Sister Wives lawsuit a partial win for polygamists

Cnn advocating for polygamy
It was bound to happen. Unfortunately, marriage is no longer a sacred institution.

We've modified the definition of marriage from one man and one woman to also include one man and one man or one woman and one woman. So why stop there, we may as well go all out. We can also add one man and two women.

If the definition of marriage has been tampered with to accommodate the gay community, then why can't it also be altered to accommodate the polygamous community in Utah (assuming we're dealing with consenting adults here). Why is one community more important than the other?

Marriage equality is marriage elasticity with the goal of marriage extinction.

Masha Gessen, lesbian activist.
Heaven help us all!
Have any of the nutters mentioned how marriage between one man and one woman is sacred?

What a pile of steamy crap.

Well, actually, almost half of those marriages are still hanging on.

Here's the thing - poly-marriage is probably crap for women and children. Look at the Sister Wives scam, for example. But, regular marriage isn't all that great for women and children either.

How about the meddling rw's work on getting dead beat dads to pay up and just admit that ANY thing between consenting adults is none of your business. That includes gays. Just STFU and stop peeking in people's bedroom windows.

(homosteve - get some help.)
Cnn advocating for polygamy
It was bound to happen. Unfortunately, marriage is no longer a sacred institution.

We've modified the definition of marriage from one man and one woman to also include one man and one man or one woman and one woman. So why stop there, we may as well go all out. We can also add one man and two women.

If the definition of marriage has been tampered with to accommodate the gay community, then why can't it also be altered to accommodate the polygamous community in Utah (assuming we're dealing with consenting adults here). Why is one community more important than the other?

Marriage equality is marriage elasticity with the goal of marriage extinction.

Masha Gessen, lesbian activist.

So, uh, one woman's opinion should be everyone's opinion?

That's the dingy rw's for you.

I know this is impossible. I know it can never ever happen but can't you please, just once, try to think for yourself?
Sadly, there's no evidence of that.

As a matter of fact, the alleged "pedophiles" of the Catholic church were homosexuals, and their victims mostly teenaged boys....which is technically NOT pedophilia.

Go figure. That alone skews the numbers pretty seriously against homosexuals.

Sadly there is, particularly in the evangelical and fundamentalist and Pentecostal churches, particularly in rural hinterlands.

Aw, I has a sad for you. Wrong again.
Polygamy should be recognized as legitimate. It's traditional. Polygamists who want to immigrate to America shouldn't be forced to choose one spouse over the rest. All the spouses and all their offspring should have the right to be recognized as a family unit.
The problem is when the patriarch dies and has 5000 children that have to be paid social security benefits. I think that's the primary interest of the gov't.

I don't remember what the issue with polygamy was initially, when the Mormons initially brought down some serious wrath on their heads....the end result of which was to make polygamy illegal. I can't remember the reasoning behind it then....seems like there was a valid one.
If 1 legal age male consents to marry more than 1 legal age consenting female may God be with him. I dont get what slippery slope this represents.

Is it your contention that a person be permitted to have multiple spouses?

Yes. Why not if they are all consenting adults?

Because bigamy is fraud, and adults can’t conspire to commit a crime, regardless how consensual.

Of course bigamy has nothing to do with marriage either, as is the case with polygamy, and the OP’s premise remains ignorant idiocy.
If all parties involved in a polygamous marriage are consenting adults, and agree to all aspects of such a relationship, it should be legal. Who are we to declare they can not marry as they like?
Marriage and Divorce
(Data are for the U.S.)
•Number of marriages: 2,118,000
•Marriage rate: 6.8 per 1,000 total population
•Divorce rate: 3.6 per 1,000 population (44 reporting States and D.C.)
Sources: National Marriage and Divorce Rate Trends (data shown are provisional 2011)
FASTSTATS - Marriage and Divorce
Should the millions of Americans who divorce and remarry be considered polygamists? They do have multiple spouses.

I would, however, not practice this in life, being a Catholic and all. But my point still stands, who are we to deny people the right to marriage (including homosexuals)?
Is it your contention that a person be permitted to have multiple spouses?

Yes. Why not if they are all consenting adults?

Because bigamy is fraud, and adults can’t conspire to commit a crime, regardless how consensual.

Of course bigamy has nothing to do with marriage either, as is the case with polygamy, and the OP’s premise remains ignorant idiocy.

I wonder why it is a crime. Plenty of civilizations have had multiple wives throughout history.

If 1 legal age male consents to marry more than 1 legal age consenting female may God be with him. I dont get what slippery slope this represents.

Or if one consenting legal age female likes cohabitating with more than one legal aged male. Actually, if they are not not breaking laws, are self supporting, and reasonable neighbors, I just don't give a damn. Their business, not mine.
Yes. Why not if they are all consenting adults?

Because bigamy is fraud, and adults can’t conspire to commit a crime, regardless how consensual.

Of course bigamy has nothing to do with marriage either, as is the case with polygamy, and the OP’s premise remains ignorant idiocy.

I wonder why it is a crime. Plenty of civilizations have had multiple wives throughout history.

And it has worked out so well for them. Polygamy is recognized as HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE which is why progressives are so gung ho for it.
"Polygyny, the practice of one husband taking multiple wives, has been condemned as a form of human rights abuse. Many international human rights organisations, as well as women's rights groups in many countries, have called for its abolition.[1][2]"

"In 2000, the United Nations Human Rights Committee considered polygamy (probably limited to polygyny) a violation of the internationally binding International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) on the grounds that it violates the dignity of women, and recommended it be made illegal in all states.[3][4][5]"

Legal status of polygamy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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