Sinister Sites – The Denver International Airport

This is pretty sinister:

I have always been fearful of the Manitoba Legistative Building.
theres a secret tunnel transportation system under denver airport that goes to military installations such as area51 and dulce, nm.

Mr. Ericson,
We have received BOTH of your emails, and we will provide the information you requested within an appropriate time-frame. These questions have been asked ad nauseam by groups like yours throughout the nine-year history of this airport, and quite frankly, they are not our highest priority right now. All of this information has been discussed publicly over and over during the years, and you can select whatever explanation you choose to believe. I have asked our Art Director to find biographical information about the artist who painted the piece you questioned.
She can also provide a fact-sheet on the piece itself. She will also provide some fact sheets about the artwork in the floor. As for the "new world" designation, the New World Airport Commission was simply a group consisting of local business and political leaders who sponsored and organized a number of pre-opening events at Denver International Airport. The airport was to usher in a new era making Denver a world-class city, thus the New World name. The group has absolutely no association with the new world order. And the underground facilities are just baggage tunnels that are used every day by hundreds of airline workers to take luggage to and from the Terminal.
However, these explanations rarely satisfy people who love to believe in conspiracy theories and who are convinced that Denver International Airport is at the center of something sinister. It is important to keep in mind that this airport was the largest, most scrutinized Public Works project in American history. There were cameras and reporters here documenting every single inch of dirt ever moved.
If something strange was going on out here, hundreds of media outlets would have been all over it by now. I'm surprised it took you nine years to send this email. I will get back to you with the information you requested so that you may post it to your web site. Of course, I'm betting you will probably post this as well.

Steve Snyder
Public Affairs Office
Denver International Airport


It would have taken less time to send a link to a FAQ page than to type out ONE of those evasions.

Is that not the point of a a FAQ?
☭proletarian☭;2132480 said:

Mr. Ericson,
We have received BOTH of your emails, and we will provide the information you requested within an appropriate time-frame. These questions have been asked ad nauseam by groups like yours throughout the nine-year history of this airport, and quite frankly, they are not our highest priority right now. All of this information has been discussed publicly over and over during the years, and you can select whatever explanation you choose to believe. I have asked our Art Director to find biographical information about the artist who painted the piece you questioned.
She can also provide a fact-sheet on the piece itself. She will also provide some fact sheets about the artwork in the floor. As for the "new world" designation, the New World Airport Commission was simply a group consisting of local business and political leaders who sponsored and organized a number of pre-opening events at Denver International Airport. The airport was to usher in a new era making Denver a world-class city, thus the New World name. The group has absolutely no association with the new world order. And the underground facilities are just baggage tunnels that are used every day by hundreds of airline workers to take luggage to and from the Terminal.
However, these explanations rarely satisfy people who love to believe in conspiracy theories and who are convinced that Denver International Airport is at the center of something sinister. It is important to keep in mind that this airport was the largest, most scrutinized Public Works project in American history. There were cameras and reporters here documenting every single inch of dirt ever moved.
If something strange was going on out here, hundreds of media outlets would have been all over it by now. I'm surprised it took you nine years to send this email. I will get back to you with the information you requested so that you may post it to your web site. Of course, I'm betting you will probably post this as well.

Steve Snyder
Public Affairs Office
Denver International Airport


It would have taken less time to send a link to a FAQ page than to type out ONE of those evasions.

Is that not the point of a a FAQ?

What's your opinion on the airport Pro?

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