Since you love small government so much

"Small Federal Government".
A "Small Federal Government", in the Gynecologists Office, mandating invasive and medically unnecessary examinations must be performed.

A "Small Federal Government", at the Pharmacist, deciding what medications a Woman can take.

A "Small Federal Government", in the Operating Room, deciding what Medical Procedure's a Woman can undergo.

Maybe your definition is different that mine, but sounds pretty much like "Big Government", except that it is "Big Government" deciding Health Care, which is RePuBliKlans are suppose to hate.

You either believe the government (no matter how big or small) has a legitimate role to play in the protections of children's lives or it doesn't.

I happen to believe it does.
Since you love small government so much. Why not leave me alone with my pot and let me be the gender I fucking wish to be. Whats it too you mr.small government archaist or are you a bunch of hypocrites that believe in no government for your rich toadies but love it when it cracks the little guys skull. What say you?

While you're at it why not cut the federal non-violent law book in half. We really shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. Want to convince me that you have a point? This is how you do it.

Smoke away. No one cares how dumb you make yourself.
Any government, regardless of size, has a legitimate role to play in defending the equal rights of every human being under its jurisdiction.

This includes human beings who are in the womb.

It's a woman's' issue and is between her and her conscience and you people should mind your own business and stay out of it.
Since you love small government so much. Why not leave me alone with my pot and let me be the gender I fucking wish to be. Whats it too you mr.small government archaist or are you a bunch of hypocrites that believe in no government for your rich toadies but love it when it cracks the little guys skull. What say you?

While you're at it why not cut the federal non-violent law book in half. We really shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. Want to convince me that you have a point? This is how you do it.

For all I care, you can call yourself which ever gender (of the 76 now?) you want.

Just don't force others to call you that because we have eyes, and we know biology.

Exactly. It's not about the ride you want to go on, its when you want to force the rest of us to come along.
Any government, regardless of size, has a legitimate role to play in defending the equal rights of every human being under its jurisdiction.

This includes human beings who are in the womb.

It's a woman's' issue and is between her and her conscience and you people should mind your own business and stay out of it.

Let me make this clear for you.


No-one has the right to shield the abuse, neglect, molestation or murder of a child behind a so called "right to privacy."
Any government, regardless of size, has a legitimate role to play in defending the equal rights of every human being under its jurisdiction.

This includes human beings who are in the womb.

It's a woman's' issue and is between her and her conscience and you people should mind your own business and stay out of it.
All except the paying for it part. Then everyone has to pitch in.
Any government, regardless of size, has a legitimate role to play in defending the equal rights of every human being under its jurisdiction.

This includes human beings who are in the womb.

It's a woman's' issue and is between her and her conscience and you people should mind your own business and stay out of it.

Is it a woman's issue because under ocare we all get to partake in the murder of her unborn.
Since you love small government so much. Why not leave me alone with my pot and let me be the gender I fucking wish to be. Whats it too you mr.small government archaist or are you a bunch of hypocrites that believe in no government for your rich toadies but love it when it cracks the little guys skull. What say you?

While you're at it why not cut the federal non-violent law book in half. We really shouldn't be the most imprisoned nation on earth. Want to convince me that you have a point? This is how you do it.
You have been told why a million times. You ignore it. All you want to do is post bullshit twisted facts day in and day out. But "i'll tell your sorry hide once again.

We don't give a shit what gender you are. We don't give a shit if you smoke pot. We give a shit about hearing about in the media 24/7/365! Stop trying to shove it down out throats! xWe don't give a shit, we are just tired of hearing it everyday! STFU about it.
If it is one of our core political principals is that "The Government Should Not Be Providing Health Care", which is what Cons claim is reason they want to overturn the Affordable Health Care Act, you cannot at the same time demand that that same Government who should not be providing Heath Care, decide unto itself what Medical Procedures a Woman can undergo.

One act must cancel out the other.

IF you do not want the Government "In The Doctor's Office", then you cannot have that same Government deciding what the doctor can do and say in his/her office. One act must cancel the other out.

IF you do want the Government deciding what "Medical Procedures a Patient Can Undergo", you cannot that same Government telling doctors what Medical Procedures he/she can perform and on whom those procedures can be performed. Nor should that same Government demand Medically Unnecessary and Personally Invasive Procedures be done based upon the either the gender of the patient or what Medical Procedures or Operations may or may not have been requested.

IF you do not "Want The Government In The Operating Room", you cannot at the same time that same Government has the right to decide what Operations can be performed and on whom those Operations can be performed.

IF you do not "Want The Government Handing Out Pills", you cannot at the same time have that same Government deciding based upon the Gender or Gender Identity of the Patient, what Medications they can and or cannot receive. Certain Medications serve a wide variety of illness and are prescribed based upon the Medical Needs of Patient and are taken on advise of the attending Physician.

Do Not talk about Not Wanting The Government In The Health Care Business if you want the Government to do exactly that.

Finally. IF you are MediCare and bitch about Government being in the Health Care Business, then please by all means drop your MediCare and pay fair market value for your health care. You will get what you deserve.
Any government, regardless of size, has a legitimate role to play in defending the equal rights of every human being under its jurisdiction.

This includes human beings who are in the womb.

It's a woman's' issue and is between her and her conscience and you people should mind your own business and stay out of it.

Is it a woman's issue because under ocare we all get to partake in the murder of her unborn.

Except for Muslim Babies, Syrian Babies, Iranian Babies, Iraqi Babies and Afghan Babies.
Maybe pot heads think that small government equals anarchy and drug abuse. Small government means getting rid of regulations that stifle small (legal) businesses and getting rid of arcane federal bureaucracies that often compete with each other and produce nothing but paperwork. Small government simply means a more efficient government and , sorry potheads, it means more efficient ways of protecting our kids from druggies.
Any government, regardless of size, has a legitimate role to play in defending the equal rights of every human being under its jurisdiction.

This includes human beings who are in the womb.

It's a woman's' issue and is between her and her conscience and you people should mind your own business and stay out of it.

Is it a woman's issue because under ocare we all get to partake in the murder of her unborn.

Except for Muslim Babies, Syrian Babies, Iranian Babies, Iraqi Babies and Afghan Babies.

Is the killing of children in acts of war some how a justification for the killing of other children by abortions, for you?

If it is. . . Just say so.
Any government, regardless of size, has a legitimate role to play in defending the equal rights of every human being under its jurisdiction.

This includes human beings who are in the womb.

It's a woman's' issue and is between her and her conscience and you people should mind your own business and stay out of it.

Is it a woman's issue because under ocare we all get to partake in the murder of her unborn.

Except for Muslim Babies, Syrian Babies, Iranian Babies, Iraqi Babies and Afghan Babies.

I have no clue what you are mumbling about.
Either you have a core political belief or you do not. You do not.

IF YOU DO NOT WANT "THE GOVERNMENT IN THE HEALTH CARE BUSINESS" that means you do not want the government in the health care business. That means you do not want the government telling a Woman what medical procedures she can undergo, what medications she take or forcing her to under Medically Unnecessary and Physically Invasive Medical Procedures. Nor do you want the government to tell the doctor what he/she can say to their patient in the privacy of the doctor's office.

But because you lying low life belly crawling RePuBLiKlan Bigot, you have no moral or ethical core. You no values except for money.
You sound like a libertarian...but you hate libertarians.

You are terribly confused.
Yep.. the poor little guy has been cracked in the skull by government a few too many times.

I don't see evidence that government is to blame for Matthew's condition. It's clear enough that he's been using much, much worse drugs than pot, and that he's managed to severely f••• up his own brain.

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