Single payer in 8 years

No question we will move to single payer

It is the only system that makes sense

So then i will still pay more in taxes for less benefit? WONDERFUL.

Fucking lemmings, all of you.

Your taxes will go up and you will no longer have to pay for health insurance

Insurance companies get squeezed out since they add nothing to the healthcare system...just overhead

I will pay more taxes than others (because I make more) for crappy base level medical treatment, and anything else will still be out of pocket. In the end I still get screwed.
Civil servant healthcare...... As good as the VA !!!
Prove that VA overall is poor. You can't. Try it for fair. You can't. For most in the system, the care is outstanding. The issue is trying to get the vets from Bush and then Obama's wars into the system. Blame the neo-con war imperialists for the flooding of the system.
The VA sucks ass, you have no proof otherwise fuck face
All who say the VA is bad never give any stats other than for those who are trying to get into the system. For those in the system, the treatment is good to outstanding. If the waiting is too long now, veterans can go outside of the system to private providers. You know all of this is true. Sux to be a far rwnj hater.

Yay singke.payer.........jakey just admitted huge lines and waiting which can cause death......and we are trying to get private ( omg did he say part of the solutions was PRIVATE) Trump!

Oh and for the care? It can vary significantly depend on where....sounds like top notch
Report: VA health care needs total overhaul

That ass is even make it so easy.....I mean you inflate my ego past Trumps........
Civil servant healthcare...... As good as the VA !!!
Prove that VA overall is poor. You can't. Try it for fair. You can't. For most in the system, the care is outstanding. The issue is trying to get the vets from Bush and then Obama's wars into the system. Blame the neo-con war imperialists for the flooding of the system.
The VA sucks ass, you have no proof otherwise fuck face
All who say the VA is bad never give any stats other than for those who are trying to get into the system. For those in the system, the treatment is good to outstanding. If the waiting is too long now, veterans can go outside of the system to private providers. You know all of this is true. Sux to be a far rwnj hater.
It's just a poorly thought out system, when you're depending on the federal government for anything good, no good can come from it.
The federal government is owned by career politicians, not the population. Dumbass LOL
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I've been telling you for years and years. Single payer is coming.

This is not an accident. All the screaming and tearing of clothes by Republicans has been theater for the rubes. Those 50-odd repeals of ObamaCare they knew wouldn't go anywhere were staged to keep the dumb sheep in the fold.

You've been had, Chumps. The GOP sold us out decades ago. And you parroted the lines fed to you by your propaganda organs like good little rubes. :lol:




Single payer IS the best way to control the masses, that is the sole purpose of career politicians and their federal government… Control.
Civil servant healthcare...... As good as the VA !!!
Prove that VA overall is poor. You can't. Try it for fair. You can't. For most in the system, the care is outstanding. The issue is trying to get the vets from Bush and then Obama's wars into the system. Blame the neo-con war imperialists for the flooding of the system.
The VA sucks ass, you have no proof otherwise fuck face
All who say the VA is bad never give any stats other than for those who are trying to get into the system. For those in the system, the treatment is good to outstanding. If the waiting is too long now, veterans can go outside of the system to private providers. You know all of this is true. Sux to be a far rwnj hater.

Yay singke.payer.........jakey just admitted huge lines and waiting which can cause death......and we are trying to get private ( omg did he say part of the solutions was PRIVATE) Trump! Oh and for the care? It can vary significantly depend on where....sounds like top notch Report: VA health care needs total overhaul That ass is even make it so easy.....I mean you inflate my ego past Trumps........
You just admitted that you lie continuously, bucky; it's what you do, because you know not the truth. The thread is correct, you are not, and it is all as we thought.
The sad thing is the federal government is the enemy, and career politicians on both sides of the aisle, the Establishment types are the ones running the show.
Civil servant healthcare...... As good as the VA !!!
Prove that VA overall is poor. You can't. Try it for fair. You can't. For most in the system, the care is outstanding. The issue is trying to get the vets from Bush and then Obama's wars into the system. Blame the neo-con war imperialists for the flooding of the system.
The VA sucks ass, you have no proof otherwise fuck face
All who say the VA is bad never give any stats other than for those who are trying to get into the system. For those in the system, the treatment is good to outstanding. If the waiting is too long now, veterans can go outside of the system to private providers. You know all of this is true. Sux to be a far rwnj hater.

Yay singke.payer.........jakey just admitted huge lines and waiting which can cause death......and we are trying to get private ( omg did he say part of the solutions was PRIVATE) Trump! Oh and for the care? It can vary significantly depend on where....sounds like top notch Report: VA health care needs total overhaul That ass is even make it so easy.....I mean you inflate my ego past Trumps........
You just admitted that you lie continuously, bucky; it's what you do, because you know not the truth. The thread is correct, you are not, and it is all as we thought.

