Singapore Stuff

If peace breaks out on the Korean Peninsula, expect the CIA to covertly commit a false flag to get us back on track. Statists on the left and right will gladly go to war.
Can we limit this thread to frivolous details, please, and save the conspiracy theories for another day?

I'm far more interested in what they're going to have for lunch. And what Kim's wife is wearing to dinner.
That works for me. It is all frivolous BS anyway.
Keep your eye out for the first lady, please--Ri Sol-Ju.
Don't know when this was taken, but this is her. Interesting article on her and the kids. (Yes, KJU is apparently a Dad)

The mystery surrounding North Korea’s first lady

They're supposed to be sleeping. Kim is out looking at flowers all night. Will they structure in a nap time during the summit?

Kim leaves hotel for city tour

  • Kim left his luxurious hotel for a late-night city tour hours ahead of his summit with Trump.

  • Singapore Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan said Kim went to the Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay in Singapore on Monday night.

  • The foreign minister posted online a photo showing him with Kim at the site.
View image on Twitter

You think that orange fool is going to end the Korean war? We'll be lucky if the spoiled idiot doesn't start a nuclear war.

Contrary to popular belief and fear mongering ... There is no such thing as "nuclear war".
In most cases it could be called "assured mutual destruction" ... And America is the only country that has really expressed they will go the distance.


The massively complex effort to denuclearize a country can be done, but it's not something that will be done in one meeting, or a week, or a year. The Iran deal that Trump just welched on would be a good model to start from, but he is too stupid to understand that.
Kim seems like such a stand up guy.. Always smiling and giving away free parasitic worms and shit..
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The massively complex effort to denuclearize a country can be done, but it's not something that will be done in one meeting, or a week, or a year. The Iran deal that Trump just welched on would be a good model to start from, but he is too stupid to understand that.

There's always "ass to the blast" if you really think that will help ... :dunno:

The massively complex effort to denuclearize a country can be done, but it's not something that will be done in one meeting, or a week, or a year. The Iran deal that Trump just welched on would be a good model to start from, but he is too stupid to understand that.

There's always "ass to the blast" if you really think that will help ... :dunno:


OK, I guess. I'm sure you know what that is supposed to mean. Me, not so much.
Kim seems like such a stand up guy.. Almost smiling and giving away free parasitic worms and shit..
Speaking of which, in the frivolous vein,

Potty prep: North Korea's Kim Jong Un brings his own toilet to Singapore summit with Trump

North Korea dictator Kim Jong Un arrived in Singapore for his summit with President Trump with security on his mind — dispatching decoy planes from Pyongyang to thwart anyone who might try to attack him and packing his own food for his visit to try to prevent poisoning.

The North Korean leader is also apparently taking defensive measures to prevent intelligence agencies from trying to glean information about his health: He’s packed his own toilet.

The regime dispatched a commode to “deny determined sewer divers insights into to the supreme leader's stools,” The Chosunilbo, one of South Korea’s biggest circulated newspapers, reports.

It’s not unusual for the hermetic kingdom’s leader to travel with his own toilet in his infrequent travels.

For his April meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in the border village of Panmunjom — the first meeting between North and South Korean leaders in more than a decade — the North Koreans also dispatched a portable toilet for Kim.

He brought his own pens and pencils to the Panmunjom meeting and his staff wiped off anything he touched so as not leave even a fingerprint, according to the New Yorker magazine.

Potty prep: North Korea's Kim Jong Un brings his own toilet to Singapore summit with Trump
Kim seems like such a stand up guy.. Almost smiling and giving away free parasitic worms and shit..
Speaking of which, in the frivolous vein,

Potty prep: North Korea's Kim Jong Un brings his own toilet to Singapore summit with Trump

North Korea dictator Kim Jong Un arrived in Singapore for his summit with President Trump with security on his mind — dispatching decoy planes from Pyongyang to thwart anyone who might try to attack him and packing his own food for his visit to try to prevent poisoning.

The North Korean leader is also apparently taking defensive measures to prevent intelligence agencies from trying to glean information about his health: He’s packed his own toilet.

The regime dispatched a commode to “deny determined sewer divers insights into to the supreme leader's stools,” The Chosunilbo, one of South Korea’s biggest circulated newspapers, reports.

It’s not unusual for the hermetic kingdom’s leader to travel with his own toilet in his infrequent travels.

