Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

Nothing in Comey's testimony raised any questions about Hillary and even if it had, this thread is about Comey and Trump. Which apparently scares the b'jeezus out of you since you can't stop trying to divert it to be about Hillary.

Don't understand what you think it is Hillary did. Collude with the Russians to lose the election? Huh?
That issue has been settled.

So you put them both under Oath and they both say "We talked about our grandkids".

Somehow, I don't think you are going to believe them, but that would kind of be the end of the matter.

I don't think anyone with even a dollop of common sense would believe them, Joey...including yourself! I think we both know that they'd lie through their teeth because that's what the Clinton's have been doing for thirty plus years!
Why cares what you b'lieve? You have to prove they talked about something illegally

Actually, Faun...I don't need to prove anything because I'm not running for President! That's Hillary Clinton's "holy grail" and she's never going to get there because although nobody can prove what took place in that plane on the tarmac in Arizona enough people with common sense KNOW that Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch didn't plan a clandestine meeting to talk about their grandchildren days before the FBI released it's findings on Hillary's emails! I'm content knowing that the Clinton's won't be befouling the White House again!
Translation: you can't prove it so you'll just keep making shit up like you always do.

Anyone disagree?

Translation: I don't care if it can't be proven in a court of law, Faun...the court of public opinion has already passed judgement on Hillary Clinton. She's unfit for office.

good, shes not in office ...

questions ?

Nothing in Comey's testimony raised any questions about Hillary and even if it had, this thread is about Comey and Trump. Which apparently scares the b'jeezus out of you since you can't stop trying to divert it to be about Hillary.

Don't understand what you think it is Hillary did. Collude with the Russians to lose the election? Huh?

That would be her speed.
I don't think anyone with even a dollop of common sense would believe them, Joey...including yourself! I think we both know that they'd lie through their teeth because that's what the Clinton's have been doing for thirty plus years!
Why cares what you b'lieve? You have to prove they talked about something illegally

Actually, Faun...I don't need to prove anything because I'm not running for President! That's Hillary Clinton's "holy grail" and she's never going to get there because although nobody can prove what took place in that plane on the tarmac in Arizona enough people with common sense KNOW that Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch didn't plan a clandestine meeting to talk about their grandchildren days before the FBI released it's findings on Hillary's emails! I'm content knowing that the Clinton's won't be befouling the White House again!
Translation: you can't prove it so you'll just keep making shit up like you always do.

Anyone disagree?

Translation: I don't care if it can't be proven in a court of law, Faun...the court of public opinion has already passed judgement on Hillary Clinton. She's unfit for office.

good, shes not in office ...

questions ?


Yes, how'd the Dems let her win the nomination?
The thread is about James Comey...his testimony...and what it proved!

What it proved is that Trump and Conservatives only hear what they want to hear. Comey in no uncertain terms said the president lied.

About what, Derp? Is Trump's contention that the reputation of the FBI is tarnished because of Comey's "leadership" a lie? Comey thinks so. Of course if he didn't dispute that Comey would have to admit that the rank and file of the FBI no longer respect him or his leadership. So is the big lie that Trump invited Comey to dinner instead of Comey requesting a meeting? If that's the best you've got then I'm frankly feeling sorry for you.
Why cares what you b'lieve? You have to prove they talked about something illegally

Actually, Faun...I don't need to prove anything because I'm not running for President! That's Hillary Clinton's "holy grail" and she's never going to get there because although nobody can prove what took place in that plane on the tarmac in Arizona enough people with common sense KNOW that Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch didn't plan a clandestine meeting to talk about their grandchildren days before the FBI released it's findings on Hillary's emails! I'm content knowing that the Clinton's won't be befouling the White House again!
Translation: you can't prove it so you'll just keep making shit up like you always do.

Anyone disagree?

Translation: I don't care if it can't be proven in a court of law, Faun...the court of public opinion has already passed judgement on Hillary Clinton. She's unfit for office.

good, shes not in office ...

questions ?


Yes, how'd the Dems let her win the nomination?

nomination = holding office ?

who knew huh

About what, Derp?

About why he was fired from the FBI, about the environment of the FBI when he was fired, about the faith the FBI had in Comey.

Is Trump's contention that the reputation of the FBI is tarnished because of Comey's "leadership" a lie?

Yes. That would be a lie. One Trump needs to make in order to delegitimze the obvious results of the FBI investigation before they are made. He's undermining the FBI in advance of the FBI releasing their report of the investigation into Russia's election hack, and the role Trump's campaign and the GOP played in that.

He's gaslighting the FBI so he doesn't have to accept their conclusions.

Not HRC, a career politician whose ambition was to be POTUS. Why would HRC collude with Russia to lose the election? You haven't given any good reasons because there aren't any in the first place.
A man who admits he had no integrity, calls another man a liar.

How does Comey not have integrity? Don't understand what you're getting at.

To start with, only has to look at how he conducted himself as Director to grasp how little integrity James Comey actually possessed when push came to shove.

