Singapore Stuff

Who said anything about "the whole left?" :rolleyes:
You said no one. I just wanted to show you it was bullshit. No need for straw men.
In fact, there were a few posters on this site that said they wanted the summit to fail. No telling how many people on here hoping the economy fails.
The trump hate is real.
You arent supposed to piss in your own cheerios OL. You are supposed to piss in someone elses ;)
The Trump hate IS real and for good reason. What would be GOOD is if the economic impact of the trade war Trump is setting in motion was felt prior to the November elections so the fucking idiots who support Trump for some God forsaken reason could SEE in their limited, concrete-thinker minds that this economy thing is not going to work out so well as their Liar in Chief says. But it probably won't, and even if it is, the idiots will probably blame it on the Democrats, somehow or other.
You are being played.
What in the holy hell are you talking about? I was simply saying people DO want us to fail because they hate trump so much.
You need to relax!
No "people" don't want us to fail. That idiot Maher does. Singular.
There are people on this website that do too. That is more than one. Plural.
I am sure this actor just imagines people talking like that. He has been brainwashed too
Bryan Cranston Tells People Who Want Donald Trump To Fail: ‘F**k You’ | HuffPost
Why I Want Trump To Fail. Spectacuraly.
Bryan Cranston doesn't want to see President Trump fail, do you agree? | The Tylt
No, I don't want Trump to succeed
Want more links? I am sure there are many more.
No, it's sick. I don't agree with being cheerleaders for a car accident. Especially when it's our car.
I told you!
"so what we have 12K tariffs? These 10 more are going to cause the economy to collapse!!!" :rolleyes:
Okay, Blacksand. I have read and listened to various economists talk about this for months and the overall consensus has been IT WON'T WORK. It may help coal miners or steel workers, but overall it will end up stealing jobs from other parts of the economy and the retaliatory tariffs from other countries will cause consumer prices to rise, or in some cases for businesses to fail.
If that is brainwashing, I guess you'll have to blame history for making all that happen everytime we get involved in shit like this.

Economists say a lot of things ... And you have developed an opinion based on what they have said.
For instance ... You have repeatedly said that trade wars have failed based on historical data.

What historical trade wars are you talking about ... And how do you measure net positive or net negative results?
Failed for who ... Failed to do what ... What are you basing your opinion on ... :dunno:

Is it simply something someone has told you ... ;)

Okay, Blacksand. I have read and listened to various economists talk about this for months and the overall consensus has been IT WON'T WORK. It may help coal miners or steel workers, but overall it will end up stealing jobs from other parts of the economy and the retaliatory tariffs from other countries will cause consumer prices to rise, or in some cases for businesses to fail.
If that is brainwashing, I guess you'll have to blame history for making all that happen everytime we get involved in shit like this.

Economists say a lot of things ... And you have developed an opinion based on what they have said.
For instance ... You have repeatedly said that trade wars have failed based on historical data.

What historical trade wars are you talking about ... And how do you measure net positive or net negative results?
Failed for who ... Failed to do what ... What are you basing your opinion on ... :dunno:

Is it simply something someone has told you ... ;)

It's not an opinion, according to them. That's all I'm saying about it. They point to outcomes. I respect people who actually are educated in their field and can speak to it intelligently. It may not be the outcome you desire, but it doesn't change the facts, does it?
Okay, Blacksand. I have read and listened to various economists talk about this for months and the overall consensus has been IT WON'T WORK. It may help coal miners or steel workers, but overall it will end up stealing jobs from other parts of the economy and the retaliatory tariffs from other countries will cause consumer prices to rise, or in some cases for businesses to fail.
If that is brainwashing, I guess you'll have to blame history for making all that happen everytime we get involved in shit like this.

Economists say a lot of things ... And you have developed an opinion based on what they have said.
For instance ... You have repeatedly said that trade wars have failed based on historical data.

What historical trade wars are you talking about ... And how do you measure net positive or net negative results?
Failed for who ... Failed to do what ... What are you basing your opinion on ... :dunno:

Is it simply something someone has told you ... ;)

It's not an opinion, according to them. That's all I'm saying about it. They point to outcomes. I respect people who actually are educated in their field and can speak to it intelligently. It may not be the outcome you desire, but it doesn't change the facts, does it?
Predicting the future isnt opinion?
It's not an opinion, according to them. That's all I'm saying about it. They point to outcomes. I respect people who actually are educated in their field and can speak to it intelligently. It may not be the outcome you desire, but it doesn't change the facts, does it?

What outcomes were they pointing to in regards to what historical trade war?
How did they measure those outcomes ... In net positive or net negative results?

Are you simply supporting an economist with global free trade aspirations ... :dunno:
Do you think they would tell you something that doesn't support their desired goals?

