Since when does the FBI Director leak private conversations with the President?

SESSIONS: Absolutely. Actually I maintained it from the first day I became attorney general. We discussed those matters, and I felt until -- until and if I ever made a decision to not recuse myself I should not, as an abundance of caution, involve myself in studying the investigation or evaluating it so I did not. I also would note that the memorandum from my chief of staff directs these agencies and one of the people directly it was sent to was James B. Comey, director of the FBI.

You should instruct members of your staffs to not -- not to brief the attorney general or any other officials in the office of the attorney general about or otherwise involve the attorney general or other officials in the office of the attorney general in any such matters described above, and we took the proper and firm and crystal clear position that the recusal meant recusal.
I don't think anyone with even a dollop of common sense would believe them, Joey...including yourself! I think we both know that they'd lie through their teeth because that's what the Clinton's have been doing for thirty plus years!

Well, yes, we know, Hillary ate your puppy, so why would you believe them when they told you they didn't talk about something they were both inclined to do anyway.

Come on, DL...that's six degrees of separation stuff! Yes, the Russian tried to interfere in the election but it's nothing that they haven't done before. To say that there was some sinister "collusion" taking place because some people on the Trump team know some Russians is ridiculous!

Uh, the Russians have never tried to interfere on the level they did in 2016. Mostly because they know, Democrat or Republican, most of our politicians still live in the Cold War mentality. They only made an effort when they got their guy in.

You know what this is? It's an excuse being put forth by Hillary Clinton for why she lost! (along with dozens of other things she's now blaming for her defeat...none of which include her own scandals!) It's also a way for the Democrats to prevent Trump from moving ahead with his agenda.

Actually, what's keeping Trump from moving his agenda foreward is that only 34% of the country approve of him.

And that's before his recession starts.
Colin Powell and Condi Rice ran the State Department through private servers they set up in their private residences...servers that they hid from Congress when asked about them? Really Joey?

No, they just used private emails and couldn't produce those emails when they were supeoned by Congress when Congress finally got around to asking 'How did we get into a war that killed 100,000 people over weapons that didn't exist?"

The Director of the FBI saw some of the material that was on Clinton's servers...he said that she had classified materials there.

Material that she didn't send, someone else did. Probably someone who had no idea that it was classified because it was reclassified after the fact.

which isn't a big deal, as she had a security clearance to see that kind of stuff. Which you guys keep forgetting.

No puppies, Joey...just incredibly sleazy actions...and then a whole bunch of lies to cover up what she had been doing!

again, guy, I think Trump making money off the presidency is a lot sleazier than anything Clinton did by using the wrong kind of email because the State Department system sucked.
Defending Hillary by accusing Trump of making money off the presidency is interesting, to say the least. How much did she make from her stint as Sec State and why did "donations" to her "foundation" dry up after she lost again?
Hillary supporters accuse Trump of being in it for the money...which borders on the absurd since Hillary and Bill made themselves filthy rich exchanging political favors for cash money while Trump is not even taking his salary as President!

Of course with people like Joey...absurd is what he does!
Collusion with a hostile foreign government? Espionage? Treason? Obstruction of justice? Witness intimidation?

There is a saying about Grand Juries in the legal profession, goes something like this..."any good prosecutor could get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich"!

So then if there's nothing to worry about, why are you Conservatives acting as if there is? Why were 8 Benghazi investigations that took 5 years OK, but one investigation into Russian hacks on our election that has taken a year so far is not? Double standard, much?
There is a saying about Grand Juries in the legal profession, goes something like this..."any good prosecutor could get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich"!

So then if there's nothing to worry about, why are you Conservatives acting as if there is? Why were 8 Benghazi investigations that took 5 years OK, but one investigation into Russian hacks on our election that has taken a year so far is not? Double standard, much?

When have you ever heard me say that an investigation into Russian hacks shouldn't take place, Derp? I have ZERO problem with that! Russian hacking has been going on for decades now...not just during this last election!

