Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

...but refused to publicly state that Trump wasn't under investigation......

You don't have a clue how the FBI works do you? They announce investigations when they go public, ex: seeking a grand jury indictment. They don't announce who isn't under investigation, because the list would be 320,000,000 people long.

You know less than nothing, yet are perfectly fine in making up lies.

Let's review:

1. The Comey FBI was copacetic with allowing Hillary's campaign to determine how the 'investigation' was to be characterized to the 'a matter,' not an investigation.

2. The Comey FBI was just peachy keen with allowing Hillary's campaign to forbid the FBI from collecting evidence....their servers....
..and allowing a private organization to 'report' the breakin (CrowdStrike):
"FBI Was Not Given Access to DNC Servers for Hacking Investigation"
FBI Was Not Given Access to DNC Servers for Hacking Investigation

3. Although fear that there were tapes forced Comey to tell the truth, he refused to publicly admit what he told Trump three times....he was not being investigated.
Hence the suggestion in the media that Trump was lying about it.

Soooo....have I just proven that you are more a liar, or more a fool?
Trump is clearly far smarter than Comey.

Comey had lies prepared about his conversations with Trump....until this:

"Trump hints tapes may exist of Comey conversations"
Video: Trump hints tapes may exist of Comey conversations
There are no tapes. Hell, no one even uses tape anymore. That Trump referred to it as "tape" reveals he was merely bluffing again.

Prove it.

Moron... Trump accused Comey of lying to Congress on Thursday. If there were "tapes," Trump would have released them by Thursday afternoon to show the world it was Comey, and not him, who was lying. It's like you have the mental capacity of a four year old to not be able to figure this stuff out.

Nothing but speculation rom a partisan hack sorry.

No worries. Just don't hold your breath until those tapes come out. :lmao:

Look at you masturbating you fantasies of taking Trump out. I don't care about any tapes kid, I'm just enjoying you kids chasing your tails.
Yes it was.
No, it wasn't. Executive privilege is a tool available to the president to ensure secrets don't find their way into the public domain. Thanks to Trump's big mouth, he had already discussed most of what Comey had already testified to. There were no secrets regarding Comey's firing.

You're right and EVERYONE else is wrong in the Media,and in the Gov. Fact you've not a clue as to what you talking about.
Imbecile, who said the media is wrong...?

Report: Trump is unlikely to invoke executive privilege to stop Comey's testimony

Legal experts told The Times that Trump does not have a strong case to invoke the privilege due to his public acknowledgement of his conversations with Comey.

Try and stay with conversation little boy, here is what you posted.

"No, it wasn't. Executive privilege is a tool available to the president to ensure secrets don't find their way into the public domain. Thanks to Trump's big mouth, he had already discussed most of what Comey had already testified to. There were no secrets regarding Comey's firing."

That's what I was responding to. You don't seem to suited for this kid.
And then I posted an article from Fox News stating Executive privilege was likely not an option, due to his public acknowledgement of his conversations with Comey.

Try and keep up, will ya?

You're the one who had to be straightened out kid, just thank me.
There are no tapes. Hell, no one even uses tape anymore. That Trump referred to it as "tape" reveals he was merely bluffing again.

Prove it.

Moron... Trump accused Comey of lying to Congress on Thursday. If there were "tapes," Trump would have released them by Thursday afternoon to show the world it was Comey, and not him, who was lying. It's like you have the mental capacity of a four year old to not be able to figure this stuff out.

Nothing but speculation rom a partisan hack sorry.

No worries. Just don't hold your breath until those tapes come out. :lmao:

Look at you masturbating you fantasies of taking Trump out. I don't care about any tapes kid, I'm just enjoying you kids chasing your tails.
You're fucking deranged. Where did I say any of this was going to take Trump out??

Hell, I was posting how Comey's testimony won't take him out.

I'm merely dragging you to the proverbial trough. I can't make you drink the water.
No, it wasn't. Executive privilege is a tool available to the president to ensure secrets don't find their way into the public domain. Thanks to Trump's big mouth, he had already discussed most of what Comey had already testified to. There were no secrets regarding Comey's firing.

You're right and EVERYONE else is wrong in the Media,and in the Gov. Fact you've not a clue as to what you talking about.
Imbecile, who said the media is wrong...?

Report: Trump is unlikely to invoke executive privilege to stop Comey's testimony

Legal experts told The Times that Trump does not have a strong case to invoke the privilege due to his public acknowledgement of his conversations with Comey.

Try and stay with conversation little boy, here is what you posted.

