Single payer in 8 years

We sure don't need the Govt. in charge of health care for three hundred million American's

The Govt. has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history. It turns everything into mountains of red tape, regulations and tons of paper work.

Plus the only people paying for any of it are those that are working and not considered poor. Everyone else will be paid for we taxpayers.

What a moronic suggestion.

But if government does not get involved and demand a single payer system, like for the nation's veterans, who will put the costly sick patient's on death lists to help limit costs?
We sure don't need the Govt. in charge of health care for three hundred million American's

The Govt. has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history. It turns everything into mountains of red tape, regulations and tons of paper work.

Plus the only people paying for any of it are those that are working and not considered poor. Everyone else will be paid for we taxpayers.

What a moronic suggestion.

But if government does not get involved and demand a single payer system, like for the nation's veterans, who will put the costly sick patient's on death lists to help limit costs?

The VA will always be there and those men and women deserve anything we can give them.

The rest of the country, not so much.
I have always been a kasich supporter, ...Single payer is coming, and you can't stop it.

Wow, didn't know the former Gingrich Revolution lieutenant is now communist...

I think you will find that the wolves are starting to slip out of their sheep's clothing

After all, you can only cross dress for so long
We sure don't need the Govt. in charge of health care for three hundred million American's

The Govt. has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history. It turns everything into mountains of red tape, regulations and tons of paper work.

Plus the only people paying for any of it are those that are working and not considered poor. Everyone else will be paid for we taxpayers.

What a moronic suggestion.

But if government does not get involved and demand a single payer system, like for the nation's veterans, who will put the costly sick patient's on death lists to help limit costs?

The VA will always be there and those men and women deserve anything we can give them.

The rest of the country, not so much.

True. If anyone deserves treatment its the veterans.

Unfortunately, illegals are treated better than the veterans under government run health care.

The scandal in Arizona was almost swept under the rug altogether. Whistle blowers went to John McCain for help but then were fired from their jobs. If it had not been for an obscure Congressmen from Florida, very sick veterans could have remained on the secret no treatment list indefinitely.

But on the bright side, think of all the money they saved!

And just think, if this is the way they treat our veterans, think how they will treat YOU under Hillary's plan!
Yes, so my current situation of paying more for less, and with a higher deductible, AND having to participate in a wellness plan to prevent the plans from being WORSE is a feature, not a bug? I liked my plan, and I couldn't keep it.
The catastrophic insurance game allow you to privatize profit while socializing the risk against the rest of us. Tough.
Did you even read what you quoted?
You don't. marty is bitching because his catastropic insurance scam was remove from the market. You are not aware of much, are you. Understand that the mentally impaired like you are better off with single payer.

Actually I had full coverage, not catastrophic. But what happened is they went from a $500 deductible to a $1500 (which was partially covered by a $1000 contribution to a HSA), but this year the deductible went to $5000 for single people (i got married so mine is now $8000) but still only the same $1500 HSA contribution. For that they "gave" me 1 checkup for free (but not the lab work), and "only" bumped my premium by $20 a pay period. If I wanted to get a more comprehensive plan it would have been $150 more a pay period. AND I have to participate in a wellness plan, or i get access to even worse plans. So basically my company had to give up its "cadillac" plans, for the steaming mess I am left with. How is that fair?
Your company does not "have" to give up the other plans, if they met the ACA standards. What has happened is that somebody in the company HR for wellness got a pay off. File a complaint with HR and the chief executive officer.
Yes, so my current situation of paying more for less, and with a higher deductible, AND having to participate in a wellness plan to prevent the plans from being WORSE is a feature, not a bug? I liked my plan, and I couldn't keep it.
The catastrophic insurance game allow you to privatize profit while socializing the risk against the rest of us. Tough.
Did you even read what you quoted?
You don't. marty is bitching because his catastropic insurance scam was remove from the market. You are not aware of much, are you. Understand that the mentally impaired like you are better off with single payer.