As for Benghazi? The troubling thing to me about Benghazi is that it became such a political "football" right from the start! The Obama Administration tried to excuse the miscalculations that were made leading up to the deaths of Chris Stevens and the other Americans by blaming a You Tube video for inciting a protest that turned into an attack (that they knew early on was never a protest) and also blaming the GOP for cutting funds for State Department security (when their own section Chief testified under oath that the State Department was satisfied with the security levels they had present in Libya). The Obama Administration sent Susan Rice out to all of those Sunday morning talk shows with a narrative to tell about what happened in Benghazi that they knew wasn't the truth. Then Hillary Clinton destroyed thousands of emails that one can only assume were related to Benghazi and showed how they handled the situation. None of that type of thing has happened in this current "scandal", Derp...yet Trump is being assailed on a daily basis by the main stream media...treated as if he's guilty even though they've yet to find even a bit of proof that is the case! Then you talk about a double standard? Oh, there IS a double standard being employed here but it's not the one you claim!
When have you ever heard me say that an investigation into Russian hacks shouldn't take place, Derp? I have ZERO problem with that! Russian hacking has been going on for decades now...not just during this last election!

Ok, so if you're supportive of an investigation into Russian hacks, and that investigation finds its way to Trump's team, what's your problem?

As for Benghazi? The troubling thing to me about Benghazi is that it became such a political "football" right from the start! The Obama Administration tried to excuse the miscalculations that were made leading up to the deaths of Chris Stevens and the other Americans by blaming a You Tube video for inciting a protest that turned into an attack (that they knew early on was never a protest) and also blaming the GOP for cutting funds for State Department security (when their own section Chief testified under oath that the State Department was satisfied with the security levels they had present in Libya). The Obama Administration sent Susan Rice out to all of those Sunday morning talk shows with a narrative to tell about what happened in Benghazi that they knew wasn't the truth. Then Hillary Clinton destroyed thousands of emails that one can only assume were related to Benghazi and showed how they handled the situation. None of that type of thing has happened in this current "scandal", Derp...yet Trump is being assailed on a daily basis by the main stream media...treated as if he's guilty even though they've yet to find even a bit of proof that is the case! Then you talk about a double standard? Oh, there IS a double standard being employed here but it's not the one you claim!

So explain to me the importance of the narrative and how it relates to anything? You seem to be harping about the fact that the Obama Administration wasn't sure the cause of the attack, and you're Monday-morning quarterbacking by second guessing their word choice??? So what this comes down to for you people is the words that were used? Didn't you ever hear the saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? Funny how you all are so wrapped up in the word choice, as if it makes a difference. Do you think that if they called it a "terrorist attack" and blamed it on al Qaeda it would have magically made Romney win the election?

I have news for you; Romney wasn't going to win regardless of how Benghazi was briefed by the Obama Administration. Romney sealed his fate when he talked derisively about the 47%.

So what is the importance for you on Benghazi?
There is a saying about Grand Juries in the legal profession, goes something like this..."any good prosecutor could get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich"!

So then if there's nothing to worry about, why are you Conservatives acting as if there is? Why were 8 Benghazi investigations that took 5 years OK, but one investigation into Russian hacks on our election that has taken a year so far is not? Double standard, much?

When have you ever heard me say that an investigation into Russian hacks shouldn't take place, Derp? I have ZERO problem with that! Russian hacking has been going on for decades now...not just during this last election!

As for Benghazi? The troubling thing to me about Benghazi is that it became such a political "football" right from the start! The Obama Administration tried to excuse the miscalculations that were made leading up to the deaths of Chris Stevens and the other Americans by blaming a You Tube video for inciting a protest that turned into an attack (that they knew early on was never a protest) and also blaming the GOP for cutting funds for State Department security (when their own section Chief testified under oath that the State Department was satisfied with the security levels they had present in Libya). The Obama Administration sent Susan Rice out to all of those Sunday morning talk shows with a narrative to tell about what happened in Benghazi that they knew wasn't the truth. Then Hillary Clinton destroyed thousands of emails that one can only assume were related to Benghazi and showed how they handled the situation. None of that type of thing has happened in this current "scandal", Derp...yet Trump is being assailed on a daily basis by the main stream media...treated as if he's guilty even though they've yet to find even a bit of proof that is the case! Then you talk about a double standard? Oh, there IS a double standard being employed here but it's not the one you claim!

ok, then fine !


feel better now ?
When have you ever heard me say that an investigation into Russian hacks shouldn't take place, Derp? I have ZERO problem with that! Russian hacking has been going on for decades now...not just during this last election!