It's not an opinion, according to them. That's all I'm saying about it. They point to outcomes. I respect people who actually are educated in their field and can speak to it intelligently. It may not be the outcome you desire, but it doesn't change the facts, does it?

What outcomes were they pointing to in regards to what historical trade war?
How did they measure those outcomes ... In net positive or net negative results?

Are you simply supporting an economist with global free trade aspirations ... :dunno:
Do you think they would tell you something that doesn't support their desired goals?

You have a point, but why is the ONLY person involved in economics that I have heard speak positively of this the President's lackey? That and the FORMER Finance Minister of Greece, whose country went bankrupt.
Rest easy, Trumpettes. There is a television in the President's bathroom at the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore. Probably a bidet, too, G.T.

Shangri-La Hotel Singapore | Valley Wing Room & Suites

I was wondering if Trump and Kim might have a chance to run into each other at the hotel, but they are not staying at the same one. Kim is at the Fullerton Hotel, and folks are trying to arrange to foot the bill, which is about six thou a night for the Presidential suite.
Google Maps: Report Inappropriate Image (I don't know why the link says this--it works just fine, goes to the Fullerton's main page)

The meeting itself is at a third hotel, the Capella. Waste of gas, you ask me, but hey. Maybe there isn't a hotel large enough to accomodate both entourages, but I was hoping they'd have a chance to run into each other at the ice machine or the whirlpool. Guess not, though.


That's all I have to report for now, unless I hear the women will be wearing hats.
If Trump doesn't Bidet then I'm classier then a Billionnaire.
Okay, Blacksand. I have read and listened to various economists talk about this for months and the overall consensus has been IT WON'T WORK. It may help coal miners or steel workers, but overall it will end up stealing jobs from other parts of the economy and the retaliatory tariffs from other countries will cause consumer prices to rise, or in some cases for businesses to fail.
If that is brainwashing, I guess you'll have to blame history for making all that happen everytime we get involved in shit like this.

Economists say a lot of things ... And you have developed an opinion based on what they have said.
For instance ... You have repeatedly said that trade wars have failed based on historical data.

What historical trade wars are you talking about ... And how do you measure net positive or net negative results?
Failed for who ... Failed to do what ... What are you basing your opinion on ... :dunno:

Is it simply something someone has told you ... ;)

It's not an opinion, according to them. That's all I'm saying about it. They point to outcomes. I respect people who actually are educated in their field and can speak to it intelligently. It may not be the outcome you desire, but it doesn't change the facts, does it?
Predicting the future isnt opinion?
This is predicting the future like when the tide goes out, predicting that it will come back in twelve hours from now.
You have a point, but why is the ONLY person involved in economics that I have heard speak positively of this the President's lackey? That and the FORMER Finance Minister of Greece, whose country went bankrupt.

There's a lot of people that support global free trade ... The better question is whether or not they have our best interests in mind.

As far as the former Finance Minister of Greece ... He is no fan of President Trump.
His country is suffering from what happens when domestic spending cannot keep up with revenues.
When they faced unsurmountable debt ... They still didn't cut spending, they cut wages to try and remain competitive ...
Which resulted in a net negative for everyone (including the government).


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Okay, Blacksand. I have read and listened to various economists talk about this for months and the overall consensus has been IT WON'T WORK. It may help coal miners or steel workers, but overall it will end up stealing jobs from other parts of the economy and the retaliatory tariffs from other countries will cause consumer prices to rise, or in some cases for businesses to fail.
If that is brainwashing, I guess you'll have to blame history for making all that happen everytime we get involved in shit like this.

Economists say a lot of things ... And you have developed an opinion based on what they have said.
For instance ... You have repeatedly said that trade wars have failed based on historical data.

What historical trade wars are you talking about ... And how do you measure net positive or net negative results?
Failed for who ... Failed to do what ... What are you basing your opinion on ... :dunno:

Is it simply something someone has told you ... ;)

It's not an opinion, according to them. That's all I'm saying about it. They point to outcomes. I respect people who actually are educated in their field and can speak to it intelligently. It may not be the outcome you desire, but it doesn't change the facts, does it?
Predicting the future isnt opinion?
This is predicting the future like when the tide goes out, predicting that it will come back in twelve hours from now.
Yes economic quantifiability is as easy as ocean tides :rolleyes:
Yes economic quantifiability is as easy as ocean tides :rolleyes:

It reminds me of the old misconception to the premise "the tide raises all boats equally".

It's a wonderful fairytale that doesn't negate the fact that it doesn't matter what the tide does ...
The person is still in the same boat ... :thup:

You both stay in your little bubble. Fine by me.

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