For his April meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in the border village of Panmunjom — the first meeting between North and South Korean leaders in more than a decade — the North Koreans also dispatched a portable toilet for Kim.

He brought his own pens and pencils to the Panmunjom meeting and his staff wiped off anything he touched so as not leave even a fingerprint, according to the New Yorker magazine.

Potty prep: North Korea's Kim Jong Un brings his own toilet to Singapore summit with Trump
OK, I guess. I'm sure you know what that is supposed to mean. Me, not so much.

"Ass to the Blast" is a military phrase you learn to deal with the prospect of encountering a nuclear strike.
Turn away from the blast, fall to the ground on your stomach, and cover your head with your arms.

I am not too sure it would do much good ... But it may make you feel safer.
If you do happen to live through it ... You may be able to kill some more people before the radiation kills you.

Worrying about a conflict going nuclear nowadays is useless.
From the developed nations ... If nukes are launched ... You are not going to stop them.
Otherwise and anyway ... Whomever wants to go that far is going to be a greasy spot.

So ... Worrying about what you cannot stop ... Or getting rid of what stops other countries from using them ... Just isn't an option.
If North Korea or Iran want to get wiped off the face of the Earth ... At least America has shown they will do it.

I've been thinking about this private potty (commode) business and if anything proves that KJU isn't playing with a full deck, it's got to be this. Dedicated sewer divers? How does a sewer diver know whose poop is coming out of the pipe when the toilet flushes in the Royal Residence? And on a three day trip, doesn't that commode get pretty full? If he won't allow it to go in the sewer, how do they empty it? Dig a hole in the backyard? Just pop a cover on it and put it in the trunk? Then fly it home so they can bury it in the backyard at home?

And I've been hearing from commentators for days that this guy is actually rational. I dunno about that.
Rest easy, Trumpettes. There is a television in the President's bathroom at the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore. Probably a bidet, too, G.T.

Shangri-La Hotel Singapore | Valley Wing Room & Suites

I was wondering if Trump and Kim might have a chance to run into each other at the hotel, but they are not staying at the same one. Kim is at the Fullerton Hotel, and folks are trying to arrange to foot the bill, which is about six thou a night for the Presidential suite.
Google Maps: Report Inappropriate Image (I don't know why the link says this--it works just fine, goes to the Fullerton's main page)

The meeting itself is at a third hotel, the Capella. Waste of gas, you ask me, but hey. Maybe there isn't a hotel large enough to accomodate both entourages, but I was hoping they'd have a chance to run into each other at the ice machine or the whirlpool. Guess not, though.


That's all I have to report for now, unless I hear the women will be wearing hats.
Are you wearing your pussy hat?
Rest easy, Trumpettes. There is a television in the President's bathroom at the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore. Probably a bidet, too, G.T.

Shangri-La Hotel Singapore | Valley Wing Room & Suites

I was wondering if Trump and Kim might have a chance to run into each other at the hotel, but they are not staying at the same one. Kim is at the Fullerton Hotel, and folks are trying to arrange to foot the bill, which is about six thou a night for the Presidential suite.
Google Maps: Report Inappropriate Image (I don't know why the link says this--it works just fine, goes to the Fullerton's main page)

The meeting itself is at a third hotel, the Capella. Waste of gas, you ask me, but hey. Maybe there isn't a hotel large enough to accomodate both entourages, but I was hoping they'd have a chance to run into each other at the ice machine or the whirlpool. Guess not, though.


That's all I have to report for now, unless I hear the women will be wearing hats.
Are you wearing your pussy hat?
RE: things about Singapore

One wag described Singapore as "Disneyland with the death penalty."
RE: things about Singapore

One wag described Singapore as "Disneyland with the death penalty."
I've heard that--don't quite know what it means. Very cosmopolitan, sophisticated place, I take it. It's economy is based solely on the shipping trade, they say. Pretty interesting.
I guess this might be what they meant. I also read that you can be arrested for walking around naked in your apartment. Now how cops would know that, I'm not sure. The Dear Donald had best be careful! No grabbin' pussy in public in Singapore

Helpful Hints

  • Singapore has strict regulations which carry stiff fines, possible jail sentences or even death. You should never do the following: jaywalk; smoke in public or in air-conditioned buildings (except country clubs); enter the country with drugs; litter, or import, manufacture, sell or use chewing gum.
  • Avoid public displays of affection.
  • Do not show anger or emotions or raise your voice. Remain disciplined and in control.
  • Avoid discussing religion or politics.
  • Avoid jokes until you know someone well. Few jokes will be understood or appreciated.
Rest easy, Trumpettes. There is a television in the President's bathroom at the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore. Probably a bidet, too, G.T.