Ok, so if you're supportive of an investigation into Russian hacks, and that investigation finds its way to Trump's team, what's your problem?

As for Benghazi? The troubling thing to me about Benghazi is that it became such a political "football" right from the start! The Obama Administration tried to excuse the miscalculations that were made leading up to the deaths of Chris Stevens and the other Americans by blaming a You Tube video for inciting a protest that turned into an attack (that they knew early on was never a protest) and also blaming the GOP for cutting funds for State Department security (when their own section Chief testified under oath that the State Department was satisfied with the security levels they had present in Libya). The Obama Administration sent Susan Rice out to all of those Sunday morning talk shows with a narrative to tell about what happened in Benghazi that they knew wasn't the truth. Then Hillary Clinton destroyed thousands of emails that one can only assume were related to Benghazi and showed how they handled the situation. None of that type of thing has happened in this current "scandal", Derp...yet Trump is being assailed on a daily basis by the main stream media...treated as if he's guilty even though they've yet to find even a bit of proof that is the case! Then you talk about a double standard? Oh, there IS a double standard being employed here but it's not the one you claim!

So explain to me the importance of the narrative and how it relates to anything? You seem to be harping about the fact that the Obama Administration wasn't sure the cause of the attack, and you're Monday-morning quarterbacking by second guessing their word choice??? So what this comes down to for you people is the words that were used? Didn't you ever hear the saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? Funny how you all are so wrapped up in the word choice, as if it makes a difference. Do you think that if they called it a "terrorist attack" and blamed it on al Qaeda it would have magically made Romney win the election?

I have news for you; Romney wasn't going to win regardless of how Benghazi was briefed by the Obama Administration. Romney sealed his fate when he talked derisively about the 47%.

So what is the importance for you on Benghazi?

What is the importance of Benghazi? Other than our Ambassador and three others were murdered by terrorists?

Well let's see. It's important because it's a perfect example of the inability of the Obama Administration to accept responsibility for the results of their policies? It's important because it shows the lengths that they were willing to go to deceive the American people leading up to an election? It's important because the investigation into THAT snafu led to the discovery of Hillary Clinton's hidden email servers which ultimately cost her the election?

Other than THOSE things...Benghazi isn't important at all! (eye-roll)
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When have you ever heard me say that an investigation into Russian hacks shouldn't take place, Derp? I have ZERO problem with that! Russian hacking has been going on for decades now...not just during this last election!

Ok, so if you're supportive of an investigation into Russian hacks, and that investigation finds its way to Trump's team, what's your problem?

As for Benghazi? The troubling thing to me about Benghazi is that it became such a political "football" right from the start! The Obama Administration tried to excuse the miscalculations that were made leading up to the deaths of Chris Stevens and the other Americans by blaming a You Tube video for inciting a protest that turned into an attack (that they knew early on was never a protest) and also blaming the GOP for cutting funds for State Department security (when their own section Chief testified under oath that the State Department was satisfied with the security levels they had present in Libya). The Obama Administration sent Susan Rice out to all of those Sunday morning talk shows with a narrative to tell about what happened in Benghazi that they knew wasn't the truth. Then Hillary Clinton destroyed thousands of emails that one can only assume were related to Benghazi and showed how they handled the situation. None of that type of thing has happened in this current "scandal", Derp...yet Trump is being assailed on a daily basis by the main stream media...treated as if he's guilty even though they've yet to find even a bit of proof that is the case! Then you talk about a double standard? Oh, there IS a double standard being employed here but it's not the one you claim!

So explain to me the importance of the narrative and how it relates to anything? You seem to be harping about the fact that the Obama Administration wasn't sure the cause of the attack, and you're Monday-morning quarterbacking by second guessing their word choice??? So what this comes down to for you people is the words that were used? Didn't you ever hear the saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? Funny how you all are so wrapped up in the word choice, as if it makes a difference. Do you think that if they called it a "terrorist attack" and blamed it on al Qaeda it would have magically made Romney win the election?

I have news for you; Romney wasn't going to win regardless of how Benghazi was briefed by the Obama Administration. Romney sealed his fate when he talked derisively about the 47%.

So what is the importance for you on Benghazi?