"No, it wasn't. Executive privilege is a tool available to the president to ensure secrets don't find their way into the public domain. Thanks to Trump's big mouth, he had already discussed most of what Comey had already testified to. There were no secrets regarding Comey's firing."

That's what I was responding to. You don't seem to suited for this kid.
And then I posted an article from Fox News stating Executive privilege was likely not an option, due to his public acknowledgement of his conversations with Comey.

Try and keep up, will ya?

You're the one who had to be straightened out kid, just thank me.
And you straightened me out by reading the news article I posted which corroborated what I said, did ya?

President Snowflake is such a drama queen

He thinks he can trash and threaten James Comey and then when Comey defends himself....Trump claims executive privilege

Not fair....<sob>....Comey is a leaker
When did Trump claim Executive Privilege? He was more than happy to let Comey testify because he knew Comey wasn't going to hurt him.

Ironic, Isn't it? Trump actually could have used executive privilege to stop Comey from testifying, but didn't.

Now the snowflakes are accusing him of using it?

These folks are losing it.

What's amazing, Pop is how Trump haters said Trump was proving his guilt because he was going to invoke Executive Privilege...when he actually had no plans to do so...but then won't admit that Trump is proving his innocence by NOT invoking EP. There is this disconnect going on with the liberal left that is amazing to witness!
Comey was not fazed in the slightest by the threat of tapes. He said he hoped there were tapes. He called the president a liar in front of a senate committee and twenty million viewers. He strongly said that the thought the president was telling to drop the investigation.

Trump: release the tapes.

He didn't "strongly" say anything, Jake! He prefaced most of the things he said with "I might be wrong but..."! He said he felt the President was asking him to drop the investigation into Flynn but he also admitted that Trump told him to go ahead with the Russian investigation even if it involved his "satellites". Would Comey have said that if the threat of tapes wasn't hanging over him? We'll never know.
I think Comey told the truth because he's basically honest and he was under oath. He said he WISHED there were tapes. I don't think there are, though.

You know what, Old Lady? I think Comey basically told the truth as well! What neither of us knows is whether his testimony would have been different if the threat of tapes wasn't hanging over his head. I wish there were tapes of his conversation with Loretta Lynch about what to call the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails! I wish there were tapes of the conversation between Lynch and Bill Clinton on that plane in Arizona! Does anyone REALLY think they had a secret meeting to discuss their grandkids like they claimed? Who's THAT naive?
I hope the investigators are able to stay on track better than most of us.
This is about Trump, not Clinton and not Lynch, although I hope EVERYONE made a mental note on that one. Wow.
Whether Comey was honest because of tapes? I would say that's conjecture implying he's basically dishonest and I have no actual evidence to support that. I obviously don't know him personally but people who have worked with him and known him for years including the legislators on the investigatory committees, say he has a sterling reputation for honesty. I'll take that.

Gee, Old Lady...I thought this string was about James Comey's testimony! Part of that testimony was about Loretta Lynch telling him she wanted him to refer to the Clinton email investigation...not as an FBI investigation but as an FBI "matter"! (Trust the Clinton's to use semantics once again to try and polish a turd!). See, here's the thing. When you on the left start turning over rocks looking for the "goods" on Trump, you run the very real risk of turning over rocks that are hiding yet more Clinton scandals. Comey's testimony about Lynch is a perfect example of what I'm talking about! To be quite frank with you I can't recall in my lifetime when multiple Attorney Generals for one President were so blatantly partisan as they were during Obama's two terms!
What he said was that Hillary wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand what was classified information...which is a total farce since Clinton has been exposed to classified information for decades and was running the State Department! For Comey to make that statement tells me that he caved to Loretta Lynch and the Clinton's. It's either that or he's dumbest FBI Director EVER and I don't believe that's the case!

Or that the information the she had wasn't as clearly black and white as you want it to be.

Here's one of the great insights i got when I was in the army. Every year, we had something called a Combat Readiness Inspection. Of course, it had very little to do with actual combat readiness, and everything to do with how accurately we were keeping our records and information. And every year, a new set of inspectors would read the same regulation, and come up with a different interpretation of what it meant, how we had to fill out the forms, how long we had to keep the form.

Every. Freaking. Year.

But again, Hillary ate your puppy or something... so, whatever.
Hillary didn't eat anyone's puppy, Joey. She did however run the State Department through two private servers she set up in her home in Westchester and on those servers she had a whole bunch of classified information. She also lied to Congressional investigators when she claimed that she'd turned over all of her emails dealing with Benghazi. I don't know what THAT has to do with your experiences in the I assume that was just a rather pathetic attempt to change topics?
What's amazing, Pop is how Trump haters said Trump was proving his guilt because he was going to invoke Executive Privilege...when he actually had no plans to do so...but then won't admit that Trump is proving his innocence by NOT invoking EP. There is this disconnect going on with the liberal left that is amazing to witness!

