Single Ladies: Do you consent to have your sexual encounters taped?


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
Democrats in California are set to pass a new law on Affirmative Consent, where every escalation of intimacy must be affirmatively consented to or it will be considered rape. As with police wearing body cameras in order to insure honesty in police-citizen interactions, the logical counter-response here is for men to create either audio or visual records of consent being granted for each escalation of intimacy.

State lawmakers on Thursday passed a bill that would make California the first state to define when “yes means yes” while investigating sexual assaults on college campuses. . .

Sen. Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, said his bill would begin a paradigm shift in how California campuses prevent and investigate sexual assault. Rather than using the refrain “no means no,” the definition of consent under the bill requires “an affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity.”​
Whatever happened to the liberal chant of "Keep Government Out Of Our Bedrooms."

Now liberals are sending a secretary to take dictation into bedrooms, to record affirmative consent for each sex act.

Liberals have no principles. They're protesting in the nude about the Iraq War but then Obama is sworn in and the issue dies. Same here - keep government out, but now bring it in.
Ummm, I don't even like getting my picture taken. No cameras in the bedroom, unless you get my permission for a still picture. It doesn't matter though. I'm sexually dormant right now.
Sounds like this is to protect women from rape.

And to protect men from women who claim regret rape, men would be very wise to have recordings of the woman consenting to each step.

Man: :May I touch your hand?
Woman: Yes, you may."
Man: May I touch your cheek?
Woman: You you may.
I don't think it will go that far.

You don't hang with many liberals, do you? New York Times:

Antioch's policy is easy to parody. That's too bad, because it's a serious, if touchingly earnest, attempt to deal with a real problem. Date rape is no joke, but in trying to stop it, Antioch, along with scores of other colleges across the country, sets out to codify the sexual behavior of adolescents. That's not a bad goal, but it's awfully tricky, and inherently almost impossible to implement.

The guiding principle of Antioch's policy is that clear, verbal consent is required before proceeding to any new level of intimacy. "Do not take silence as consent; it isn't," the policy states, illustrating it with the hypothetical response, "Yes, I want to kiss you also."

Having had a certain level of intimacy with someone in the past does not constitute consent. "You must still ask each and every time," the policy states. . .

Some Antioch students, interviewed by The Times, said the rules weren't so bad in practice. You could obtain permission to do something without being clunky about it. Others weren't happy. If permission must be sought for a kiss, and if previous permission isn't to be taken as permission in the future, a student could risk serious consequences with a spontaneous smooch delivered to a longtime lover who happened to be in a bad mood.​
Whatever happened to the liberal chant of "Keep Government Out Of Our Bedrooms."

Rape happened. And until you manpigs stop it, we'll have to have Officer Brutality overseeing your every encounter with a strong, independent womyn, and the moment you overstep your bounds and she says "stop," the rapist will be beaten senseless and thrown in jail to await his trial for rape, sexual assault, and depending upon where the rape took place, abduction (his place), breaking and entering (hyrs), or public indecency (elsewhere).

Ummm, I don't even like getting my picture taken. No cameras in the bedroom, unless you get my permission for a still picture. It doesn't matter though. I'm sexually dormant right now.

Embrace your inner strong, independent womyn by flaunting your sexuality on camera. Don't feel self-conscious. Empower yoursylf, systyr!
Whatever happened to the liberal chant of "Keep Government Out Of Our Bedrooms."

Rape happened. And until you manpigs stop it, we'll have to have Officer Brutality overseeing your every encounter with a strong, independent womyn, and the moment you overstep your bounds and she says "stop," the rapist will be beaten senseless and thrown in jail to await his trial for rape, sexual assault, and depending upon where the rape took place, abduction (his place), breaking and entering (hyrs), or public indecency (elsewhere).

Ummm, I don't even like getting my picture taken. No cameras in the bedroom, unless you get my permission for a still picture. It doesn't matter though. I'm sexually dormant right now.