Nope Jake you lie...all the time kasich supporter.....lolololol

And you never add anything to discussions.....just makes statements

Too easy fakey...too easy
Yes, so my current situation of paying more for less, and with a higher deductible, AND having to participate in a wellness plan to prevent the plans from being WORSE is a feature, not a bug? I liked my plan, and I couldn't keep it.
The catastrophic insurance game allow you to privatize profit while socializing the risk against the rest of us. Tough.
Did you even read what you quoted?
The sad thing is the federal government is the enemy, and career politicians on both sides of the aisle, the Establishment types are the ones running the show.

So true...its all a club based on a scam.
Yes, so my current situation of paying more for less, and with a higher deductible, AND having to participate in a wellness plan to prevent the plans from being WORSE is a feature, not a bug? I liked my plan, and I couldn't keep it.
The catastrophic insurance game allow you to privatize profit while socializing the risk against the rest of us. Tough.
Did you even read what you quoted?

Bam got Jake again...

Such a fraud......he voted for kasich.....because he agrees with him on nothing
Prove that VA overall is poor. You can't. Try it for fair. You can't. For most in the system, the care is outstanding. The issue is trying to get the vets from Bush and then Obama's wars into the system. Blame the neo-con war imperialists for the flooding of the system.
The VA sucks ass, you have no proof otherwise fuck face
All who say the VA is bad never give any stats other than for those who are trying to get into the system. For those in the system, the treatment is good to outstanding. If the waiting is too long now, veterans can go outside of the system to private providers. You know all of this is true. Sux to be a far rwnj hater.

Yay singke.payer.........jakey just admitted huge lines and waiting which can cause death......and we are trying to get private ( omg did he say part of the solutions was PRIVATE) Trump! Oh and for the care? It can vary significantly depend on where....sounds like top notch Report: VA health care needs total overhaul That ass is even make it so easy.....I mean you inflate my ego past Trumps........
You just admitted that you lie continuously, bucky; it's what you do, because you know not the truth. The thread is correct, you are not, and it is all as we thought.
Nope Jake you lie...all the time kasich supporter.....lolololol And you never add anything to discussions.....just makes statements Too easy fakey...too easy
bucky, I have always been a kasich supporter, so you lie when you suggest I am not. I give evidence, you do not. You are simply mad because your statements are so easily dismissed. Single payer is coming, and you can't stop it.
Yes, so my current situation of paying more for less, and with a higher deductible, AND having to participate in a wellness plan to prevent the plans from being WORSE is a feature, not a bug? I liked my plan, and I couldn't keep it.
The catastrophic insurance game allow you to privatize profit while socializing the risk against the rest of us. Tough.
Did you even read what you quoted?
You don't. marty is bitching because his catastropic insurance scam was remove from the market. You are not aware of much, are you. Understand that the mentally impaired like you are better off with single payer.
We sure don't need the Govt. in charge of health care for three hundred million American's

The Govt. has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history. It turns everything into mountains of red tape, regulations and tons of paper work.

Plus the only people paying for any of it are those that are working and not considered poor. Everyone else will be paid for we taxpayers.

What a moronic suggestion.
Yes, so my current situation of paying more for less, and with a higher deductible, AND having to participate in a wellness plan to prevent the plans from being WORSE is a feature, not a bug? I liked my plan, and I couldn't keep it.
The catastrophic insurance game allow you to privatize profit while socializing the risk against the rest of us. Tough.
Did you even read what you quoted?
You don't. marty is bitching because his catastropic insurance scam was remove from the market. You are not aware of much, are you. Understand that the mentally impaired like you are better off with single payer.

Actually I had full coverage, not catastrophic. But what happened is they went from a $500 deductible to a $1500 (which was partially covered by a $1000 contribution to a HSA), but this year the deductible went to $5000 for single people (i got married so mine is now $8000) but still only the same $1500 HSA contribution. For that they "gave" me 1 checkup for free (but not the lab work), and "only" bumped my premium by $20 a pay period. If I wanted to get a more comprehensive plan it would have been $150 more a pay period.

AND I have to participate in a wellness plan, or i get access to even worse plans.

So basically my company had to give up its "cadillac" plans, for the steaming mess I am left with.

How is that fair?
You should be buying your health insurance the exact same way you buy all your other insurance. You pick up the phone and call whatever insurance company you wish. Then you pick what options you want, and set up an automatic payment from your bank account. Done.

If you lose your job, you don't automatically lose your auto, home, or life insurance. It stays with you no matter where or when you work. And you get long time customer discounts, and bundle discounts.

With health insurance, you're fucked. You are hostage to whatever your employer offers you, if they offer anything at all. And if you lose your job, you lose your health insurance. When you start a new job, you don't get insurance at most places until you have been there for 90 days or more. You don't get long time customer discounts, you don't get a bundle discount.

It's insane.

But wait, there's more!

The government is not a player in the auto, home, or life insurance markets. But it is a HUGE player in the health insurance market. And the government gets to write the rules for its competitors in the private market!

Imagine if Progressive Auto Insurance was allowed to write the rules that GEICO had to operate under.


We need less government in our health insurance, not more. Fucking liberals. When the government fucks something up, they think the answer is MOAR government!

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