Actually I had full coverage, not catastrophic. But what happened is they went from a $500 deductible to a $1500 (which was partially covered by a $1000 contribution to a HSA), but this year the deductible went to $5000 for single people (i got married so mine is now $8000) but still only the same $1500 HSA contribution. For that they "gave" me 1 checkup for free (but not the lab work), and "only" bumped my premium by $20 a pay period. If I wanted to get a more comprehensive plan it would have been $150 more a pay period. AND I have to participate in a wellness plan, or i get access to even worse plans. So basically my company had to give up its "cadillac" plans, for the steaming mess I am left with. How is that fair?
Your company does not "have" to give up the other plans, if they met the ACA standards. What has happened is that somebody in the company HR for wellness got a pay off. File a complaint with HR and the chief executive officer.

The plans became too expensive under ACA rules, so they had to either jack up my period costs, or raise the deductible, so I get less for more. You haven't answered that, and your lame attempt to blame my companies HR shows you are a hack with no answer.

What happened to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?
I have always been a kasich supporter, ...Single payer is coming, and you can't stop it.
Wow, didn't know the former Gingrich Revolution lieutenant is now communist...
Kasich is not, and this is obviously your first rodeo, where you were thrown in the first two seconds. You are having trouble with definitions. Take a vocabulary and terms online course. Single payer is inevitable.
The catastrophic insurance game allow you to privatize profit while socializing the risk against the rest of us. Tough.
Did you even read what you quoted?
You don't. marty is bitching because his catastropic insurance scam was remove from the market. You are not aware of much, are you. Understand that the mentally impaired like you are better off with single payer.

Actually I had full coverage, not catastrophic. But what happened is they went from a $500 deductible to a $1500 (which was partially covered by a $1000 contribution to a HSA), but this year the deductible went to $5000 for single people (i got married so mine is now $8000) but still only the same $1500 HSA contribution. For that they "gave" me 1 checkup for free (but not the lab work), and "only" bumped my premium by $20 a pay period. If I wanted to get a more comprehensive plan it would have been $150 more a pay period. AND I have to participate in a wellness plan, or i get access to even worse plans. So basically my company had to give up its "cadillac" plans, for the steaming mess I am left with. How is that fair?
Your company does not "have" to give up the other plans, if they met the ACA standards. What has happened is that somebody in the company HR for wellness got a pay off. File a complaint with HR and the chief executive officer.

The plans became too expensive under ACA rules, so they had to either jack up my period costs, or raise the deductible, so I get less for more. You haven't answered that, and your lame attempt to blame my companies HR shows you are a hack with no answer. What happened to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?
No, they did not. You need to provide far more than your take on the matter.
Did you even read what you quoted?
You don't. marty is bitching because his catastropic insurance scam was remove from the market. You are not aware of much, are you. Understand that the mentally impaired like you are better off with single payer.

Actually I had full coverage, not catastrophic. But what happened is they went from a $500 deductible to a $1500 (which was partially covered by a $1000 contribution to a HSA), but this year the deductible went to $5000 for single people (i got married so mine is now $8000) but still only the same $1500 HSA contribution. For that they "gave" me 1 checkup for free (but not the lab work), and "only" bumped my premium by $20 a pay period. If I wanted to get a more comprehensive plan it would have been $150 more a pay period. AND I have to participate in a wellness plan, or i get access to even worse plans. So basically my company had to give up its "cadillac" plans, for the steaming mess I am left with. How is that fair?
Your company does not "have" to give up the other plans, if they met the ACA standards. What has happened is that somebody in the company HR for wellness got a pay off. File a complaint with HR and the chief executive officer.

The plans became too expensive under ACA rules, so they had to either jack up my period costs, or raise the deductible, so I get less for more. You haven't answered that, and your lame attempt to blame my companies HR shows you are a hack with no answer. What happened to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?
No, they did not. You need to provide far more than your take on the matter.

How do you know? All I know is before ACA my insurance went up a bit year to year, but no radical changes. Then ACA popped up and period costs went up, deductible costs went up, a wellness plan got dropped on me, etc.

And again, I liked my old plans, but I could not keep them. Why not?
The VA sucks ass, you have no proof otherwise fuck face
All who say the VA is bad never give any stats other than for those who are trying to get into the system. For those in the system, the treatment is good to outstanding. If the waiting is too long now, veterans can go outside of the system to private providers. You know all of this is true. Sux to be a far rwnj hater.