Embrace your inner strong, independent womyn by flaunting your sexuality on camera. Don't feel self-conscious. Empower yoursylf, systyr!
I don't flaunt myself in any manner.
Whatever happened to the liberal chant of "Keep Government Out Of Our Bedrooms."

Rape happened. And until you manpigs stop it, we'll have to have Officer Brutality overseeing your every encounter with a strong, independent womyn, and the moment you overstep your bounds and she says "stop," the rapist will be beaten senseless and thrown in jail to await his trial for rape, sexual assault, and depending upon where the rape took place, abduction (his place), breaking and entering (hyrs), or public indecency (elsewhere).

Ummm, I don't even like getting my picture taken. No cameras in the bedroom, unless you get my permission for a still picture. It doesn't matter though. I'm sexually dormant right now.

Embrace your inner strong, independent womyn by flaunting your sexuality on camera. Don't feel self-conscious. Empower yoursylf, systyr!
I don't flaunt myself in any manner.

That's because the manpigs are keeping you down and alienating your conscious mind from your inner fymynyst womyn's lib warrior. You need an intervention.
Sounds like this is to protect women from rape.

Now you know why I've have always had insta pic cameras, super 8 cameras, and later super 8mm video cameras and finally a digital camera...
Whatever happened to the liberal chant of "Keep Government Out Of Our Bedrooms."

Rape happened. And until you manpigs stop it, we'll have to have Officer Brutality overseeing your every encounter with a strong, independent womyn, and the moment you overstep your bounds and she says "stop," the rapist will be beaten senseless and thrown in jail to await his trial for rape, sexual assault, and depending upon where the rape took place, abduction (his place), breaking and entering (hyrs), or public indecency (elsewhere).

Ummm, I don't even like getting my picture taken. No cameras in the bedroom, unless you get my permission for a still picture. It doesn't matter though. I'm sexually dormant right now.

Embrace your inner strong, independent womyn by flaunting your sexuality on camera. Don't feel self-conscious. Empower yoursylf, systyr!
I don't flaunt myself in any manner.

That's because the manpigs are keeping you down and alienating your conscious mind from your inner fymynyst womyn's lib warrior. You need an intervention.

Is there spanking involved???
Whatever happened to the liberal chant of "Keep Government Out Of Our Bedrooms."

Rape happened. And until you manpigs stop it, we'll have to have Officer Brutality overseeing your every encounter with a strong, independent womyn, and the moment you overstep your bounds and she says "stop," the rapist will be beaten senseless and thrown in jail to await his trial for rape, sexual assault, and depending upon where the rape took place, abduction (his place), breaking and entering (hyrs), or public indecency (elsewhere).

Ummm, I don't even like getting my picture taken. No cameras in the bedroom, unless you get my permission for a still picture. It doesn't matter though. I'm sexually dormant right now.

Embrace your inner strong, independent womyn by flaunting your sexuality on camera. Don't feel self-conscious. Empower yoursylf, systyr!
I don't flaunt myself in any manner.

That's because the manpigs are keeping you down and alienating your conscious mind from your inner fymynyst womyn's lib warrior. You need an intervention.
Nope. You have it all wrong. You're a sexist bitch.
Too many women flaunt themselves and they look like whores when they do.
I have more respect for myself than that.
Whatever happened to the liberal chant of "Keep Government Out Of Our Bedrooms."

Rape happened. And until you manpigs stop it, we'll have to have Officer Brutality overseeing your every encounter with a strong, independent womyn, and the moment you overstep your bounds and she says "stop," the rapist will be beaten senseless and thrown in jail to await his trial for rape, sexual assault, and depending upon where the rape took place, abduction (his place), breaking and entering (hyrs), or public indecency (elsewhere).

Ummm, I don't even like getting my picture taken. No cameras in the bedroom, unless you get my permission for a still picture. It doesn't matter though. I'm sexually dormant right now.

Embrace your inner strong, independent womyn by flaunting your sexuality on camera. Don't feel self-conscious. Empower yoursylf, systyr!
I don't flaunt myself in any manner.