What is the importance of Benghazi? Other than our Ambassador and three others were murdered by terrorists?

Well let's see. It's important because it's a perfect example of the inability of the Obama Administration to accept responsibility for the results of their policies? It's important because it shows the lengths that they were willing to go to deceive the American people leading up to an election? It's important because the investigation into THAT snafu led to the discovery of Hillary Clinton's hidden email servers which ultimately cost her the election?

Other than THOSE things...Benghazi isn't important at all! (eye-roll)
Umm... Miss Emily Litella, he didn't ask what was the importance of Benghazi. :eusa_doh:
What is the importance of Benghazi? Other than our Ambassador and three others were murdered by terrorists?

So, OK...they were killed. Annnnnnnd......? How many people were killed during Bush the Dumber in embassy or consulate attacks? That shit happens when you wage a shadow War on Turr. Where was all the Conservative outrage at all the deaths at US embassies and consulates during Bush? Because there were more than there were during Obama. So you can understand why your screeching rings hollow about it today, right?

Well let's see. It's important because it's a perfect example of the inability of the Obama Administration to accept responsibility for the results of their policies?

Which policy was that, exactly? You're the idiots who invaded and occupied Iraq, which destabilized the region long before Obama was sworn in. Should we have been involved in Libya? Who knows? There's a strong case for intervention, and a strong case against intervention. We can debate whether intervention was necessary or not, but it wasn't that intervention in Libya that caused the protests the day of the Benghazi attack. Terrorists used the protests over the anti-muslim movie to mask their jihad. In the end, it matters little why they attacked. Knowing on the day of attack vs. knowing today does nothing to bring Stevens back to life. All it seems is a red herring issue Conservatives use to draw a false equivalence with the failure of the Iraq War, which you all supported.

It's important because it shows the lengths that they were willing to go to deceive the American people leading up to an election? It's important because the investigation into THAT snafu led to the discovery of Hillary Clinton's hidden email servers which ultimately cost her the election?Other than THOSE things...Benghazi isn't important at all! (eye-roll)

Ah, so if Obama had said al Qaeda was responsible for the terror attack on Benghazi, then he wouldn't have won the 2012 election? Is that what you're trying to say? Why not just say that instead of dance around the issue?

BTW - Romney wouldn't have won regardless of how Obama portrayed the Benghazi attack. Romney's goose was cooked as soon as the 47% video made its rounds.
What is the importance of Benghazi? Other than our Ambassador and three others were murdered by terrorists?

So, OK...they were killed. Annnnnnnd......? How many people were killed during Bush the Dumber in embassy or consulate attacks? That shit happens when you wage a shadow War on Turr. Where was all the Conservative outrage at all the deaths at US embassies and consulates during Bush? Because there were more than there were during Obama. So you can understand why your screeching rings hollow about it today, right?

Well let's see. It's important because it's a perfect example of the inability of the Obama Administration to accept responsibility for the results of their policies?

Which policy was that, exactly? You're the idiots who invaded and occupied Iraq, which destabilized the region long before Obama was sworn in. Should we have been involved in Libya? Who knows? There's a strong case for intervention, and a strong case against intervention. We can debate whether intervention was necessary or not, but it wasn't that intervention in Libya that caused the protests the day of the Benghazi attack. Terrorists used the protests over the anti-muslim movie to mask their jihad. In the end, it matters little why they attacked. Knowing on the day of attack vs. knowing today does nothing to bring Stevens back to life. All it seems is a red herring issue Conservatives use to draw a false equivalence with the failure of the Iraq War, which you all supported.

It's important because it shows the lengths that they were willing to go to deceive the American people leading up to an election? It's important because the investigation into THAT snafu led to the discovery of Hillary Clinton's hidden email servers which ultimately cost her the election?Other than THOSE things...Benghazi isn't important at all! (eye-roll)

Ah, so if Obama had said al Qaeda was responsible for the terror attack on Benghazi, then he wouldn't have won the 2012 election? Is that what you're trying to say? Why not just say that instead of dance around the issue?

BTW - Romney wouldn't have won regardless of how Obama portrayed the Benghazi attack. Romney's goose was cooked as soon as the 47% video made its rounds.