Shangri-La Hotel Singapore | Valley Wing Room & Suites

I was wondering if Trump and Kim might have a chance to run into each other at the hotel, but they are not staying at the same one. Kim is at the Fullerton Hotel, and folks are trying to arrange to foot the bill, which is about six thou a night for the Presidential suite.
Google Maps: Report Inappropriate Image (I don't know why the link says this--it works just fine, goes to the Fullerton's main page)

The meeting itself is at a third hotel, the Capella. Waste of gas, you ask me, but hey. Maybe there isn't a hotel large enough to accomodate both entourages, but I was hoping they'd have a chance to run into each other at the ice machine or the whirlpool. Guess not, though.


That's all I have to report for now, unless I hear the women will be wearing hats.

Trump requested that particular hotel because he likes the complemintary urinating prostitutes.

Seriously? The Korean War is poised to end after 68 years, and that's all you can come up with?

You think that orange fool is going to end the Korean war? We'll be lucky if the spoiled idiot doesn't start a nuclear war.

I don't know if he'll succeed or not, but if he does we all know how infuriated you and all the other TDS sufferers will be that he accomplished something your Messiah couldn't.
Rest easy, Trumpettes. There is a television in the President's bathroom at the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore. Probably a bidet, too, G.T.

Shangri-La Hotel Singapore | Valley Wing Room & Suites

I was wondering if Trump and Kim might have a chance to run into each other at the hotel, but they are not staying at the same one. Kim is at the Fullerton Hotel, and folks are trying to arrange to foot the bill, which is about six thou a night for the Presidential suite.
Google Maps: Report Inappropriate Image (I don't know why the link says this--it works just fine, goes to the Fullerton's main page)

The meeting itself is at a third hotel, the Capella. Waste of gas, you ask me, but hey. Maybe there isn't a hotel large enough to accomodate both entourages, but I was hoping they'd have a chance to run into each other at the ice machine or the whirlpool. Guess not, though.


That's all I have to report for now, unless I hear the women will be wearing hats.

Trying yoar hand at political satire!?!

I will give you a E for your effort but please leave the horrible puns to the pros like me...

Also Kim might be afraid that Donnie age Kim might be mistaken as a fat North Korean woman because his name is Kim and Donnie might want to grab some...

( Yeah, I know )

But at least Kim will sleep soundly knowing Donnie will not try to get some strange from him...
RE: things about Singapore

One wag described Singapore as "Disneyland with the death penalty."
I've heard that--don't quite know what it means. Very cosmopolitan, sophisticated place, I take it. It's economy is based solely on the shipping trade, they say. Pretty interesting.

My mother is from Singapore. I've been there loads of times. It's a great country with a higher standard of living than the United States, but very authoritarian when it comes to law and order and they are not big on speaking out against the government.
Rest easy, Trumpettes. There is a television in the President's bathroom at the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore. Probably a bidet, too, G.T.

Shangri-La Hotel Singapore | Valley Wing Room & Suites

I was wondering if Trump and Kim might have a chance to run into each other at the hotel, but they are not staying at the same one. Kim is at the Fullerton Hotel, and folks are trying to arrange to foot the bill, which is about six thou a night for the Presidential suite.
Google Maps: Report Inappropriate Image (I don't know why the link says this--it works just fine, goes to the Fullerton's main page)

The meeting itself is at a third hotel, the Capella. Waste of gas, you ask me, but hey. Maybe there isn't a hotel large enough to accomodate both entourages, but I was hoping they'd have a chance to run into each other at the ice machine or the whirlpool. Guess not, though.


That's all I have to report for now, unless I hear the women will be wearing hats.

Trying yoar hand at political satire!?!

I will give you a E for your effort but please leave the horrible puns to the pros like me...

Also Kim might be afraid that Donnie age Kim might be mistaken as a fat North Korean woman because his name is Kim and Donnie might want to grab some...

( Yeah, I know )

But at least Kim will sleep soundly knowing Donnie will not try to get some strange from him...
No, Bruce, this is not political satire. Every single word is true and if there are any puns in it, I missed them. It is an attempt at a lifestyle angle on the summit, which is entirely missing everywhere. I've had to hunt for what small crumbs I could find.

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