Yay singke.payer.........jakey just admitted huge lines and waiting which can cause death......and we are trying to get private ( omg did he say part of the solutions was PRIVATE) Trump! Oh and for the care? It can vary significantly depend on where....sounds like top notch Report: VA health care needs total overhaul That ass is even make it so easy.....I mean you inflate my ego past Trumps........
You just admitted that you lie continuously, bucky; it's what you do, because you know not the truth. The thread is correct, you are not, and it is all as we thought.
Nope Jake you lie...all the time kasich supporter.....lolololol And you never add anything to discussions.....just makes statements Too easy fakey...too easy
bucky, I have always been a kasich supporter, so you lie when you suggest I am not. I give evidence, you do not. You are simply mad because your statements are so easily dismissed. Single payer is coming, and you can't stop it.

You never give evidence.....I Crush you in each thread, just in this thread alone.....I've posted several zero..

And what do you and Ole John agree on?
You don't. marty is bitching because his catastropic insurance scam was remove from the market. You are not aware of much, are you. Understand that the mentally impaired like you are better off with single payer.

Actually I had full coverage, not catastrophic. But what happened is they went from a $500 deductible to a $1500 (which was partially covered by a $1000 contribution to a HSA), but this year the deductible went to $5000 for single people (i got married so mine is now $8000) but still only the same $1500 HSA contribution. For that they "gave" me 1 checkup for free (but not the lab work), and "only" bumped my premium by $20 a pay period. If I wanted to get a more comprehensive plan it would have been $150 more a pay period. AND I have to participate in a wellness plan, or i get access to even worse plans. So basically my company had to give up its "cadillac" plans, for the steaming mess I am left with. How is that fair?
Your company does not "have" to give up the other plans, if they met the ACA standards. What has happened is that somebody in the company HR for wellness got a pay off. File a complaint with HR and the chief executive officer.

The plans became too expensive under ACA rules, so they had to either jack up my period costs, or raise the deductible, so I get less for more. You haven't answered that, and your lame attempt to blame my companies HR shows you are a hack with no answer. What happened to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?
No, they did not. You need to provide far more than your take on the matter.

How do you know? All I know is before ACA my insurance went up a bit year to year, but no radical changes. Then ACA popped up and period costs went up, deductible costs went up, a wellness plan got dropped on me, etc.

And again, I liked my old plans, but I could not keep them. Why not?

I agree. My benefits costs have gone up by 60% in the last two years and its all because of the ACA.

Oh and Single Payer? Only some moron would want we taxpayers saddled with that bullshit for the rest of our lives.
Yes, so my current situation of paying more for less, and with a higher deductible, AND having to participate in a wellness plan to prevent the plans from being WORSE is a feature, not a bug? I liked my plan, and I couldn't keep it.
The catastrophic insurance game allow you to privatize profit while socializing the risk against the rest of us. Tough.
Did you even read what you quoted?
You don't. marty is bitching because his catastropic insurance scam was remove from the market. You are not aware of much, are you. Understand that the mentally impaired like you are better off with single payer.

Look at all that evidence starkey gives......just more false statements and bullshit

Hilary is that you???????
The catastrophic insurance game allow you to privatize profit while socializing the risk against the rest of us. Tough.
Did you even read what you quoted?
You don't. marty is bitching because his catastropic insurance scam was remove from the market. You are not aware of much, are you. Understand that the mentally impaired like you are better off with single payer.

Actually I had full coverage, not catastrophic. But what happened is they went from a $500 deductible to a $1500 (which was partially covered by a $1000 contribution to a HSA), but this year the deductible went to $5000 for single people (i got married so mine is now $8000) but still only the same $1500 HSA contribution. For that they "gave" me 1 checkup for free (but not the lab work), and "only" bumped my premium by $20 a pay period. If I wanted to get a more comprehensive plan it would have been $150 more a pay period. AND I have to participate in a wellness plan, or i get access to even worse plans. So basically my company had to give up its "cadillac" plans, for the steaming mess I am left with. How is that fair?
Your company does not "have" to give up the other plans, if they met the ACA standards. What has happened is that somebody in the company HR for wellness got a pay off. File a complaint with HR and the chief executive officer.

The plans became too expensive under ACA rules, so they had to either jack up my period costs, or raise the deductible, so I get less for more. You haven't answered that, and your lame attempt to blame my companies HR shows you are a hack with no answer.

What happened to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

What happened to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan?"