Think about it, Derp! If the Obama Administration had simply admitted that the attack on the consulate was a planned terror attack and taken responsibility for not providing proper security for our diplomatic personnel in Benghazi...if Hillary Clinton had simply said..."I was in charge of the State Department and I take full responsibility for what happened. We need to learn from this and make sure it can't happen again!" that would have been it! She would have taken some heat for her decisions that led up to the deaths of those four men but it would have blown over quickly because the main stream media was fully behind her looming run for President!

Instead they decided to deny it was their fault...blame it on the You Tube video...blame it on GOP cuts to the budget! They stonewalled the investigation, refusing to turn over emails that had to do with Benghazi to Congressional investigators. So when those investigators went looking for the Benghazi related emails they discovered Hillary's dirty little secret...that she was running the State Department through private servers hidden at her home and that those servers weren't secure and that they had classified material on them! Hillary decided to scrub her private servers because she didn't want the country to know what she was up to at the State Department. So then you had her staff taking the 5th. The whole dirty mess just went on and on...

You want to know why Benghazi matters? Because the way that Clinton handled it lost her the election years later!
Instead they decided to deny it was their fault...blame it on the You Tube video...blame it on GOP cuts to the budget! They stonewalled the investigation, refusing to turn over emails that had to do with Benghazi to Congressional investigators. So when those investigators went looking for the Benghazi related emails they discovered Hillary's dirty little secret...that she was running the State Department through private servers hidden at her home and that those servers weren't secure and that they had classified material on them

So this gets back to the HILARIOUS thread I had with another right-wing moron on these boards. You understand, of course, that e-mail has a "Sent" folder where you can go and find all the e-mails previously sent. So your allegation is that Stevens e-mailed Hillary about...something, you're not sure...Hillary then deleted that e-mail from her server to protect her butt. But in deleting the e-mail from her server, she didn't delete the e-mail from the server Stevens used to send. So did any of you fat, stupid nobodies bother to check the server from where Stevens sent his e-mails to Hillary to find out exactly what he said? Why in 6 years did none of you bother to think about it that way. So you urge me to think, yet you are not doing any thinking yourself!

What sort of "classified material" did she delete? And why not just go to the person who sent the e-mails to her to get the "sent" copy. I open my Outlook and I have an "Inbox" and a "Sent" folder. In the "Sent" folder are all the e-mails I've sent from that account. So why not just hop on Stevens' account and get the e-mails that way?

Hillary decided to scrub her private servers because she didn't want the country to know what she was up to at the State Department. So then you had her staff taking the 5th. The whole dirty mess just went on and on...

And Colin Powell, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and Condeleeza Rice all did the same thing. Where was your outrage then? Those guys deleted that stuff prior to their meeting with the 9/11 Commission.

You want to know why Benghazi matters? Because the way that Clinton handled it lost her the election years later!

No, Clinton didn't lose because of Benghazi. Clinton didn't even really lose at all, she got 3 million more votes than Trump. What sunk Clinton were a combination of a lot of different things.
What is the importance of Benghazi? Other than our Ambassador and three others were murdered by terrorists?

So, OK...they were killed. Annnnnnnd......? How many people were killed during Bush the Dumber in embassy or consulate attacks? That shit happens when you wage a shadow War on Turr. Where was all the Conservative outrage at all the deaths at US embassies and consulates during Bush? Because there were more than there were during Obama. So you can understand why your screeching rings hollow about it today, right?

Well let's see. It's important because it's a perfect example of the inability of the Obama Administration to accept responsibility for the results of their policies?

Which policy was that, exactly? You're the idiots who invaded and occupied Iraq, which destabilized the region long before Obama was sworn in. Should we have been involved in Libya? Who knows? There's a strong case for intervention, and a strong case against intervention. We can debate whether intervention was necessary or not, but it wasn't that intervention in Libya that caused the protests the day of the Benghazi attack. Terrorists used the protests over the anti-muslim movie to mask their jihad. In the end, it matters little why they attacked. Knowing on the day of attack vs. knowing today does nothing to bring Stevens back to life. All it seems is a red herring issue Conservatives use to draw a false equivalence with the failure of the Iraq War, which you all supported.