Naw, what was amazing to witness was the silly, "Let's get the cabinet together and have them say how awesome it was to work for Trump."

Seriously, this guy makes Kim Jong Un look well-adjusted.
What's amazing, Pop is how Trump haters said Trump was proving his guilt because he was going to invoke Executive Privilege...when he actually had no plans to do so...but then won't admit that Trump is proving his innocence by NOT invoking EP. There is this disconnect going on with the liberal left that is amazing to witness!

Naw, what was amazing to witness was the silly, "Let's get the cabinet together and have them say how awesome it was to work for Trump."

Seriously, this guy makes Kim Jong Un look well-adjusted.

I don't even know what it is you're talking about with that one, Joey! Why don't you take a time out and get your thoughts together? Right now you've embarrassing yourself.
...but refused to publicly state that Trump wasn't under investigation......

You don't have a clue how the FBI works do you? They announce investigations when they go public, ex: seeking a grand jury indictment. They don't announce who isn't under investigation, because the list would be 320,000,000 people long.

Very few of the 320,000,000 is the Commander in Chief, are they?

He told members of congress that Trump wasn't under investigation. No reason at all that he couldn't tell (or leak) that info to the general population
Hillary didn't eat anyone's puppy, Joey. She did however run the State Department through two private servers she set up in her home in Westchester and on those servers she had a whole bunch of classified information.

so what. So did Colin Powell, so did Condi Rice.

I don't know what THAT has to do with your experiences in the I assume that was just a rather pathetic attempt to change topics?

Did I need to use smaller words?

the point I made was that what was "Classified" really depended on who was looking at it. You haven't seen this material, and neither have I, but the fact that most of it was classified after the fact tells me it wasn't as clear cut as you seem to want to think it is.

But again, Hillary ate your puppy or something, because you can't stop talking about her.

Just remember- Colluding with a foreign Dictator, that's okay.

Using the wrong E-mail! OH MY GOD, KILL HER!!!
President Snowflake is such a drama queen

He thinks he can trash and threaten James Comey and then when Comey defends himself....Trump claims executive privilege

Not fair....<sob>....Comey is a leaker
When did Trump claim Executive Privilege? He was more than happy to let Comey testify because he knew Comey wasn't going to hurt him.

Ironic, Isn't it? Trump actually could have used executive privilege to stop Comey from testifying, but didn't.

Now the snowflakes are accusing him of using it?

These folks are losing it.

What's amazing, Pop is how Trump haters said Trump was proving his guilt because he was going to invoke Executive Privilege...when he actually had no plans to do so...but then won't admit that Trump is proving his innocence by NOT invoking EP. There is this disconnect going on with the liberal left that is amazing to witness!

And BINGO was his name oooooooooo
Very few of the 320,000,000 is the Commander in Chief, are they?

He told members of congress that Trump wasn't under investigation. No reason at all that he couldn't tell (or leak) that info to the general population

No reason that he should, either.

Let's not forget, when he cleared HIllary, he looked kind of silly when new information came up.

Why do that with Trump, whom he already suspected was dirty.
President Snowflake is such a drama queen

He thinks he can trash and threaten James Comey and then when Comey defends himself....Trump claims executive privilege

Not fair....<sob>....Comey is a leaker
When did Trump claim Executive Privilege? He was more than happy to let Comey testify because he knew Comey wasn't going to hurt him.

Ironic, Isn't it? Trump actually could have used executive privilege to stop Comey from testifying, but didn't.

Now the snowflakes are accusing him of using it?

These folks are losing it.

What's amazing, Pop is how Trump haters said Trump was proving his guilt because he was going to invoke Executive Privilege...when he actually had no plans to do so...but then won't admit that Trump is proving his innocence by NOT invoking EP. There is this disconnect going on with the liberal left that is amazing to witness!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Of course he had plans to do so. Spicer even said it was something being considered.

Spicer even said, "Obviously, it's got to be reviewed."

You don't review something unless you're considering it.
Comey was not fazed in the slightest by the threat of tapes. He said he hoped there were tapes. He called the president a liar in front of a senate committee and twenty million viewers. He strongly said that the thought the president was telling to drop the investigation.

Trump: release the tapes.