That's because the manpigs are keeping you down and alienating your conscious mind from your inner fymynyst womyn's lib warrior. You need an intervention.
Nope. You have it all wrong. You're a sexist bitch.
Too many women flaunt themselves and they look like whores when they do.
I have more respect for myself than that.

How can you possibly think you have respect for yoursylf when you constantly bash your fellow strong, independent womyn? The usage of the B-word and W-word by one womyn against another is unthinkable.

You're so brainwashed by the patriarchy that you don't even realize it. You're a vyctym of manpig oppression. Sexuality is an inherently social, and therefore inherently public, aspect of our lives--you shouldn't be hiding yoursylf away like that.
Sounds like this is to protect women from rape.

And to protect men from women who claim regret rape, men would be very wise to have recordings of the woman consenting to each step.

Man: :May I touch your hand?
Woman: Yes, you may."
Man: May I touch your cheek?
Woman: You you may.

If/when this law is passed, any Man not taping all aspects of a consensual intimate or sexual act with a female is opening himself up to a long prison stint.

You'd be a fool not to tape them
Sounds like this is to protect women from rape.

And to protect men from women who claim regret rape, men would be very wise to have recordings of the woman consenting to each step.

Man: :May I touch your hand?
Woman: Yes, you may."
Man: May I touch your cheek?
Woman: You you may.

If/when this law is passed, any Man not taping all aspects of a consensual intimate or sexual act with a female is opening himself up to a long prison stint.

You'd be a fool not to tape them

Most states have one-party consent laws, don't they? Just set down your smart-phone and record all the questions you ask plus her consent, plus her moans and groans, plus all her "yeah baby" and other hot phone sex vocalizations. Add to your collection because as we see in the UK her regret rape may kick in 30 years later.
The song came true...

Where the Rubber Meets the Road, written by Paul Jacobs and Sarah Durkee, performed by Meat Loaf.
Somewhere some girl is crazy
And some boy's half out of his head
Somewhere somebody's fearless
And someone won't wind up dead
Somewhere two hearts are pounding
And they don't care what's correct
Somewhere somebody's fallin' in love
Without a background check...

Son, I'm Mr P.C.
Beleive you and me
I'm the ultimate king of correct
And if you wanna make it
You gotta make her take it
As a sign of your deep respect
If you're gonna do it
You gotta see through it
To the heavenly trust that it is
Then you can call her a slut
And you can call her a slave
Just remember to call her Ms...

Where the rubber meets the road
Welcome to protection mode
Used to be sex was a fine hello
Now the rubber meets the road

Ya say "Girl, you're a beauty
But I'm no beast
I got a little contract right here
See, you can slam on the brakes
Anytime you got the stick
Even if we're in fourth gear"
Cop in the front seat
Lawyer in the back seat
Gettin' it on videotape
Got a shrink in the bed
Lord, sittin' on the headboard
Swearin' that we both got raped...

Where the rubber meets the road
Welcome to protection mode
Used to be sex was a fine hello
Now the rubber meets the road
Where the rubber meets the road
Boy meets Girl then watch it explode
Yes means no means yes means no
Where the rubber meets the road!

Somewhere some girl is crazy
And some boy's half out of his head
Somewhere somebody's fearless
And someone won't wind up dead
Somewhere two hearts are pounding
And they don't care what's correct
Somewhere somebody's fallin' in love
Without a background check
Somewhere somebody's fallin' in love
Without a background check

Where the rubber meets the road
Welcome to protection mode
Used to be sex was a fine hello
Now the rubber meets the road
Where the rubber meets the road
Boy meets Girl then watch it explode
Yes means no means yes means no
Yes means no means yes means no
Yes means no means yes means no
Where the rubber meets the road
Where the rubber meets the road!...

Somewhere some girl is crazy
And some boy's half out of his head
Some where there's just the moment
Where all remains unsaid
Somewhere two hearts are pounding
And they don't care what's correct
Somewhere somebody's falling in love...

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