It's important because it shows the lengths that they were willing to go to deceive the American people leading up to an election? It's important because the investigation into THAT snafu led to the discovery of Hillary Clinton's hidden email servers which ultimately cost her the election?Other than THOSE things...Benghazi isn't important at all! (eye-roll)

Ah, so if Obama had said al Qaeda was responsible for the terror attack on Benghazi, then he wouldn't have won the 2012 election? Is that what you're trying to say? Why not just say that instead of dance around the issue?

BTW - Romney wouldn't have won regardless of how Obama portrayed the Benghazi attack. Romney's goose was cooked as soon as the 47% video made its rounds.

Think about it, Derp! If the Obama Administration had simply admitted that the attack on the consulate was a planned terror attack and taken responsibility for not providing proper security for our diplomatic personnel in Benghazi...if Hillary Clinton had simply said..."I was in charge of the State Department and I take full responsibility for what happened. We need to learn from this and make sure it can't happen again!" that would have been it! She would have taken some heat for her decisions that led up to the deaths of those four men but it would have blown over quickly because the main stream media was fully behind her looming run for President!

Instead they decided to deny it was their fault...blame it on the You Tube video...blame it on GOP cuts to the budget! They stonewalled the investigation, refusing to turn over emails that had to do with Benghazi to Congressional investigators. So when those investigators went looking for the Benghazi related emails they discovered Hillary's dirty little secret...that she was running the State Department through private servers hidden at her home and that those servers weren't secure and that they had classified material on them! Hillary decided to scrub her private servers because she didn't want the country to know what she was up to at the State Department. So then you had her staff taking the 5th. The whole dirty mess just went on and on...

You want to know why Benghazi matters? Because the way that Clinton handled it lost her the election years later!
Great, so you admit there was nothing to gain from lying, so who knows why you think they did?

And as you've been shown, they weren't lying. The notion that a video spurred a protest came from our intelligence community. The Obama administration merely conveyed that to the public.
I'm not even going to argue Benghazi with the two of you. The facts on it aren't really up for debate at this point. Hiding what happened during the attempted coverup is what ultimately did in Hillary Clinton so she has nobody to blame but herself. Of course that isn't what Hillary DOES! She blames everyone else BUT herself for the loss and now seems to think she should get another shot at it!

Hillary is your problem, Kiddies...I'm content to sit back and watch you struggle to make her go away!
When have you ever heard me say that an investigation into Russian hacks shouldn't take place, Derp? I have ZERO problem with that! Russian hacking has been going on for decades now...not just during this last election!

Ok, so if you're supportive of an investigation into Russian hacks, and that investigation finds its way to Trump's team, what's your problem?

As for Benghazi? The troubling thing to me about Benghazi is that it became such a political "football" right from the start! The Obama Administration tried to excuse the miscalculations that were made leading up to the deaths of Chris Stevens and the other Americans by blaming a You Tube video for inciting a protest that turned into an attack (that they knew early on was never a protest) and also blaming the GOP for cutting funds for State Department security (when their own section Chief testified under oath that the State Department was satisfied with the security levels they had present in Libya). The Obama Administration sent Susan Rice out to all of those Sunday morning talk shows with a narrative to tell about what happened in Benghazi that they knew wasn't the truth. Then Hillary Clinton destroyed thousands of emails that one can only assume were related to Benghazi and showed how they handled the situation. None of that type of thing has happened in this current "scandal", Derp...yet Trump is being assailed on a daily basis by the main stream media...treated as if he's guilty even though they've yet to find even a bit of proof that is the case! Then you talk about a double standard? Oh, there IS a double standard being employed here but it's not the one you claim!

So explain to me the importance of the narrative and how it relates to anything? You seem to be harping about the fact that the Obama Administration wasn't sure the cause of the attack, and you're Monday-morning quarterbacking by second guessing their word choice??? So what this comes down to for you people is the words that were used? Didn't you ever hear the saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? Funny how you all are so wrapped up in the word choice, as if it makes a difference. Do you think that if they called it a "terrorist attack" and blamed it on al Qaeda it would have magically made Romney win the election?

I have news for you; Romney wasn't going to win regardless of how Benghazi was briefed by the Obama Administration. Romney sealed his fate when he talked derisively about the 47%.

So what is the importance for you on Benghazi?

What is the importance of Benghazi? Other than our Ambassador and three others were murdered by terrorists?