It must have gotten deleted in one of those Hillary e-mails.
Yes, so my current situation of paying more for less, and with a higher deductible, AND having to participate in a wellness plan to prevent the plans from being WORSE is a feature, not a bug? I liked my plan, and I couldn't keep it.
The catastrophic insurance game allow you to privatize profit while socializing the risk against the rest of us. Tough.
Did you even read what you quoted?
You don't. marty is bitching because his catastropic insurance scam was remove from the market. You are not aware of much, are you. Understand that the mentally impaired like you are better off with single payer.

Look at all that evidence starkey gives......just more false statements and bullshit

Hilary is that you???????

Hillary can't be Jake. Hillary is a man.
Yes, so my current situation of paying more for less, and with a higher deductible, AND having to participate in a wellness plan to prevent the plans from being WORSE is a feature, not a bug? I liked my plan, and I couldn't keep it.
The catastrophic insurance game allow you to privatize profit while socializing the risk against the rest of us. Tough.
Did you even read what you quoted?
You don't. marty is bitching because his catastropic insurance scam was remove from the market. You are not aware of much, are you. Understand that the mentally impaired like you are better off with single payer.

Look at all that evidence starkey gives......just more false statements and bullshit

Hilary is that you???????

Hillary can't be Jake. Hillary is a man.
Nice one!!!!
Did you even read what you quoted?
You don't. marty is bitching because his catastropic insurance scam was remove from the market. You are not aware of much, are you. Understand that the mentally impaired like you are better off with single payer.

Actually I had full coverage, not catastrophic. But what happened is they went from a $500 deductible to a $1500 (which was partially covered by a $1000 contribution to a HSA), but this year the deductible went to $5000 for single people (i got married so mine is now $8000) but still only the same $1500 HSA contribution. For that they "gave" me 1 checkup for free (but not the lab work), and "only" bumped my premium by $20 a pay period. If I wanted to get a more comprehensive plan it would have been $150 more a pay period. AND I have to participate in a wellness plan, or i get access to even worse plans. So basically my company had to give up its "cadillac" plans, for the steaming mess I am left with. How is that fair?
Your company does not "have" to give up the other plans, if they met the ACA standards. What has happened is that somebody in the company HR for wellness got a pay off. File a complaint with HR and the chief executive officer.

The plans became too expensive under ACA rules, so they had to either jack up my period costs, or raise the deductible, so I get less for more. You haven't answered that, and your lame attempt to blame my companies HR shows you are a hack with no answer.

What happened to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

What happened to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan?"

It must have gotten deleted in one of those Hillary e-mails.

Complete bullshit like everything going else from these people.......I mean they spend how much money on the inner city and they are still hellholes..........
You don't. marty is bitching because his catastropic insurance scam was remove from the market. You are not aware of much, are you. Understand that the mentally impaired like you are better off with single payer.

Actually I had full coverage, not catastrophic. But what happened is they went from a $500 deductible to a $1500 (which was partially covered by a $1000 contribution to a HSA), but this year the deductible went to $5000 for single people (i got married so mine is now $8000) but still only the same $1500 HSA contribution. For that they "gave" me 1 checkup for free (but not the lab work), and "only" bumped my premium by $20 a pay period. If I wanted to get a more comprehensive plan it would have been $150 more a pay period. AND I have to participate in a wellness plan, or i get access to even worse plans. So basically my company had to give up its "cadillac" plans, for the steaming mess I am left with. How is that fair?
Your company does not "have" to give up the other plans, if they met the ACA standards. What has happened is that somebody in the company HR for wellness got a pay off. File a complaint with HR and the chief executive officer.

The plans became too expensive under ACA rules, so they had to either jack up my period costs, or raise the deductible, so I get less for more. You haven't answered that, and your lame attempt to blame my companies HR shows you are a hack with no answer. What happened to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?
No, they did not. You need to provide far more than your take on the matter.
How do you know? All I know is before ACA my insurance went up a bit year to year, but no radical changes. Then ACA popped up and period costs went up, deductible costs went up, a wellness plan got dropped on me, etc. And again, I liked my old plans, but I could not keep them. Why not?
:) You continue to tell us certainly a somewhat inaccurate as well as not complete narrative, but OK.
And the far right whines, gives no evidence at all, gets evidence in return and either discounts it or lies about it, then they wonder why women, millennials, blacks, browns, and 25% of the GOP is going to vote against Trump.

Single payer will happen. End of story.

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