He didn't "strongly" say anything, Jake! He prefaced most of the things he said with "I might be wrong but..."! He said he felt the President was asking him to drop the investigation into Flynn but he also admitted that Trump told him to go ahead with the Russian investigation even if it involved his "satellites". Would Comey have said that if the threat of tapes wasn't hanging over him? We'll never know.
I think Comey told the truth because he's basically honest and he was under oath. He said he WISHED there were tapes. I don't think there are, though.

You know what, Old Lady? I think Comey basically told the truth as well! What neither of us knows is whether his testimony would have been different if the threat of tapes wasn't hanging over his head. I wish there were tapes of his conversation with Loretta Lynch about what to call the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails! I wish there were tapes of the conversation between Lynch and Bill Clinton on that plane in Arizona! Does anyone REALLY think they had a secret meeting to discuss their grandkids like they claimed? Who's THAT naive?
I hope the investigators are able to stay on track better than most of us.
This is about Trump, not Clinton and not Lynch, although I hope EVERYONE made a mental note on that one. Wow.
Whether Comey was honest because of tapes? I would say that's conjecture implying he's basically dishonest and I have no actual evidence to support that. I obviously don't know him personally but people who have worked with him and known him for years including the legislators on the investigatory committees, say he has a sterling reputation for honesty. I'll take that.

Gee, Old Lady...I thought this string was about James Comey's testimony! Part of that testimony was about Loretta Lynch telling him she wanted him to refer to the Clinton email investigation...not as an FBI investigation but as an FBI "matter"! (Trust the Clinton's to use semantics once again to try and polish a turd!). See, here's the thing. When you on the left start turning over rocks looking for the "goods" on Trump, you run the very real risk of turning over rocks that are hiding yet more Clinton scandals. Comey's testimony about Lynch is a perfect example of what I'm talking about! To be quite frank with you I can't recall in my lifetime when multiple Attorney Generals for one President were so blatantly partisan as they were during Obama's two terms!
Well, no, this thread is actually about Comey's private conversations with Trump and his giving them to a friend. But of course, no one can prevent you from trying to derail the thread if you really have your heart set on doing so.
Very few of the 320,000,000 is the Commander in Chief, are they?

He told members of congress that Trump wasn't under investigation. No reason at all that he couldn't tell (or leak) that info to the general population

No reason that he should, either.

Let's not forget, when he cleared HIllary, he looked kind of silly when new information came up.

Why do that with Trump, whom he already suspected was dirty.

That's part of the job.

Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen, or

Don't act like your surprised when the head chef kicks your ass out.
He didn't "strongly" say anything, Jake! He prefaced most of the things he said with "I might be wrong but..."! He said he felt the President was asking him to drop the investigation into Flynn but he also admitted that Trump told him to go ahead with the Russian investigation even if it involved his "satellites". Would Comey have said that if the threat of tapes wasn't hanging over him? We'll never know.
I think Comey told the truth because he's basically honest and he was under oath. He said he WISHED there were tapes. I don't think there are, though.

You know what, Old Lady? I think Comey basically told the truth as well! What neither of us knows is whether his testimony would have been different if the threat of tapes wasn't hanging over his head. I wish there were tapes of his conversation with Loretta Lynch about what to call the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails! I wish there were tapes of the conversation between Lynch and Bill Clinton on that plane in Arizona! Does anyone REALLY think they had a secret meeting to discuss their grandkids like they claimed? Who's THAT naive?
I hope the investigators are able to stay on track better than most of us.
This is about Trump, not Clinton and not Lynch, although I hope EVERYONE made a mental note on that one. Wow.
Whether Comey was honest because of tapes? I would say that's conjecture implying he's basically dishonest and I have no actual evidence to support that. I obviously don't know him personally but people who have worked with him and known him for years including the legislators on the investigatory committees, say he has a sterling reputation for honesty. I'll take that.

Gee, Old Lady...I thought this string was about James Comey's testimony! Part of that testimony was about Loretta Lynch telling him she wanted him to refer to the Clinton email investigation...not as an FBI investigation but as an FBI "matter"! (Trust the Clinton's to use semantics once again to try and polish a turd!). See, here's the thing. When you on the left start turning over rocks looking for the "goods" on Trump, you run the very real risk of turning over rocks that are hiding yet more Clinton scandals. Comey's testimony about Lynch is a perfect example of what I'm talking about! To be quite frank with you I can't recall in my lifetime when multiple Attorney Generals for one President were so blatantly partisan as they were during Obama's two terms!
Well, no, this thread is actually about Comey's private conversations with Trump and his giving them to a friend. But of course, no one can prevent you from trying to derail the thread if you really have your heart set on doing so.

........ to leak to the press

Kinda forgot that huh?

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