Since you love small government so much


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Since you love small government so much. Why not leave me alone with my pot and let me be the gender I fucking wish to be. Whats it too you mr.small government archaist or are you a bunch of hypocrites that believe in no government for your rich toadies but love it when it cracks the little guys skull. What say you?

While you're at it why not cut the federal non-violent law book in half. We really shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. Want to convince me that you have a point? This is how you do it.
You sound like a libertarian...but you hate libertarians.

You are terribly confused.
Since you love small government so much. Why not leave me alone with my pot and let me be the gender I fucking wish to be. Whats it too you mr.small government archaist or are you a bunch of hypocrites that believe in no government for your rich toadies but love it when it cracks the little guys skull. What say you?

While you're at it why not cut the federal non-violent law book in half. We really shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. Want to convince me that you have a point? This is how you do it.
As long as you are under lock and key. Do what you want. It's when you want your brand of insanity to have the force of law that you need slapping down. You want to smoke pot. Go ahead. You get in someone's way, they can blow your head off. Stop asking the government to force bakers to make you dessert. When you get called a man wearing a dress there's no one to complain to. Deal? That's small government.
Since you love small government so much. Why not leave me alone with my pot and let me be the gender I fucking wish to be. Whats it too you mr.small government archaist or are you a bunch of hypocrites that believe in no government for your rich toadies but love it when it cracks the little guys skull. What say you?

While you're at it why not cut the federal non-violent law book in half. We really shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. Want to convince me that you have a point? This is how you do it.
As long as you are under lock and key. Do what you want. It's when you want your brand of insanity to have the force of law that you need slapping down. You want to smoke pot. Go ahead. You get in someone's way, they can blow your head off. Stop asking the government to force bakers to make you dessert. When you get called a man wearing a dress there's no one to complain to. Deal? That's small government.
Wait, why can we shoot people who are high? Can we shoot drunk people too?
I agree to some extent. Some drugs can't just be ignored as they lead to crime but marijuana theoretically could be policed like alcohol. Whatever gender or species or whatever you wanna be is fine I guess.
Since you love small government so much. Why not leave me alone with my pot and let me be the gender I fucking wish to be. Whats it too you mr.small government archaist or are you a bunch of hypocrites that believe in no government for your rich toadies but love it when it cracks the little guys skull. What say you?

While you're at it why not cut the federal non-violent law book in half. We really shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. Want to convince me that you have a point? This is how you do it.
As long as you are under lock and key. Do what you want. It's when you want your brand of insanity to have the force of law that you need slapping down. You want to smoke pot. Go ahead. You get in someone's way, they can blow your head off. Stop asking the government to force bakers to make you dessert. When you get called a man wearing a dress there's no one to complain to. Deal? That's small government.
Wait, why can we shoot people who are high? Can we shoot drunk people too?
There certainly was a time when you could for a variety of reasons.

Can you please get this straight.

Like the "Small Government" that should not be in the Doctor's Office, Deciding Health Care but telling a Woman what to do with her body....Determining Health Care, In The Doctor's Office and In The Operating Room telling Women what to do with their body?

Or the Small Government Deciding A Woman's Right Contraceptives (Deciding Health Care)......Small Government my ass.
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Since you love small government so much. Why not leave me alone with my pot and let me be the gender I fucking wish to be. Whats it too you mr.small government archaist or are you a bunch of hypocrites that believe in no government for your rich toadies but love it when it cracks the little guys skull. What say you?

While you're at it why not cut the federal non-violent law book in half. We really shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. Want to convince me that you have a point? This is how you do it.
I have no problem with you keeping to yourself, just leave me the fuck out of your village and we'd be all happy.

Can you please get this straight.

Like the "Small Government" that should not be in the Doctor's Office, Deciding Health Care but telling a Woman what to do with her body....Determining Health Care, In The Doctor's Office and In The Operating Room telling Women what to do with their body?

Or the Small Government Deciding A Woman's Right Contraceptives (Deciding Health Care)......Small Government my ass.

Correct...right now you have big government doing that.
Since you love small government so much. Why not leave me alone with my pot and let me be the gender I fucking wish to be. Whats it too you mr.small government archaist or are you a bunch of hypocrites that believe in no government for your rich toadies but love it when it cracks the little guys skull. What say you?

While you're at it why not cut the federal non-violent law book in half. We really shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. Want to convince me that you have a point? This is how you do it.

For all I care, you can call yourself which ever gender (of the 76 now?) you want.

Just don't force others to call you that because we have eyes, and we know biology.

Can you please get this straight.

Like the "Small Government" that should not be in the Doctor's Office, Deciding Health Care but telling a Woman what to do with her body....Determining Health Care, In The Doctor's Office and In The Operating Room telling Women what to do with their body?

Or the Small Government Deciding A Woman's Right Contraceptives (Deciding Health Care)......Small Government my ass.

Any government, regardless of size, has a legitimate role to play in defending the equal rights of every human being under its jurisdiction.

This includes human beings who are in the womb.
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Since you love small government so much. Why not leave me alone with my pot and let me be the gender I fucking wish to be. Whats it too you mr.small government archaist or are you a bunch of hypocrites that believe in no government for your rich toadies but love it when it cracks the little guys skull. What say you?

While you're at it why not cut the federal non-violent law book in half. We really shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. Want to convince me that you have a point? This is how you do it.

Libertarians are your friend... Social Conservative Trump voting are your enemy... But you're too stupid to understand that...
"Small Federal Government".
A "Small Federal Government", in the Gynecologists Office, mandating invasive and medically unnecessary examinations must be performed.

A "Small Federal Government", at the Pharmacist, deciding what medications a Woman can take.

A "Small Federal Government", in the Operating Room, deciding what Medical Procedure's a Woman can undergo.

Maybe your definition is different that mine, but sounds pretty much like "Big Government", except that it is "Big Government" deciding Health Care, which is RePuBliKlans are suppose to hate.

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