Sinema's Poll Numbers Are Plumetting!

Looks like the Arizona voters have had just about enough of her corrupt corporate Democrat her BS...
  1. Kyrsten Sinema is in real trouble after awful poll numbers and big new revelations
  2. Sinema viewed unfavorably by one-third of Arizona Democrats in poll
  3. Democratic Voters Drive Decline in Sinema’s Popularity in Arizona - Morning Consult
  4. New poll shows Kyrsten Sinema's moderate approach has weakened democratic support
Unless the Republican voters of Arizona decide to support her, if this keeps up she's sure to be a goner.

And it would be good riddance to bad rubbish.
I would be careful what you wish for unless you are willing to sacrifice a Democrat seat; corporate or otherwise.
Democrats are morons.

Excuse me, progressives are morons.

It's almost like they are trying to lose intentionally while pissing everyone else outside of their echo bubble off.

Hey progressives - you are 1 in 4 in this country!

I know that you can't do math because you're too busy scolding everyone else about racism or something, but you are no where near the majority.
I would be careful what you wish for unless you are willing to sacrifice a Democrat seat; corporate or otherwise.

It fucking amazes me that they'd rather burn down their own house rather than live in it because someone doesn't meet their minority purity test.

If the Democrats were a football team, they wouldn't be able to punch it in whilst first and goal without the defense on the field.
Looks like the Arizona voters have had just about enough of her corrupt corporate Democrat her BS...
  1. Kyrsten Sinema is in real trouble after awful poll numbers and big new revelations
  2. Sinema viewed unfavorably by one-third of Arizona Democrats in poll
  3. Democratic Voters Drive Decline in Sinema’s Popularity in Arizona - Morning Consult
  4. New poll shows Kyrsten Sinema's moderate approach has weakened democratic support
Unless the Republican voters of Arizona decide to support her, if this keeps up she's sure to be a goner.

And it would be good riddance to bad rubbish.
She will be primaried.
Fuck you and every other leftie who trots out far right every chance you get. Your lack of self awareness makes you look pretty simple if you were half as bright as you like to think you are you would be an impressive person. I am now going to watch the Yankees/ Red Sox game a far better use of my time than listening to the partisan ramblings of a self important idiot.

You’re so far to the right that you think that government funded healthcare is communistic, despite the fact that every other first world nation in the world has single payer government funded healthcare.

American conservatives are completely invested in the utterly false notion that giving poor people money is a disincentive to work. And yet they believe in giving rich people money.

If having money is a different disincentive to working, why do rich people work? They have money. You have been listening to the bullshit that poor people are lazy for so long that you actually believe it.

When minimum wage workers have to work two jobs just to keep a roof over their heads, and food on the table, one can hardly say that they’re “lazy”.

We’ve also noted that conservatives are very big on women staying home with their children during their formative years to give them the best opportunity and care during this sensitive time. Unless the mother in question is poor.

Poor woman get no health insurance, no maternity leave and are expected to return to work quickly in order to support their infant child. The double standard is glaring. If the poor woman doesn’t go to work she’s irresponsible.
You’re so far to the right that you think that government funded healthcare is communistic, despite the fact that every other first world nation in the world has single payer government funded healthcare.

American conservatives are completely invested in the utterly false notion that giving poor people money is a disincentive to work. And yet they believe in giving rich people money.

If having money is a different disincentive to working, why do rich people work? They have money. You have been listening to the bullshit that poor people are lazy for so long that you actually believe it.

When minimum wage workers have to work two jobs just to keep a roof over their heads, and food on the table, one can hardly say that they’re “lazy”.

We’ve also noted that conservatives are very big on women staying home with their children during their formative years to give them the best opportunity and care during this sensitive time. Unless the mother in question is poor.

Poor woman get no health insurance, no maternity leave and are expected to return to work quickly in order to support their infant child. The double standard is glaring. If the poor woman doesn’t go to work she’s irresponsible.
universal health care doesn’t work. Comparing the U.S. to countries much smaller in size and population is ridiculous. Why do a lot of Canadian citizens come to the US for medical procedures if your system is so great? How can they not love those 6 month waits for appointments? To embarrass you again, rich people work because THAT’S HOW THEY GOT RICH. Not by sitting their asses on the couch. Giving people more money to not work than they’d get working is counter productive if you want people in the workforce. You really have no clue how things work in this country. If you can’t afford to have a child, you should probably take precautions so that doesn’t happen.
Good, that means she’s switching to republican soon.
she has to be a far lefty is that it? moderates allowed?...
Lol.... She may be losing support from the left but she's gaining it from the right oddly.... I noticed that they excluded the polling of the conservatives in moderates because that's what media does they cherry pick information.

I personally am not a big fan of hers but I applaud her putting the brakes on and insane spending bill that has no hope of making anything better or bigger except for the debt.
Lol.... She may be losing support from the left but she's gaining it from the right oddly.... I noticed that they excluded the polling of the conservatives in moderates because that's what media does they cherry pick information.

I personally am not a big fan of hers but I applaud her putting the brakes on and insane spending bill that has no hope of making anything better or bigger except for the debt.
Exactly. She'll lose support from the progs, but pick up GOP votes.
She needs to switch parties, she is up for reelection in 2024, the dems will be toxic by then.
It fucking amazes me that they'd rather burn down their own house rather than live in it because someone doesn't meet their minority purity test.

If the Democrats were a football team, they wouldn't be able to punch it in whilst first and goal without the defense on the field.
Sinema is like a kicker who refuses to go to practice and continually misses extra points

The problem isn't the's the moderates
Ah, so your defense is that someone else something stupid. So it's your turn. Uh... okay.

But, to be accurate, our "left" party is center-right in any other modern country. We don't have a leftist party in this country. We have a centrist corporatist party and a party of far right, authoritarian nuttery.

Oops, I said it.
Exactly. She'll lose support from the progs, but pick up GOP votes.
She needs to switch parties, she is up for reelection in 2024, the dems will be toxic by then.
Republicans are so partisanized they will never vote for her.

If she's sacrificing Dem votes in order to get Republicans...she better get a new gig
Republicans are so partisanized they will never vote for her.

If she's sacrificing Dem votes in order to get Republicans...she better get a new gig
I agree, she won't win as a democrat, democrats will be toxic, but she would beat any prog that they put up against her if she switches parties and runs as a "moderate" republican.
Republicans would be wise to promise her that she would not be "primaried" and that guarantees her another 6-years.
I agree, she won't win as a democrat, democrats will be toxic, but she would beat any prog that they put up against her if she switches parties and runs as a "moderate" republican.
Republicans would be wise to promise her that she would not be "primaried" and that guarantees her another 6-years.
nope. Republicans would never elect her dog catcher.

And Dems sure as shit won't vote for her.

She's screwed

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