Single payer in 8 years

No question we will move to single payer

It is the only system that makes sense
Yes, so my current situation of paying more for less, and with a higher deductible, AND having to participate in a wellness plan to prevent the plans from being WORSE is a feature, not a bug? I liked my plan, and I couldn't keep it.
The catastrophic insurance game allow you to privatize profit while socializing the risk against the rest of us. Tough.
Civil servant healthcare...... As good as the VA !!!
Prove that VA overall is poor. You can't. Try it for fair. You can't. For most in the system, the care is outstanding. The issue is trying to get the vets from Bush and then Obama's wars into the system. Blame the neo-con war imperialists for the flooding of the system.
The only failure about ACA is the far right's attacks on it, which have failed monumentally since 2010.

Do you consider Hillary to be the far right? How about Sanders? They both want to replace it.
You mean they want to improve it. You have trouble with semantics. You don't like meanings if they interfere with your bias.

Yes, it seems the more they "improve it" the more frequently they have to improve it.

No shit, it's how the government and liberal programs work...

Make up a problem, fix and then you need to keep calling them to fix it.....
Liberalism is just legal racketeering and fraud
Yes, so my current situation of paying more for less, and with a higher deductible, AND having to participate in a wellness plan to prevent the plans from being WORSE is a feature, not a bug? I liked my plan, and I couldn't keep it.
The catastrophic insurance game allow you to privatize profit while socializing the risk against the rest of us. Tough.

That doesn't answer the question, besides crowing that other people benefit while I get screwed.

How about you just admit it, and thank me for subsidizing worthless people like you?
Civil servant healthcare...... As good as the VA !!!
Prove that VA overall is poor. You can't. Try it for fair. You can't. For most in the system, the care is outstanding. The issue is trying to get the vets from Bush and then Obama's wars into the system. Blame the neo-con war imperialists for the flooding of the system.

I can't hear you, try taking Obama's cock out of your mouth first
No question we will move to single payer

It is the only system that makes sense

So then i will still pay more in taxes for less benefit? WONDERFUL.

Fucking lemmings, all of you.

Your taxes will go up and you will no longer have to pay for health insurance

Insurance companies get squeezed out since they add nothing to the healthcare system...just overhead
Civil servant healthcare...... As good as the VA !!!
Prove that VA overall is poor. You can't. Try it for fair. You can't. For most in the system, the care is outstanding. The issue is trying to get the vets from Bush and then Obama's wars into the system. Blame the neo-con war imperialists for the flooding of the system.

VA head resigned, but there is no issue...only starkey.

Everything you need to know about the VA — and the scandals engulfing it

All day long just like me kicking your ass
Civil servant healthcare...... As good as the VA !!!
Prove that VA overall is poor. You can't. Try it for fair. You can't. For most in the system, the care is outstanding. The issue is trying to get the vets from Bush and then Obama's wars into the system. Blame the neo-con war imperialists for the flooding of the system.
The VA sucks ass, you have no proof otherwise fuck face
No question we will move to single payer

It is the only system that makes sense

So then i will still pay more in taxes for less benefit? WONDERFUL.

Fucking lemmings, all of you.

Your taxes will go up and you will no longer have to pay for health insurance

Insurance companies get squeezed out since they add nothing to the healthcare system...just overhead

No costs will skyrocket, since the govt has no incentive to control them....which is why everything the govt does is inefficient.....

So we get shit care, longer delays.....but hey the liberals will exempt themselves.....yay
Civil servant healthcare...... As good as the VA !!!
Prove that VA overall is poor. You can't. Try it for fair. You can't. For most in the system, the care is outstanding. The issue is trying to get the vets from Bush and then Obama's wars into the system. Blame the neo-con war imperialists for the flooding of the system.
The VA sucks ass, you have no proof otherwise fuck face
All who say the VA is bad never give any stats other than for those who are trying to get into the system. For those in the system, the treatment is good to outstanding. If the waiting is too long now, veterans can go outside of the system to private providers. You know all of this is true. Sux to be a far rwnj hater.

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