Well let's see. It's important because it's a perfect example of the inability of the Obama Administration to accept responsibility for the results of their policies? It's important because it shows the lengths that they were willing to go to deceive the American people leading up to an election? It's important because the investigation into THAT snafu led to the discovery of Hillary Clinton's hidden email servers which ultimately cost her the election?

Other than THOSE things...Benghazi isn't important at all! (eye-roll)
Umm... Miss Emily Litella, he didn't ask what was the importance of Benghazi. :eusa_doh:

"So what is the importance for you on Benghazi?" isn't asking me what the importance of Benghazi is? Get a grip, Faun! I know it's your strategy to simply attack everything I say on this board now but that's just plain stupid!
I'm not even going to argue Benghazi with the two of you. The facts on it aren't really up for debate at this point. Hiding what happened during the attempted coverup is what ultimately did in Hillary Clinton so she has nobody to blame but herself. Of course that isn't what Hillary DOES! She blames everyone else BUT herself for the loss and now seems to think she should get another shot at it!

Hillary is your problem, Kiddies...I'm content to sit back and watch you struggle to make her go away!
Of course you want to stay away from it. Your rightwingnut talking points are no match for my 8 GOP-led investigations.
When have you ever heard me say that an investigation into Russian hacks shouldn't take place, Derp? I have ZERO problem with that! Russian hacking has been going on for decades now...not just during this last election!

Ok, so if you're supportive of an investigation into Russian hacks, and that investigation finds its way to Trump's team, what's your problem?

As for Benghazi? The troubling thing to me about Benghazi is that it became such a political "football" right from the start! The Obama Administration tried to excuse the miscalculations that were made leading up to the deaths of Chris Stevens and the other Americans by blaming a You Tube video for inciting a protest that turned into an attack (that they knew early on was never a protest) and also blaming the GOP for cutting funds for State Department security (when their own section Chief testified under oath that the State Department was satisfied with the security levels they had present in Libya). The Obama Administration sent Susan Rice out to all of those Sunday morning talk shows with a narrative to tell about what happened in Benghazi that they knew wasn't the truth. Then Hillary Clinton destroyed thousands of emails that one can only assume were related to Benghazi and showed how they handled the situation. None of that type of thing has happened in this current "scandal", Derp...yet Trump is being assailed on a daily basis by the main stream media...treated as if he's guilty even though they've yet to find even a bit of proof that is the case! Then you talk about a double standard? Oh, there IS a double standard being employed here but it's not the one you claim!

So explain to me the importance of the narrative and how it relates to anything? You seem to be harping about the fact that the Obama Administration wasn't sure the cause of the attack, and you're Monday-morning quarterbacking by second guessing their word choice??? So what this comes down to for you people is the words that were used? Didn't you ever hear the saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? Funny how you all are so wrapped up in the word choice, as if it makes a difference. Do you think that if they called it a "terrorist attack" and blamed it on al Qaeda it would have magically made Romney win the election?

I have news for you; Romney wasn't going to win regardless of how Benghazi was briefed by the Obama Administration. Romney sealed his fate when he talked derisively about the 47%.

So what is the importance for you on Benghazi?

What is the importance of Benghazi? Other than our Ambassador and three others were murdered by terrorists?

Well let's see. It's important because it's a perfect example of the inability of the Obama Administration to accept responsibility for the results of their policies? It's important because it shows the lengths that they were willing to go to deceive the American people leading up to an election? It's important because the investigation into THAT snafu led to the discovery of Hillary Clinton's hidden email servers which ultimately cost her the election?

Other than THOSE things...Benghazi isn't important at all! (eye-roll)
Umm... Miss Emily Litella, he didn't ask what was the importance of Benghazi. :eusa_doh:

"So what is the importance for you on Benghazi?" isn't asking me what the importance of Benghazi is? Get a grip, Faun! I know it's your strategy to simply attack everything I say on this board now but that's just plain stupid!
I apologize. This was my mistake. Upon further inspection of his post, I see now he asked twice. I only noticed his first question...
So explain to me the importance of the narrative and how it relates to anything? You seem to be harping about the fact that the Obama Administration wasn't sure the cause of the attack, and you're Monday-morning quarterbacking by second guessing their word choice???
... but you're right, by the end of his post, he did indeed ask...
So what is the importance for you on Benghazi?

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