Single payer in Fruit and Nut land (aka California)

There is no battle in California in regards to single payer. There are some fruity nuts of the republican kind that want to think there is though.
There is no battle in California in regards to single payer. There are some fruity nuts of the republican kind that want to think there is though.

The article says otherwise the dems calling each other names along with some of their support groups. I say let them have it and when it crashes and burns it will not happen at the federal level. At least the DC crowd will have to think of some other more plausible and workable alternative.
I thought this was already pretty well dead.

I was looking forward to seeing how they were going to keep their doctors.
Given the condition of IL, NJ and ME this weekend CA won't be able to roll over their debt if they don't drop this lunatic left fantasy immediately.
The OP also mentions recent tax hikes.

But I thought Cali was running in the black ?

Who knew ?

The OP also mentions recent tax hikes.

But I thought Cali was running in the black ?

Who knew ?


Cali is on the same path that took Illinois down...its inevitable

The moving company indices paint a more complicated picture because CA is more prone to natural disaster and the state subsidizes the insurance. a surprising high percentage of disaster victims take the money and run. That is the more likely proximate cause.
The OP also mentions recent tax hikes.

But I thought Cali was running in the black ?

Who knew ?


Cali is on the same path that took Illinois down...its inevitable

The moving company indices paint a more complicated picture because CA is more prone to natural disaster and the state subsidizes the insurance. a surprising high percentage of disaster victims take the money and run. That is the more likely proximate cause.

Unfunded liabilities (debt)will be their doom

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