When Loretta Lynch came to him with that request that he call the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails an FBI "matter" and not an investigation...Comey should have looked Lynch in the eye and told her that it was an investigation and that he wouldn't rename it so Hillary could claim she wasn't under investigation.

When Donald Trump cleared the room and told Comey that he "hoped" Comey could see his way to going easy on Flynn because he was such a good guy...Comey should have looked the President in the eye and told him that if he was asking the FBI to stop the investigation into Flynn that would constitute obstruction of justice. Comey didn't do that. He agreed with Trump that Flynn WAS a good guy and walked out of the room.

Then there are the leaks. What possible reason does someone with "integrity" have for anonymously leaking conversations that they have had with someone else? If you have integrity you put your name on what you want to see reported and you release it to the media. Comey didn't do that.
People with integrity don't leak through third parties.

What was it he "leaked"? His personal notes from his conversations with Trump. Are you more upset he leaked those notes than the reason why he did what he did? He didn't trust the president to be truthful, so like any good manager, he documented it, shared it with his superiors and co-workers, and covered his butt. Trump made the claim that tapes exist too, which Comey didn't know at the time.
About what, Derp?

About why he was fired from the FBI, about the environment of the FBI when he was fired, about the faith the FBI had in Comey.

Is Trump's contention that the reputation of the FBI is tarnished because of Comey's "leadership" a lie?

Yes. That would be a lie. One Trump needs to make in order to delegitimze the obvious results of the FBI investigation before they are made. He's undermining the FBI in advance of the FBI releasing their report of the investigation into Russia's election hack, and the role Trump's campaign and the GOP played in that.

He's gaslighting the FBI so he doesn't have to accept their conclusions.

You're assuming that the FBI investigation has found proof of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, Derp! I have seen zero indication that was the case. As a matter of fact...over and over again officials have come out and told the American people that there is no evidence that collusion took place!
People with integrity don't leak through third parties.

What was it he "leaked"? His personal notes from his conversations with Trump. Are you more upset he leaked those notes than the reason why he did what he did? He didn't trust the president to be truthful, so like any good manager, he documented it, shared it with his superiors and co-workers, and covered his butt. Trump made the claim that tapes exist too, which Comey didn't know at the time.
Comey shared with his superiors? When did that take place? Comey never went to anyone at the DOJ and reported what Trump had said to him . He SHOULD have but he didn't!
Translation: you can't prove it so you'll just keep making shit up like you always do.

Anyone disagree?

Translation: I don't care if it can't be proven in a court of law, Faun...the court of public opinion has already passed judgement on Hillary Clinton. She's unfit for office.
Of course you still care. Why else would you spend every post in this thread trying to derail it.


This thread is not about Hillary, yet you can't stop trying to make it about her.

The thread is about James Comey...his testimony...and what it proved! Unfortunately for you, Comey's testimony didn't prove that Trump colluded with the Russians at all...but did raise some serious questions about why Loretta Lynch called up James Comey right after secretly meeting with Bill Clinton and asked Comey to refer to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" instead of an FBI investigation!
Nothing in Comey's testimony raised any questions about Hillary and even if it had, this thread is about Comey and Trump. Which apparently scares the b'jeezus out of you since you can't stop trying to divert it to be about Hillary.

Only the truly partisan could listen to Comey describe how Loretta Lynch pressured him into referring to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" and not realize that came on the heels of Lynch having that secret meeting with Bill Clinton on his plane in Arizona just days earlier! To say THAT testimony doesn't raise questions about Hillary Clinton is you burying your head in the sand, Faun!

Speaking of partisans, only a partisan would keep trying to derail a thread about, Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President, into one about the Clintons and Loretta lynch.
Translation: I don't care if it can't be proven in a court of law, Faun...the court of public opinion has already passed judgement on Hillary Clinton. She's unfit for office.
Of course you still care. Why else would you spend every post in this thread trying to derail it.


This thread is not about Hillary, yet you can't stop trying to make it about her.

The thread is about James Comey...his testimony...and what it proved! Unfortunately for you, Comey's testimony didn't prove that Trump colluded with the Russians at all...but did raise some serious questions about why Loretta Lynch called up James Comey right after secretly meeting with Bill Clinton and asked Comey to refer to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" instead of an FBI investigation!
Nothing in Comey's testimony raised any questions about Hillary and even if it had, this thread is about Comey and Trump. Which apparently scares the b'jeezus out of you since you can't stop trying to divert it to be about Hillary.

Only the truly partisan could listen to Comey describe how Loretta Lynch pressured him into referring to the Clinton email investigation as an FBI "matter" and not realize that came on the heels of Lynch having that secret meeting with Bill Clinton on his plane in Arizona just days earlier! To say THAT testimony doesn't raise questions about Hillary Clinton is you burying your head in the sand, Faun!

Speaking of partisans, only a partisan would keep trying to derail a thread about, Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President, into one about the Clintons and Loretta lynch.

I didn't derail your thread, Faun...James Comey's testimony derailed that! Right when Comey admitted that Trump had encouraged him to follow the Russian investigation where ever it led him even if it meant he was investigating Trump's "satellites" ie his aides! Your string came off the tracks RIGHT THERE!

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