why Loretta Lynch called up James Comey right after secretly meeting with Bill Clinton and asked Comey to refer to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" instead of an FBI investigation!
Nothing in Comey's testimony raised any questions about Hillary and even if it had, this thread is about Comey and Trump. Which apparently scares the b'jeezus out of you since you can't stop trying to divert it to be about Hillary.

You obviously never listened to his testimony.
Colin Powell and Condi Rice ran the State Department through private servers they set up in their private residences...servers that they hid from Congress when asked about them? Really Joey?

No, they just used private emails and couldn't produce those emails when they were supeoned by Congress when Congress finally got around to asking 'How did we get into a war that killed 100,000 people over weapons that didn't exist?"

The Director of the FBI saw some of the material that was on Clinton's servers...he said that she had classified materials there.

Material that she didn't send, someone else did. Probably someone who had no idea that it was classified because it was reclassified after the fact.

which isn't a big deal, as she had a security clearance to see that kind of stuff. Which you guys keep forgetting.

No puppies, Joey...just incredibly sleazy actions...and then a whole bunch of lies to cover up what she had been doing!

again, guy, I think Trump making money off the presidency is a lot sleazier than anything Clinton did by using the wrong kind of email because the State Department system sucked.

Nobody is claiming that Clinton didn't have the security clearance to see classified materials, Joey...we're simply pointing out that Clinton's use of those private servers to hide how she was conducting business at the State Department from Congressional oversight was illegal and dangerous because it wasn't secure. The fact that it was done so that she could make money through pay for play is what's really disgusting and it's laughable that you don't see that for what it was!
Still can't stop trying to divert this thread to be about Hillary, can you?

Comey brought the Clinton campaign into this, not Oldstyle.

Actually, Faun...I don't need to prove anything because I'm not running for President! That's Hillary Clinton's "holy grail" and she's never going to get there because although nobody can prove what took place in that plane on the tarmac in Arizona enough people with common sense KNOW that Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch didn't plan a clandestine meeting to talk about their grandchildren days before the FBI released it's findings on Hillary's emails! I'm content knowing that the Clinton's won't be befouling the White House again!
Translation: you can't prove it so you'll just keep making shit up like you always do.

Anyone disagree?

Translation: I don't care if it can't be proven in a court of law, Faun...the court of public opinion has already passed judgement on Hillary Clinton. She's unfit for office.
Of course you still care. Why else would you spend every post in this thread trying to derail it.


This thread is not about Hillary, yet you can't stop trying to make it about her.

The thread is about James Comey...his testimony...and what it proved! Unfortunately for you, Comey's testimony didn't prove that Trump colluded with the Russians at all...but did raise some serious questions about why Loretta Lynch called up James Comey right after secretly meeting with Bill Clinton and asked Comey to refer to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" instead of an FBI investigation!
Nothing in Comey's testimony raised any questions about Hillary and even if it had, this thread is about Comey and Trump. Which apparently scares the b'jeezus out of you since you can't stop trying to divert it to be about Hillary.

Only the truly partisan could listen to Comey describe how Loretta Lynch pressured him into referring to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" and not realize that came on the heels of Lynch having that secret meeting with Bill Clinton on his plane in Arizona just days earlier! To say THAT testimony doesn't raise questions about Hillary Clinton is you burying your head in the sand, Faun!

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